This game was created as a way for the fourth grade boys in the Research & Digital Literacy class I co-teach with the lower school librarian to review text features. It is intended to be played as a class activity on a SmartBoard. The boys take turns throwing a Koosh ball at the bug matching the text feature defined in the passing cloud. The fonts I used (Beetle and Gadugi) may not appear correctly in slideshare.
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Text feature review
1. Text Feature Creatures
This game was created as a way for the fourth grade
boys in the Research & Digital Literacy class I co-teach
with the lower school librarian to review text features.
It is intended to be played as a class activity on a
SmartBoard. The boys take turns throwing a Koosh ball
at the bug matching the text feature defined in the
passing cloud.
Interpret information
presented visually, orally, or
quantitatively (e.g., in charts,
graphs, diagrams, time lines,
animations, or interactive
elements on Web pages)
and explain how the
information contributes to
an understanding of the text
in which it appears.
It could also be played by an individual on a
personal machine.
2. Text Feature Creatures
Help Dick, Jane and Spot get to their picnic by matching
the buggy text feature with its proper definition cloud.
Click on or throw a Koosh ball at the bug that matches the
definition in the cloud. If you hit the right bug you will move
on to the next round.
But be careful! If you hit the wrong bug you may get caught in a downpour.
Press PLAY on the picnic basket when you are ready
to get started.
3. Pictures, drawings, or graphic
images that show what
something looks like. Included
to emphasizes key points and
add interest.
4. Exit
Uh oh ...
Wrong answer!
Storm clouds are approaching
What do you want to do?
5. Pictures, drawings, or graphic
images that show what
something looks like. Included
to emphasizes key points and
add interest.
6. A drawing or illustration that
uses lines and labels to explain
where something is or how
something works.
7. A drawing or illustration that
uses lines and labels to explain
where something is or how
something works.
8. A list of facts or numbers
arranged in a special order,
usually in rows and columns.
9. A list of facts or numbers
arranged in a special order,
usually in rows and columns.
13. Information presented in visual
form to tell you where
something is or where it
14. Exit
Your Score:
(Ideally a score would show up here. If I
were more skilled at VBA, I would
program the game to award 5 points for
each correct answer. After the first
label/definition match, I would program
the game to subtract one point for each
incorrect answer picked in the four
remaining match slides. Then the tallied
score would be displayed here)
15. Adapted from a lesson plan from the
Boys Latin Lower School
4th grade Research & Digital Literacy class
All images are from Microsoft clipart.
Music downloaded from Jamendo:
Morning Song
from the album
Sweet revenge by nimas
Sound effects are from