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Texas Lions Camp
                                                                          Children Can . . . with TLCJ
                                    POST OFFICE BOX 290247  KERRVILLE, TX  78029-0247  OFFICE: (830) 896-8500  FAX: (830) 896-3666
                                                                http://www.lionscamp.com  E-MAIL: tlc@lionscamp.com

Dear Parents/Legal Guardians:

Another summer is quickly approaching, and that means it is time to apply for a week of fun at Texas Lions Camp!
We have been busily preparing for the upcoming summer and are excited by the possibility of setting another record-
breaking year for attendance. As always, this experience is offered completely free of charge to children from the
State of Texas.

Special Instructions

While the application might appear long, all of the information requested is necessary for the care of your child. It has
been formatted in such a way that it is easily completed. Please use black ink and provide all of the information

Applications will be accepted beginning January 15, and they will be processed according to the order in which they
are received. Please submit your application no later than one month prior to the session for which you are applying.
However, we will continue to accept applications after the due date until the session is full. The camper must have the
physical portion of the application dated after January 15 of the year in which they are attending camp. Faxed
applications are acceptable for beginning the application process; however, you must mail the original application so
that your childs final assignment is not delayed.

Prior to sending your application, please check to make sure that the Lions signature, parents signature and
physicians signature have been provided and are legible. Without these necessary signatures, we cannot process
your childs application. A committee will review the application and notify you and your sponsoring Lion of the
status of your childs application.

Summer Camp Schedule 2011

   Session 1 June 5  June 11
   Session 2 June 12  June 18
   Session 3 June 19  June 25
   Session 4 June 26  July 2
   Session 5 July 3  July 9
   Down syndrome Camp        July 17  July 23

If you have any questions or need additional information, please do not hesitate to contact the Lions Camp office.

Sincerely yours,

Stephen S. Mabry, CAE, CFRE
Chief Executive Officer

SSM/djh                                                                          (Over please)

                                                                    Serving Children Since 1949
                 Jack King, President; Pat Carroll, First Vice President; Sam Lindsey, Second Vice President; Leon Van Alstine, Third Vice President; James Jim Wilks, Treasurer;
       William Bill E. Roe, Secretary; Dennis Heitkamp, Immediate Past President; James H. Browning, Elected Governors Representative; John B. Hopkins, Elected Directors Representative
                                                                            Stephen S. Mabry, CAE, Chief Executive Officer
Texas Lions Camp
                          P.O. Box 290247, Kerrville, Texas 78029-0247
                           (830) 896-8500 Office (830) 896-3666 Fax
                            tlc@lionscamp.com www.lionscamp.com

                                          Camper Information

Please make sure the entire application is complete before mailing it. Incomplete applications will delay the
assignment process and may jeopardize your campers chances of being assigned to a camping session.

                                         Application Checklist

Please complete the entire application, paying special attention to the following:
  Lion signature on page 2 of application.
  Newspaper information completed on page 2 of application.
  Session preference marked on page 2 of application.
  If any assistance is needed (indicated on page 3 of application), please send written, detailed instructions.
  Parent signature on page 4 of application.
  All camper info and insurance info completed on page 5 of application, regardless of insurance coverage.
  Provide immunization dates on page 6 of application.
  Physician signature on page 6 of application.
  Original application must be on file before a camping assignment can be made.

                                             The Texas Lions Camp, Inc.
                                       is a 501(c)3 not-for-profit organization.
Texas Lions Camp
                                              Camper Application ~ Handicap                                                         1

                                              Camper Eligibility Guidelines
        IMPORTANT: Applicants must be able to answer Yes to all of the following questions in
        order to attend Camp. You are welcome to submit an application with a No answer, but
        please be aware that this questionnaire has been provided in order to save you time incurred by
        the application process. Call or write the Camp office for clarification of any guidelines.

Yes No Campers Name: _______________________________________
       1. My child has a primary physical disability which qualifies him or her for camp.
                     My Childs primary disability is: _____________________________________.
                     Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
                     Amputee                   Cerebral Palsy              Legg-Perthes                    Polio
                     Asthma                    Charcot-Marie-Tooth         Lupus                           Rickets
                     Atonic Diplegia           Deaf/Hearing Impaired Muscular Dystrophy                    Scoliosis
                     Blind/Vision Impaired     Epilepsy                    Mute                            Sickle Cell
                     Burns                     Heart                       Partial Paralysis               Stroke
                     Cancer/Tumor              Juvenile Rheum. Arthritis Phocomelia

                     * Children ineligible to attend are those with developmental delay, contagious or infectious diseases, bedfast, a
     Read            disability which might cause the child to be harmed by the activity of the camp, or a disability which does not
   Carefully!        allow the child to participate in the camps therapeutic recreation program. Examples include, but are not limited
                     to, the following:
                     Attention Deficit Disorder               Down syndrome*               Mental Retardation
                     Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Emotionally Disturbed        Osteogenesis Imperfecta (brittle bone)
                     Autism                                   Hemophilia                   Any Contagious or Infectious Disease
                     *(Children with Down syndrome should apply to attend the Lions Camp for Down syndrome)

                2. My child has an I.Q. of 70 or above. A child with a primary physical disability must have an I.Q. of 70 or above
                     to qualify. If an I.Q. score is not available, the childs teacher or doctor can provide written evidence.

