Spotlight is a research-based reading approach provided by Brent Daigle, PhD. It is a site-based program only available to schools with Title 1 SW eligibility. To schedule a Spotlight program, contact Brent Daigle via email, phone, or Twitter.
This document provides policies and procedures for Lindale Middle School including contact information for various administrators and staff. It outlines how to contact substitutes, access grading platforms, and use online assessment tools. Emergency response codes and procedures are also listed for different scenarios such as fire drills, lockdowns, and evacuations. Teachers and students are instructed to follow designated routes and procedures during any emergency to ensure safety.
This document provides an overview of Mrs. Zamarripa-Hicks's fifth grade class schedule, curriculum, and policies. The daily schedule outlines times for subjects like math, social studies, and reading. Key aspects of the curriculum are International Baccalaureate units of inquiry, focus on STAAR testing in core subjects, and use of technology in the classroom. The document also reviews lunch/recess procedures and opportunities for parent involvement.
The document provides information about an upcoming event called the X-Factor on May 5th and 6th, 2016. The X-Factor involves student groups presenting their Exhibition research and learning to a panel of judges for feedback. Students will have 5-8 minutes to present on their topic area, how they plan to share their learning, and their proposed action. The judges will ask questions and provide feedback to help students improve their final presentations for Exhibition Day. A schedule outlines when each of the 14 student groups will have their turn to present over the two-day period.
Teaching and learning @ lls october 2016bdavis2014
This document discusses the personal and professional challenges faced by a teacher in adapting to changes in the computing curriculum from 2014-2017. It outlines changes to the ICT curriculum at key stages 1-3 and new GCSE and A-level syllabi. The second part lists various responses and resources the teacher uses to respond to changes, including collaborating with colleagues within the school and other networks, gathering student feedback, using online resources like blogs and social media, reading books, and engaging in professional development activities.
Paul Cancellieri documents his experience as a Kenan Fellow completing an externship with Cisco. Over the course of a month, he reflects daily on activities like meetings, trainings, and project planning. He works to develop a project using Cisco collaboration tools to connect his students with an international partner classroom on the topic of water issues. After initial difficulties finding partners, he eventually connects with a school in India to collaborate asynchronously.
Top 10 education quotes for students teachers parents and educationistRajeev Ranjan
Liberty without Learning is always in peril and Learning without Liberty is always in vain. John F. Kennedy
The secret in education lies in respecting the student. Ralph Waldo Emerson
Google Docs allows for real-time collaboration on documents, spreadsheets, and presentations from any device with an internet connection. The document discusses how to set up a Google Doc for a group case analysis assignment, including using a template, making the document public, publishing it, sharing it with group members and the instructor, and noting it will be used for Case Analysis #1.
This document outlines the syllabus for a conceptual chemistry class, including class resources, student learning objectives, grading policies, homework and lab policies, and expectations. Key points include: the class will cover matter and change, measurement, atomic theory, the periodic table, bonding and shapes, and names/formulas; grades are based on tests, homework, labs, notebooks, and a research paper; labs are on Tuesdays; notebooks are required for lectures and labs; and academic honesty is strictly enforced.
From SLLA Crash Course (2017). This has two complete Practice Tests.
The School Leaders Licensure Assessment (SLLA) measures whether entry-level education leaders have the standards-relevant knowledge believed necessary for competent professional practice. There are many different ways to study for the SLLA. One way is to be familiar with test questions and styles. This presentation is meant as an aid for those seeking school administrators licensure. If you questions or comments email me at
This document discusses verbs and provides examples of identifying verbs in sentences. Verbs are defined as action words that tell what someone or someone is doing. Two word problems are given with sentences about Sue working in her garden and Joe walking his dog. Students are asked to write the verb from each sentence on the corresponding line. The document demonstrates that verbs are the action words that are underlined in sentences.
This document provides a verbs worksheet that contains 15 sentences for students to underline the action words (verbs) in each sentence. The sentences cover a variety of common verbs like make, sing, mend, treat, bark, sing, burn, sat, went, speaks, shouted, played, fly, writes, and build. The worksheet is from the website which offers additional English grammar worksheets.
The document announces workshops for the CPACE and CBEST exams in Oakland and Los Angeles. It provides contact information for Brent Daigle, PhD, who can be emailed or called to attend the workshops preparing applicants for the California Preliminary Administrative Credential Examination and California Basic Educational Skills Test.
School Leaders Licensure Assessment Review: From This Book: SLLA Crash Course...Wafa Hozien
From: SLLA Crash Course (2017). With two complete Practice Tests.
