Testing plays a significant role in analyzing the quality and reliability of developed code. A minor issue with code quality can lead to severe project failure and lead to your project teetering. Because of its importance, many DevOps teams have started testing earlier in the cycle – not just at the end of development or after QA has had their final go-through before deployment.
In this article, we'll cover why it's essential to test your code as early as possible in the DevOps process. We’ll also focus on specific methods and practices of DevOps testing by providing examples of how to incorporate them into your workflow.
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Testing in DevOps – The Basic and Critical Things You Need to Know
1. Testing in DevOps – The Basic and
Critical Things You Need to Know
by Manav Jain ꞏ Jan. 17, 22 ꞏ DevOps Zone ꞏ Opinion
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Testing plays a signi몭icant role in analyzing the quality and reliability of developed
code. A minor issue with code quality can lead to severe project failure and lead to
your project teetering. Because of its importance, many DevOps teams have started
testing earlier in the cycle – not just at the end of development or after QA has had
their 몭inal go‑through before deployment.
Statista says that DevOps adoption reached a whopping 62% in CI/CD work몭lows
and 60% under development environments. With more industries upgrading to the
latest technologies, we are witnessing a diverse level of adoption among business
In this article, we'll cover why it's essential to test your code as early as possible in
the DevOps process. We’ll also focus on speci몭ic methods and practices of DevOps
testing by providing examples of how to incorporate them into your work몭low.
Let's get started with the basics!
How Does Traditional Testing Work?
Traditional software testing often includes regression testing, in which each feature
gets tested after updates are complete. With continuous delivery, developers deploy
updates as soon as they're ready. It often means new features are getting deployed
DZone > DevOps Zone > Testing in DevOps – The Basic and Critical Things You Need to Know