                3. My child will be at least 7 years old but not over the age of 16 at the beginning of the session for which he or she
                     is applying to attend.

                4. My child will be able to participate in and enjoy a therapeutic recreation program for children with physical

                5. If my childs qualifying physical disability is visual impairment, he or she has a corrected visual acuity of 20/70
                     or less (20/80, 20/90, etc.)       Does not apply.

                6. If my childs qualifying physical disability is hearing impairment, he or she has a hearing loss of 60 db or greater.
                         Does not apply.

                7. My child is mobile and will be able to travel from point A to point B in order to participate in activities.
                     Appliances that assist children in ambulation (i.e., wheelchairs, walkers, crutches, etc.) must accompany children
                     to camp.

                8. My child has bowel and kidney function and control. If there are internal or external devices, my child is able to
                     take care of these needs. For those requiring catheterization, campers must be able to catheterize

                9.   My child will be able to assist the summer staff with basic self-help skills such as feeding and dressing.

                            Note: New campers have priority over former campers for assignment.
   Texas Lions Camp  PO Box 290247  Kerrville, TX 78029  830.896.8500 Office/TDD  830.896.3666 Fax
                                                                                                   F:StaffPublisherApplicationsCamper Application HC 2011.pub
Texas Lions Camp
                                            Camper Application ~ Handicap                                                 2
                            All questions must be answered. Please type or print using black ink.

                                       Preference for Camp Assignment
The Camp will try to assign the applicant to the session of first choice. If the session is full, the second choice will be used. Mark
1 by the session of first choice and 2 by the session of second choice. Please refer to application cover letter for session dates.
                       Session 1            Session 2          Session 3          Session 4        Session 5

                                                   Camper Information
Please print               Last Name:                                      First Name:                            Middle Name:
name of child:
Mailing Address:                                                           City:                         State:                   Zip:

Age:                       Date of Birth:                                  Sex:               Home Phone: (                   )
Please print name of                 Last Name:                                      First Name:
Mothers Work Phone & Fax:                     Fathers Work Phone & Fax:                     Cell: (             )
Phone: (        )                              Phone: (         )                             Pager: (                )
Fax: (          )                              Fax: (           )                             E-mail:

Name of Emergency Contact                      Relation to Camper:                            Emergency Contacts Home Phone:
(other than parent):                                                                          (             )
                                                                                              Emergency Contacts Cell Phone:
                                                                                              (             )
Has the Applicant ever attended Texas Lions Camp? __________ If yes, list years: ______________________________________
Has the Applicant ever attended any other camp? _____________ If yes, where? ________________________________________
Is the childs mental or social age below average?   Yes           No
If Yes, give I.Q. ___________ , functional age ______________ , or substantiating evidence of social abilities (i.e., written
documentation from teacher or physician regarding how well child gets along with peers, adults, completes tasks, etc.).
Camp will send your childs photograph and camp attendance information to your local newspaper. Please provide the newspaper
information requested below. If left blank, no information will be sent.
Newspaper Name:                      Mailing Address                       City:                                  Newspaper Phone:
                                                                                                                  (           )

                                            Statement from Lion Sponsor
We, the ____________________________________ Lions Club of ________________________________ ,
Texas, District ________________ wish to sponsor the below named child for Texas Lions Camp.
Signature of Lion Sponsor: ________________________________________________________________
Please print                Lions Last Name:                                         Lions First Name:
name of Lion:
Lions Mailing Address:                                                               City:              State:                   Zip:

Lions Home Phone:                             Lions Work or Cell Phone:                     Lions Fax:
(           )                                  (           )                                  (             )
Camper Information...Continued                                    3
                    If any assistance is needed, please attach written, detailed instructions.

Meals:                               Campers Name: __________________________________
   No assistance needed
   Some assistance needed               Food needs to be cut/chopped         Needs straw for liquids
* If ANY assistance is needed, please attach written, detailed instructions.

   No assistance needed
   Some assistance needed               Needs help washing hair only             Total assistance needed
* If ANY assistance is needed, please attach written, detailed instructions.

