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2 3
mInteraction, WPP owned and part of 
GroupM Thailand, the nations largest 
digital agency in terms of billings and 
organization works alongside GroupM 
agencies (Maxus, MEC, MediaCom, 
Mindshare) to provide premium digital 
solutions under 150 digital specialists. 
Digital 3Sixty 2014 Trends Guidebook 
4 5
Moving forward 
Digital perspective 
Full advangtage of new 
communication technology 
The world is smaller 
Social news is new entrusted news 
The democratization of social 
The Abdul era (The know it all 
A gateway to the mad mad world 
Fool-proof predictions 
Beyond the intelligence and 
The Internet of things 
Smart devices and more 
Unleasing new consumer behavior 
Empowerment through 
Digital + mobile screen 
The next big fad 
The rise of new idols 
Transforming from a nobody to 
The You & Me generation 
Whatever we do is to show + share 
The health-activist boomer 
S(H)O(W)cial contribution 
6 7
Moving forward 
Digital perspective 
Inspired by the communication landscape, 
TV continues to dominate the market while 
bursting with alternative media in channels 
that are new and innovative. 2013 was an 
excellent year as online ad spending grew 
34.2% (DAAT, 2013) whilst retail adverist-ing 
increased 1.28% (Nielsen, 2013) and 
Internet penetration was at 25%. As of 
January 2014, Thailand has 24M Facebook 
users, a quadruple digit growth of 1,100% 
from 2010 (2M). 
Despite the plethora of new 
media choices transforming 
interaction between brands 
and the consumer, mInter-action 
/ strategy & public 
relations department see 
2014 as the threshold year 
- from behind the typical 
traditional media, the on-slaught 
of new media forms 
and moving ahead, the 
digital engagement trends. 
Marketers have the edge to 
2012 - 2014 
Digital Spending 
(Billion THB) 
2012 2013 2014 
1 2
02 Full advangtage of new communication technology 
The world is smaller 
3G spirals into slow speed creating the one 
caveat for faster and transferable data to fur-ther 
satiate smartphone users. In 2013, leading 
mobile operation networks TrueMove and AIS 
began test-introducing 4G services within Bang-kok 
trimming borders between consumers and 
whichever information based on their curiosity 
to embrace this trend or not. The six degrees 
of seperation in reality is out and being virtu-ally 
connected with everyone means there are 
no barriers making the nation and the world 
go round bringing even strangers and friends 
3 4
03 Social news is new entrusted news 
The democratization of social media 
The democratization of the social 
network and instant messaging 
is changing consumers time 
consumption methods. The prolif-eration 
of individuals generated 
feeds, reports and opininos with all 
the massive buzz-worthy stories 
generated travel across the social 
landscape and induce immediate 
engagement withthin mere sec-onds. 
Case in point: the anti-gov-ernment 
protest and the great gi-raffe 
challenge, we know the drill. 
Such content creation and sharing 
ranges from photos, videos, and 
music. Influencers, celebrities, 
and branded products distributed 
throughout such cosicla channels 
via owned and earned media are 
valuable assets for marketers. 
Percent of Web Users Visiting 
a Social Networking Site 
March 2013 
5 6
04 The Abdul era (The know it all world) 
A gateway to the mad mad world 
Google & Wikipedia is referred to as the holy grail of 
information. We are in an entirely different era and the 
information and knwoledge alone is accessible within just 
one click. As predicted and confussed, more than 75% of 
young Thai college students cite their most go-to entrusted 
source of information to be Google and Wikipedia out of 
convenience and has since become their standard (mInter-action 
intelligence 2014). 
There are copious amounts 
of search engines and infor-mation 
sharing sites that can 
offer services in more ways 
than one and unlike any 
other expence offline to oth-erwise 
heavy textbooks and 
Growth in Unique 
9.5 MM 10 MM 
Source: XXX 
Searches per Searcher 
119.7 122.1 
Source: XXX 
91.1 83.9 
7 8
05 Fool-proof predictions 
Beyond the intelligence and indefinable 
Based on search-related results of 
consumers past usage and behavior 
on the web, this has spurred develop-ers 
to invent fantastic applications that 
could predict the informative, elusive, 
and indefinable in the process such as 
a nearby recommended restaurant, the 
taxi trapper, bus/train time predictors. 
