We propose a neural embedding approach to identify temporally
like-minded user communities, i.e., those communities of users who have similar temporal alignment in their topics of interest. Like-minded user communities in social networks are usually identified by either considering explicit structural connections between users (link analysis), users topics of interest expressed in their posted contents (content analysis), or in tandem. In such communities, however, the users rich temporal behavior towards topics of interest is overlooked. Only few recent research efforts consider the time dimension and define like-minded user communities as groups of users who share not only similar topical interests but also similar temporal behavior. Temporal like-minded user communities find application in areas such as recommender systems where relevant items are recommended to the users at the right time. In this paper, we tackle the problem of identifying temporally like-minded user communities by leveraging unsupervised feature learning (embeddings). Specifically, we learn a mapping from the user space to a low-dimensional vector space of features that incorporate both topics of interest and their temporal nature. We demonstrate the efficacy of our proposed approach on a Twitter dataset in the context of three applications: news recommendation, user prediction and community selection, where our work is able to outperform the state-of-the-art on important information retrieval metrics.
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Gold Standard
1. regions of like-mindedness (RoL)
identify the co-occurrence context of users in topic and time spaces
user-topic-time cuboids
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Gold Standard
1. regions of like-mindedness (RoL)
1. for each time: 2d RoLs in user and topic spaces
1. build a multigraph Gt = (V, E)
V = topics
E = {Utzi ,zj(c): to be the maximal set of users whose
interest towards zi and zj satisfies the condition of
homogeneity c.}
2. dfs
2. for each 2d RoLs: 3d RoLs in (user,topic) and time spaces
8. 8
regions of like-mindedness (RoL)
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equality is [0,
equality is [0.1, 1.0]
9. 9
r = {u1,u2,u3} {}, C =[z40, z40, z41, z41, ..., z45, z45
r = {u1,u2,u3}{{} + z40}, C = [z40, z41, z41, ..., z45,
r= {u1,u2}{z40+z40}, C =[z41, z41, ..., z45, z45]
10. 10
Gold Standard
1. regions of like-mindedness (RoL)
identify the co-occurrence context of users in topic and time spaces
user-topic-time cuboids
2. embeddings
input the user space of the RoL to w2v (cbow) and build u2v
3. graph clustering
12. 12
Gold Standard
1. regions of like-mindedness (RoL)
identify the co-occurrence context of users in topic and time spaces
user-topic-time cuboids
2. embeddings
input PoTI to w2v and build u2v
3. graph clustering
Louvain method on weighted graph based on u2v cosine similarity
13. 13
Gold Standard
gold standard
users are interested in the topics of the news article about which
they have posted
golden set:
news articles to which a user has explicitly linked in her tweets
mentions = {(user, news article, timestamp)}
Abel et al.: Twitter, 3M tweets posted by 135K users between Nov. 1 and Dec. 31, 2010.
25,756 triples extracted from 3,468 distinct news articles posted by 1,922 users
14. 14
Gold Standard
1. news recommendation:
at time t, recommend news article a to all communities
recommendation task: {(user, ?, timestamp)
prediction task: (?, news article, timestamp)
2. community selection
given a news article a at time t (the input query), find the
communities of those users (similar to documents related to an
input query) who have mentioned the news article at that time
#10: To find the final 2-d RoLs for time t , we apply depth-first-search
(DFS) on the multigraph Gt based on the pseudo code described
in Algorithm 1. We start with a 2-d RoL r = U .; all users U,
but no topics since no node (topic) has been processed yet and
C = [z1, z1, z2, z2, ..., z |Z| , z |Z| ] as the set of all initial nodes (topics)
to be processed. Here,C includes duplicated initial topics to support
for directed loops on each node. At each intermediate recursive
call, we have a current candidate 2-d RoL r = A B and a list of
not yet processed topics C. We add r into an initially empty set Rt
if it satisfies c and is not already contained in some RoL r Rt .
Then, we remove any 2-d RoL r Rt , which has already been
subsumed by r (lines 2-6). We expand the current candidate r from
each of its old topics zi to a new topic zj if there is a directed edge
(zi zj ) Ut . Then, the function is called on the new candidate
{r .A Ut
zi ,zj
} {r .B {zj }} (lines 7-15).
For example, let us consider how the 2-d RoLs are identified
from the multigraph G22 shown in Figure 4a. Initially the algorithm
starts with the candidate 2-d RoL r = {u1,u2,u3} .,C =
[z40, z40, z41, z41, ..., z45, z45]. We pop node z40 and recursively call
the function onr = {u1,u2,u3}{z40},C = [z40, z41, z41, ..., z45, z45]
(line 10). Since {u1,u2,u3} {z40} does not satisfy condition c, we
continue by popping a new node (topic) which is again z40. There
is only one directed edge (loop) from z40 z40, so we obtain a new
candidate (line 14) and call the function on r = {u1,u2}{z40},C =
[z41, z41, ..., z45, z45] (line 15). Now, the input r satisfies c and we
add it to the thus far empty R22 (line 6). Next, we pop z41 and there
is a directed edge from z40 z41 with U22
z40,z41 = {u2}. So we call
the function on r = {u2} {z40, z41},C = [z41, ..., z45, z45] which
leads to a new element in R22.