   No assistance needed
   Some assistance needed               Needs help with buttons/zippers          Needs help with socks/shoes
   Total assistance needed
* If ANY assistance is needed, please attach written, detailed instructions.

Mobility: (check all that apply)
   No assistance needed
   Requires assistance                    Walks with assistance
   Uses walker                            Uses braces                         Uses crutches
   Uses electric wheelchair               Uses manual wheelchair
List all mobility appliances that will accompany child to Camp (i.e., wheelchair, walker, etc.) _____________
Special instructions: _______________________________________________________________________

   No assistance needed
   Needs help transferring              Needs help cleaning up
   Wets bed                             Needs bed pads
   Wears diapers/Depends during         Day, Night, Both.
   Bowel control is limited             No bowel control
   Bladder control is limited           No bladder control
   Catheterizes self every ______ hours
* If ANY assistance is needed, please attach written, detailed instructions.

Is there any additional information you think we should know in order to care for your child? _____________
List all other supplies and appliances related to the childs handicap that will be brought to Camp (i.e., wheel-
chair, walker, prosthetics, etc.): ______________________________________________________________
Parent/Legal Guardian Agreement                                                4
                                  Please read this document carefully and sign below.
                                          Consent to Attend & Participate
I hereby give consent for my child (ward) to attend and participate in all programs and activities of the Texas Lions Camp, Inc.
(hereinafter also identified as the Camp). I understand that my child (ward) will participate in an outdoor recreation program which
may encompass activities including, but not limited to, ropes course, horsemanship, archery, hiking, camp out and water sports, and
that one or more of these or other activities may involve travel off the Camp site. I understand and acknowledge that while the
agents, servants, employees and/or volunteers may have received training on safety techniques, there are nevertheless risks
associated with, and inherent in, my childs (wards) participation in the camps outdoor recreation program and other camp
programs and activities. I voluntarily choose to assume these risks and allow my child (ward) to attend camp and participate in all
Camp programs and activities. I further consent to the Camp taking pictures, audio tapes and/or video tapes of my child (ward)
participating in Camp activities and programs and the Camps use of same in camp publications or publicity that is in the proper
interest of the Camp.
                             Release, Hold Harmless & Indemnity Agreement
I RELEASE, HOLD HARMLESS and hereby agree to INDEMNIFY the Camp, its agents, servants, employees and/or
volunteers from any and all liability, claims, causes of action or suits, for the loss or damage of property, or for injury to, or
the death of, my child (ward) or others, for damages, losses, expenses, attorney fees, or costs of whatever nature sustained
by me, my child (ward) or others, which may arise out of, or in connection with, my childs (wards) use or occupancy of the
Camps premises or participation in Camp activities or programs, regardless of the nature or extent of such injuries,
damages, costs, expenses, attorney fees or losses, or whether such injuries, damages, costs, expenses, attorney fees or losses
are caused in whole or in part by the negligence or sole negligence of the Camp, its agents, servants, employees and/or
volunteers, or caused in part by the negligence of the Camp, its agents, servants, employees and/or volunteers and the
negligent or grossly negligent acts or omissions of my child (ward) or any other person or entity. This Release, Hold
Harmless, and Indemnity Agreement is to be construed broadly, but it does not serve to release or waive claims or causes of
action to which my child (ward) may be entitled due to personal injury.
                                                 Authorization for Care
I hereby grant permission to, and request and authorize all physicians, nurses and hospitals and their authorized employees and
designees to perform routine diagnostic procedures and render medical care deemed necessary for my child (ward).
                                                Financial Responsibility
I understand and confirm that regardless of my assignment of insurance benefits, I am responsible for the total charges incurred by
the Camp or others for medical care or services rendered to or on behalf of my child (ward).
                                      Authorization to Release Information
I authorize the Camp to furnish from my childs (wards) medical records, such information as may be requested by representatives
of local, state or federal agencies, insurance companies, or other organizations for the purpose of obtaining payment for services
provided to my child (ward) or as may be required for payment of benefits or claims.
                                                 Assignment of Benefits
In consideration of services rendered to my child (ward), I hereby assign and transfer to the Camp any and all benefits or proceeds
otherwise payable to me individually, as an insured, or in my capacity as the parent/guardian of my child (ward) under
hospitalization, health or accident insurance, or any other insurance coverage, to include major medical benefits, for the payment of
services rendered. If I receive monies direct from the insurer(s), same shall be held in trust for and immediately transferred to the
Camp for amounts due.
If a MEDICARE recipient, I certify that the information given by me in applying for benefits under TITLE XVII of the Social
Security Act is correct. I authorize any holder of medical or other information about my child (ward) to release to the Social
Security Administration or its intermediaries or carriers any information needed to process a Medicare claim related to the
undersigned or my child (ward). I request that payment of authorized benefits be made on my behalf and/or on behalf of my child
                                                    Personal Property
I understand the Camp in no way covenants the condition of any personal article or item of property upon the conclusion of any
camp session and that unnecessary valuables are not to be brought to camp.
                PLEASE NOTE: Original application must be received before final camp assignment can be made.
Campers Name: __________________________________________________
Signature of Parent/Guardian ______________________________________ Date ___________________
Insurance Information                                                5
                               Please complete this section even if camper is uninsured.
Camper Name:                                 Social Security Number:                      Date of Birth:                Age:

Parent/Guardian Name:                        Policy Holder Social Security Number:

Address:                                     City:                                        State:                        Zip:

Parent Home Phone:                           Parent Work Phone:                           Parent Cell Phone:
(        )                                   (         )                                  (         )
Emergency Contact (other than parent):       Relation to Camper:

Emergency Contacts Home Phone:              Emergency Contacts Cell Phone:
(       )                                    (       )
Health Insurance Company/Medicare:
(If uninsured, write None)
Address:                                                           Phone:
                                                                   (          )
Policy Number:                                                     Certificate Number:

Name of Insured:                                                   Company/Business Name:

Employer Contact:                                                  Phone:
                                                                   (         )
                             Instructions for Medication and Treatment
            Please complete this section in detail as this information will be utilized during your childs stay at Camp.
            Medication/Treatment                              Dosage                          Time (indicate a.m. or p.m.)
              Example: Tegretol                           200 mg; 1 tablet                         9:00 a.m., 9:00 p.m.

                          Medically Restricted Diets & Allergy Concerns
                                         Complete this section with medical concerns only.
                   Foods that CANNOT be eaten                                        Foods that can be eaten
           Example: eggs, milk, cheese and their products                         All other foods and food groups

List ALL allergies (food, environmental, medical, etc.): __________________________________________________________
Medical Report                                              6
                            To be completed by medical personnel. Please type or print.
Camper Name: _________________________________
1. Primary Physical Disability (Hearing Impaired, Amputee, Asthma, etc.): _____________________________________
    Secondary Disability, if any: ______________________________________________________________________________
    In your opinion, is this childs intelligence commensurate with his or her age? _______________________________________

2. Previous or Continuing Illness (indicate date of last occurrence if applicable):
       Asthma: ________              Diabetes: ________                     MMR: ________             Strep Throat: ________
       Chicken Pox: ________         Diphtheria: ________                   Seizures: ________        Whooping Cough: ________
       Chronic Cough: ________       Ear Infection: ________
    Has patient had any serious medical illness or surgery in the past year? Yes        No Describe: _______________________
    Allergies to bee/wasp/medications/etc.? List: _________________________________________________________________
    Treatment given: ________________________________________________________________________________________
    Existing or chronic problems:    Bedwetting                             Constipation              Attention Deficit Disorder
                                     Behavioral Problems                    Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
    Describe extent of problem(s) and suggestions for control: _______________________________________________________
3. Vital Statistics:              Blood Pressure: ______________ Height: ______________ Weight: ______________

4. Immunizations (indicate date of last injection or oral vaccine):
    IPV/OPV/Polio: ______________        MMR: ______________              DTaP/DTP/Tetanus*: ______________
    Allergic to any vaccine? ________________________________             *Must be within last 10 years

5. Orthopedic: Is there evidence of pathology?        Yes    No (If No, proceed to 6)
    If Yes, explain findings: __________________________________________________________________________________

6. Hearing: Is there evidence of pathology?           Yes    No (If No, proceed to 7)
    If Yes, explain findings: __________________________________________________________________________________
    Is hearing aid worn?                              Yes    No Serial: _________________________________________
    Is hearing loss 60 db or greater in each ear?     Yes    No db Loss Right: ___________ db Loss Left: ___________

7. Vision: Is there evidence of pathology?            Yes    No (If No, proceed to 8)
    If Yes, explain findings: __________________________________________________________________________________
    Blindness (20/200 or less with correction)        Yes    No
    Sight (with correction between 20/70 and 20/200)  Yes    No Corrected Vision Right: __________ Left: ___________
    Are glasses worn?                                 Yes    No

8. Neuromuscular: Is there evidence of pathology, atrophy, or paralysis?           Yes     No (If No, proceed to 9)
    If Yes, explain findings. If convulsive or neuro-motor seizures, describe kind, frequency and last occurrence: ______________

