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Textual Analysis
    NME 27/08/11
                                                         The background is a light blue colour, with white and yellow writing in order to create a big contrast between background and

Front Page                                              foreground, which gives easy visibility and readability. Also, red highlights are used for the most important pieces of information,
                                                            where the editors wanted the audience to focus. Also, the image of the artist has quite a lot of black, which could mean

                                                                                                                 Layout and design
                                                         The focus of the cover is the image, and everything else is situated according to the position of the image. The artists name is
                                                       situated below them, letting the audience know whos image is on their front cover. The rest of the information is spread out on
                                                        the page and positioned around the models face, which tells us that the most important thing on the page - and perhaps in the
                                                       magazine - is this particular artist. This shows that the artist on the front cover is very important and is probably the main feature
                                                                                                                     of this issue.

                                                          The image of the artist on the front cover is used as the center of attention on the page, as the audience will look at the image
                                                        first, which will most likely grab their attention. If they know the artist from looking at the image, they are probably interested in
                                                         what the magazine has to offer about this artist. If they do not, the image is quite attention drawing, therefore the audience will
                                                           most likely become interested in who the person on the front cover is, therefore drawing them in and reading the magazine.

                                                                                                             Pose, style, hair, makeup
                                                        The pose of the model is quite unique, as the model is looking down on the audience, it can be quite intimidating, almost as he is
                                                        telling the audience to buy the magazine and read about them. The style of the model is quite mediocre, it is not particularly any
                                                                         extreme of any genre. This might suggest that the music of the artist can be enjoyed by anyone.

                                                                                                            Composition and Framing
                                                       The shot of the model is a mid close-up, which shows that the audience needs to focus on the face of the artist rather than their
                                                       outfit, which could mean that personality is more important than style and genre. Also, the colour of the background suggests that
                                                                                           the model is under the sky, possibly at a festival or a gig.

                                                                                                                   Written codes
                                                         The phrase saying record together in New York suggests that these two bands - Vaccines and Strokes - are similar genres of
                                                           music. This could mean that the fans of one band would probably listen to the other band as well if they are not already.
The Male Gaze theory by Laura Mulvey (1975) can                                                                       Language
be applied to this front cover, as the main image of     The text on the front page is quite short and informative, meaning that there are not too many full sentences used, rather than
the page shows the front man of the popular band         short phrases that tell the audience important information. The rest of the text if phrased so that it is as if the editor is talking
Muse, Matthew Bellamy. As he is a well known             directly to the reader (Get ready for...), which suggest that the readers are considered to be very close to the editors of the
figure in the music industry, he would be someone                                                 magazine, as if they knew each other very well.
who the female audience would recognise and may
even be attracted to. This would help the magazine                                                              Overall impression
be successful as it would show the audience what         With the focus being the face of the artist, the outstanding text and the unique pose of the model, this is a very effective front
they would want to see in a magazine like this.        cover. The image draws the reader in, the contrast between the background and the foreground makes the audience instantly read
                                                                the highlighted text, and the language familiarizes the reader with the magazine, making them want to read on.
                                               On this page there are a variety of colours on a white background, which makes the images stand out from the background. The writing is in
                                                a traditional black colour, which makes it easy for the audience to read the text. All images except one is in a traditional colour scheme,
                                                which gives a sense of realism to the page. One of the photos is in black and white, which makes it stand out from the rest of the images,
                                                                             however in the same time it also blends in with the writing and the background.

                                                                                                              Layout and design

Contents page                                    The main focus of this page is the larger image in the middle of the page, where the eyes of the reader will go first. The rest of the images
                                               are laid out around the larger image in the middle. This highlights the importance of the image in the middle, which is the main feature in this
                                               issue of the magazine. Each image has a couple of lines in order to give a bit of information about the different features in the magazine. Also,
                                                               there is an advertisement in the bottom right corner of the magazine, which promotes an NME subscription.

                                                The images on this page are images of artists that are included in this issue of the magazine. Most of them are taken during certain events,
                                                 such as recording sessions, gigs and festivals and tours. These images give an insight into what the life of a musician is like, which is great
                                                         content, as most readers are fascinated by certain artists, and a feature like this would be great to include in a magazine.

