This document contains evaluations from participants of a Navigational Coaching Course held by WestJet in Calgary in May 2011. Most participants rated the program and facilitators as excellent. They found the lessons informative and applicable to both work and life. The facilitators effectively used techniques like personal stories, videos, role-plays and feedback models to engage participants and maintain a good flow of information. While some participants felt they needed practice to apply the lessons, most felt it was a valuable program that provided useful tools and insights.
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Testimony: Navigational Coaching Workshop
1. Navigational Coaching Course Evaluation
Calgary, May 2011
Rate the Program: Good
I didnt really have anything to compare this to but I found the lessons quite enlightening.
Rate the Facilitators: Excellent
The outline was followed and the mix of personal anecdotal stories kept it informative and
entertaining. Entertaining might not be the right word but it wasnt dull.
Keep on keeping on. Great job. Thanks so much.
Candice, Sales Coordinator
Rate the Program: Excellent
Valuable content applicable to all areas of life.
Rate the Facilitators: Excellent
Great delivery and usable of adult learning techniques.
Good energy flow by the facilitators and engagement with participants. The mix and match of media
(video) instruction sessions and role-plays maintain a good information flow.
Mike Miguel, Manager Strategic Sales
Rate the Program: Good
Good program, look forward to putting it into action, but it will require practice.
Rate the Facilitators: Excellent
Pat and Matt were great. Very patient. They truly understand the culture at WestJet and made the
program fit into it. They work well together.
Its a great program. I still dont see a direct relationship between coaching and selling. However, I
now have an open mind and eventually will get the relationship. I need to come back to this often to
get to that point. Loved the videos, it kept the content fresh. No issues. Well worth the two days.
Hanif Manji, Manager
Rate the Program: Excellent
Easy to go through. Easy to follow.
Rate the Facilitators: Excellent
Both facilitators open mind. Both are getting involved it was important for the participant.
Program is very well built. Program helps me to understand that coaching is important. We got a lot
of information and it was great to be able to practice.
Louis Gosselin, Manager
2. Rate the Program: Excellent
Easy to follow, lots of variety, having a next step plan to walk away with.
Rate the Facilitators: Excellent
Pat Lead. Matt Associate. They worked well off one another and were informative, knowledgeable
and approachable.
I found the practical exercises productive, especially using the feedback model. I think the cards will
be useful and I will keep them handy.
Rate the Program: Good
Learned a lot about myself and how I can improve myself.
Rate the Facilitators: Excellent
I thought Pat showed a tremendous level of understanding and showed practical ways to implement a
lot of this material into my work life.
I got a lot out of this material. Thanks Pat!
Ian Smyth
Rate the Program: Excellent
Well organized, great material. Easily applicable to everyday life and business.
Rate the Facilitators: Excellent
Matt and Pat were knowledgeable, credible and great presenters.
Great high level sales training. In the future would like to learn more about body language.
Stephen Fast, Sales Representative
Rate the Program: Excellent
The program was very approachable simple to understand and hopefully to put into action.
Rate the Facilitators: Excellent
Good pace, great feedback, use of the model in teaching was interesting.
Loved the movies, the cue cards will be useful. I think having access to the videos after the training
could be useful to go back to basics when needed.