The School Leaders Licensure Assessment (SLLA) measures whether entry-level education leaders have the standards-relevant knowledge believed necessary for competent professional practice. This is a review session that I hold that documents what an education leader may encounter. Each of the questions in this powerpoint focus on a specific content area related to the standards addressed in ISLLC 2008. In answering the questions, candidates are required to analyze situations and data, propose appropriate courses of action and provide rationales for their proposals.
Special education has evolved over time from individuals being denied access to schooling to laws requiring schools to provide students with disabilities a free and appropriate public education. The Education for All Handicapped Children Act of 1975 established special education services and protections for students with disabilities. Current federal law, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, requires public schools to provide individualized education programs tailored to each student's needs in the least restrictive environment.
This document appears to be an instruction sheet for an educational activity. It instructs students to read sentences matching glasses helping people see better to perform certain tasks like scoring a basket, keeping people safe, and fighting fires. Students are then asked to draw lines connecting each sentence to the matching picture. The document also instructs students to write and draw pictures of nouns under the categories of people, places, and things.
Henry J. Pankey is an education consultant who works in school improvement and is also a motivational speaker and author. He received the Ida B. Wells Hall of Fame Award on November 12, 1999 for his work. His contact information is provided.
This is Alan Blankstein's text Failure is NOT an Option, Chapter 5. This chapter is about creating common visions and goals that work and are better than good to ensure successful schooling.
This document provides policies and procedures for Lindale Middle School including contact information for various administrators and staff. It outlines how to contact substitutes, access grading platforms, and use online assessment tools. Emergency response codes and procedures are also listed for different scenarios such as fire drills, lockdowns, and evacuations. Teachers and students are instructed to follow designated routes and procedures during any emergency to ensure safety.
This document provides an overview of Mrs. Zamarripa-Hicks's fifth grade class schedule, curriculum, and policies. The daily schedule outlines times for subjects like math, social studies, and reading. Key aspects of the curriculum are International Baccalaureate units of inquiry, focus on STAAR testing in core subjects, and use of technology in the classroom. The document also reviews lunch/recess procedures and opportunities for parent involvement.
The document provides information about an upcoming event called the X-Factor on May 5th and 6th, 2016. The X-Factor involves student groups presenting their Exhibition research and learning to a panel of judges for feedback. Students will have 5-8 minutes to present on their topic area, how they plan to share their learning, and their proposed action. The judges will ask questions and provide feedback to help students improve their final presentations for Exhibition Day. A schedule outlines when each of the 14 student groups will have their turn to present over the two-day period.
Teaching and learning @ lls october 2016bdavis2014
This document discusses the personal and professional challenges faced by a teacher in adapting to changes in the computing curriculum from 2014-2017. It outlines changes to the ICT curriculum at key stages 1-3 and new GCSE and A-level syllabi. The second part lists various responses and resources the teacher uses to respond to changes, including collaborating with colleagues within the school and other networks, gathering student feedback, using online resources like blogs and social media, reading books, and engaging in professional development activities.
Paul Cancellieri documents his experience as a Kenan Fellow completing an externship with Cisco. Over the course of a month, he reflects daily on activities like meetings, trainings, and project planning. He works to develop a project using Cisco collaboration tools to connect his students with an international partner classroom on the topic of water issues. After initial difficulties finding partners, he eventually connects with a school in India to collaborate asynchronously.
Top 10 education quotes for students teachers parents and educationistRajeev Ranjan
Liberty without Learning is always in peril and Learning without Liberty is always in vain. John F. Kennedy
The secret in education lies in respecting the student. Ralph Waldo Emerson
Google Docs allows for real-time collaboration on documents, spreadsheets, and presentations from any device with an internet connection. The document discusses how to set up a Google Doc for a group case analysis assignment, including using a template, making the document public, publishing it, sharing it with group members and the instructor, and noting it will be used for Case Analysis #1.
This document outlines the syllabus for a conceptual chemistry class, including class resources, student learning objectives, grading policies, homework and lab policies, and expectations. Key points include: the class will cover matter and change, measurement, atomic theory, the periodic table, bonding and shapes, and names/formulas; grades are based on tests, homework, labs, notebooks, and a research paper; labs are on Tuesdays; notebooks are required for lectures and labs; and academic honesty is strictly enforced.
From SLLA Crash Course (2017). This has two complete Practice Tests.