                                                                                                          Pose, style, hair, makeup
                                                Two of the images are taken while the artists are performing, therefore they would pose as their stage presence would be. This could give
                                                   the band an image and a style straight away. Other images were taken especially with the intention of them being used in magazines,
                                                   therefore the artists would be posing as they are being interviewed or in a way that it represents their style and genre. Their style is
                                                 presented through their body language, facial expressions, the clothes they wear and also their surroundings. This is done deliberately in
                                                                                                     order to show what the are like.

                                                                                                         Composition and Framing
                                               In one of the photos, a band member was cut off n the photo; as their upper body is not visible, only their legs and their instrument. This is
                                               quite unusual, as in most cases all of the band members can be seen on the photo, unless it is a performance photo. It also stands out from
                                                                        most of the other photos on the page where all band members are included in the photo.

                                                                                                               Written codes
                                               One of the captions on the page say We ate a pigs face, a pigeon and a whales blowhole which is a humorous way to say that the band is
Theories                                       talking about their diet (while on tour). This sort of language is most likely appealing to the younger audience, such as teenagers and young
Abraham Maslows Hierarchy of needs              adults. Another caption states We stole chilli sauce then vomited on a security guard which tells the audience a story from the bands
(1954) can be applied to this page as it                                    adventures, telling us that the lives of an artist on tour is interesting and energetic.
shows a collection of images that feature
bands both during performance and behind                                                                         Language
the scenes. As this shows what the lives of    Phrases such as vomited on a security guard, No animals were harmed and Bombay Bicycle Club are sick bastards gives a humorous
musicians are like, this would relate to the     and friendly tone to the magazine, which is good as the readers will feel comfortable and think that they belong with the readers and the
esteem needs and the self-actualisation of                                                  editors of this magazine, as they are similar people.
the hierarchy. It would make the audience
think about whether this lifestyle would                                                                     Overall impression
fulfil their recognition and personal growth    Overall, the page is very informative. It first gives us images to look at, which gives us a vague idea of what is included in the magazine, then
needs.                                         there are captions which give us a bit more information about the articles included. The purpose of this page is to give information of what is
                                                                               included in the magazine, and this is fulfilled in an interesting and effective way.
              Once again. a white background is used with black text and a red coloured highlight of the most important pieces of information.

                                                                       Layout and design
               The main image of the page is laid out across the two pages, and is behind several other smaller images, which creates an effect
              that makes the readers think that the image is the background of the page, as other images are on top of it. Also, the images are
              positioned around the large image, which suggests that the large image tells the reader what the page is about when the glance at

Double page             it, and the smaller images add more context to the page, giving more visual information about the content.

  spread      The main image of the page is an artist performing at a gig, which tells the readers what artist the page is going to be about. It is a
               great picture to introduce the band, as it is showing them performing, and sets the image and style of the band in the readers
                minds when they look at it. The rest of the images feature the band while performing at various events. This shows the artist
                                        from different times, and again, gives an idea of the artists style and genre.

                                                                   Pose, style, hair, makeup
               The pose of the band member is a pose while he is performing at one of the bands gigs. This shows that the band is active and is
              performing to this day. The guitar shows the genre of music the band is playing and the design of guitar can reflect on the genre of
                music as well. The artist is in jeans and a t-shirt which shows he is casual and is up to the current fashion trends. On the other
              hand, he is wearing a blazer, which means that he is elegant and professional. This in a combination creates the image of the band.

                                                                  Composition and Framing
               The first thing the audience will se when looking at the page is the large image of the band member, then the title, as it is a large,
              bold font then the smaller images and lastly, the text. The large image grabs the attention as the model is in a pose where they are
                looking over the camera (and the readers) and therefore it is a bit intimidating, however it is still a great picture as the readers
                                        will most likely feel like they are at a gig, looking at the performance of the band.

                                                                         Written codes
               The title says This could go either way, which grabs the attention of the readers as those who are the fans of the band will
                want to know what is going with the band, while those who are not familiar with the band might be interested because they
               would want to find out what the story is about. The title is effective as it gives the readers little information, no introduction or
                                       scene setting, which will make people want to find out what is going to happen.

