This YouTube video discusses the differences between living in a house versus a flat. It notes that houses typically have more space and outdoor areas like yards, but require more maintenance. Flats or apartments are smaller with less responsibility for repairs, but you also have neighbors living in close proximity above and below you. The video weighs the pros and cons of each living situation to help viewers decide what may better suit their needs and lifestyle.
The main steps you need to take to start a live Youtube session with Google Hangouts. (Feb. 2012, Pro-ELT 2)
[NB: the details are not explained in this file.]
essential download links:
Hangout plug-in:
ios app:
android app:
This document discusses an anthology with two parts. Part 1 introduces the founder Lev Kuleshov and creator Walt Disney. It includes a link to a YouTube video. Part 2 of the anthology is said to be coming soon.
Animals are all around us in our daily lives. From pets in our homes to wildlife in parks and zoos, animals play an important role in many people's lives and communities. It is important that we understand animals and live peacefully alongside them.
The document discusses inspirations and an artist or brand image. It provides a link to a YouTube video that may showcase inspirations or provide insight into an artist or brand. In a concise manner, the short document hints at visual or auditory content related to finding motivation or learning about a creator's perspective.
The X PRIZE Foundation aims to spur radical innovations that benefit humanity through competitions. Their Google Lunar XPRIZE competition challenges teams to land a privately-funded spacecraft on the moon to win a prize. The document provides contact details for William Pomerantz, the Senior Director of Space Prizes at X PRIZE Foundation.
The video discusses some of the most important inventions in human history including the wheel, writing, printing press, electricity, telephone, light bulb, airplane, and computer. These inventions have profoundly changed civilization and the way we live our lives by revolutionizing communication, transportation, information sharing, and more. They have helped connect the world and advance society in significant ways.
This document provides links to a YouTube video titled "Doudou" on the YouTube website. However, two of the links are incorrectly formatted and do not lead to the intended video. The document aims to share a video but contains broken links that would not allow viewers to watch it.
Changing the world requires focusing on small, concrete steps rather than grand plans or visions. Start by choosing a problem you care deeply about on a small scale and take action to solve it through experimentation and collaboration with others. By focusing on tangible, local issues and learning through trial and error, one can create meaningful change that spreads on its own to impact larger systems and societies over time.
Google Meet is a video conferencing service that allows users to have face-to-face meetings online. The tutorial explains how to sign up for a Google account, download the Google Meet app, schedule meetings, and join meetings with video and audio capabilities from a computer or mobile device. Users can share their screen, chat with participants, and record meetings for later viewing with Google Meet's easy to use interface.
The document discusses a Latin learning website that provides vocabulary lists and images to help students learn Latin words. It uses pictures to associate Latin words with visual representations in order to make vocabulary acquisition easier. The website contains vocabulary lists organized by topic with accompanying images to reinforce memorization through visual connections between Latin terms and everyday objects or concepts.
This short document contains 6 photo credits from various photographers and encourages the reader to create their own Haiku Deck presentation on ºÝºÝߣShare by getting started. It provides attribution for the photos used and promotes using Haiku Deck and ºÝºÝߣShare to make presentations.
This document outlines steps for starting a journey of personal growth and contribution, including listening, observing one's surroundings, feeling how your current situation affects you, and eventually sharing your thoughts, contributing your skills, and creating something new.
This document provides information about a project created by Jonathan Zhao. It references lyrics about being gathered in a hometown and rounding third base to score the winning run. It also includes links to Google Images and YouTube.
This document discusses artist Winnie Soon's interest in collaboration. It provides examples of Soon's collaborations with choreographers, artists, technologists, and Helen Pritchard on various artworks, performances, curatorial projects, and co-writing. Collaboration is defined as working jointly with others on intellectual endeavors, as opposed to mere cooperation towards a goal. The document emphasizes cultivating imagination and focusing on the co-process and co-sharing aspects of collaboration.
Marieke de Ruyter de Wildt (AgriPlace) presented at the 2nd International Workshop: Creating Impact with Open Data in Agriculture and Nutrition in The Hague, 10 September 2015.
Los videojuegos son juegos electr¨®nicos en los que una o m¨¢s personas interact¨²an con un dispositivo electr¨®nico como una computadora o consola usando un controlador. Los primeros videojuegos modernos aparecieron en la d¨¦cada de 1960 y desde entonces la industria ha crecido enormemente impulsada por la innovaci¨®n tecnol¨®gica. Actualmente Sony, Microsoft y Nintendo compiten por el mercado de las consolas de videojuegos ofreciendo nuevas generaciones de consolas cada pocos a?os.
Este documento proporciona una lista de 15 embarcaciones participantes en la Regata Bahia de Pollen?a 2012, identificando su n¨²mero, nombre, patr¨®n, marca y modelo de barco, asociaci¨®n a la que pertenecen y su puntaje de velocidad sobre la distancia m¨ªnima (SPM_M). Las embarcaciones participaron en las categor¨ªas A, B, C, I, JG y AG.
Dica 3 5 dicas de ouro para ter uma vida mais praticamapaulon
Tem medo das barreiras? E seu plano B est¨¢ pronto para us¨¢-lo se necess¨¢rio?
Conhecimento traz a confian?a para o sucesso de seus projetos.
