The Christian Education Committee is hosting their annual "Breakfast with Santa" event on December 1st from 8:30-11:30 am. Attendees can enjoy a pancake breakfast for $5 per adult/child 11+, $2 per child 3-10, and free for children 2 and under. Photos with Santa are also available for $1 each. The event will feature Santa's store with Christmas decorations and gifts for purchase. Proceeds benefit the Christian Education program.
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(Test) 2012 12 ranger
1. THE RANGER The Ranger
Poke Run Presbyterian Church DECEMBER 2012
Seeking Gods Vision for His Church
We are seeing the winds of gan to worship in local build- find "pulpit" in the Bible. We did What will be our vision, to-
change begin to blow. I pre- ings, gathering once a week. not always do weddings and fu- gether, to be the church
dict that what seems excit- The early Christians moved out nerals. Every one of the things Christ calls us to be, towards
ing at first will soon meet of these buildings called syna- you see in the church came in at which God will lead us by His
with ferocious resistance. gogues and began meeting in one point or another as some- Spirit, and towards which we,
This is the way of all sys- homes. This quickly morphed, thing new, and of course, huge as humans, will stumble and
tems. All systems resist over the next few hundred battles were fought over it. Any- fumble?
change. The church, and our years, into the church services thing now in place once upon a
church, is a large system we hold onto today, well, not time threatened the entrenched
that consists of many small- quite. We trace our worship systems of the current church; it
er and interconnecting sys- heritage from the time of the was a heresy. Every new idea was Blessings,
tems. People have them- Reformation, the early 1500's at one time a terrible idea, and
selves invested in these on. At first we sang the Psalms resisted. That 's the first truth.
systems. When these sys- with no instruments, then we The second is like onto it. Every Rev. Pete
tems large or small are added piano and organ, those innovation will only last so long.
threatened, people resist. pagan and evil instruments At some point they become use-
This is neither right nor that introduced all sorts of less, or boring or maybe even
wrong, it simply is. That is diabolical elements into the heretical, again. So it looks like
the way we are. The prob- worship service. Next was or- we are stuck with both change
lem is, things that do not chestras, few of us remember and resistance to change.
change and grow or systems that era, then drums and that
that are not flexible enough most evil of all instruments,
to adapt quickly enough, the electric guitar, Satan's What about ways around this. If
like the dinosaurs, die out strings, burning with the fires you had a perfect solution to the
change/conflict dichotomy every Inside this issue:
leaving their scattered fossil of Hell. Each of these came
remains for the future to with struggle and backlash corporation in America and the
world would be offering you more Thank you / PW / Dea- 2
stare at. Right now the great and membership changes. I cons
Gothic cathedrals and the once attended a church that money than you could spend or
down town churches of tried to overcome this. They count. There is no perfect solu- Joint Session Meeting/ 3
America stand empty or had a Capella Psalm singing, a tion. We are after all human and Congregational Life
nearly so. At the same time piano, an organ, a small or- run on predictable patterns; pow-
Seasons of Hope 4
warehouses full of chanting, chestra, and mics and drums er and control issues are one of
screaming, jumping, and, and guitars. They did not have our deepest psychological struc-
get this, quietly listening liturgical dance, yet. I think tures. Change will come and we Deacon Minutes 5
people, by the tens of thou- they were fighting about the will resist it. We can be on the
sands, gather every Sunday color paint in the unused side pushing for change. Or we Session Minutes 6
to Worship, God, not them- nursery though. Every change can be on the side resisting
selves. These people of musical style brought with it change. We can fight each other.