                As most of the page contains information from an interview with the artist, it is mostly formal language. The language is mostly
              informative as the interview was going to kind out opinions and plans of the band members, however the language of the answers
               given reflects the style of the band as well. Apart from the interview, there was some information about upcoming gigs and the
                            plans of the band, which was a bit more causal language, as it was addressed to the readers themselves.

                                                                      Overall impression
                 The page is full of information and the images help by giving visual information as well as make the page interesting and look
                  better. This is a very informative page with a strong introduction to the band to those who do not know them already.
Textual Analysis 1

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Textual Analysis 1

  • 1. Textual Analysis NME 27/08/11
  • 2. Colour The background is a light blue colour, with white and yellow writing in order to create a big contrast between background and Front Page foreground, which gives easy visibility and readability. Also, red highlights are used for the most important pieces of information, where the editors wanted the audience to focus. Also, the image of the artist has quite a lot of black, which could mean Layout and design The focus of the cover is the image, and everything else is situated according to the position of the image. The artists name is situated below them, letting the audience know whos image is on their front cover. The rest of the information is spread out on the page and positioned around the models face, which tells us that the most important thing on the page - and perhaps in the magazine - is this particular artist. This shows that the artist on the front cover is very important and is probably the main feature of this issue. Images The image of the artist on the front cover is used as the center of attention on the page, as the audience will look at the image first, which will most likely grab their attention. If they know the artist from looking at the image, they are probably interested in what the magazine has to offer about this artist. If they do not, the image is quite attention drawing, therefore the audience will most likely become interested in who the person on the front cover is, therefore drawing them in and reading the magazine. Pose, style, hair, makeup The pose of the model is quite unique, as the model is looking down on the audience, it can be quite intimidating, almost as he is telling the audience to buy the magazine and read about them. The style of the model is quite mediocre, it is not particularly any extreme of any genre. This might suggest that the music of the artist can be enjoyed by anyone. Composition and Framing The shot of the model is a mid close-up, which shows that the audience needs to focus on the face of the artist rather than their outfit, which could mean that personality is more important than style and genre. Also, the colour of the background suggests that the model is under the sky, possibly at a festival or a gig. Written codes The phrase saying record together in New York suggests that these two bands - Vaccines and Strokes - are similar genres of music. This could mean that the fans of one band would probably listen to the other band as well if they are not already. Theories The Male Gaze theory by Laura Mulvey (1975) can Language be applied to this front cover, as the main image of The text on the front page is quite short and informative, meaning that there are not too many full sentences used, rather than the page shows the front man of the popular band short phrases that tell the audience important information. The rest of the text if phrased so that it is as if the editor is talking Muse, Matthew Bellamy. As he is a well known directly to the reader (Get ready for...), which suggest that the readers are considered to be very close to the editors of the figure in the music industry, he would be someone magazine, as if they knew each other very well. who the female audience would recognise and may even be attracted to. This would help the magazine Overall impression be successful as it would show the audience what With the focus being the face of the artist, the outstanding text and the unique pose of the model, this is a very effective front they would want to see in a magazine like this. cover. The image draws the reader in, the contrast between the background and the foreground makes the audience instantly read the highlighted text, and the language familiarizes the reader with the magazine, making them want to read on.
  • 3. Colour On this page there are a variety of colours on a white background, which makes the images stand out from the background. The writing is in a traditional black colour, which makes it easy for the audience to read the text. All images except one is in a traditional colour scheme, which gives a sense of realism to the page. One of the photos is in black and white, which makes it stand out from the rest of the images, however in the same time it also blends in with the writing and the background. Layout and design Contents page The main focus of this page is the larger image in the middle of the page, where the eyes of the reader will go first. The rest of the images are laid out around the larger image in the middle. This highlights the importance of the image in the middle, which is the main feature in this issue of the magazine. Each image has a couple of lines in order to give a bit of information about the different features in the magazine. Also, there is an advertisement in the bottom right corner of the magazine, which promotes an NME subscription. Images The images on this page are images of artists that are included in this issue of the magazine. Most of them are taken during certain events, such as recording sessions, gigs and festivals and tours. These images give an insight into what the life of a musician is like, which is great content, as most readers