Not only that, new pop cultural trends 
and terminology are being created 
online such as memes and new 
words searched for on own their own 
literally such as Twerking. We can 
witness brand campaigns inventing new 
catch-phrases quickly to beomce a viral 
phenomenon like wildfire. 
9 10
06 The Internet of things 
Smart devices and more 
Disregard your carry-on heavy 
external drives or teensy thumb 
drives. The answer is new tech-nology 
software such as iCloud, 
fileapp or Dropbox, which are 
quikcly becoming a necessity 
over convenience. With zero 
electric chords, any created 
deck, file or information can be 
called through Internet waves - 
no matter where you are as long 
as you are connected. Camera, 
iPad, music docks, all technol-ogy 
have infinite possibilities. 
That along with programmed 
sensors not only enable infor-mation 
sharing but tracking the 
location of lost items (remote 
controls), adjust room tempera-tures, 
and drive smart cards. 
Vint Cerfs, the father of the 
Internet and chief evangelist 
at Google, has the worlds 
best wine cellar with a seri-ously 
cool thermometer. 
11 12
07 Unleashing new consumer behavior 
Empowerment through communication 
The SMS era is a graveyard. The new year in 2013 officially 
marked the end of SMS greetings as they dramatically disap-peared 
from the screen. In lieu of text messaging, free apps such 
as Whatsapp, LINE, and Facebook-chat are the spotted emerging 
trends. Rather than a tradtional text message, consumers are now 
engaging in more full-fledged customizable and unique content. 
This allows the developers to expand its 
customizable and unique content. This allows the developers to 
expand its products into the e-commerce arena with the likes of 
LINE Sticker, Games, or Pictures instead of being haunted by the 
past. This type of adaptive marketing is filling the overlooked niche 
for highly personalized and responsive brands that can create a 
whole new league of interaction with consumers. Expect to see an 
upgrade in the developers bags tools and tricks. 
LINE Users 
in Thailand 
Source: XXX 
13 14
08 Digital + mobile screen 
The next big fad 
The stability of Internet changes the way people consume 
media; from traditional to mobile screens. YouTube or Internet 
TV became the latest craze for Thais to watch the latest drama 
at anywhere, anytime without an interruption from traidtional 
commercial. Plus, the availability of niche content provides room 
for consumer to catch up whatever they want to see - Hormones, 
Club Friday the Series, and so on. The multitude of video forms 
such as pre-roll, mid-roll, and post roll including the shift of con-sumers 
from watching televsion to the mobile screen has also 
increased lengthy full cips such as series, webisodes, and mob-isodes. 
Viral videos are here to stay with the rapid expansion of 
wide broadband Internet plus the growth of these types of digital/ 
mobile content and its development. 
2. Hormones 13M YouTube views 
3. Club Friday 1.7M 
15 16
09 The rise of new idols 
Transforming from a nobody to somebody 
Other than Baitoey and Ying 
Lii, known for their unconvet-ionally 
catchy music and dance 
moves, once the content went 
viral, many parodies and cover 
videos were made and posted 
digitally nationwide by fans. Also, 
its become the era for new net 
idols who are able to present 
themselves through the power of 
social media intentionally such as 
Jay the Rabbit. 
1. Jay the Rabbit fans opened 
around April 2013 
459,917 likes / 48,473 talk about 
17 18
10 The You & Me generation 
Whatever we do is to show + share We live in a self-created content safari. Other than being 
the second most popular Instagram check-in city after New 
York, being unique is in the gene of the Bangkokian. We 
can see the big infiltration of self-phot enhancing applica-tions, 
turning a simple picture into stunning works of visual 
merchanding through Camera 360, the ideal Instagram 
filters, and Photowonder of Perfect 365 that capture the 
most beautiful photos. In addition, global trends from suc-cessful 
me-marketing campaigns can also be a good trial 
execution for the Thai market to borrow. Exhibition: Share 
a Coke and other selfie marketing campaigns that attract 
the me, me, me Millennial. 