9. Other Evidence of Pathology:
    Cardiovascular:              Normal        Other      Describe: _________________________________________
    Pulmonary:                   Normal        Other      Describe: _________________________________________
    Bowel and Kidney Function:   Normal        Other      Describe: _________________________________________
    Other: ________________________________________________________________________________________________

10. Diagnosis: ___________________________________________________________________________________________
    List medical prescriptions: ________________________________________________________________________________
    Instructions for dressings, braces, exercises, etc.: ______________________________________________________________

I approve camping activities for this applicant.
Physician Signature ________________________________________________________ Date: ______________________
PRINTED name of physician: _______________________________________________________________________________
City: ______________________________________ State: _________ Phone Number: (     )________________________

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Texas lions camp (for handicapped children)

  • 1. Texas Lions Camp Children Can . . . with TLCJ POST OFFICE BOX 290247 KERRVILLE, TX 78029-0247 OFFICE: (830) 896-8500 FAX: (830) 896-3666 http://www.lionscamp.com E-MAIL: tlc@lionscamp.com Dear Parents/Legal Guardians: Another summer is quickly approaching, and that means it is time to apply for a week of fun at Texas Lions Camp! We have been busily preparing for the upcoming summer and are excited by the possibility of setting another record- breaking year for attendance. As always, this experience is offered completely free of charge to children from the State of Texas. Special Instructions While the application might appear long, all of the information requested is necessary for the care of your child. It has been formatted in such a way that it is easily completed. Please use black ink and provide all of the information requested. Applications will be accepted beginning January 15, and they will be processed according to the order in which they are received. Please submit your application no later than one month prior to the session for which you are applying. However, we will continue to accept applications after the due date until the session is full. The camper must have the physical portion of the application dated after January 15 of the year in which they are attending camp. Faxed applications are acceptable for beginning the application process; however, you must mail the original application so that your childs final assignment is not delayed. Prior to sending your application, please check to make sure that the Lions signature, parents signature and physicians signature have been provided and are legible. Without these necessary signatures, we cannot process your childs application. A committee will review the application and notify you and your sponsoring Lion of the status of your childs application. Summer Camp Schedule 2011 Session 1 June 5 June 11 Session 2 June 12 June 18 Session 3 June 19 June 25 Session 4 June 26 July 2 Session 5 July 3 July 9 Down syndrome Camp July 17 July 23 If you have any questions or need additional information, please do not hesitate to contact the Lions Camp office. Sincerely yours, Stephen S. Mabry, CAE, CFRE Chief Executive Officer SSM/djh (Over please) Serving Children Since 1949 Jack King, President; Pat Carroll, First Vice President; Sam Lindsey, Second Vice President; Leon Van Alstine, Third Vice President; James Jim Wilks, Treasurer; William Bill E. Roe, Secretary; Dennis Heitkamp, Immediate Past President; James H. Browning, Elected Governors Representative; John B. Hopkins, Elected Directors Representative Stephen S. Mabry, CAE, Chief Executive Officer
  • 2. Texas Lions Camp P.O. Box 290247, Kerrville, Texas 78029-0247 (830) 896-8500 Office (830) 896-3666 Fax tlc@lionscamp.com www.lionscamp.com Camper Information Please make sure the entire application is complete before mailing it. Incomplete applications will delay the assignment process and may jeopardize your campers chances of being assigned to a camping session. Application Checklist Please complete the entire application, paying special attention to the following: Lion signature on page 2 of application. Newspaper information completed on page 2 of application. Session preference marked on page 2 of application. If any assistance is needed (indicated on page 3 of application), please send written, detailed instructions. Parent signature on page 4 of application. All camper info and insurance info completed on page 5 of application, regardless of insurance coverage. Provide immunization dates on page 6 of application. Physician signature on page 6 of application. Original application must be on file before a camping assignment can be made. The Texas Lions Camp, Inc. is a 501(c)3 not-for-profit organization.
