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PROJECT             DATE             IED
Ericsson Response   June 2nd, 2011   Barcelona

                          HELLO, WE ARE
PROJECT             DATE                IED
Ericsson Response   June 2nd, 2011      Barcelona


PROJECT             DATE               IED
Ericsson Response   June 2nd, 2011     Barcelona

PROJECT                  DATE                        IED
     Ericsson Response        June 2nd, 2011              Barcelona

 1.                    2.                                             3.
•	 Ideas and Brainstorming.                    •	 Writing scripts.    •	 Look and feel development.
•	 Development of primary ideas.               •	 Final storyboard.   •	 Recording of voice over.
•	 Writing synopsis and sketching.             •	 Looks and feel.     •	 Animation.
PROJECT             DATE             IED
 Ericsson Response   June 2nd, 2011   Barcelona

PROJECT             DATE             IED
Ericsson Response   June 2nd, 2011   Barcelona

PROJECT             DATE             IED
Ericsson Response   June 2nd, 2011   Barcelona

PROJECT             DATE             IED
Ericsson Response   June 2nd, 2011   Barcelona

PROJECT             DATE             IED
Ericsson Response   June 2nd, 2011   Barcelona

PROJECT             DATE             IED
               Ericsson Response   June 2nd, 2011   Barcelona

PROJECT             DATE             IED
               Ericsson Response   June 2nd, 2011   Barcelona

PROJECT             DATE             IED
               Ericsson Response   June 2nd, 2011   Barcelona

PROJECT             DATE             IED
               Ericsson Response   June 2nd, 2011   Barcelona

PROJECT             DATE             IED
                   Ericsson Response   June 2nd, 2011   Barcelona

Voice Reference
                  VOICE OVER
PROJECT             DATE             IED
Ericsson Response   June 2nd, 2011   Barcelona

PROJECT             DATE             IED
 Ericsson Response   June 2nd, 2011   Barcelona

PROJECT             DATE             IED
Ericsson Response   June 2nd, 2011   Barcelona

PROJECT                   DATE                      IED
Ericsson Response         June 2nd, 2011            Barcelona

Ericsson asked us to develop a “Content Mix” for Ericsson Response
to launch in september-december 2011 internally (87000 employees)

OBJECTIVES                                                      TARGET
1. To spread the work of Ericsson Response                      -87.000 employees of Ericsson.
to all Ericsson’s employees.

2. To create an emotional link between Ericsson’s
employees with Ericsson Response.
PROJECT                     DATE                         IED
         Ericsson Response           June 2nd, 2011               Barcelona

BASICS   WHAT?                       WHY?                         WHEN?                   WHO?                        HOW?
         Internal Social Corporate   To let employess know        Three times per year.   Profile Ericsson worker:    · Opportunities and
         Responsability Project.     what is Ericsson Response                            · 87.000 people             self-realization
                                                                                          · 39 years old on average
                                     To stablish a link between                           · Cultural diversity        · Recognize their
                                     the company and its social                           · 140 countries             accomplishments
                                     work with the employees
                                                                                                                      ·Make employeers
                                                                                                                      feel committed to the

                                                                                                                      Make them feel connected
                                                                                                                      to Ericsson Response
PROJECT                   DATE                         IED
Ericsson Response         June 2nd, 2011               Barcelona


In order to stablish a link between the employees
and Ericsson Response, we propose to make “ac-
tions” three times per year.

In this way, Ericsson Response will develop a pro-
cess in which the information will be given in a ef-
fective, unexpected and joyfull way.
PROJECT                     DATE                         IED
Ericsson Response           June 2nd, 2011               Barcelona

FUN THEORY: Fun is the easiest way to change
people’s behaviour for the better. Be it for yourself,
for the environment, or for something entirely
different, the only thing that matters is that it’s
change for the better.
PROJECT                       DATE             IED
Ericsson Response             June 2nd, 2011   Barcelona

