Los psic坦logos se especializan en diferentes 叩reas como la psicolog鱈a cl鱈nica, educativa, organizacional y del desarrollo. La psicolog鱈a infantil se enfoca en el desarrollo cognitivo, emocional y social de los ni単os. Los psic坦logos infantiles trabajan con ni単os, padres y maestros para promover el bienestar de los menores.
La Unidad Educativa Municipal "Quitumbe" es una instituci坦n educativa con 20 a単os de experiencia que ofrece educaci坦n integral en los niveles b叩sico y bachillerato. La instituci坦n promueve procesos de ense単anza-aprendizaje din叩micos, creativos y participativos de acuerdo con las corrientes pedag坦gicas actuales. Su visi坦n es convertirse para el 2018 en una instituci坦n l鱈der que forme ciudadanos aut坦nomos, proactivos, competentes y respetuosos del medio ambiente.
3. formato 30 x30. gradacion. carlos rieraCARLOS-RIERA
Este documento es un informe de un estudiante de arquitectura del Instituto Universitario Polit辿cnico "Santiago Mari単o" en su extensi坦n de Barinas. El estudiante Carlos E. Riera B presenta el informe bajo la tutela de la arquitecta Estela Aguilar como parte de los requisitos de la c叩tedra de Teor鱈a de la Forma.
El documento es una constancia emitida por la Universidad Cesar Vallejo que certifica que Luis Gustavo Rojas Guerrero es estudiante de la Facultad de Ingenier鱈a de Sistemas en el sexto ciclo de la carrera de Ingenier鱈a de Sistemas y que ha obtenido un promedio ponderado de 10 en el presente ciclo.
Este documento es un recibo de pedido que detalla los art鱈culos comprados por un cliente, incluyendo la cantidad, precio unitario y valor total de cada art鱈culo, as鱈 como el valor total de $39.300 del pedido. El recibo tambi辿n incluye la fecha de entrega del pedido, los datos del cliente y vendedor.
La nueva Ley de Delitos Inform叩ticos deroga todos los delitos inform叩ticos anteriores y presenta nuevos tipos penales inspirados en la Convenci坦n de Budapest. Estos nuevos delitos protegen bienes jur鱈dicos como la confidencialidad, integridad y disponibilidad de datos y sistemas inform叩ticos. Sin embargo, la ley no especifica claramente en todos los casos los peligros concretos que sanciona. Los delitos inform叩ticos se diferencian de los delitos computacionales en que estos 炭ltimos solo son il鱈citos convencionales
This document appears to be a practice exam containing math problems. It includes a table with 10 rows listing Peruvian currency amounts from 1 to 10 soles and their corresponding decimal values. The document also contains phrases in Spanish encouraging being successful and achieving goals.
La Unidad Educativa Municipal "Quitumbe" es una instituci坦n educativa con 20 a単os de experiencia que ofrece educaci坦n integral en los niveles b叩sico y bachillerato. La instituci坦n promueve procesos de ense単anza-aprendizaje din叩micos, creativos y participativos de acuerdo con las corrientes pedag坦gicas actuales. Su visi坦n es convertirse para el 2018 en una instituci坦n l鱈der que forme ciudadanos aut坦nomos, proactivos, competentes y respetuosos del medio ambiente.
3. formato 30 x30. gradacion. carlos rieraCARLOS-RIERA
Este documento es un informe de un estudiante de arquitectura del Instituto Universitario Polit辿cnico "Santiago Mari単o" en su extensi坦n de Barinas. El estudiante Carlos E. Riera B presenta el informe bajo la tutela de la arquitecta Estela Aguilar como parte de los requisitos de la c叩tedra de Teor鱈a de la Forma.
El documento es una constancia emitida por la Universidad Cesar Vallejo que certifica que Luis Gustavo Rojas Guerrero es estudiante de la Facultad de Ingenier鱈a de Sistemas en el sexto ciclo de la carrera de Ingenier鱈a de Sistemas y que ha obtenido un promedio ponderado de 10 en el presente ciclo.
Este documento es un recibo de pedido que detalla los art鱈culos comprados por un cliente, incluyendo la cantidad, precio unitario y valor total de cada art鱈culo, as鱈 como el valor total de $39.300 del pedido. El recibo tambi辿n incluye la fecha de entrega del pedido, los datos del cliente y vendedor.
La nueva Ley de Delitos Inform叩ticos deroga todos los delitos inform叩ticos anteriores y presenta nuevos tipos penales inspirados en la Convenci坦n de Budapest. Estos nuevos delitos protegen bienes jur鱈dicos como la confidencialidad, integridad y disponibilidad de datos y sistemas inform叩ticos. Sin embargo, la ley no especifica claramente en todos los casos los peligros concretos que sanciona. Los delitos inform叩ticos se diferencian de los delitos computacionales en que estos 炭ltimos solo son il鱈citos convencionales
This document appears to be a practice exam containing math problems. It includes a table with 10 rows listing Peruvian currency amounts from 1 to 10 soles and their corresponding decimal values. The document also contains phrases in Spanish encouraging being successful and achieving goals.
This document contains 5 problems involving finding terms in expansions of polynomials. The problems involve finding specific terms that contain a given power of x in expansions of polynomials such as (3x^4 - 1)^9, (-x^3 + 2)^6, (x + 1)^3x, (x + 1)^x, and determining the value of m if one term in the expansion of (2x - m)^7 is -262500x^2y^5.
