WOMMI @ MAFED: Buzz Marketing and Online Communities
This document discusses word-of-mouth marketing and online communities. It provides an overview of WOMMI, an Italian association for communication researchers and marketing professionals focused on ethical word-of-mouth practices. The presentation also covers the history of word-of-mouth marketing associations and strategies for brands to engage influencers and bloggers to generate buzz on social media platforms.
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Testimonianza di WOMMI al MAFED - Bocconi
1. WOMMI @ MAFED:Buzz Marketing and Online CommunitiesAndrea Febbraio CEO PromoDigital-Wikio Group WOMMI BoardmemberDaniele Federico Social media specialistWOMMI Coordinator
2. Word-of-mouthisoneof the oldest and mosteffectivewaystocommunicate. Surprisinglyitisonlyrecentlythat more studies and commercial usethiswonderfulapproach.WOMMIis the leadingItalianassociationgatheringtogethercommunicationresearchers and marketing professionals.WOMMI providesan open discussionboard and anethical guide managing community and conversation on behalfof a brand, anorganization or a non profit institution.
3. The historyof WOM associations2004 WOMMA waslaunchedEarly 2009 WOMJPwasbornSep. 2009 WOMMIwasborn2010The leading WOM associationbecomes
15. R.O.I.HonestyofRelationship: openessabout the relationshipbetweenconsumers, advocates and marketersHonestyofOpinion: nevertellconsumerswhattosayHonestyofIdentity: disclosureofidentityA central mission of WOMMA is to create an environment of trust between consumers and marketers. womma.org
16. AGAINST DECEPTIVE PRACTICESKey areasof the FTC Guide1. Overallimpression2. Typical results in testimonials3. Disclosurepolicies4. Blogger relations5. Celebrityendorsements6. Expert testimonialsThe Guides become effective Dec. 1, and while they are not laws, they explain how to avoid an investigation by the FTC for deceptive advertising.
28. provide a positive long term word-of-mouth. Strategy: a challenge among female bloggers in target categories (fashion & style)Outcome: 7 influent bloggers;
29. E-shopping and Social mediaStyleFeederisa personal shopping engineNever shop aloneMary Kate and Ashley OlsenWidgetsthat display users StyleFeedAmanda Congdon(ABC video blogger )Celebrities and testimonialshavetheirownStyleFeed badgeIn January 2010 StyleFeederwasacquiredbyTime Inc.Dylan and Cole Sprouse
33. Help fund and shapea collection4 WAYS TO ENGAGE:Become aBuyerBecome aFunderProvideFeedbackBecome aVIPThe chance to be part of an innovative concept during the most exciting weeks in the industry. Customers can actually pre-order items that they see on the runway. Its a first for us, and it seems like the industry is moving in this direction as the fashion life cycle comes under more and more pressure - Chris Kunz, president of Nicholas K