Or we can realize that conflict is Minutes from the Con- 7
changed, and are changed resistance. That's the way we
inevitable and prepare for it gregational Meeting
people. are.
somewhat graciously, not by com-
promise but by Vision. Santas Breakfast/ 8
Once upon a time the Jews Here's a truth for you, two Faith in Action
of ancient Israel only wor- truths actually, which depend
A shared vision is the place to Christmas Joy Offer- 9
shiped at the Temple in on each other. Look around ing /Spaghetti Dinner
Jerusalem. They followed the church, at the communion begin, not talking about the ne-
prescribed rules precisely. table, at the pulpit, at the or- cessity of change, which gets us Spaghetti Dinner 10
To do otherwise was to die. gan, at the pews, at the choir. nowhere, but by defining our vi-
Then, as the world around Every single one of these at sion together. Once a vision is
formed steps can then be taken December Calendar 11
them flexed and contorted one time did not exist in the
into new social structures church. The pulpit was intro- towards it, but the vision must
and they became a more duced as a tool from Roman come first. We need a vision that Christmas Services 12
scattered people, they be- and Greek orators. You will not we can speak in one sentence.
2. Thank You
Thank you to our November Lectors: Don Lengau-
er, Eleanor Zerbini, Cliff Dupill and Debbie Seighman.
For our prayers Ruth Speer, Dolly Remaley, Thel-
ma McCutcheon, Conrad McQuaide, Karen Light-
Thank you to our November Greeters: Dave and ner, Clifford Lightner, Irene Clark, Irma McDivitt,
Janet Thomas, Freda Bowman, Edyth Elwood, Ruth James Powers, Carolyn Buckley, Grace Hartman,
OConnor, Cindy Brooks, Bob and Margaret McBride Steve Marcheid, Marge Peterson, Robin, Tom Kim-
and Jack and Eleanor Zerbini. ble, Grace Young, Amy McQuiade, and those who
serve in the military.
The PW Quarterly Meeting will be on Tuesday, December 4 at 7:00pm in Fellowship Hall. The hostess
and program will be Circle 2. All ladies are welcome.
Circle 4 will meet on Thursday, December 13 at 12:00pm. The hostess is Emma Dunmire.
Circle 2 will meet on Thursday, December 13 at 7:30pm. The hostess will be Amy Wilkinson
Giving Tree
Be sure and stop by and take a tag from the tree and purchase a gift for a boy or girl. Helpful shopping in-
formation will be listed on each tag. The deadline for the gifts is Sunday, December 16th.
Food Basket Deadline is December 12th
If you know of someone who is in need of a food basket call Laurie Powers. The deadline for orders will
be December 12. Food basket pickup will be December 15 at 9am.
The Deacons will be going caroling on Sunday, December 16th. If you know of
anyone who would enjoy this please let us know. Also please come and join us
we would love to have you. We will have a lite lunch after the 11:00 AM service
and then depart in various groups.
3. Session Invites all the New Officers to the December 11th Meeting
The Session will be meeting on Tuesday, December 11th at 7:00pm. All the
Elders, Deacons, and Trustees elected for service beginning 2013 are invited to
attend this joint meeting of all the Poke Run Elders, Deacons and Trustees.
Information Needed
Please notify the church office if you have had any name changes,
address changes, a change in your phone number or a change in your
email address. You may call the office at 724-327-5563 or email your in-
formation to Thank you.
Congregational Life
The Congregational Life Committee was very pleased with the turn out at the
luncheon in October after the Congregational Meeting. The vegetable soup,
Bar-b-q sandwiches, fruit salad and cookies seemed to be a big hit with every-
one. Thanks to all who stayed. Also a special thanks to all who helped in the
clean-up afterwards.
The Ranger
4. The Bash-Nied Funeral Home family invites you and
your family to be a part of our
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
7:00 p.m.
Lamplighter Restaurant
6566 William Penn Highway
Delmont, PA 15626
The evening will include
A candle lighting ceremony
A holiday remembrance service
Light refreshments
Please RSVP by
Wednesday, November 28th,
to confirm how many will attend
(724) 468-8381 or
5. Deacon Meeting 10/01/12
Attendance: Jan Fitzgerald, Laurie Powers, Cindy Brooks, Ruthie OConnor, Erin Bruce, Sheree Wagner, Tammy Kelley, Karen Stay-
mates, Pastor Pete and Heidi Hileman
Treasury Report: $5084.35
Next Meeting: November 5, 2012 7:00 pm
Pete opened w/prayer and devotions
Strawberry Festival was a success.
