This document outlines the course structure and content for a Teratology course taught by Putra Santoso at Andalas University in Padang, Indonesia in 2017. The course covers key topics in teratology over 15 meetings, including presentations of journal articles on various teratogens and their mechanisms of action. Students are assigned an individual task to summarize a teratology journal article in points and present their summary in a PowerPoint presentation. The course also includes a practical laboratory component on basic techniques for handling mice for teratology research, including mating, pregnancy identification, treatment during pregnancy, and fetal morphology identification.
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Teratology Part 1
1. Kuliah Teratologi
(3 SKS)
Oleh : Putra Santoso
Jurusan Biologi FMIPA
Universitas Andalas
Padang, 2017
by putra santoso 2017
6. field lilly Veratrum californicum
Sensitive period : 10¨C15 of normal ~150 days) ? cyclopia and holoprosencephaly
< 10 days no effect
> 15 days caused fetal death and limb malformations
Jervine Cyclopamine Cholesterol
by putra santoso 2017
14. The embryonic stem cell test evaluates the
embryotoxicity of a chemical on the basis of its ability to inhibit
embryonic stem cell differentiation and its cytotoxicity to
embryonic relative to adult cells.
by putra santoso 2017
15. Limb buds removed from mouse embryos on day 12
of gestation were cultured for six days in a roller bottle system with
chemically defined medium in the absence (A) or presence (B) of
retinol acetate (10IU/ml) and stained with toluidine blue.
by putra santoso 2017
16. In the whole embryo culture system gestation day
10.5 rat embryos (A) are cultured in a roller bottle system in the
presence of rat serum for up to two days (B). In (C) compare the
control embryo on the left to the embryo exposed in vitro to a DNA
damaging agent, 4-hydroperoxycyclophosphamide, on the right.
by putra santoso 2017
17. Skenario Kuliah Teratologi (Setelah UTS)
8 Dosen
9 Presentasi jurnal 1 & 2
10 Presentasi jurnal 3 & 4
11 Presentasi jurnal 5 & 6
12 Presentasi jurnal 7 & 8
13 Presentasi jurnal 9
14 Ulasan hasil praktikum dan dikskusi
15 UAS
Tugas Individu:
?Pilih salah satu jurnal internasional tentang teratologi
?Kirimkan ke email untuk ditelaa relevansinya
?Buat ringkasan dalam bentuk poin-poin penting (ketik dan print) :
? Introduction
? Methods
? Results/Mechanisms
Buat presentasi ppt dari jurnal tsb (cukup serahkan file digital)
Kumpulkan minggu depan (Rabu, 18 Oktober 2017)
by putra santoso 2017
18. Praktikum Mandiri:
Teknik dasar penyediaan hewan uji mencit untuk riset teratologi
Perkawinan induk
Identifikasi status kebuntingan
Perlakuan selama bunting
Identifikasi morfologi luar dan kerangka fetus
by putra santoso 2017