The objective of this project is the extension of the framework WorldWind to allow the user to interact directly with theterrain through a series of specially developed tools.
2. Detail Management Add detail where needed (introduction of features) Avoid adding detail in tiles where no changes are present
3. Storing Modifications Different, linked structures (tile and TMI) TMI: stores a matrix of values representing the delta in elevation Application of TMI to the relative tile results in adding the delta to the existent elevations As a result the tile increses its detail to handle modifications more precisely
4. Adding New Modifications A new modification is a tool with a matrix of values Each tile is affected only by the intersecting area between the tool matrix and the TMI matrix Only values in this zone are changed, according to predefined rules Difference in detail between TMI and tool is considered
5. Blending Mode for Tools Two different ways of adding new modifications Add mode simply adds new modifications on top of the existing ones Substitute mode replaces existing values with the new ones
6. Adding New Modifications (cont.) Recursive approach Find only the affected tiles Update each tile from children if needed Independent of the rendering process
7. Asynchronous Approach Use of threads to apply new modifications Queue containing all the tools to be applied Improvement of visual responsiveness