INFO ON                                        WHAT THE                         SECRET
THE BOARD                                      SOUND?                           DONOR
To use the informative                         There is a sound the worker      To create a game in which
board of Ericsson to put                       cannot recognize. A spoon.       the workers must answer
posters with volunteers ex-                    A laugh. He or she cannot        correctly to 10 questions
periences                                      know why he o she is lis-        and help a “secret donor”
We catch the attention of                      tening to it. At the end it is   help other people.
workers in a normal day                        revealed that thanks to ER       By creating the profile of
with nice and new infor-                       work X ammount of people         volunteers the other work-
mation they are not really                     can eat or laugh.                ers can analize what are
expecting. To play with the                    Again we are playing wth         the conditions and skills
“sudden”news.                                  the mistery and the senses.      needed.
PROJECT                   DATE                       IED
Ericsson Response         June 2nd, 2011             Barcelona

  #1 FIRST ACTION: online game
To develop an online game that will be send to the
employees via internal network.

The game will follow the format of:
Question, 4 answers which can be answered on 30 seconds.

The idea is to illustrate the experience and skills Ericsson
Response volunteers have got on the fields.

The questions will be develop by the volunteers. In this way,
the user will learn and fiund out real facts.

The game will be launch on September 2011.
PROJECT                   DATE                        IED
Ericsson Response         June 2nd, 2011              Barcelona

Who wants to be a millionaire:
An international reference of a cultural and infor-
mative game.

Objects from classic movies:
A game in which images are related to a correct
answer (in this case the name of the movie)
PROJECT             DATE             IED
Ericsson Response   June 2nd, 2011   Barcelona

PROJECT             DATE             IED
Ericsson Response   June 2nd, 2011   Barcelona

PROJECT             DATE             IED
Ericsson Response   June 2nd, 2011   Barcelona
PROJECT             DATE             IED
Ericsson Response   June 2nd, 2011   Barcelona
PROJECT             DATE             IED
Ericsson Response   June 2nd, 2011   Barcelona
PROJECT             DATE             IED
Ericsson Response   June 2nd, 2011   Barcelona
PROJECT             DATE             IED
Ericsson Response   June 2nd, 2011   Barcelona
PROJECT             DATE             IED
Ericsson Response   June 2nd, 2011   Barcelona
PROJECT             DATE             IED
Ericsson Response   June 2nd, 2011   Barcelona
PROJECT             DATE             IED
Ericsson Response   June 2nd, 2011   Barcelona
PROJECT             DATE             IED
Ericsson Response   June 2nd, 2011   Barcelona
PROJECT             DATE             IED
Ericsson Response   June 2nd, 2011   Barcelona
PROJECT             DATE             IED
Ericsson Response   June 2nd, 2011   Barcelona
PROJECT              DATE             IED
 Ericsson Response    June 2nd, 2011   Barcelona

PROJECT             DATE             IED
Ericsson Response   June 2nd, 2011   Barcelona
PROJECT             DATE             IED
Ericsson Response   June 2nd, 2011   Barcelona
PROJECT             DATE             IED
Ericsson Response   June 2nd, 2011   Barcelona
PROJECT             DATE             IED
Ericsson Response   June 2nd, 2011   Barcelona
PROJECT             DATE             IED
   Ericsson Response   June 2nd, 2011   Barcelona

PROJECT                DATE             IED
Ericsson Response      June 2nd, 2011   Barcelona

                    Y E A R S C O L L A B O R AT I N G !
PROJECT                     DATE                  IED
        Ericsson Response           June 2nd, 2011        Barcelona

                                        Call for the
                                        loved ones                                          Internal eMail
        Objectives                                            Recording
INTRO   Concept             EVENT       Message for the       Viral video   COMMUNICATION   Facebook Profile
                                        volunteers                                          Press Release
PROJECT             DATE                   IED
Ericsson Response   June 2nd, 2011         Barcelona

PROJECT              DATE              IED
  Ericsson Response    June 2nd, 2011    Barcelona

OBJECTIVES                              ¿STARTING SITUATION? Low degree of knowledge about what Ericson
                                        Response is, both inside the Ericsson organization and outside it.

