The document discusses the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), an international professional association headquartered in the US that advances technological innovation. It then lists several IEEE software documentation standards and definitions, including standards for software quality assurance plans, configuration management plans, test documentation, requirements specifications, validation and verification plans, design descriptions, and project management plans. The rest of the document provides details about quality assurance and test planning, outlining the typical contents of a quality assurance plan according to IEEE standard 730 and a test plan according to IEEE standard 829.
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Test planning
1. It stands for Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
2. It is a non-profit professional association headquartered in US.
10. SPMP Software Project Management Plan IEEE 1058TEST PLANNINGQUALITY ASSURANCE PLAN Jasbirsingh(10)TEST PLAN Pawan(6)
11. IEEE 730-2002 A standard for software quality assurance plansWorking Group Chair: Susan M CarrollSQA is implemented in project life cycle to reduce quality problems
12. QUALITY ASSURANCE PLAN ACCORDING TO IEEE 730PurposeReference documentsManagementDocumentationStandards, practices, conventions and metricsSoftware reviewsTestProblem reporting and corrective actionTools, techniques and methodologiesMedia controlSupplier controlRecords collection, maintenance and retentionTrainingRisk managementGlossarySQAP Change Procedure and History