Percent Reach of Photos 
Minutes Spent per Visitor 
on Photos Category 
Thailand Thailand 
Source: XXX Source: XXX 
19 20
11 The health-activist boomer 
Nobody can deny the signs from 
marathon events, selfie pictures 
of muscular meatheads at the front 
of fitness mirrors, to groups of 
cyclists in midnight around town, 
or even a group of friends having 
fun in a boxing room. Its clear that 
health and fitness activities have 
become the big trends of Thais 
and an ideal validation to show-off 
on their social networks. Other 
than RunKeeper, Nike+Running, 
FitBit or Fuelband, we foresee 
the flurry of smart wearable gad-gets 
to help monitor ones sleep, 
track daily activities, observe food 
intakes, or even record your own 
bowel movements, and translate 
those into shareable content (shar-ing 
is caring, right?). 
21 22
12 S(H)O(W)cial contribution 
One of the massive trends that 
Thai people are really into is to 
take part in the contribution of 
current affairs and issues that 
rock the nations core. From 
the colossal earthquake and 
typhoon hitting the Philippines 
and so on, many social net-work 
groups emerged to raise 
welcomed money and support 
(such as the creation of t-shirts 
for sale, online dontations, and 
so on) - on a local and global 
level. For Thais ourselves, 
in celebration of His Majes-ty 
King Bhumibols Birthday, 
#longlivetheking hashtag 
became the fad in all types of 
social networks, also relaying 
the mainstream snetiments to 
honor the death of His Holiness 
Somet Phra Nyansamyara, the 
Supreme Patriarch of Thailand 
where corporates and individ-uals 
displayed a condolence 
message as well as to cancle 
all events and entertainment 
parties to pay their respects and 
act responsibly. 
23 24
Facing challenges of the digital age 
Ploenchit Centre, 1st Floor, 
2 Sukhumvit Road, Klongtoey, 
Bangkok 10110, Thailand 
A WPP Company 
Test test test

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  • 1. asdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfadfa dsafa-sdf asdfasdf sdf asdf asdf asdf adsf asdf asdfasdfasdfadsfa 2 3
  • 2. mInteraction, WPP owned and part of GroupM Thailand, the nations largest digital agency in terms of billings and organization works alongside GroupM agencies (Maxus, MEC, MediaCom, Mindshare) to provide premium digital solutions under 150 digital specialists. Digital 3Sixty 2014 Trends Guidebook 4 5
  • 3. TABLE OF CONTENTS 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 Moving forward Digital perspective Full advangtage of new communication technology The world is smaller Social news is new entrusted news The democratization of social media The Abdul era (The know it all world) A gateway to the mad mad world Fool-proof predictions Beyond the intelligence and indefinable The Internet of things Smart devices and more Unleasing new consumer behavior Empowerment through communication Digital + mobile screen The next big fad The rise of new idols Transforming from a nobody to somebody The You & Me generation Whatever we do is to show + share The health-activist boomer S(H)O(W)cial contribution 6 7
  • 4. 01 Moving forward Digital perspective Inspired by the communication landscape, TV continues to dominate the market while bursting with alternative media in channels that are new and innovative. 2013 was an excellent year as online ad spending grew 34.2% (DAAT, 2013) whilst retail adverist-ing increased 1.28% (Nielsen, 2013) and Internet penetration was at 25%. As of January 2014, Thailand has 24M Facebook users, a quadruple digit growth of 1,100% from 2010 (2M). Despite the plethora of new media choices transforming interaction between brands and the consumer, mInter-action / strategy & public relations department see 2014 as the threshold year - from behind the typical traditional media, the on-slaught of new media forms and moving ahead, the digital engagement trends. Marketers have the edge to 2012 - 2014 Digital Spending (Billion THB) 2.783 4.248 5.863 2012 2013 2014 1 2
