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Complex printing industry consulting services
Professional supervision of production processes
What kind of services does Terc-Press Printing and
Trading Branch offer?
We choose the most technologically suitable printing house for the imple-
mentation of printing industry products suitable for the clients requirement,
of course taking quality, price, and the unique needs of our clients into
Always the right printing houses for exactly the right task.
Our branchs many years of professional experience on the national and
international market ensures reliable partnership for our clients. Our expertise
guarantees that in the course of printing house implementation we always
represent the expectations of the clients.
We make the information and options necessary for printing industry produc-
tion understandable and available to our clients with high quality service.
Our new company group, Terc-Press Printing and Trading Branch,
was founded in the beginning of May 2014 within TERC Commercial
and Services Kft.
We are at the disposal of our old and new Clients with complex
printing industry consulting, high printing industry expertise
and implementation solutions.
- preparatory, graphic design, editorial work
- sheetfed offset printing
- scroll offset printing
- full binding implementation, surface treatment
We are the only company in Hungary capable of producing edge gilding
books with our own equipment.
The edge gilding, as an exclusivity, is nothing else but the sublimation of
surface at the three brinks of a magazine or book (head, foot, slot). The brink
of pages can be decorated by foils of gold, silver (e.g. bibles, special art
publications, rhymed volumes) so excelling among other products and
it makes the impression of a product of increased value in readers. The edge
gilding contributes to provoking interest, borrows exclusive effect to the
product and is a worthy honour of a neat, valuable and carefully designed
book made at a high level of quality.
Terc Kfts Terc-Press Branch takes responsibility for the work of
suppliers. In addition to the most modern technologies, they use the
latest environmental protection solutions.
What kind of print house products can be ordered from
Terc-Press Printing and Trading Branch?
Books, novels, richly illustrated colorful picture books, albums, magazines,
product and company introductions, puzzle books, comics, posters, prospec-
tuses, folders, wall calendars, etc. And the list of countless options goes on,
but we rather entrust the decision to our prospective clients imagination,
regarding the products to be ordered.
Our services do not entail additional fees and costs, so choose our Branch!
Achievement of our goals establishes the success of the printing house in the
EU competition. We consider the following factors important: being
up-to-date, customer-oriented approach, compliance to quality and sustaina-
bility standards, monitoring modern market requirements, competitive
pricing, short deadlines.
You can find more detailed information about the activities of Terc Kft.
and our Branch on: www.terc.hu
Please honor us with your inquiry and your order.
You can send us your concept and your proposal request as soon as today
to the following email address: office@terc.eu
T端nde Zsigmond, Foreign Trade Representative
1149 Budapest, Pillang坦 Park 9.
Mobil phone: +36 30 464 1225, Phone: +36 1 422 2518, Fax: +36 1 222 2405
E-mail: office@terc.eu

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Terc-Press Printing and Trading Branch

  • 1. Complex printing industry consulting services Professional supervision of production processes
  • 2. What kind of services does Terc-Press Printing and Trading Branch offer? We choose the most technologically suitable printing house for the imple- mentation of printing industry products suitable for the clients requirement, of course taking quality, price, and the unique needs of our clients into consideration. Always the right printing houses for exactly the right task. Our branchs many years of professional experience on the national and international market ensures reliable partnership for our clients. Our expertise guarantees that in the course of printing house implementation we always represent the expectations of the clients. We make the information and options necessary for printing industry produc- tion understandable and available to our clients with high quality service. Our new company group, Terc-Press Printing and Trading Branch, was founded in the beginning of May 2014 within TERC Commercial and Services Kft. We are at the disposal of our old and new Clients with complex printing industry consulting, high printing industry expertise and implementation solutions.
  • 3. Technologies: - preparatory, graphic design, editorial work - sheetfed offset printing - scroll offset printing - full binding implementation, surface treatment We are the only company in Hungary capable of producing edge gilding books with our own equipment. The edge gilding, as an exclusivity, is nothing else but the sublimation of surface at the three brinks of a magazine or book (head, foot, slot). The brink of pages can be decorated by foils of gold, silver (e.g. bibles, special art publications, rhymed volumes) so excelling among other products and it makes the impression of a product of increased value in readers. The edge gilding contributes to provoking interest, borrows exclusive effect to the product and is a worthy honour of a neat, valuable and carefully designed book made at a high level of quality. Terc Kfts Terc-Press Branch takes responsibility for the work of suppliers. In addition to the most modern technologies, they use the latest environmental protection solutions.
  • 4. What kind of print house products can be ordered from Terc-Press Printing and Trading Branch? Books, novels, richly illustrated colorful picture books, albums, magazines, product and company introductions, puzzle books, comics, posters, prospec- tuses, folders, wall calendars, etc. And the list of countless options goes on, but we rather entrust the decision to our prospective clients imagination, regarding the products to be ordered. Our services do not entail additional fees and costs, so choose our Branch! Achievement of our goals establishes the success of the printing house in the EU competition. We consider the following factors important: being up-to-date, customer-oriented approach, compliance to quality and sustaina- bility standards, monitoring modern market requirements, competitive pricing, short deadlines. You can find more detailed information about the activities of Terc Kft. and our Branch on: www.terc.hu Please honor us with your inquiry and your order. You can send us your concept and your proposal request as soon as today to the following email address: office@terc.eu T端nde Zsigmond, Foreign Trade Representative 1149 Budapest, Pillang坦 Park 9. Mobil phone: +36 30 464 1225, Phone: +36 1 422 2518, Fax: +36 1 222 2405 E-mail: office@terc.eu