•	 To celebrate the 10 years of                            Increase the external knowledge about

   partnership within ERICS-                             Ericsson Response trough social media tools


    •	 ERICSSON RESPONSE:                                                                      Communication
       let to know that the company
       has partnership with
                                                              INCREASE KNOWLEDGE
       consolidate NGOs.                                    ABOUT ERICSSON RESPONSE

    •	 OCHA:
       show that the organitzation
       is working with                                                             Increase the internal knowledge
       a private partner.                                                           about Ericsson Response using
                                                                                          existing channels

                                                      10th Anniversary of
                                                        the partnership
                                                     between OCHA & ER

PROJECT                   DATE                 IED
Ericsson Response         June 2nd, 2011       Barcelona

                    CONCEPT & INSPIRATION
                    •	 Lack of communication in times of disaster
PROJECT             DATE               IED
Ericsson Response   June 2nd, 2011     Barcelona

PROJECT               DATE                        IED
          Ericsson Response     June 2nd, 2011              Barcelona

OBJECTIVES                                       TRAGETS
•	 Direct contact of a volunteer with the        •	 ER
   people of the street.                         •	 OCHA internal
                                                 •	 WPF/UNICEF and others partners
•	 To reflect the labor that these
                                                 •	 SECONDARY TARGET AUDIENCE:       BARCELONA
   volunteers are doing.
•	 Involvement with the labor of the             •	   Others NGOs
   volunteers                                    •	   OCHA partners
                                                 •	   Bloggers in the area
•	 To transmit or to generate nearness           •	   Ericsson customers
   and motivation to the volunteers.
PROJECT             DATE             IED
   Ericsson Response   June 2nd, 2011   Barcelona

                                                    Groups will be distributed on
                                                    Groups will beof the city of on
                                                    strategic points
                                                    strategic points of the city of
                                                     A series of questions will be
                                                     A series of questions will be
                                                     “If there was a catastrophe in
                                                     Barcelona with who would you like
                                                    "to contact?” a catastrophe in
                                                      If there was
                                                    Barcelona with whom would
                                                    you like to contact? " media
                                                     “How will you do it if the
                                                    were broken?”

                                                    " ¿how will you do it if the
                                                    media were broken? "
PROJECT             DATE             IED
  Ericsson Response   June 2nd, 2011   Barcelona

                                                   Will be explained to them the
                                                   labor that OCHA and ERICSSON the
                                                      Will be explained to them
                                                   RESPONSE are carry out in
                                                      labor that OCHA and
                                                   case of catastrophe.
                                                      ERICSSON RESPONSE are
                                                      carry out in case of
                                                   Making clear in addition,
                                                   that they are celebrating
                                                   ten years of partnership.

                                                       Making clear in addition, that
                                                      they are celebrating ten years
                                                      of partnership.
PROJECT             DATE             IED
  Ericsson Response   June 2nd, 2011   Barcelona

                                                   We will offer him a call of 30”
                                                       We will o er him a call of 30 "
                                                   in order that they could call
                                                   the person that theythey could call
                                                       in order that wish.
                                                       the person that they wish.
                                                   Once the call is finish...
                                                        Once the call is finish …
PROJECT             DATE             IED
 Ericsson Response   June 2nd, 2011   Barcelona

THE ACTION                                        We will offer them the
                                                  opportunity to record
                                                  a message we will o er them the
                                                     At last of congratulation
                                                  to opportunity to of OCHA
                                                     all the volunteers record a
                                                  and ERICCSSON RESPONSE.
                                                     message of congratulation to
                                                   all the volunteers of OCHA
                                                   and ERICCSSON RESPONSE.
PROJECT             DATE             IED
  Ericsson Response   June 2nd, 2011   Barcelona

THE ACTION                                          Finally, we will provided a
                                                   Finally, we will provide a card
                                                   tocard with the direction
                                                      them to them with the
                                                   ofdirection of the microsite.
                                                      the microsite.