Este documento contiene instrucciones para cinco ejercicios de histogramas en PowerPoint, Excel y Word, cinco ejercicios de regresi¨®n y correlaci¨®n en esas mismas herramientas, un ejercicio de ventas de Coca-Cola tambi¨¦n en PowerPoint, Excel y Word, una lista de verificaci¨®n en PowerPoint y Word, y una secci¨®n de bibliograf¨ªa.
Grandes hitos en la conquista del espacio restructuradojorge3021
El documento resume los principales hitos en la conquista del espacio, incluyendo el primer cohete dise?ado por Pedro Paulet en 1897, el lanzamiento del primer sat¨¦lite artificial Sputnik 1 por la Uni¨®n Sovi¨¦tica en 1957 que inici¨® la carrera espacial, y los primeros seres humanos en el espacio como Yuri Gagarin y Valentina Tereshkova. Cubre tambi¨¦n aterrizajes en la Luna y Marte, y logros como las caminatas espaciales y los transbordadores espaciales.
Changing the world requires focusing on small, concrete steps rather than grand plans or visions. Start by choosing a problem you care deeply about on a small scale and take action to solve it through experimentation and collaboration with others. By focusing on tangible, local issues and learning through trial and error, one can create meaningful change that spreads on its own to impact larger systems and societies over time.
Google Meet is a video conferencing service that allows users to have face-to-face meetings online. The tutorial explains how to sign up for a Google account, download the Google Meet app, schedule meetings, and join meetings with video and audio capabilities from a computer or mobile device. Users can share their screen, chat with participants, and record meetings for later viewing with Google Meet's easy to use interface.
The document discusses a Latin learning website that provides vocabulary lists and images to help students learn Latin words. It uses pictures to associate Latin words with visual representations in order to make vocabulary acquisition easier. The website contains vocabulary lists organized by topic with accompanying images to reinforce memorization through visual connections between Latin terms and everyday objects or concepts.
This short document contains 6 photo credits from various photographers and encourages the reader to create their own Haiku Deck presentation on ºÝºÝߣShare by getting started. It provides attribution for the photos used and promotes using Haiku Deck and ºÝºÝߣShare to make presentations.
This document outlines steps for starting a journey of personal growth and contribution, including listening, observing one's surroundings, feeling how your current situation affects you, and eventually sharing your thoughts, contributing your skills, and creating something new.
This document provides information about a project created by Jonathan Zhao. It references lyrics about being gathered in a hometown and rounding third base to score the winning run. It also includes links to Google Images and YouTube.
This document discusses artist Winnie Soon's interest in collaboration. It provides examples of Soon's collaborations with choreographers, artists, technologists, and Helen Pritchard on various artworks, performances, curatorial projects, and co-writing. Collaboration is defined as working jointly with others on intellectual endeavors, as opposed to mere cooperation towards a goal. The document emphasizes cultivating imagination and focusing on the co-process and co-sharing aspects of collaboration.
Marieke de Ruyter de Wildt (AgriPlace) presented at the 2nd International Workshop: Creating Impact with Open Data in Agriculture and Nutrition in The Hague, 10 September 2015.
Los videojuegos son juegos electr¨®nicos en los que una o m¨¢s personas interact¨²an con un dispositivo electr¨®nico como una computadora o consola usando un controlador. Los primeros videojuegos modernos aparecieron en la d¨¦cada de 1960 y desde entonces la industria ha crecido enormemente impulsada por la innovaci¨®n tecnol¨®gica. Actualmente Sony, Microsoft y Nintendo compiten por el mercado de las consolas de videojuegos ofreciendo nuevas generaciones de consolas cada pocos a?os.
Este documento proporciona una lista de 15 embarcaciones participantes en la Regata Bahia de Pollen?a 2012, identificando su n¨²mero, nombre, patr¨®n, marca y modelo de barco, asociaci¨®n a la que pertenecen y su puntaje de velocidad sobre la distancia m¨ªnima (SPM_M). Las embarcaciones participaron en las categor¨ªas A, B, C, I, JG y AG.
Dica 3 5 dicas de ouro para ter uma vida mais praticamapaulon
Tem medo das barreiras? E seu plano B est¨¢ pronto para us¨¢-lo se necess¨¢rio?
Conhecimento traz a confian?a para o sucesso de seus projetos.
Este documento contiene instrucciones para cinco ejercicios de histogramas en PowerPoint, Excel y Word, cinco ejercicios de regresi¨®n y correlaci¨®n en esas mismas herramientas, un ejercicio de ventas de Coca-Cola tambi¨¦n en PowerPoint, Excel y Word, una lista de verificaci¨®n en PowerPoint y Word, y una secci¨®n de bibliograf¨ªa.
Grandes hitos en la conquista del espacio restructuradojorge3021
El documento resume los principales hitos en la conquista del espacio, incluyendo el primer cohete dise?ado por Pedro Paulet en 1897, el lanzamiento del primer sat¨¦lite artificial Sputnik 1 por la Uni¨®n Sovi¨¦tica en 1957 que inici¨® la carrera espacial, y los primeros seres humanos en el espacio como Yuri Gagarin y Valentina Tereshkova. Cubre tambi¨¦n aterrizajes en la Luna y Marte, y logros como las caminatas espaciales y los transbordadores espaciales.