are fascinated by certain artists, and a feature like this would be great to include in a magazine. Pose, style, hair, makeup Two of the images are taken while the artists are performing, therefore they would pose as their stage presence would be. This could give the band an image and a style straight away. Other images were taken especially with the intention of them being used in magazines, therefore the artists would be posing as they are being interviewed or in a way that it represents their style and genre. Their style is presented through their body language, facial expressions, the clothes they wear and also their surroundings. This is done deliberately in order to show what the are like. Composition and Framing In one of the photos, a band member was cut off n the photo; as their upper body is not visible, only their legs and their instrument. This is quite unusual, as in most cases all of the band members can be seen on the photo, unless it is a performance photo. It also stands out from most of the other photos on the page where all band members are included in the photo. Written codes One of the captions on the page say We ate a pigs face, a pigeon and a whales blowhole which is a humorous way to say that the band is Theories talking about their diet (while on tour). This sort of language is most likely appealing to the younger audience, such as teenagers and young Abraham Maslows Hierarchy of needs adults. Another caption states We stole chilli sauce then vomited on a security guard which tells the audience a story from the bands (1954) can be applied to this page as it adventures, telling us that the lives of an artist on tour is interesting and energetic. shows a collection of images that feature bands both during performance and behind Language the scenes. As this shows what the lives of Phrases such as vomited on a security guard, No animals were harmed and Bombay Bicycle Club are sick bastards gives a humorous musicians are like, this would relate to the and friendly tone to the magazine, which is good as the readers will feel comfortable and think that they belong with the readers and the esteem needs and the self-actualisation of editors of this magazine, as they are similar people. the hierarchy. It would make the audience think about whether this lifestyle would Overall impression fulfil their recognition and personal growth Overall, the page is very informative. It first gives us images to look at, which gives us a vague idea of what is included in the magazine, then needs. there are captions which give us a bit more information about the articles included. The purpose of this page is to give information of what is included in the magazine, and this is fulfilled in an interesting and effective way.
  • 4. Colour Once again. a white background is used with black text and a red coloured highlight of the most important pieces of information. Layout and design The main image of the page is laid out across the two pages, and is behind several other smaller images, which creates an effect that makes the readers think that the image is the background of the page, as other images are on top of it. Also, the images are positioned around the large image, which suggests that the large image tells the reader what the page is about when the glance at Double page it, and the smaller images add more context to the page, giving more visual information about the content. Images spread The main image of the page is an artist performing at a gig, which tells the readers what artist the page is going to be about. It is a great picture to introduce the band, as it is showing them performing, and sets the image and style of the band in the readers minds when they look at it. The rest of the images feature the band while performing at various events. This shows the artist from different times, and again, gives an idea of the artists style and genre. Pose, style, hair, makeup The pose of the band member is a pose while he is performing at one of the bands gigs. This shows that the band is active and is performing to this day. The guitar shows the genre of music the band is playing and the design of guitar can reflect on the genre of music as well. The artist is in jeans and a t-shirt which shows he is casual and is up to the current fashion trends. On the other hand, he is wearing a blazer, which means that he is elegant and professional. This in a combination creates the image of the band. Composition and Framing The first thing the audience will se when looking at the page is the large image of the band member, then the title, as it is a large, bold font then the smaller images and lastly, the text. The large image grabs the attention as the model is in a pose where they are looking over the camera (and the readers) and therefore it is a bit intimidating, however it is still a great picture as the readers will most likely feel like they are at a gig, looking at the performance of the band. Written codes The title says This could go either way, which grabs the attention of the readers as those who are the fans of the band will want to know what is going with the band, while those who are not familiar with the band might be interested because they would want to find out what the story is about. The title is effective as it gives the readers little information, no introduction or scene setting, which will make people want to find out what is going to happen. Language As most of the page contains information from an interview with the artist, it is mostly formal language. The language is mostly informative as the interview was going to kind out opinions and plans of the band members, however the language of the answers given reflects the style of the band as well. Apart from the interview, there was some information about upcoming gigs and the plans of the band, which was a bit more causal language, as it was addressed to the readers themselves. Overall impression The page is full of information and the images help by giving visual information as well as make the page interesting and look better. This is a very informative page with a strong introduction to the band to those who do not know them already.