  • 3. Texas Lions Camp Camper Application ~ Handicap 1 Camper Eligibility Guidelines IMPORTANT: Applicants must be able to answer Yes to all of the following questions in order to attend Camp. You are welcome to submit an application with a No answer, but please be aware that this questionnaire has been provided in order to save you time incurred by the application process. Call or write the Camp office for clarification of any guidelines. Yes No Campers Name: _______________________________________ 1. My child has a primary physical disability which qualifies him or her for camp. My Childs primary disability is: _____________________________________. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following: Amputee Cerebral Palsy Legg-Perthes Polio Asthma Charcot-Marie-Tooth Lupus Rickets Atonic Diplegia Deaf/Hearing Impaired Muscular Dystrophy Scoliosis Blind/Vision Impaired Epilepsy Mute Sickle Cell Burns Heart Partial Paralysis Stroke Cancer/Tumor Juvenile Rheum. Arthritis Phocomelia * Children ineligible to attend are those with developmental delay, contagious or infectious diseases, bedfast, a Read disability which might cause the child to be harmed by the activity of the camp, or a disability which does not Carefully! allow the child to participate in the camps therapeutic recreation program. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following: Attention Deficit Disorder Down syndrome* Mental Retardation Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Emotionally Disturbed Osteogenesis Imperfecta (brittle bone) Autism Hemophilia Any Contagious or Infectious Disease *(Children with Down syndrome should apply to attend the Lions Camp for Down syndrome) v 2. My child has an I.Q. of 70 or above. A child with a primary physical disability must have an I.Q. of 70 or above to qualify. If an I.Q. score is not available, the childs teacher or doctor can provide written evidence. 3. My child will be at least 7 years old but not over the age of 16 at the beginning of the session for which he or she is applying to attend. 4. My child will be able to participate in and enjoy a therapeutic recreation program for children with physical disabilities. 5. If my childs qualifying physical disability is visual impairment, he or she has a corrected visual acuity of 20/70 or less (20/80, 20/90, etc.) Does not apply. 6. If my childs qualifying physical disability is hearing impairment, he or she has a hearing loss of 60 db or greater. Does not apply. 7. My child is mobile and will be able to travel from point A to point B in order to participate in activities. Appliances that assist children in ambulation (i.e., wheelchairs, walkers, crutches, etc.) must accompany children to camp. 8. My child has bowel and kidney function and control. If there are internal or external devices, my child is able to take care of these needs. For those requiring catheterization, campers must be able to catheterize themselves. 9. My child will be able to assist the summer staff with basic self-help skills such as feeding and dressing. Note: New campers have priority over former campers for assignment. Texas Lions Camp PO Box 290247 Kerrville, TX 78029 830.896.8500 Office/TDD 830.896.3666 Fax F:StaffPublisherApplicationsCamper Application HC 2011.pub
  • 4. Texas Lions Camp Camper Application ~ Handicap 2 All questions must be answered. Please type or print using black ink. Preference for Camp Assignment The Camp will try to assign the applicant to the session of first choice. If the session is full, the second choice will be used. Mark 1 by the session of first choice and 2 by the session of second choice. Please refer to application cover letter for session dates. Session 1 Session 2 Session 3 Session 4 Session 5 Camper Information Please print Last Name: First Name: Middle Name: name of child: Mailing Address: City: State: Zip: Age: Date of Birth: Sex: Home Phone: ( ) Please print name of Last Name: First Name: parent/guardian: Mothers Work Phone & Fax: Fathers Work Phone & Fax: Cell: ( ) Phone: ( ) Phone: ( ) Pager: ( ) Fax: ( ) Fax: ( ) E-mail: Name of Emergency Contact Relation to Camper: Emergency Contacts Home Phone: (other than parent): ( ) Emergency Contacts Cell Phone: ( ) Has the Applicant ever attended Texas Lions Camp? __________ If yes, list years: ______________________________________ Has the Applicant ever attended any other camp? _____________ If yes, where? ________________________________________ Is the childs mental or social age below average? Yes No If Yes, give I.Q. ___________ , functional age ______________ , or substantiating evidence of social abilities (i.e., written documentation from teacher or physician regarding how well child gets along with peers, adults, completes tasks, etc.). Camp will send your childs photograph and camp attendance information to your local newspaper. Please provide the newspaper information requested below. If left blank, no information will be sent. Newspaper Name: Mailing Address City: Newspaper Phone: ( ) Statement from Lion Sponsor We, the ____________________________________ Lions Club of ________________________________ , Texas, District ________________ wish to sponsor the below named child for Texas Lions Camp. Signature of Lion Sponsor: ________________________________________________________________ Please print Lions Last Name: Lions First Name: name of Lion: Lions Mailing Address: City: State: Zip: Lions Home Phone: Lions Work or Cell Phone: Lions Fax: ( ) ( ) ( )
  • 5. Camper Information...Continued 3 If any assistance is needed, please attach written, detailed instructions. Meals: Campers Name: __________________________________ No assistance needed Some assistance needed Food needs to be cut/chopped Needs straw for liquids * If ANY assistance is needed, please attach written, detailed instructions. Bathing: No assistance needed Some assistance needed Needs help washing hair only Total assistance needed * If ANY assistance is needed, please attach written, detailed instructions. Dressing: No assistance needed Some assistance needed Needs help with buttons/zippers Needs help with socks/shoes Total assistance needed * If ANY assistance is needed, please attach written, detailed instructions. Mobility: (check all that apply) No assistance needed Requires assistance Walks with assistance Uses walker Uses braces Uses crutches Uses electric wheelchair