Mums have been ordered. Laurie would like to ask to use them for the Community Dinner tables. We agreed to use the flowers for
the tables.
Watkins - Books are out to everyone. Orders due October 21st.
Ruthie will have breads ready for World Wide Communion Sunday.
Christmas Caroling will be Sunday Dec 16th. bring 2 dozen cookies.
We will do an ornament In Honor and In Memory for Christmas. The money will go to the food bank.
Thanksgiving food baskets Deadline 11/14/12. Pick up 11/17/12
Christmas food baskets Deadline 12/12/12. Pick up 12/15/12/
We will do mini poinsettias for our Poke Run friends.
Laurie will talk to Linda Moorehead about the Giving Tree tags.
We will do Treats for the Troops. Our goal is 200 dozen. Will package on 11/3/12. Each deacon should do at least 10 dozen. We
will announce in church.
We will ask the daycare to make cards to go with the cookies.
We need a secretary to replace Heidi Hileman and Tammy Kelley. Tammy Kelley is the Correspondence Secretary.
Deacons that are done with service this year are Tammy Kelley, Linda Moorehead, Heidi Hileman and Erin Bruce.
We reviewed our email list.
Closed in prayer.
Respectfully yours,
Heidi Hileman, Secretary
6. Poke Run Presbyterian Church Session Minutes October 09, 2012
The scheduled meeting of the Session met in the Sunday School rooms @ 7:00 pm. A quorum was present and, Rev. Peter Goetschius,
Moderator, opened the meeting with prayer and devotions.
Elders present: Rev. Peter Goetschius- Moderator, Connie Cauvel - Clerk, Glenn Ross Assist. Clerk, Bob Thompson, Tim Martin, Cindy
McQuaide, Meri Slaugenhaupt, and Elizabeth Wilkinson
Elders excused: Bob Bierer, Linda Chicka, Grace Hartman
MSC: To approve the Session Minutes of September 11, 2012
MSC: To accept the Deacon Minutes of 9.10.12
MSC: To accept the Trustee Minutes off 8.23.12
Treasurer report: Amy Wilkinson
Spending has been kept very modest and we have made back almost half of what we borrowed. Congregation has given $35,000 more
this year than at the same time last year. Thank you for your generosity! Finances are fiscally healthy - What is God calling us to do?
Budget & Finance: Tim reviewed the 2013 Budget.
Mission and Stewardship: Linda Chicka
MSC: to accept the 2013 Mission and Benevolence Budget
Congregational Life: Glenn Ross will prepare a lunch after congregational meeting on October. 21.
Technology: Proceeding with new website design.
Nominating Committee - Connie Cauvel & Glenn Ross: The 2013 slate of officers, prepared by the Committee,
were approved, and it will be presented at the Congregational Meeting.
Pastor Petes report: Pete gave a short verbal report to update us on everything concerning his position
and activities.
New Business:
MSC: To accept Callie Spalding resignation as our Youth Director with regret.
MSC: To accept the proposed 2013 budget with one no vote.
MSC: To approve the 2013 Slate of officers
MSC: To change the date of the November Session Meeting to Monday November 19, 2012
Pete asked us to consider: Where do we want to be as a Church in 5 years? How are we going to reach out and
to whom?
Close with prayer: Meri Slaugenhaupt Adjourn: 9 P.M.
Respectfully Submitted: Approved: 11.19.12
7. Poke Run Presbyterian Church Congregational Meeting October 21, 2012
With a quorum present the meeting was held in the Church Sanctuary at 11:00am and opened with prayer by the Moderator Rev. Peter M.
MSC: to dispense with the reading of the minutes of the last meeting of the congregation.
Ecclesiastical business:
The chairperson of the nominating committee presented the slate of proposed Session members as follows.