                                                   Where they will be able to find to find
                                                     Where they will be able
                                                   more information about OCHA
                                                     more information about
                                                   and about ERICSSON RESPONSE
                                                   and, in addition, about recordings
                                                     OCHA and all the ERICSSON
                                                   ofRESPONSE and, in addition,
                                                     spirit and support.
                                                    all the recordings of spirit and
PROJECT             DATE             IED
Ericsson Response   June 2nd, 2011   Barcelona

                                                 EACH GROUP HAS:

                                                 We will give a card to
                                                 each participant with
                                                 the microsite created
                                                 for the event, where
                                                 they will reach all the
                                                 messages and link them
                                                 to their social media
                                                 profiles and share them
                                                 with their friends.
PROJECT              DATE                    IED
  Ericsson Response    June 2nd, 2011          Barcelona

UNIVERSIDAD UPC - 9:00am to 11:30am
UNIVERSIDAD POMPEU FABRA - 12:00am to 1:30pm
MARIA CRISTINA - 3:00pm to 5:30pm

MERCADO SAGRADA FAMILIA - 9:00pm to 11:30pm
MERCADO BOQUERIA - 12:00pm to 1:30pm
PASEO DE GRACIA - 3:00pm to 5:30pm
PROJECT             DATE             IED
Ericsson Response   June 2nd, 2011   Barcelona
PROJECT                 DATE                 IED
     Ericsson Response       June 2nd, 2011       Barcelona


•	   1 person giving infomation
•	   1 person with telephone
•	   1 camera
•	   1 vest per person
•	   1 cap per person Diets
•	   1 camera per group (+battery replacement)
•	   1 microphone per group
•	   2 phones per group
•	   1 mobile for Internal communication Flyers
     with Information about the microsite Dis-
     placements Merchandising item (gift)
PROJECT             DATE              IED
Ericsson Response   June 2nd, 2011    Barcelona

                    June 2nd, 2011
PROJECT             DATE             IED
Ericsson Response   June 2nd, 2011   Barcelona


                                         Send a press realse toan email medias.
                                                          - Send specific to the 2761 E///
                                                               employers working in Spain
                                         Send an email to the others NGO: anniversary
                                                        informing about the
                                                              and the next event make it in
                                         •	 The United Nations                  Barcelona.
                                         •	 World Food Program (WFP)other channels
                                                                - Link to the
                                         •	 The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF)
                                         •	 Red Cross/ Red Crescent Movement
                                         •	 Swedish Rescue Service Agency
                                         •	 MSB
                                         •	 SaveSend a press realse to specific medias.
                                                 - the Children Sweden
                                                     - Send an email to the others NGO:
                                         INTERNAL                    -  The United Nations
                                                         -  World Food Program (WFP)
                                         Send- an The United Nations Children s Fund
                                                    email to the ER employers working in
                                         Spain informing about the anniversary and the
                                         next event make it in Red Crescent Movement
                                               -  Red Cross/ Barcelona.
                                         Link to the other channels
                                            -  Swedish Rescue Service Agency – MSB
                                                            -  Save the Children Sweden
PROJECT             DATE             IED
Ericsson Response   June 2nd, 2011   Barcelona
PROJECT             DATE             IED
Ericsson Response   June 2nd, 2011   Barcelona
PROJECT                  DATE                        IED
Ericsson Response        June 2nd, 2011              Barcelona

                    June 2nd, 2011

                    •	    Welcome Landing Page
                    •	    Link to the specific event site Page
                                 - Welcome Landing
                    •	    As a information point
                                 - Link to the specific event site
                    •	    Create an open event
                                     - As a information point
                                     - Create an open event
                         June 2nd, 2011
PROJECT             DATE                  IED
Ericsson Response   June 2nd, 2011        Barcelona
                    June 2nd, 2011
PROJECT             DATE             IED
Ericsson Response   June 2nd, 2011   Barcelona
PROJECT             DATE                  IED
Ericsson Response   June 2nd, 2011        Barcelona

PROJECT                                DATE                         IED
      Ericsson Response                      June 2nd, 2011               Barcelona


                                             1       2        3   4   5        6      7   8   9      10        11   12   13   14   15   16
                         Search providers
      Elaboration of the layout proposal
         Layout approval by OCHA&ER
              Volunteers kit preparation
                 Graphic proposal (flyer)
          Flyers approval by OCHA&ER
                           Flyers printing
                  Volunteers recruitment
              Selection of the volunteers
         Arrival of the technical material
      Elaboration of the 'story' proposal
          Story' approval by OCHA&ER
                  Recording of the Video
                      Edition of the video
            Video launch to OCHA&ER
                      Final editing Video
          Video approval by OCHA&ER
   Elaboration of the FB layout proposal
                       FB layout approval
         Implementation of FB proposal
   Elaboration of the microsite proposal
            Microsite proposal approval
  Implementation of microsite proposal
  e-mail proposal (internal: OCHA&ER)
e-mail proposal approval by OCHA&ER
               Press Release Elaboration
        Press Release Content Approval
PROJECT             DATE             IED
Ericsson Response   June 2nd, 2011   Barcelona


