El futuro del retail - Documento Colaborativo de Foxize SchoolLluis Serra
El documento discute el futuro del retail y c坦mo la fusi坦n del mundo f鱈sico y digital est叩 cambiando la experiencia del consumidor. Los puntos de venta del futuro probablemente ofrezcan las mismas funcionalidades digitales que existen en l鱈nea. Las tiendas tambi辿n se digitalizar叩n para integrar herramientas digitales y conectarse entre s鱈 y con los consumidores. El 辿xito depender叩 de comprender a los consumidores conectados de hoy en d鱈a y brindar experiencias integradas entre canales.
Este documento parece estar escrito en un idioma desconocido y contiene varios s鱈mbolos y caracteres extra単os sin significado claro. No es posible extraer informaci坦n fundamental o de alto nivel de este texto.
Este documento describe qu辿 es un sistema operativo y algunas de sus caracter鱈sticas principales como la multitarea, multiprocesador y multitramo. Luego menciona algunos de los sistemas operativos m叩s conocidos como Windows, MacOS, Linux, Android y Solaris. Finalmente incluye algunas referencias bibliogr叩ficas relacionadas con sistemas operativos.
A security method for multiple attacks in sensor networks against the false r...ijitjournal
In a large scale wireless sensor network, various attacks rapidly spread damages in the network from
inside and outside attacks such as the false report injection attack and the sinkhole attack, respectively.
These attacks drain finite energy resources and devastate constructed routing paths via compromised
nodes. The security methods like SEF (statistical en-route filtering scheme) and LEAP (localized encryption
and authentication protocol) try to cope with these attacks. When these attacks occur at the same time, SEF
and LEAP should be operated simultaneously in the sensor network thus, it introduces some inefficiency. In
this paper, we propose a security method which improves the energy efficiency while maintaining the
security level compared to the simultaneous application of SEF and LEAP. The proposed method is
designed by identifying and eliminating the redundancies within the simultaneous application of the two
methods and providing more efficient functionalities. In the proposed method, two types of new keys are
designed and provided for simultaneous detection of the attacks. Four types of keys are used in each sensor
node a P1 for encrypting information, a PK (pairwise key) for keeping secure paths, a P2 for verifying a
specific cluster, and a GK (group key) for encrypting message. Among these keys, P1 and P2 are newly
provided keys. We have evaluated the effectiveness of the proposed method compared to the simultaneous
application of SEF and LEAP when the multiple attacks occur. The experiment results show that our
proposed method saves energy up to 10% while maintaining the detection power
The applicant is seeking interesting employment and has attached their CV. They have relevant experience and qualifications listed. Their career goals are to achieve a high managerial level and gain work skills. They believe they are well-suited for the company's requirements and look forward to contributing effectively as part of the team.
Computational intelligence based simulated annealing guided key generation in...ijitjournal
In this paper, a Computational Intelligence based Simulated Annealing (SA) guided approach is use to
construct the key stream. SA is a randomization technique for solving optimization problems. It is a
procedure for finding good quality solutions to a large diversity of combinatorial optimization problems.
This technique can assist to stay away from the problem of getting stuck in local optima and to escort
towards the globally optimum solution. It is inspired by the annealing procedure in metallurgy. At high
temperatures, the molecules of liquid move freely with respect to one another. If the liquid is cooled slowly,
thermal mobility is lost. Parametric tests are done and results are compared with some existing classical
techniques, which shows comparable results for the proposed system.
Improving the scalability by contact information compression in routingijitjournal
The existence of reduced scalability and delivery leads to the development of scalable routing by contact
information compression. The previous work dealt with the result of consistent analysis in the performance
of DTN hierarchical routing (DHR). It increases as the source to destination distance increases with
decreases in the routing performance. This paper focuses on improving the scalability and delivery through
contact information compression algorithm and also addresses the problem of power awareness routing to
increase the lifetime of the overall network. Thus implementing the contact information compression (CIC)
algorithm the estimated shortest path (ESP) is detected dynamically. The scalability and release are more
improved during multipath multicasting, which delivers the information to a collection of target
concurrently in a single transmission from the source.
The document discusses various topics related to industrial manufacturing processes. It begins by defining materials and explaining their importance in engineering. It then discusses how manufacturing contributes to technological and socio-economic development by providing jobs and supporting other industries. The document also covers plastics and composite materials, describing properties and types of plastics as well as classifications of composite materials based on their matrix. Finally, it discusses sources and remedies for contamination in the carpet and textile industry.
La educaci坦n en los a単os de posguerra en Espa単a se caracterizaba por una gran disciplina y severidad. Las materias escolares eran similares a las de hoy, aunque con ideales distintos. El mobiliario de las aulas consist鱈a principalmente en pupitres de madera dobles y mesas para los profesores. Las aulas sol鱈an decorarse con im叩genes de Franco y s鱈mbolos cristianos debido al v鱈nculo entre la dictadura y la iglesia.
Tomo Misiukono knygos Kouingo technikos pristatymasLyderi迭 laikas
Este documento presenta un an叩lisis interno y externo de la situaci坦n de la Corporaci坦n Grena C.A. a trav辿s de las matrices FODA y PEEA. La matriz FODA identifica las fortalezas, debilidades, oportunidades y amenazas de la empresa. La matriz PEEA eval炭a la posici坦n estrat辿gica interna y externa de la empresa y sugiere estrategias conservadoras como penetrar el mercado y desarrollar nuevos productos sin tomar riesgos excesivos.
Meten = weten aims to help people measure and understand their physical activity levels through data collection. Data can be collected through questionnaires, activity monitors, GPS signals, and devices like the miCoach X_CELL which tracks acceleration, changes in direction, vertical movement, and heart rate. While different tools measure physical activity in various ways, it is important to only compare data collected using the same methods.
The document discusses various topics related to industrial manufacturing processes. It begins by defining materials and explaining their importance in engineering. It then discusses how manufacturing contributes to technological and socio-economic development by providing jobs and supporting other industries. The document also covers plastics and composite materials, describing properties and types of plastics as well as classifications of composite materials based on their matrix. Finally, it discusses sources and remedies for contamination in the carpet and textile industry.
La educaci坦n en los a単os de posguerra en Espa単a se caracterizaba por una gran disciplina y severidad. Las materias escolares eran similares a las de hoy, aunque con ideales distintos. El mobiliario de las aulas consist鱈a principalmente en pupitres de madera dobles y mesas para los profesores. Las aulas sol鱈an decorarse con im叩genes de Franco y s鱈mbolos cristianos debido al v鱈nculo entre la dictadura y la iglesia.
Tomo Misiukono knygos Kouingo technikos pristatymasLyderi迭 laikas
Este documento presenta un an叩lisis interno y externo de la situaci坦n de la Corporaci坦n Grena C.A. a trav辿s de las matrices FODA y PEEA. La matriz FODA identifica las fortalezas, debilidades, oportunidades y amenazas de la empresa. La matriz PEEA eval炭a la posici坦n estrat辿gica interna y externa de la empresa y sugiere estrategias conservadoras como penetrar el mercado y desarrollar nuevos productos sin tomar riesgos excesivos.
Meten = weten aims to help people measure and understand their physical activity levels through data collection. Data can be collected through questionnaires, activity monitors, GPS signals, and devices like the miCoach X_CELL which tracks acceleration, changes in direction, vertical movement, and heart rate. While different tools measure physical activity in various ways, it is important to only compare data collected using the same methods.