Bob Thompson, Ron Hileman, Sandy Chappell, and Josh Poterfield Youth with one year term.
Nominations from the floor were opened and with no additional nominations it was
MSC to close the nominations.
Proposed member to the Board of Deacons:
Nikki McQuaide, Deborah Ross and Abby Ballas youth with one year term
Nominations from the floor were opened and with no additional nominations it was MSC to close the nominations.
The nominations for Nominating Committee for the year 2012 were opened with the following being nominated:
Linda Moorhead, Laurie Martin, Bill Fazi, Chad McCutcheon, Jeffery Wilkinson.
MSC: to close nominations.
Corporate business;
The chairperson of the nominating committee presented the slate of proposed persons to the Board of Trustees:
Bob Wilson, Vince Goodiski and Dave Wilkinson
Nominations from the floor were opened and with no additional nominations it was MSC to close the nominations.
Nominations for Auditor, a four year term, was opened and Rick Slaugenhaupt was nominated and with no additional nomination it was
MSC to close the nominations.
The Budget for the Year 2012 was presented by the chairman of the Budget and Finance Committee:
MSC: to approve the Pastoral Term of Call.
MSC: to adjourn the meeting at 11:50am and was closed with prayer by the Rev. Goetschius.
Congregation was invited to enjoy a meal prepared by the Congregational Life Committee in Fellowship Hall.
Connie Cauvel Clerk of Session Approved: 11.19.12
8. Santa's Coming For Breakfast
The Christian Education Committee is sponsoring their annual " reakfast
With Santa" Saturday, December 1 from 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Not only
will you be able to get a great breakfast at a great price, but you can also get
that special picture of your little one on Santa's knee Tickets are available at
the door. Tickets for adults and children ages 11 and over are $5.00 each, chil-
dren ages 3 to 10 are $2.00, and children ages 2 and under eat free! Breakfast
includes pancakes and syrup, sausages, and your choice of beverages. Each
digital photo with Santa costs only $1.00 and is mounted for you in a specially designed card by one of San-
ta's elves. Picture processing take about 30 minutes so plan to get your pictures taken with Santa prior to
eating or shopping at Santas Store. Youll find some great Christmas decorating ideas and gift giving items
at this years store. Included among the store's many items will be miniature poinsettias, ornaments, can-
dles, Christmas novelties, knick-knacks, and much, much more! Children and adults alike will have a great
time shopping for just the right items on their shopping lists! Everything is available at reasonable, season-
able prices! So plan to go out for breakfast on December 1, and spend your morning with some great
Christian Fellowship at Poke Run Church! Proceeds benefit the Christian Education Programs
Volunteers Needed for Faith in Action
During this season of giving, the Mission and Stewardship Committee would like to remind you of a won-
derful opportunity to give of your time through the voluntary assistance program called Faith In Action.
This Westmoreland and Fayette County program is devoted to helping older adults (age 60 and older) live
more safely and independently in their own homes for as long as possible. The program recruits and trains
community volunteers to provide a variety of free, non-medical services for older adults. These services
may include such things as appointment escorts, handyman minor repairs, telephone reassurance calls,
caregiver relief, yard work/gardening, errands/shopping, referral assistance, supportive visits and home
safety checks.
Volunteers are essential to the success of Faith in Action. The program is expanding its service to the Poke
Run area, but before services can be provided to those that need them, the program must be assured of a
pool of volunteers. Volunteer opportunities are flexible and can be scheduled around work and other com-
mitments. A short training is provided to all volunteers so that they can easily carry out the services. The
volunteers can work as much or as little as they desire, and they can change their commitments at any time.
If you would like to volunteer for, or find out more about this wonderful program, please contact Linda
Chicka or Bob Wilson about your interest. When we have ten or twelve interested individuals, Joanne Ret-
ter, Program Director of Alle-Kiski Faith in Action, will provide us with the necessary volunteer training.