More Related Content

Test 4

  • 1. PROJECT DATE IED Ericsson Response June 2nd, 2011 Barcelona HELLO, WE ARE
  • 2. PROJECT DATE IED Ericsson Response June 2nd, 2011 Barcelona CONCEPT WE connect CONSTRUCT RESPONd
  • 3. PROJECT DATE IED Ericsson Response June 2nd, 2011 Barcelona VIDEO
  • 4. PROJECT DATE IED Ericsson Response June 2nd, 2011 Barcelona DEVELOPMENT & PRODUCTION STAGES 1. 2. 3. • Ideas and Brainstorming. • Writing scripts. • Look and feel development. • Development of primary ideas. • Final storyboard. • Recording of voice over. • Writing synopsis and sketching. • Looks and feel. • Animation.
  • 5. PROJECT DATE IED Ericsson Response June 2nd, 2011 Barcelona SYNOPSIS & SKETCHING
  • 6. PROJECT DATE IED Ericsson Response June 2nd, 2011 Barcelona SCRIPT & STORYBOARD
  • 7. PROJECT DATE IED Ericsson Response June 2nd, 2011 Barcelona SCRIPT & STORYBOARD
  • 8. PROJECT DATE IED Ericsson Response June 2nd, 2011 Barcelona SCRIPT & STORYBOARD
  • 9. PROJECT DATE IED Ericsson Response June 2nd, 2011 Barcelona SCRIPT & STORYBOARD
  • 10. PROJECT DATE IED Ericsson Response June 2nd, 2011 Barcelona LOOKS & FEEL
  • 11. PROJECT DATE IED Ericsson Response June 2nd, 2011 Barcelona LOOKS & FEEL
  • 12. PROJECT DATE IED Ericsson Response June 2nd, 2011 Barcelona LOOKS & FEEL
  • 13. PROJECT DATE IED Ericsson Response June 2nd, 2011 Barcelona LOOKS & FEEL
  • 14. PROJECT DATE IED Ericsson Response June 2nd, 2011 Barcelona VOICE REFERENCE Voice Reference VOICE OVER ACTOR PROFILE
  • 15. PROJECT DATE IED Ericsson Response June 2nd, 2011 Barcelona ANIMATION
  • 16. PROJECT DATE IED Ericsson Response June 2nd, 2011 Barcelona FINAL VIDEO
  • 17. PROJECT DATE IED Ericsson Response June 2nd, 2011 Barcelona INTERNAL COMMUNICATION
  • 18. PROJECT DATE IED Ericsson Response June 2nd, 2011 Barcelona Ericsson asked us to develop a “Content Mix” for Ericsson Response to launch in september-december 2011 internally (87000 employees) OBJECTIVES TARGET 1. To spread the work of Ericsson Response -87.000 employees of Ericsson. to all Ericsson’s employees. 2. To create an emotional link between Ericsson’s employees with Ericsson Response.
  • 19. PROJECT DATE IED Ericsson Response June 2nd, 2011 Barcelona BASICS WHAT? WHY? WHEN? WHO? HOW? Internal Social Corporate To let employess know Three times per year. Profile Ericsson worker: · Opportunities and Responsability Project. what is Ericsson Response · 87.000 people self-realization · 39 years old on average To stablish a link between · Cultural diversity · Recognize their the company and its social · 140 countries accomplishments work with the employees ·Make employeers feel committed to the company. Make them feel connected to Ericsson Response
  • 20. PROJECT DATE IED Ericsson Response June 2nd, 2011 Barcelona CONCEPT “WE RESPOND, ERICSSON RESPONSE” In order to stablish a link between the employees and Ericsson Response, we propose to make “ac- tions” three times per year. In this way, Ericsson Response will develop a pro- cess in which the information will be given in a ef- fective, unexpected and joyfull way.
  • 21. PROJECT DATE IED Ericsson Response June 2nd, 2011 Barcelona REFERENCES FUN THEORY: Fun is the easiest way to change people’s behaviour for the better. Be it for yourself, for the environment, or for something entirely different, the only thing that matters is that it’s change for the better.
