Este documento resume una investigaci坦n sobre la morbilidad pedi叩trica registrada en la consulta externa del Instituto de Previsi坦n y Asistencia Social del Ministerio de Educaci坦n (IPASME) en Matur鱈n, Venezuela durante el per鱈odo 2008-2012. El objetivo fue analizar las enfermedades m叩s comunes diagnosticadas en ni単os. La metodolog鱈a incluy坦 un dise単o descriptivo y documental utilizando fichas de observaci坦n de los registros m辿dicos de 7,525 pacientes pedi叩tricos. Los resultados mostraron que la neumon鱈a fue la enfermed
Future Trends Presentation Tim Jones Ppt 97Tim Jones
The document summarizes a presentation given by Innovaro and Shell GameChanger about identifying potential 20-year growth opportunities through technology futures. It discusses who the presenters were, why they are interested in future growth, how Shell uses technology futures to explore innovation areas, what future insights and catalysts were highlighted. Some of the future insights presented included that by 2020 China will have 150 million cars and that water scarcity may cause future wars. The document also lists several potential innovation areas and catalysts over the short, medium, and long term like carbon markets, biofuels, and water desalination.
El documento describe el lenguaje de programaci坦n Python. Explica que Python es un lenguaje sencillo y f叩cil de aprender para principiantes, que tiene una amplia biblioteca de funciones y puede usarse para casi cualquier tipo de proyecto. Adem叩s, Python es de c坦digo abierto, interpretado y flexible para diferentes estilos de programaci坦n.
International Human Rights Law Essay FinalAshleigh Bird
This document discusses the enforcement and follow-up of decisions made by international human rights bodies. It argues that this is the weakest link in achieving universal respect for human rights. The document examines the enforcement procedures of judicial bodies like the European Court of Human Rights as well as quasi-judicial bodies under the UN. It also analyzes the relatively new Universal Periodic Review mechanism of the UN Human Rights Council and discusses strengths and weaknesses of its follow-up system. Overall, the document provides a detailed analysis of enforcement challenges across different human rights mechanisms and considers whether weaknesses in follow-up pose the greatest obstacle to universal human rights.
Este documento resume una investigaci坦n sobre la morbilidad pedi叩trica registrada en la consulta externa del Instituto de Previsi坦n y Asistencia Social del Ministerio de Educaci坦n (IPASME) en Matur鱈n, Venezuela durante el per鱈odo 2008-2012. El objetivo fue analizar las enfermedades m叩s comunes diagnosticadas en ni単os. La metodolog鱈a incluy坦 un dise単o descriptivo y documental utilizando fichas de observaci坦n de los registros m辿dicos de 7,525 pacientes pedi叩tricos. Los resultados mostraron que la neumon鱈a fue la enfermed
Future Trends Presentation Tim Jones Ppt 97Tim Jones
The document summarizes a presentation given by Innovaro and Shell GameChanger about identifying potential 20-year growth opportunities through technology futures. It discusses who the presenters were, why they are interested in future growth, how Shell uses technology futures to explore innovation areas, what future insights and catalysts were highlighted. Some of the future insights presented included that by 2020 China will have 150 million cars and that water scarcity may cause future wars. The document also lists several potential innovation areas and catalysts over the short, medium, and long term like carbon markets, biofuels, and water desalination.
El documento describe el lenguaje de programaci坦n Python. Explica que Python es un lenguaje sencillo y f叩cil de aprender para principiantes, que tiene una amplia biblioteca de funciones y puede usarse para casi cualquier tipo de proyecto. Adem叩s, Python es de c坦digo abierto, interpretado y flexible para diferentes estilos de programaci坦n.
International Human Rights Law Essay FinalAshleigh Bird
This document discusses the enforcement and follow-up of decisions made by international human rights bodies. It argues that this is the weakest link in achieving universal respect for human rights. The document examines the enforcement procedures of judicial bodies like the European Court of Human Rights as well as quasi-judicial bodies under the UN. It also analyzes the relatively new Universal Periodic Review mechanism of the UN Human Rights Council and discusses strengths and weaknesses of its follow-up system. Overall, the document provides a detailed analysis of enforcement challenges across different human rights mechanisms and considers whether weaknesses in follow-up pose the greatest obstacle to universal human rights.