Tesa 2.0 seeks to enhance citizen-generated content about the 2013 Paraguayan presidential election through mobile devices by:
1. Training citizens in 13 regions of Paraguay to generate and spread electoral information using mobile phones through the Digital Caravan program.
2. Establishing a website to gather citizen-generated information about the elections.
3. Equipping citizens with knowledge and tools to document the elections and report any unfair acts, resulting in trained citizens who help inform others about the race through mobile devices.
3. What is Tesa 2.0s main purpose?
1 2 3
Tesa seeks to enhance peoples capacity to generate content To spread the use of mobile phones for documenting the To set up a Web site for gathering information generated by
and spread information about the presidential elections in elections through the Digital Caravan national training citizens of the presidential elections.
Paraguay through the use of mobile devices. program.
4. Where is Tesa 2.0 going to be established?
1 Concepci坦n
2 San Pedro
3 Cordillera
4 Guair叩
5 Caaguaz炭
7 Itapua
8 Misiones
9 Paraguar鱈
3 5
11 10
10 Alto Paran叩
11 Central
8 7
12 eembuc炭
13 Boquer坦n
Up to 1500 people who will take part of the training program
5. What are going to be the results?
Therefore we prefer to march instead of walking to exits; we prefer
the ridiculous youth over the seriousness of the young who age too soon;
the tweets instead of universal news; we want to add up numbers to a pa-
rade than add up to other figures; we prefer a world of social networks than
dumb tangled up in knots; we prefer protesting than leaving; we prefer the
Internet and what it can be
The manifesto of Mexicos movement # Somos132 of
Trained citizens who generate content and Citizens who are suited with knowledge and A Web site with information about the elec- Denuncias ciudadanas sobre hechos
spread information about the presidential elec- tools to generate information. tions gathered by citizens. antidesleales durante las elecciones documen-
tions through the use of mobile devices. tadas.
6. Main activities
Like never before in history, more people can say more things to
1 Design and set up of Tesa 2.0s Web site
more people, and this trend is only increasing. Changes do not happen
when society adopts new tools. They happen when society adopts new 2 Digital Caravans training program
Clay Shirky IT Expert