  • 22. PROJECT DATE IED Ericsson Response June 2nd, 2011 Barcelona INFO ON WHAT THE SECRET THE BOARD SOUND? DONOR To use the informative There is a sound the worker To create a game in which board of Ericsson to put cannot recognize. A spoon. the workers must answer posters with volunteers ex- A laugh. He or she cannot correctly to 10 questions periences know why he o she is lis- and help a “secret donor” We catch the attention of tening to it. At the end it is help other people. workers in a normal day revealed that thanks to ER By creating the profile of with nice and new infor- work X ammount of people volunteers the other work- mation they are not really can eat or laugh. ers can analize what are expecting. To play with the Again we are playing wth the conditions and skills “sudden”news. the mistery and the senses. needed.
  • 23. PROJECT DATE IED Ericsson Response June 2nd, 2011 Barcelona #1 FIRST ACTION: online game To develop an online game that will be send to the employees via internal network. The game will follow the format of: Question, 4 answers which can be answered on 30 seconds. The idea is to illustrate the experience and skills Ericsson Response volunteers have got on the fields. The questions will be develop by the volunteers. In this way, the user will learn and fiund out real facts. The game will be launch on September 2011.
  • 24. PROJECT DATE IED Ericsson Response June 2nd, 2011 Barcelona REFERENCES FOR THE GAME Who wants to be a millionaire: An international reference of a cultural and infor- mative game. Objects from classic movies: A game in which images are related to a correct answer (in this case the name of the movie)
  • 25. PROJECT DATE IED Ericsson Response June 2nd, 2011 Barcelona BASICS OF THE GAME
  • 26. PROJECT DATE IED Ericsson Response June 2nd, 2011 Barcelona WORKFLOW
  • 27. PROJECT DATE IED Ericsson Response June 2nd, 2011 Barcelona
  • 28. PROJECT DATE IED Ericsson Response June 2nd, 2011 Barcelona
  • 29. PROJECT DATE IED Ericsson Response June 2nd, 2011 Barcelona
  • 30. PROJECT DATE IED Ericsson Response June 2nd, 2011 Barcelona
  • 31. PROJECT DATE IED Ericsson Response June 2nd, 2011 Barcelona
  • 32. PROJECT DATE IED Ericsson Response June 2nd, 2011 Barcelona
  • 33. PROJECT DATE IED Ericsson Response June 2nd, 2011 Barcelona
  • 34. PROJECT DATE IED Ericsson Response June 2nd, 2011 Barcelona
  • 35. PROJECT DATE IED Ericsson Response June 2nd, 2011 Barcelona
  • 36. PROJECT DATE IED Ericsson Response June 2nd, 2011 Barcelona
  • 37. PROJECT DATE IED Ericsson Response June 2nd, 2011 Barcelona
  • 38. PROJECT DATE IED Ericsson Response June 2nd, 2011 Barcelona TYPOGRAPHIC DETAILS
  • 39. PROJECT DATE IED Ericsson Response June 2nd, 2011 Barcelona
  • 40. PROJECT DATE IED Ericsson Response June 2nd, 2011 Barcelona
  • 41. PROJECT DATE IED Ericsson Response June 2nd, 2011 Barcelona
  • 42. PROJECT DATE IED Ericsson Response June 2nd, 2011 Barcelona
  • 43. PROJECT DATE IED Ericsson Response June 2nd, 2011 Barcelona ERICSSON RESPONSE & OCHA ANNIVERSARY
  • 44. PROJECT DATE IED Ericsson Response June 2nd, 2011 Barcelona Y E A R S C O L L A B O R AT I N G !
  • 45. PROJECT DATE IED Ericsson Response June 2nd, 2011 Barcelona WORKFLOW Call for the loved ones Internal eMail Objectives Recording INTRO Concept EVENT Message for the Viral video COMMUNICATION Facebook Profile Microsite volunteers Press Release
  • 46. PROJECT DATE IED Ericsson Response June 2nd, 2011 Barcelona INTRODUCTION
  • 47. PROJECT DATE IED Ericsson Response June 2nd, 2011 Barcelona OBJECTIVES ¿STARTING SITUATION? Low degree of knowledge about what Ericson Response is, both inside the Ericsson organization and outside it. • To celebrate the 10 years of Increase the external knowledge about   partnership within ERICS- Ericsson Response trough social media tools SON RESPONSE and OCHA. • ERICSSON RESPONSE: Communication Kit let to know that the company has partnership with INCREASE KNOWLEDGE consolidate NGOs. ABOUT ERICSSON RESPONSE • OCHA: show that the organitzation is working with Increase the internal knowledge a private partner. about Ericsson Response using existing channels 10th Anniversary of the partnership between OCHA & ER    