The document discusses binomial expansion, which is the process of multiplying out terms with two variables according to their power using the binomial theorem. It provides examples of expanding binomial expressions like (x + y)2, (x + y)3, and (x + y)4. It also notes that the sum of the exponents in each term equals the overall power, and the number of terms is always one more than the power. Finally, it provides the binomial theorem for expanding any binomial expression and finding a particular term.
This document discusses how to calculate arrangements when some items must be together or apart. It explains that when items need to be together, they should be counted as a single item to reduce the total items being arranged. Then the total number of arrangements is calculated by finding the total possible arrangements and subtracting the arrangements that do not satisfy the constraints of certain items being together or apart. Examples provided include arranging people in a row when some must or cannot sit together and arranging books on a shelf keeping books of each subject together.
Permutations refer to arrangements of objects in a definite order. Some key points:
- Permutations are represented by "nPn" where n is the total number of objects and r is the number being arranged.
- Permutations are used to calculate possibilities like license plates, phone numbers, and locker combinations.
- Restrictions like starting/ending conditions or requiring alternating arrangements reduce the number of possible permutations.
- Objects that are identical only count once toward the total number of permutations rather than being distinguishable.
Factorial notation represents the product of all positive integers less than or equal to the given number. For example, 5! = 5 x 4 x 3 x 2 x 1 and 8! = 8 x 7 x 6 x 5 x 4 x 3 x 2 x 1. The document also provides examples of simplifying factorials without a calculator by using properties such as 5! + 4! = 6 x 4! and (k + 1)! + k! = (k + 2)k!.
This document provides examples and explanations of the fundamental counting principle and addition counting principle to solve combinatorics problems. It gives 8 examples of using the fundamental counting principle to count the number of possible outcomes of independent events. These include counting the number of volleyball shoe combinations, outfits that can be created from different clothing items, ways to select committees from groups of people, and 3-digit numbers with no repeating digits. It also provides 5 examples of using the addition counting principle to count outcomes when events are dependent, such as selecting a president and vice president of opposite sexes from a group.
This document discusses graphing composite functions. It provides examples of determining the composite functions f(g(x)) and g(f(x)) for various functions f(x) and g(x), sketching the graphs of the composite functions, and stating their domains. It also gives examples of determining possible functions f(x) and g(x) that satisfy given composite functions.
1. The document discusses composite functions, which involve combining two functions f(x) and g(x) where the output of one is used as the input of the other. It provides examples of evaluating composite functions using tables and graphs.
2. Key steps for evaluating composite functions are: 1) Substitute the inner function into the outer function and 2) Simplify the expression. Order matters as f(g(x)) and g(f(x)) may have different values.
3. Examples are worked through to find composite functions given basic functions like f(x) = x + 1 and g(x) = 2x as well as more complex rational functions.
The graph is a linear function with a domain of all real numbers and a range of real numbers greater than or equal to 3. The graph is a line with a y-intercept of 3 that increases at a rate of 1 as x increases.
Rational functions are functions of the form f(x) = p(x)/q(x) where p(x) and q(x) are polynomials. For example, comparing rational functions like 2x/(x^2 - 4) and (x-1)/(x+1). Horizontal asymptotes of rational functions occur when the degree of the polynomial in the numerator is less than the degree of the polynomial in the denominator.
This document discusses how to find the sum, difference, product, and quotient of functions. The sum of functions is found by adding the y-coordinates of each function. The difference is found by subtracting the y-coordinates. The product is represented as h(x) = f(x)g(x) and the quotient is represented as h(x) = f(x)/g(x). Examples are provided for adding and subtracting functions.
The document outlines a mental math test covering polynomials. It includes short answer questions testing long division, synthetic division, the remainder theorem, and finding the degree, leading coefficient, and y-intercept of polynomials. The test also covers matching graphs to polynomial equations and word problems involving fully factoring polynomials and two graphs. Multiple choice questions will require explaining solutions, while long answer questions involve fully factoring polynomials and word problems.
The document contains two polynomial word problems. The first asks to write a function V(x) to express the volume of a box with dimensions x, x+2, x+10 in terms of x, and find possible x values if the volume is 96 cm^3. The second problem describes a block of ice that is initially 3 ft by 4 ft by 5 ft, and asks to write a function to model reducing each dimension by the same amount to reach a volume of 24 ft^3, and determine how much to remove from each dimension.
The document provides 3 polynomial word problems: 1) finding the equation for a polynomial given its graph f(x) = -(x - 2)2(x + 1), 2) determining the polynomial P(x) when divided by (x - 3) with a quotient of 2x^2 + x - 6 and remainder of 4, and 3) finding the value of a if (x - 2) is a factor of ax^3 + 4x^2 + x - 2. It also gives a 4th problem of determining the value of k when 2x^3 + kx^2 - 3x + 2 is divided by x - 2 with a remainder of 4.
Polynomial functions are described by their degree and have certain characteristics. The graph of a polynomial is smooth and continuous without sharp corners. Odd degree polynomials rise on the left and fall on the right, while even degree polynomials rise on both sides. The number of x-intercepts and local maxima/minima are limited by the degree. Polynomials can be matched based on their degree, leading coefficient, even/odd nature, and number of x-intercepts and local extrema. The x-intercepts of a polynomial correspond to the roots of the equation, and a repeated root indicates a zero of higher multiplicity which affects the graph.
This document asks which of the following binomials are factors of the expression 9x - 12. The options given are x + 3 and x - 2. Of these two options, x - 2 is a factor of 9x - 12, since (3x - 4)(3x - 4) = 9x^2 - 12x + 12 = 9x - 12.