The School Leaders Licensure Assessment (SLLA) measures whether entry-level education leaders have the standards-relevant knowledge believed necessary for competent professional practice. There are many different ways to study for the SLLA. One way is to be familiar with test questions and styles. This presentation is meant as an aid for those seeking school administrators licensure. If you questions or comments email me at
This document discusses verbs and provides examples of identifying verbs in sentences. Verbs are defined as action words that tell what someone or someone is doing. Two word problems are given with sentences about Sue working in her garden and Joe walking his dog. Students are asked to write the verb from each sentence on the corresponding line. The document demonstrates that verbs are the action words that are underlined in sentences.
This document provides a verbs worksheet that contains 15 sentences for students to underline the action words (verbs) in each sentence. The sentences cover a variety of common verbs like make, sing, mend, treat, bark, sing, burn, sat, went, speaks, shouted, played, fly, writes, and build. The worksheet is from the website which offers additional English grammar worksheets.
The document announces workshops for the CPACE and CBEST exams in Oakland and Los Angeles. It provides contact information for Brent Daigle, PhD, who can be emailed or called to attend the workshops preparing applicants for the California Preliminary Administrative Credential Examination and California Basic Educational Skills Test.
School Leaders Licensure Assessment Review: From This Book: SLLA Crash Course...Wafa Hozien
From: SLLA Crash Course (2017). With two complete Practice Tests.
The School Leaders Licensure Assessment (SLLA) measures whether entry-level education leaders have the standards-relevant knowledge believed necessary for competent professional practice. This is a review session that I hold that documents what an education leader may encounter. Each of the questions in this powerpoint focus on a specific content area related to the standards addressed in ISLLC 2008. In answering the questions, candidates are required to analyze situations and data, propose appropriate courses of action and provide rationales for their proposals.
Special education has evolved over time from individuals being denied access to schooling to laws requiring schools to provide students with disabilities a free and appropriate public education. The Education for All Handicapped Children Act of 1975 established special education services and protections for students with disabilities. Current federal law, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, requires public schools to provide individualized education programs tailored to each student's needs in the least restrictive environment.
This document appears to be an instruction sheet for an educational activity. It instructs students to read sentences matching glasses helping people see better to perform certain tasks like scoring a basket, keeping people safe, and fighting fires. Students are then asked to draw lines connecting each sentence to the matching picture. The document also instructs students to write and draw pictures of nouns under the categories of people, places, and things.
Henry J. Pankey is an education consultant who works in school improvement and is also a motivational speaker and author. He received the Ida B. Wells Hall of Fame Award on November 12, 1999 for his work. His contact information is provided.
This is Alan Blankstein's text Failure is NOT an Option, Chapter 5. This chapter is about creating common visions and goals that work and are better than good to ensure successful schooling.
A GACE workshop is being held on August 15, 2015 with sessions on ESOL from 10AM to 1PM, SPED from 1:30PM to 4:30PM, and Educational Leadership from 5:30PM to 8:30PM. The workshop contact is Brent Daigle who can be reached by email, phone, or Twitter to register for the event.
This document provides information about an ORELA exam workshop for Oregon Educational Leadership and Special Education. It will take place on Saturday, June 27, 2015 at Marylhurst, OR. Those interested in attending should contact Dr. Brent Daigle via email at or phone at 985-400-2542.
This document advertises FTCE and FELE exam workshops in May 2015 in Palm Beach, Tampa, and Tallahassee. It provides contact information for Brent Daigle, PhD, who can be emailed or called to attend workshops on the Professional Education Test, ESOL K-12 exam, Exceptional Student Education K-12 exam, and the Florida Educational Leadership Examination.
To join us for the class contact:
Brent Daigle, Ph.D.
Phone: (985)-231-6108
Twitter: @brentdaigle
The document advertises two workshops on August 30th in Boulder, Colorado to help prepare for principal and special education certification exams. The principal exam workshop runs from 10am to 1pm and the special education workshop is from 1:30pm to 4:30pm. Interested participants can reserve a seat by emailing and the workshop location and contact information is provided.
PRAXIS SLLA and PRAXIS PLT Workshop- August 23, 2014 - Baton RougeBrent Daigle, Ph.D.
The document announces a Praxis workshop being held on August 23rd in Baton Rouge, Louisiana to help participants prepare for the School Leaders Licensure Assessment (SLLA) exam and the Principles of Learning and Teaching (PLT) exam. The workshop includes separate morning and afternoon sessions covering the SLLA exam from 10am to 1pm and the PLT exam from 1:30pm to 4:30pm. Interested participants are instructed to email or call the contact information provided to reserve a seat.
