This document contains information about caring for aquarium tanks, including the necessary gravel, use of a psychrometer to measure salinity, and test kits to determine oxygen, pH and ammonia levels. It also provides the dimensions of a sample rectangular tank and how to calculate the volume of a circular tank. The remainder of the document asks and answers multiple choice questions about characteristics of the Chesapeake Bay watershed, such as its north-south distance, shoreline length, average depth, major rivers, defining a watershed, states it includes, acreage, defining salinity, region with highest salinity, defining semi-diurnal tides, and plant and animal species. It concludes with information about the last ice
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Test review Unit 1: Getting Your Feet Wet, Including the Chesapeake Bay Watershed
2. Aquarium Care…
ï‚— Gravel is necessary for beneficial bacteria, buffering,
and to trap suspended particles.
ï‚— A psychometer is used to measure salinity.
ï‚— Test kits determine oxygen, pH, and ammonia in tanks.
 Optimum pH in seawater is 8.1 – 8.2
ï‚— When introducing a new animal in an aquarium, salinity
and temperature must match.
ï‚— Fish tend to prefer water with a pH of 8.
4. Determine the volume of a
ï‚— Pi (r)2 x height
What is the volume of a tank that has radius of 30cm and
a height of 60cm?
3.14 (30) 2 x 60 = 11,304 cm3
5. 1. What is the distance of the
Chesapeake Bay north to
ï‚— 200 miles