This document provides tips for test preparation, taking exams, improving vocabulary, and creating an action plan to apply study methods. It recommends starting preparation early by organizing notes and materials, breaking study into manageable chunks, creating a study plan, practicing difficult topics, and forming study groups. On exams, it advises arriving early, reading directions carefully, answering easy questions first, and checking over the exam before finishing. To improve vocabulary, it suggests reading widely, using new words in sentences, learning synonyms and antonyms, and playing word games. The action plan includes establishing a study routine, participating actively in class, pre-reading chapters, and consulting references.
2. 1. Preparing for tests starts on the very first day of
school: Doing pre-readings,active participation
in class,asking questions for clarification and
writing down LUC lecture notes
3. 2.Begin reviewing early. This will give your
brain timeto get comfortable with the
information and time to ask for clarification.
When you review immediaetly you’ll have
time to clarify information with other
4. 3.Begin by organizing your notes texts and
assignments. Gather all materials, including
notes from classmates and results of past
5. 4.Break up the study tasks into manageable
chunks, especially during major reviews
prior to exams. Then estimate the hours
you’ll need to review the material.
7. 6.Spot what is to be memorized verbatim. It
is a good plan to use a special marking
symbol in text and notebook to indicate parts
and passages, rules, data, and other elements
which need to be memorized instead of
understood and remembered.
8. 7.During your review, write down acronyms,
acrostics to facilitate remembering and recall
fix concrete imagery whenever possible.
10. 9.Do practice tests. Actually,write out
examination questions on the material
that you might think you might get ask
during the exam. Then write answers to
your own questions.
11. 10.From a study group with other students in
your class, discuss and quiz each other on
important material.
15. 3.It’s test time!Read directions
carefully!Quickly scan or look through the
test for an overview.
16. 4.Answer questions in a strategic order: Easy
questions first to build confidence and save
17. 5.Answer every question.Unless there is a
pemalty for wrong, try to answers every
question; you may be able to get partial
credit for those who begin but don’t
complete correctly.
35. 1.Design a weekly study plan and follow the plan
2.Sit infront of class and cultivate your relationships with
teachers and classmates to build friends who will help me
achieve academic excellence.
36. 3.Take LUC Notes in every class lecture and review or
compare notes for completeness and accuracy with
4.Scan and review lecture notes before going to bed.
37. 5.Use free time in school and in between classes to consult
reference books.
6.Establish a 2-4 person study group for group study and
test review and pratcice.
38. 7.Share DVD tutorials and resources.
8.Plan for active class participation to get noticed by the
professor; asking clarifying questions and difficult points 3
times per week per subject.
39. 9.Everyday to do a chapter pre reading to get a panoramic
view of the next subject matter.
10.Make formula cards and important terms to post on walls
so you will not forget them.
40. 11.Consult references for every subject to have better
knowledge of points not taught by the professor.
12.Broaden vocabulary. Make a list of new vocabulary
words heard in class.
41. 13.In studying text books,formulate questiions to check on
learning and recall.
14.Apply 10 techniques for every effective Test
preparation.And 10 tips for acing test.
42. 15.Establish my image and credibility as a subject tutor so
you can practice by tutoring others.
16. Be Prepred for any surprise quiz everyday or surprise
class reciatation
43. 17. Keep a vocabulary notebook. Write 4-8 words per day
with meaning and sentence, 20-40 words per week.
18. Join a writing English club that meets weekly to read,
critic and correct reassigned essays.
19. Improve oral communications by joining a talk English
only club or a vocabulary club.