  • 5. 02 Full advangtage of new communication technology The world is smaller 3G spirals into slow speed creating the one caveat for faster and transferable data to fur-ther satiate smartphone users. In 2013, leading mobile operation networks TrueMove and AIS began test-introducing 4G services within Bang-kok trimming borders between consumers and whichever information based on their curiosity to embrace this trend or not. The six degrees of seperation in reality is out and being virtu-ally connected with everyone means there are no barriers making the nation and the world go round bringing even strangers and friends together. 3 4
  • 6. 03 Social news is new entrusted news The democratization of social media The democratization of the social network and instant messaging is changing consumers time consumption methods. The prolif-eration of individuals generated feeds, reports and opininos with all the massive buzz-worthy stories generated travel across the social landscape and induce immediate engagement withthin mere sec-onds. Case in point: the anti-gov-ernment protest and the great gi-raffe challenge, we know the drill. Such content creation and sharing ranges from photos, videos, and music. Influencers, celebrities, and branded products distributed throughout such cosicla channels via owned and earned media are valuable assets for marketers. Percent of Web Users Visiting a Social Networking Site March 2013 93.9% 5 6
  • 7. 04 The Abdul era (The know it all world) A gateway to the mad mad world Google & Wikipedia is referred to as the holy grail of information. We are in an entirely different era and the information and knwoledge alone is accessible within just one click. As predicted and confussed, more than 75% of young Thai college students cite their most go-to entrusted source of information to be Google and Wikipedia out of convenience and has since become their standard (mInter-action intelligence 2014). There are copious amounts of search engines and infor-mation sharing sites that can offer services in more ways than one and unlike any other expence offline to oth-erwise heavy textbooks and backpacks. Growth in Unique Searchers 9.5 MM 10 MM +6% March 2012 Source: XXX March 2013 Searches per Searcher 119.7 122.1 143.3 Vietnam Thailand Worldwide Source: XXX 120.8 91.1 83.9 Malaysia Indonesia 97.3 Singapore Philippines 7 8
  • 8. 05 Fool-proof predictions Beyond the intelligence and indefinable Based on search-related results of consumers past usage and behavior on the web, this has spurred develop-ers to invent fantastic applications that could predict the informative, elusive, and indefinable in the process such as a nearby recommended restaurant, the taxi trapper, bus/train time predictors. Not only that, new pop cultural trends and terminology are being created online such as memes and new words searched for on own their own literally such as Twerking. We can witness brand campaigns inventing new catch-phrases quickly to beomce a viral phenomenon like wildfire. 9 10
  • 9. 06 The Internet of things Smart devices and more Disregard your carry-on heavy external drives or teensy thumb drives. The answer is new tech-nology software such as iCloud, fileapp or Dropbox, which are quikcly becoming a necessity over convenience. With zero electric chords, any created deck, file or information can be called through Internet waves - no matter where you are as long as you are connected. Camera, iPad, music docks, all technol-ogy have infinite possibilities. That along with programmed sensors not only enable infor-mation sharing but tracking the location of lost items (remote controls), adjust room tempera-tures, and drive smart cards. Vint Cerfs, the father of the Internet and chief evangelist at Google, has the worlds best wine cellar with a seri-ously cool thermometer. 11 12
  • 10. 07 Unleashing new consumer behavior Empowerment through communication The SMS era is a graveyard. The new year in 2013 officially marked the end of SMS greetings as they dramatically disap-peared from the screen. In lieu of text messaging, free apps such as Whatsapp, LINE, and Facebook-chat are the spotted emerging trends. Rather than a tradtional text message, consumers are now engaging in more full-fledged customizable and unique content. This allows the developers to expand its customizable and unique content. This allows the developers to expand its products into the e-commerce arena with the likes of LINE Sticker, Games, or Pictures instead of being haunted by the past. This type of adaptive marketing is filling the overlooked niche for highly personalized and responsive brands that can create a whole new league of interaction with consumers. Expect to see an upgrade in the developers bags tools and tricks. LINE Users in Thailand Source: XXX 18 million users 13 14