  • 48. PROJECT DATE IED Ericsson Response June 2nd, 2011 Barcelona CONCEPT & INSPIRATION • Lack of communication in times of disaster
  • 49. PROJECT DATE IED Ericsson Response June 2nd, 2011 Barcelona EVENT
  • 50. PROJECT DATE IED Ericsson Response June 2nd, 2011 Barcelona OBJECTIVES TRAGETS • Direct contact of a volunteer with the • ER people of the street. • OCHA internal • WPF/UNICEF and others partners • To reflect the labor that these • SECONDARY TARGET AUDIENCE: BARCELONA volunteers are doing. CITIZENS • Involvement with the labor of the • Others NGOs volunteers • OCHA partners • Bloggers in the area • To transmit or to generate nearness • Ericsson customers and motivation to the volunteers.
  • 51. PROJECT DATE IED Ericsson Response June 2nd, 2011 Barcelona THE ACTION THE ACTION Groups will be distributed on Groups will beof the city of on strategic points distributed Barcelona. strategic points of the city of Barcelona. A series of questions will be realized: A series of questions will be realized: “If there was a catastrophe in Barcelona with who would you like "to contact?” a catastrophe in If there was Barcelona with whom would you like to contact? " media “How will you do it if the were broken?” " ¿how will you do it if the media were broken? "
  • 52. PROJECT DATE IED Ericsson Response June 2nd, 2011 Barcelona THE ACTION THE ACTION Will be explained to them the labor that OCHA and ERICSSON the Will be explained to them RESPONSE are carry out in labor that OCHA and case of catastrophe. ERICSSON RESPONSE are carry out in case of Making clear in addition, that they are celebrating catastrophe. ten years of partnership. Making clear in addition, that they are celebrating ten years of partnership.
  • 53. PROJECT DATE IED Ericsson Response June 2nd, 2011 Barcelona THEACTION THE ACTION We will offer him a call of 30” We will o er him a call of 30 " in order that they could call the person that theythey could call in order that wish. the person that they wish. Once the call is finish... Once the call is finish …
  • 54. PROJECT DATE IED Ericsson Response June 2nd, 2011 Barcelona THE ACTION THE ACTION We will offer them the opportunity to record a message we will o er them the At last of congratulation to opportunity to of OCHA all the volunteers record a and ERICCSSON RESPONSE. message of congratulation to all the volunteers of OCHA and ERICCSSON RESPONSE.
  • 55. PROJECT DATE IED Ericsson Response June 2nd, 2011 Barcelona THE ACTION THE ACTION Finally, we will provided a Finally, we will provide a card tocard with the direction them to them with the ofdirection of the microsite. the microsite. Where they will be able to find to find Where they will be able more information about OCHA more information about and about ERICSSON RESPONSE and, in addition, about recordings OCHA and all the ERICSSON ofRESPONSE and, in addition, spirit and support. all the recordings of spirit and support.
  • 56. PROJECT DATE IED Ericsson Response June 2nd, 2011 Barcelona EACH GROUP HAS: We will give a card to each participant with the microsite created for the event, where they will reach all the messages and link them to their social media profiles and share them with their friends.