For more information, you may contact Joanne at 724-224-3199 or by email at
You can also speak to Linda Chicka, Bob Wilson, or Rev. Pete for more details.
9. Christmas Joy Offering
Like the shepherds, we hear the news and we are stunned: in Jesus, God has come among us as one of us, to
accompany us and transform us. As we open our hearts to Gods love in Jesus, we find it will not be con-
tained but yearns to be shared with others. One of the ways Presbyterians have traditionally responded to the
news of Gods great gift is by sharing our own gifts through the Christmas Joy Offering.
The offering supports racial ethnic education at Presbyterian-related schools and colleges, where students de-
velop their gifts and find their calling. It also helps families of active and retired church workers meet unex-
pected needs through the Assistance Program of the Board of Pensions. As we celebrate this good news of
great joy - that a Savior has been born to us may our gifts bear joyful witness to Gods uncontainable love.
Undesignated gifts to the Christmas Joy Offering are distributed equally to the Assistance Program of the
Board of Pensions and to support student scholarships at the following Presbyterian-related racial ethnic
schools and colleges:
Barber-Scotia College, Concord, North Carolina
Cook Native American Ministries, Tempe, Arizona
Knoxville College, Knoxville, Tennessee
Menaul School, Albuquerque, New Mexico
Presbyterian Pan American School, Kingsville, Texas
Stillman College, Tuscaloosa, Alabama
In 2011, the Assistance Program of the Board of Pensions was able to support the households of active and
retired church workers and their families with 291 income supplements, 128 shared grants, 4 emergency as-
sistance grants, and 251 housing supplements.
Please give generously on Christmas Eve when this offering will be collected at Poke Run during both even-
ing services.
We are Thankful to share a delicious Spaghetti Dinner with our Community
The Ranger 9
11. New officers will be installed on Sunday, December 9 at the 11AM Service.
The joint meeting of the Session, Deacons and Trustees will be on Tuesday, December 11 at 7:00pm.
December 2012
Poke Run Presbyterian Church
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
Communion Dec. 2- Communion Dec. Offering - PW-
Glenn Ross & Mary 24-Deacons Laurie Martin 1
Ellen Ross
Christmas Eve
Offering-Deacons Santas
2 Communion 3 4 5 6 7 8
8:30-11 Worship 6pm Youth Choir 7pm PW Quarterly 6pm Bells 7pm Boy Scouts
9:45 Sunday School 7pm Deacons 7pm Budget & 7pm Choir
6pm Youth, 7pm Bible Finance
9 Ordination 11am 10 11 12 13 15
8:30-11 Worship 7pm Joint meet- 12:00 Circle 4
6pm Youth Choir 11:30 Soup /Soul
9:45 Sunday School 7pm Mission & Stew- ing Session, 6pm Bells 7:30pm Circle 2
6pm Youth,7pm Bible ardship Deacons, Trus-
7pm Choir 7pm Boy Scouts
16 Caroling 17 18 19 20 21 22
8:30-11 Worship 6pm Youth Choir 6pm Bells 10am Cong. Life 12-4 Birthday
9:45 Sunday School 7pm Technology Mtg. 7pm Choir 7pm Boy Scouts Party
6pm Youth,7pm Bible Kemerers
23 24 25 26 27 28 29
8:30-11 Worship 5pm & 7pm Boy Scouts
9:45 Sunday School
6pm Youth , 7pm Bible
Christmas Eve
30 31
8:30-11 Worship New Years Eve
9:45 Sunday School
7pm Bible Study
12. Poke Run Presbyterian Church
1091 Poke Run Church Rd.
Apollo, PA 15613
Phone: 724-327-5563
Christmas Programs
December 1 at 8:30am to 11:30am Breakfast with Santa
Adults & Children ages 11 years and over $5.00
Children 3 years to 10 years $2.00
Children 2 years and under eat Free!
December 24 Christmas Eve Candlelight Services
5:00pm Informal Worship
7:30pm Formal Worship
December 30 Christmas Sunday
8:30am & 11:00am Worship