  • 11. 08 Digital + mobile screen The next big fad The stability of Internet changes the way people consume media; from traditional to mobile screens. YouTube or Internet TV became the latest craze for Thais to watch the latest drama at anywhere, anytime without an interruption from traidtional commercial. Plus, the availability of niche content provides room for consumer to catch up whatever they want to see - Hormones, Club Friday the Series, and so on. The multitude of video forms such as pre-roll, mid-roll, and post roll including the shift of con-sumers from watching televsion to the mobile screen has also increased lengthy full cips such as series, webisodes, and mob-isodes. Viral videos are here to stay with the rapid expansion of wide broadband Internet plus the growth of these types of digital/ mobile content and its development. 2. Hormones 13M YouTube views 3. Club Friday 1.7M 15 16
  • 12. 09 The rise of new idols Transforming from a nobody to somebody Other than Baitoey and Ying Lii, known for their unconvet-ionally catchy music and dance moves, once the content went viral, many parodies and cover videos were made and posted digitally nationwide by fans. Also, its become the era for new net idols who are able to present themselves through the power of social media intentionally such as Jay the Rabbit. 1. Jay the Rabbit fans opened around April 2013 459,917 likes / 48,473 talk about this 17 18
  • 13. 10 The You & Me generation Whatever we do is to show + share We live in a self-created content safari. Other than being the second most popular Instagram check-in city after New York, being unique is in the gene of the Bangkokian. We can see the big infiltration of self-phot enhancing applica-tions, turning a simple picture into stunning works of visual merchanding through Camera 360, the ideal Instagram filters, and Photowonder of Perfect 365 that capture the most beautiful photos. In addition, global trends from suc-cessful me-marketing campaigns can also be a good trial execution for the Thai market to borrow. Exhibition: Share a Coke and other selfie marketing campaigns that attract the me, me, me Millennial. Percent Reach of Photos Category Minutes Spent per Visitor on Photos Category 41.9% 8.9 Minutes Thailand Thailand Source: XXX Source: XXX 19 20
  • 14. 11 The health-activist boomer Nobody can deny the signs from marathon events, selfie pictures of muscular meatheads at the front of fitness mirrors, to groups of cyclists in midnight around town, or even a group of friends having fun in a boxing room. Its clear that health and fitness activities have become the big trends of Thais and an ideal validation to show-off on their social networks. Other than RunKeeper, Nike+Running, FitBit or Fuelband, we foresee the flurry of smart wearable gad-gets to help monitor ones sleep, track daily activities, observe food intakes, or even record your own bowel movements, and translate those into shareable content (shar-ing is caring, right?). 21 22
  • 15. 12 S(H)O(W)cial contribution One of the massive trends that Thai people are really into is to take part in the contribution of current affairs and issues that rock the nations core. From the colossal earthquake and typhoon hitting the Philippines and so on, many social net-work groups emerged to raise welcomed money and support (such as the creation of t-shirts for sale, online dontations, and so on) - on a local and global level. For Thais ourselves, in celebration of His Majes-ty King Bhumibols Birthday, #longlivetheking hashtag became the fad in all types of social networks, also relaying the mainstream snetiments to honor the death of His Holiness Somet Phra Nyansamyara, the highly Supreme Patriarch of Thailand where corporates and individ-uals displayed a condolence message as well as to cancle all events and entertainment parties to pay their respects and act responsibly. 23 24
  • 16. Facing challenges of the digital age Conclusion mInteraction Ploenchit Centre, 1st Floor, 2 Sukhumvit Road, Klongtoey, Bangkok 10110, Thailand A WPP Company www.minteraction.com