  • 57. PROJECT DATE IED Ericsson Response June 2nd, 2011 Barcelona LOCATION GROUP #1: UNIVERSIDAD UPC - 9:00am to 11:30am UNIVERSIDAD POMPEU FABRA - 12:00am to 1:30pm MARIA CRISTINA - 3:00pm to 5:30pm GROUP #2: MERCADO SAGRADA FAMILIA - 9:00pm to 11:30pm MERCADO BOQUERIA - 12:00pm to 1:30pm PASEO DE GRACIA - 3:00pm to 5:30pm
  • 58. PROJECT DATE IED Ericsson Response June 2nd, 2011 Barcelona
  • 59. PROJECT DATE IED Ericsson Response June 2nd, 2011 Barcelona RESOURCES EACH GROUP HAS: • 1 person giving infomation • 1 person with telephone • 1 camera • 1 vest per person • 1 cap per person Diets • 1 camera per group (+battery replacement) • 1 microphone per group • 2 phones per group • 1 mobile for Internal communication Flyers with Information about the microsite Dis- placements Merchandising item (gift)
  • 60. PROJECT DATE IED Ericsson Response June 2nd, 2011 Barcelona COMMUNICATION
  • 61. DATE June 2nd, 2011 PROJECT DATE IED Ericsson Response June 2nd, 2011 Barcelona INTERNAL EXTERNAL Send a press realse toan email medias. - Send specific to the 2761 E/// employers working in Spain Send an email to the others NGO: anniversary informing about the and the next event make it in • The United Nations Barcelona. • World Food Program (WFP)other channels - Link to the • The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) • Red Cross/ Red Crescent Movement EXTERNAL • Swedish Rescue Service Agency • MSB • SaveSend a press realse to specific medias. - the Children Sweden - Send an email to the others NGO: INTERNAL -  The United Nations -  World Food Program (WFP) Send- an The United Nations Children s Fund email to the ER employers working in Spain informing about the anniversary and the (UNICEF) next event make it in Red Crescent Movement -  Red Cross/ Barcelona. Link to the other channels -  Swedish Rescue Service Agency – MSB -  Save the Children Sweden
  • 62. PROJECT DATE IED Ericsson Response June 2nd, 2011 Barcelona
  • 63. PROJECT DATE IED Ericsson Response June 2nd, 2011 Barcelona
  • 64. PROJECT DATE IED Ericsson Response June 2nd, 2011 Barcelona DATE June 2nd, 2011 FAN PAGE NAMING: OCHA & ERICSSON RESPONSE CELEBRATE FAN PAGE NAMING: OCHA & ERICSSON RESPONSE CELEBRATE ACTIONS: ACTIONS: • Welcome Landing Page • Link to the specific event site Page - Welcome Landing • As a information point - Link to the specific event site • Create an open event - As a information point - Create an open event
  • 65. DATE June 2nd, 2011 PROJECT DATE IED Ericsson Response June 2nd, 2011 Barcelona
  • 66. DATE June 2nd, 2011 PROJECT DATE IED Ericsson Response June 2nd, 2011 Barcelona
  • 67. PROJECT DATE IED Ericsson Response June 2nd, 2011 Barcelona TIMELINE
  • 68. PROJECT DATE IED Ericsson Response June 2nd, 2011 Barcelona 11.21.2011 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Search providers Elaboration of the layout proposal Layout approval by OCHA&ER Stamping Volunteers kit preparation Graphic proposal (flyer) Flyers approval by OCHA&ER Flyers printing Volunteers recruitment Selection of the volunteers Training Arrival of the technical material Elaboration of the 'story' proposal Story' approval by OCHA&ER Recording of the Video Edition of the video Video launch to OCHA&ER Final editing Video Video approval by OCHA&ER Elaboration of the FB layout proposal FB layout approval Implementation of FB proposal Elaboration of the microsite proposal Microsite proposal approval Implementation of microsite proposal e-mail proposal (internal: OCHA&ER) e-mail proposal approval by OCHA&ER Press Release Elaboration Press Release Content Approval
  • 69. PROJECT DATE IED Ericsson Response June 2nd, 2011 Barcelona THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION!