This document describes different types of mixtures including solutions, suspensions, colloids, aerosols, foams, gels, emulsions, and composites. It defines a colloid as a mixture where one substance is mixed as fine drops or bubbles in another substance. An example of a composite given is reinforced concrete, which is a mixture of concrete and steel mesh that combines the properties of both materials.
"OK, This is Just Too Weird": Identifying Outreach Opportunites in FacebookElizabeth Edwards
The tremendous popularity of social networking sites like Facebook presents libraries with unique opportunities for reaching students. What many organizations fail to recognize, however, is that Facebook is perceived by its users as a primarily social space, and that the presence of professors, librarians, or parents can be intrusive, unwelcome, or just plain "weird" for the very students they're trying to reach. The George Washington University's Gelman Library decided to take a step back and ask a critical question: what do our students want? How do our students really use Facebook, and what part can the library play in this social environment? This presentation will offer an overview of this study and its findings in light of contemporary thinking and practices among librarians.
The document provides a brief history of New Zealand from Polynesian settlement around 950-1130 AD through to modern times. It notes the first encounters between the indigenous Moriori and Māori peoples and later European explorers and settlers from the 17th century onwards. Conflict arose between Māori and Europeans in the 19th century before New Zealand became an independent nation within the British Commonwealth in the 20th century.
This document describes experiments showing that respiration produces three things: carbon dioxide, water, and heat energy. The experiments had subjects blow and suck through tubes, noting the presence of carbon dioxide, and breathe on dry and wet cobalt chloride paper, seeing it turn colors due to condensation and heat from exhaled breath.
Tobacco smoke contains nicotine, which is highly addictive, as well as tar and carbon monoxide. Smoking damages lung structure and can lead to cancers, emphysema, and bronchitis. Emphysema involves destruction of air sacs in the lungs, causing shortness of breath and clubbed fingers. Quitting methods include hypnotherapy, acupuncture, nicotine patches, changing habits, and using willpower.
This document discusses the progress of the XCRI standards organization in developing specifications for exchanging learner and course information electronically. It outlines pilots using XCRI standards for advertising courses to 14-19 year olds in the UK and trials of the Course Advertising Profile (CAP) at several UK universities. It also mentions work to develop common standards in Europe and opportunities to link XCRI specifications with other standards like HR-XML.
The document provides guidance on building a website with search engine optimization (SEO) in mind. It discusses determining goals and keywords, creating an organized site structure and valid code, developing and managing content over time, and checking performance after launch to ensure the site is functioning properly for search engines. The author is Linda Nawrocki and contact information is provided.
Wikinomics - Winning With The Enterprise 2.0 - with transcriptMike Qaissaunee
Don Tapscott presented on the concept of the Enterprise 2.0 and how mass collaboration is changing business. Some key points:
1) Enterprises are shifting from closed hierarchical structures to open, networked structures that are more flexible and dynamic.
2) A $7 million research project investigated this transition to the "Enterprise 2.0" and found companies moving toward more open innovation and knowledge sharing.
3) Four main drivers of change are the emergence of Web 2.0 technologies, the rise of the net generation, the social revolution with online collaboration, and the economic benefits of more open and networked enterprises.
The document discusses James Darling's experience starting with web development at age 13 with Geocities and progressing to using PHP at 15, Ruby/Rails at 17, and JavaScript at 19. It then promotes HAML as an easier alternative to HTML that removes closing tags and allows adding attributes like IDs and classes in a simpler way. It provides instructions on how to install the Staticmatic gem to use HAML to build and preview static websites.
DNA contains the genetic instructions used in the development and functioning of all known living organisms. It is a long polymer made from four types of bases that form base pairs. DNA is found in the nuclei of cells as chromosomes made of tightly coiled DNA. Each DNA molecule has two strands that run in opposite directions and are coiled around each other to form a double helix structure. This structure allows DNA to easily copy itself for cell division.
Geocaching is a high-tech treasure hunt where participants use GPS devices to locate hidden containers around the world based on latitude and longitude coordinates. It is a lifelong activity that helps develop map reading, compass, and research skills. To get started, users create a free account on to search for nearby caches, then use a GPS receiver costing $100-$500 to locate the caches, which are often hidden in ordinary containers. Geocaching has educational benefits and is also a social activity, with extras like travel bugs and geocoins that can be collected and traded.
The document discusses how social media sites like Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube are popular among students and how instructors can use these tools in the online classroom. It provides an overview of Twitter and how to get started, common Twitter terminology, tips for using Twitter, and examples of how Twitter can be used for professional growth and in the classroom. The presentation aims to give both a big-picture perspective and specific steps for instructors to engage with students using these social media tools.
Sometimes, art/design students in India just want to escape from their immediate context. In this presentation, I try to encourage and motivate them to take up the real challenges before them.
Scottish Qualification for Headship Course five PresentationOllie Bray
The document discusses improving leadership, staff commitment, and capacity for change at a school. It mentions developing whole-school tracking systems, improving links between schools, and sharing leadership roles. It also discusses extending transition programs, information consistency, internet safety, and adapting education to 21st century society. The document advocates for a learning community with blended learning, a broad curriculum, and sharing partnerships to help students progress and reach positive destinations. It concludes by questioning how virtual learning spaces will be inspected in the future.
This is the "after" part of a series of posts on creating great slides for teaching. An earlier post at "Web 2.0 Tools for Teaching" focused on finding the images for this presentation.
This post shows how these slides have been edited to create for final slide deck - the "after" slides.
An attempt to cut through the jargon and restore the ordinary citizen back to the centre of all the 'Smart' and 'Digital' initiatives (and hype). Design thinking is crucial for this to happen. Introducing the Deccan Centre for Innovation & Design, a community & training hub for Social Entrepreneurship.
The document summarizes different types of business blogs and provides examples of each type. It describes Tour Guide blogs that give insights into a company, Recommender blogs that recommend resources, Maven blogs focused on an individual's expertise, Customer Advocate blogs that engage with customers, Do-er blogs that focus on specific expertise within a company, and CEO blogs written by high-level executives. The goal of business blogging is to uniquely connect with customers and provide value to both customers and the organization.
Open Source Junction: Apache Wookie and W3C Widgetsscottw
This document summarizes W3C widgets and the Apache Wookie project. W3C widgets allow web applications to be packaged and distributed for use on various devices. The Apache Wookie project is an open source Java server application in the Apache Incubator that includes a W3C widget parser library. It enables web applications to be distributed and run as widgets. The document discusses Wookie's components and how moving it to the Apache Incubator led to more development contributions, partnerships, research opportunities, and funding.
Kikkers en Heilige Koeien, een experiment in flexibiliteit & standaardisatieUniversity of Amsterdam
Onderzoekers, studenten en docenten willen zelf kiezen met welke online tools zij werken, onderzoek doen en onderwijs vormgeven. Zij willen steeds minder gebonden zijn aan de standaard diensten die hun onderwijsorganisatie aanbiedt. Men wil veilig en betrouwbaar toegang hebben tot instellingsinformatie, processen en basisinfrastructuur als SIS, HRM en onderzoekssytemen. SURF heeft een wiki ontwikkeld die informatie geeft over de standaarden, zodat de instellingen de juiste keus kunnen maken.
Cows are domesticated ungulates of the bovine subfamily that are raised for meat, dairy, leather, and as draft animals in some countries. They are estimated to number over 1.3 billion worldwide and are honored in religious ceremonies in countries such as India.
Computer Games in Education - Unlocking LearningOllie Bray
This document discusses the potential benefits of using computer games in education. It argues that games can promote learning through play, challenge, progression and reward in a personalized and competitive environment. The document also suggests that games can serve as "contextual hubs" to engage both students and teachers across different subject areas. Several case studies show improvements in math test scores and student motivation when using educational games. The document concludes by discussing how games can be designed and incorporated into teaching to foster literacy, problem solving and exploration of complex tasks while maintaining appropriate boundaries.
This document discusses the progress of the XCRI standards organization in developing specifications for exchanging learner and course information electronically. It outlines pilots using XCRI standards for advertising courses to 14-19 year olds in the UK and trials of the Course Advertising Profile (CAP) at several UK universities. It also mentions work to develop common standards in Europe and opportunities to link XCRI specifications with other standards like HR-XML.
The document provides guidance on building a website with search engine optimization (SEO) in mind. It discusses determining goals and keywords, creating an organized site structure and valid code, developing and managing content over time, and checking performance after launch to ensure the site is functioning properly for search engines. The author is Linda Nawrocki and contact information is provided.
Wikinomics - Winning With The Enterprise 2.0 - with transcriptMike Qaissaunee
Don Tapscott presented on the concept of the Enterprise 2.0 and how mass collaboration is changing business. Some key points:
1) Enterprises are shifting from closed hierarchical structures to open, networked structures that are more flexible and dynamic.
2) A $7 million research project investigated this transition to the "Enterprise 2.0" and found companies moving toward more open innovation and knowledge sharing.
3) Four main drivers of change are the emergence of Web 2.0 technologies, the rise of the net generation, the social revolution with online collaboration, and the economic benefits of more open and networked enterprises.
The document discusses James Darling's experience starting with web development at age 13 with Geocities and progressing to using PHP at 15, Ruby/Rails at 17, and JavaScript at 19. It then promotes HAML as an easier alternative to HTML that removes closing tags and allows adding attributes like IDs and classes in a simpler way. It provides instructions on how to install the Staticmatic gem to use HAML to build and preview static websites.
DNA contains the genetic instructions used in the development and functioning of all known living organisms. It is a long polymer made from four types of bases that form base pairs. DNA is found in the nuclei of cells as chromosomes made of tightly coiled DNA. Each DNA molecule has two strands that run in opposite directions and are coiled around each other to form a double helix structure. This structure allows DNA to easily copy itself for cell division.
Geocaching is a high-tech treasure hunt where participants use GPS devices to locate hidden containers around the world based on latitude and longitude coordinates. It is a lifelong activity that helps develop map reading, compass, and research skills. To get started, users create a free account on to search for nearby caches, then use a GPS receiver costing $100-$500 to locate the caches, which are often hidden in ordinary containers. Geocaching has educational benefits and is also a social activity, with extras like travel bugs and geocoins that can be collected and traded.
The document discusses how social media sites like Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube are popular among students and how instructors can use these tools in the online classroom. It provides an overview of Twitter and how to get started, common Twitter terminology, tips for using Twitter, and examples of how Twitter can be used for professional growth and in the classroom. The presentation aims to give both a big-picture perspective and specific steps for instructors to engage with students using these social media tools.
Sometimes, art/design students in India just want to escape from their immediate context. In this presentation, I try to encourage and motivate them to take up the real challenges before them.
Scottish Qualification for Headship Course five PresentationOllie Bray
The document discusses improving leadership, staff commitment, and capacity for change at a school. It mentions developing whole-school tracking systems, improving links between schools, and sharing leadership roles. It also discusses extending transition programs, information consistency, internet safety, and adapting education to 21st century society. The document advocates for a learning community with blended learning, a broad curriculum, and sharing partnerships to help students progress and reach positive destinations. It concludes by questioning how virtual learning spaces will be inspected in the future.
This is the "after" part of a series of posts on creating great slides for teaching. An earlier post at "Web 2.0 Tools for Teaching" focused on finding the images for this presentation.
This post shows how these slides have been edited to create for final slide deck - the "after" slides.
An attempt to cut through the jargon and restore the ordinary citizen back to the centre of all the 'Smart' and 'Digital' initiatives (and hype). Design thinking is crucial for this to happen. Introducing the Deccan Centre for Innovation & Design, a community & training hub for Social Entrepreneurship.
The document summarizes different types of business blogs and provides examples of each type. It describes Tour Guide blogs that give insights into a company, Recommender blogs that recommend resources, Maven blogs focused on an individual's expertise, Customer Advocate blogs that engage with customers, Do-er blogs that focus on specific expertise within a company, and CEO blogs written by high-level executives. The goal of business blogging is to uniquely connect with customers and provide value to both customers and the organization.
Open Source Junction: Apache Wookie and W3C Widgetsscottw
This document summarizes W3C widgets and the Apache Wookie project. W3C widgets allow web applications to be packaged and distributed for use on various devices. The Apache Wookie project is an open source Java server application in the Apache Incubator that includes a W3C widget parser library. It enables web applications to be distributed and run as widgets. The document discusses Wookie's components and how moving it to the Apache Incubator led to more development contributions, partnerships, research opportunities, and funding.
Kikkers en Heilige Koeien, een experiment in flexibiliteit & standaardisatieUniversity of Amsterdam
Onderzoekers, studenten en docenten willen zelf kiezen met welke online tools zij werken, onderzoek doen en onderwijs vormgeven. Zij willen steeds minder gebonden zijn aan de standaard diensten die hun onderwijsorganisatie aanbiedt. Men wil veilig en betrouwbaar toegang hebben tot instellingsinformatie, processen en basisinfrastructuur als SIS, HRM en onderzoekssytemen. SURF heeft een wiki ontwikkeld die informatie geeft over de standaarden, zodat de instellingen de juiste keus kunnen maken.
Cows are domesticated ungulates of the bovine subfamily that are raised for meat, dairy, leather, and as draft animals in some countries. They are estimated to number over 1.3 billion worldwide and are honored in religious ceremonies in countries such as India.
Computer Games in Education - Unlocking LearningOllie Bray
This document discusses the potential benefits of using computer games in education. It argues that games can promote learning through play, challenge, progression and reward in a personalized and competitive environment. The document also suggests that games can serve as "contextual hubs" to engage both students and teachers across different subject areas. Several case studies show improvements in math test scores and student motivation when using educational games. The document concludes by discussing how games can be designed and incorporated into teaching to foster literacy, problem solving and exploration of complex tasks while maintaining appropriate boundaries.
7. 圖片基本原理 影像輸出參考值 可輸出影像 像素 35.4 x 30.5 10 x 12 500 萬 20.3 x 30.5 8 x 12(A4) 400 萬 20.3 x 25.4 8 x 10 300 萬 12.7 x 17.8 5 x 7 200 萬 10.2 x 15.2 4 x 6 100 萬 公分 英吋