The document announces an educational workshop in Sandy, Utah on August 16th for PRAXIS exams on educational leadership and principles of learning and teaching. It provides contact information to email Dr. Brent Daigle to reserve a seat, and lists the times for the two workshops on educational leadership from 10am to 1pm and principles of learning and teaching from 1:30pm to 4:30pm.
PRAXIS PLT and Special Education Workshop- Raleigh, NC - Aug 9 Brent Daigle, Ph.D.
The document announces a PRAXIS workshop being held on August 9th in Raleigh, North Carolina to help participants prepare for the Principles of Learning and Teaching (PLT) and the Special Education exams. It provides the times for each workshop, contact information for Dr. Brent Daigle, and instructs participants to email him to reserve a seat.
On-site registration at the class. To reserve a spot email:
Tampa, FL: Saturday, June 21, 2014
FELE Workshop : 10:00 am – 1:00 pm
FTCE ESE Workshop : 1:30 pm-4:30 pm
Palm Beach, FL: (Multiple classes)
FTCE ESOL: Wednesday, June 25: 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm
FTCE Profession ED: Thursday, June 26: 6:00 pm–9:00 pm
FELE Workshop : Saturday, June 28: 10:00 am – 1:00 pm
FTCE ESE Workshop : Saturday, June 28: 1:30 pm-4:30 pm
This document provides information about two PRAXIS workshops for the SLLA and PLT exams. It lists the email contact for the SLLA workshop and provides the date and location for the PLT workshop, which will take place on March 29, 2014 in Baton Rouge.
This document provides information about two PRAXIS workshops. A SLLA workshop will be held on an unspecified date and location, and interested parties should email Dr. Brent Daigle for more details or to reserve a seat. Additionally, a Special Education workshop will be held on April 12, 2014 in St. Louis, Missouri.
School Principal 9:00am–12:00 pm – Saturday, March 22, 2014
Special Education 1:00 am–4:00 pm – Saturday, March 22, 2014
For more details, or to reserve a seat in the class, email:
How to Setup WhatsApp in Odoo 17 - Odoo ºÝºÝߣsCeline George
Integrate WhatsApp into Odoo using the WhatsApp Business API or third-party modules to enhance communication. This integration enables automated messaging and customer interaction management within Odoo 17.
Digital Tools with AI for e-Content Development.pptxDr. Sarita Anand
This ppt is useful for not only for B.Ed., M.Ed., M.A. (Education) or any other PG level students or Ph.D. scholars but also for the school, college and university teachers who are interested to prepare an e-content with AI for their students and others.
Chapter 1. Basic Concepts of Strategic Management.pdfRommel Regala
This course provides students with a comprehensive understanding of strategic management principles, frameworks, and applications in business. It explores strategic planning, environmental analysis, corporate governance, business ethics, and sustainability. The course integrates Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to enhance global and ethical perspectives in decision-making.
How to Configure Flexible Working Schedule in Odoo 18 EmployeeCeline George
In this slide, we’ll discuss on how to configure flexible working schedule in Odoo 18 Employee module. In Odoo 18, the Employee module offers powerful tools to configure and manage flexible working schedules tailored to your organization's needs.
This course provides students with a comprehensive understanding of strategic management principles, frameworks, and applications in business. It explores strategic planning, environmental analysis, corporate governance, business ethics, and sustainability. The course integrates Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to enhance global and ethical perspectives in decision-making.
Research Publication & Ethics contains a chapter on Intellectual Honesty and Research Integrity.
Different case studies of intellectual dishonesty and integrity were discussed.
How to create security group category in Odoo 17Celine George
This slide will represent the creation of security group category in odoo 17. Security groups are essential for managing user access and permissions across different modules. Creating a security group category helps to organize related user groups and streamline permission settings within a specific module or functionality.
Unit 1 Computer Hardware for Educational Computing.pptxRomaSmart1
Computers have revolutionized various sectors, including education, by enhancing learning experiences and making information more accessible. This presentation, "Computer Hardware for Educational Computing," introduces the fundamental aspects of computers, including their definition, characteristics, classification, and significance in the educational domain. Understanding these concepts helps educators and students leverage technology for more effective learning.
Managing expiration dates of products in odooCeline George
Odoo allows users to set expiration dates at both the product and batch levels, providing flexibility and accuracy. By using Odoo's expiration date management, companies can minimize waste, optimize stock rotation, and maintain high standards of product quality. The system allows users to set expiration dates at both the product and batch levels, providing flexibility and accuracy.