Uses manual wheelchair List all mobility appliances that will accompany child to Camp (i.e., wheelchair, walker, etc.) _____________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ Special instructions: _______________________________________________________________________ Toileting: No assistance needed Needs help transferring Needs help cleaning up Wets bed Needs bed pads Wears diapers/Depends during Day, Night, Both. Bowel control is limited No bowel control Bladder control is limited No bladder control Catheterizes self every ______ hours * If ANY assistance is needed, please attach written, detailed instructions. Is there any additional information you think we should know in order to care for your child? _____________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ List all other supplies and appliances related to the childs handicap that will be brought to Camp (i.e., wheel- chair, walker, prosthetics, etc.): ______________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________
  • 6. Parent/Legal Guardian Agreement 4 Please read this document carefully and sign below. Consent to Attend & Participate I hereby give consent for my child (ward) to attend and participate in all programs and activities of the Texas Lions Camp, Inc. (hereinafter also identified as the Camp). I understand that my child (ward) will participate in an outdoor recreation program which may encompass activities including, but not limited to, ropes course, horsemanship, archery, hiking, camp out and water sports, and that one or more of these or other activities may involve travel off the Camp site. I understand and acknowledge that while the agents, servants, employees and/or volunteers may have received training on safety techniques, there are nevertheless risks associated with, and inherent in, my childs (wards) participation in the camps outdoor recreation program and other camp programs and activities. I voluntarily choose to assume these risks and allow my child (ward) to attend camp and participate in all Camp programs and activities. I further consent to the Camp taking pictures, audio tapes and/or video tapes of my child (ward) participating in Camp activities and programs and the Camps use of same in camp publications or publicity that is in the proper interest of the Camp. Release, Hold Harmless & Indemnity Agreement I RELEASE, HOLD HARMLESS and hereby agree to INDEMNIFY the Camp, its agents, servants, employees and/or volunteers from any and all liability, claims, causes of action or suits, for the loss or damage of property, or for injury to, or the death of, my child (ward) or others, for damages, losses, expenses, attorney fees, or costs of whatever nature sustained by me, my child (ward) or others, which may arise out of, or in connection with, my childs (wards) use or occupancy of the Camps premises or participation in Camp activities or programs, regardless of the nature or extent of such injuries, damages, costs, expenses, attorney fees or losses, or whether such injuries, damages, costs, expenses, attorney fees or losses are caused in whole or in part by the negligence or sole negligence of the Camp, its agents, servants, employees and/or volunteers, or caused in part by the negligence of the Camp, its agents, servants, employees and/or volunteers and the negligent or grossly negligent acts or omissions of my child (ward) or any other person or entity. This Release, Hold Harmless, and Indemnity Agreement is to be construed broadly, but it does not serve to release or waive claims or causes of action to which my child (ward) may be entitled due to personal injury. WARNING UNDER TEXAS LAW (CHAPTER 87, CIVIL PRACTICE AND REMEDIES CODE), AN EQUINE PROFESSIONAL IS NOT LIABLE FOR AN INJURY TO OR THE DEATH OF A PARTICIPANT IN EQUINE ACTIVITIES RESULTING FROM THE INHERENT RISKS OF EQUINE ACTIVITIES. Authorization for Care I hereby grant permission to, and request and authorize all physicians, nurses and hospitals and their authorized employees and designees to perform routine diagnostic procedures and render medical care deemed necessary for my child (ward). Financial Responsibility I understand and confirm that regardless of my assignment of insurance benefits, I am responsible for the total charges incurred by the Camp or others for medical care or services rendered to or on behalf of my child (ward). Authorization to Release Information I authorize the Camp to furnish from my childs (wards) medical records, such information as may be requested by representatives of local, state or federal agencies, insurance companies, or other organizations for the purpose of obtaining payment for services provided to my child (ward) or as may be required for payment of benefits or claims. Assignment of Benefits In consideration of services rendered to my child (ward), I hereby assign and transfer to the Camp any and all benefits or proceeds otherwise payable to me individually, as an insured, or in my capacity as the parent/guardian of my child (ward) under hospitalization, health or accident insurance, or any other insurance coverage, to include major medical benefits, for the payment of services rendered. If I receive monies direct from the insurer(s), same shall be held in trust for and immediately transferred to the Camp for amounts due. If a MEDICARE recipient, I certify that the information given by me in applying for benefits under TITLE XVII of the Social Security Act is correct. I authorize any holder of medical or other information about my child (ward) to release to the Social Security Administration or its intermediaries or carriers any information needed to process a Medicare claim related to the undersigned or my child (ward). I request that payment of authorized benefits be made on my behalf and/or on behalf of my child (ward). Personal Property I understand the Camp in no way covenants the condition of any personal article or item of property upon the conclusion of any camp session and that unnecessary valuables are not to be brought to camp. PLEASE NOTE: Original application must be received before final camp assignment can be made. Campers Name: __________________________________________________ Signature of Parent/Guardian ______________________________________ Date ___________________
  • 7. Insurance Information 5 Please complete this section even if camper is uninsured. Camper Name: Social Security Number: Date of Birth: Age: Parent/Guardian Name: Policy Holder Social Security Number: Address: City: State: Zip: Parent Home Phone: Parent Work Phone: Parent Cell Phone: ( ) ( ) ( ) Emergency Contact (other than parent): Relation to Camper: Emergency Contacts Home Phone: Emergency Contacts Cell Phone: ( ) ( ) Health Insurance Company/Medicare: (If uninsured, write None) Address: Phone: ( ) Policy Number: Certificate Number: Name of Insured: Company/Business Name: Employer Contact: Phone: ( ) Instructions for Medication and Treatment Please complete this section in detail as this information will be utilized during your childs stay at Camp. Medication/Treatment Dosage Time (indicate a.m. or p.m.) Example: Tegretol 200 mg; 1 tablet 9:00 a.m., 9:00 p.m. Medically Restricted Diets & Allergy Concerns Complete this section with medical concerns only. Foods that CANNOT be eaten Foods that can be eaten Example: eggs, milk, cheese and their products All other foods and food groups List ALL allergies (food, environmental, medical, etc.): __________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  • 8. Medical Report 6 To be completed by medical personnel. Please type or print. Camper Name: _________________________________ 1. Primary Physical Disability (Hearing Impaired, Amputee, Asthma, etc.): _____________________________________ Secondary Disability, if any: ______________________________________________________________________________ In your opinion, is this childs intelligence commensurate with his or her age? _______________________________________ 2. Previous or Continuing Illness (indicate date of last occurrence if applicable): Asthma: ________ Diabetes: ________ MMR: ________ Strep Throat: ________ Chicken Pox: ________ Diphtheria: ________ Seizures: ________ Whooping Cough: ________ Chronic Cough: ________ Ear Infection: ________ Has patient had any serious medical illness or surgery in the past year? Yes No Describe: _______________________ Allergies to bee/wasp/medications/etc.? List: _________________________________________________________________ Treatment given: ________________________________________________________________________________________ Existing or chronic problems: Bedwetting Constipation Attention Deficit Disorder Behavioral Problems Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Describe extent of problem(s) and suggestions for control: _______________________________________________________ 3. Vital Statistics: Blood Pressure: ______________ Height: ______________ Weight: ______________ 4. Immunizations (indicate date of last injection or oral vaccine): IPV/OPV/Polio: ______________ MMR: ______________ DTaP/DTP/Tetanus*: ______________ Allergic to any vaccine? ________________________________ *Must be within last 10 years 5. Orthopedic: Is there evidence of pathology? Yes No (If No, proceed to 6) If Yes, explain findings: __________________________________________________________________________________ 6. Hearing: Is there evidence of pathology? Yes No (If No, proceed to 7) If Yes, explain findings: __________________________________________________________________________________ Is hearing aid worn? Yes No Serial: _________________________________________ Is hearing loss 60 db or greater in each ear? Yes No db Loss Right: ___________ db Loss Left: ___________ 7. Vision: Is there evidence of pathology? Yes No (If No, proceed to 8) If Yes, explain findings: __________________________________________________________________________________ Blindness (20/200 or less with correction) Yes No Sight (with correction between 20/70 and 20/200) Yes No Corrected Vision Right: __________ Left: ___________ Are glasses worn? Yes No 8. Neuromuscular: Is there evidence of pathology, atrophy, or paralysis? Yes No (If No, proceed to 9) If Yes, explain findings. If convulsive or neuro-motor seizures, describe kind, frequency and last occurrence: ______________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 9. Other Evidence of Pathology: Cardiovascular: Normal Other Describe: _________________________________________ Pulmonary: Normal Other Describe: _________________________________________ Bowel and Kidney Function: Normal Other Describe: _________________________________________ Other: ________________________________________________________________________________________________ 10. Diagnosis: ___________________________________________________________________________________________ List medical prescriptions: ________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Instructions for dressings, braces, exercises, etc.: ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ I approve camping activities for this applicant. Physician Signature ________________________________________________________ Date: ______________________ PRINTED name of physician: _______________________________________________________________________________ City: ______________________________________ State: _________ Phone Number: ( )________________________