The document provides brief summaries of various people and events from the 1980s. It discusses the eruption of Mt. St. Helens in 1980, the US hockey team defeating the Soviet Union in 1980, the death of John Lennon in 1980, Sandra Day O'Connor becoming the first female Supreme Court justice in 1981, the establishment of MTV in the 1980s, the Iran-Contra affair in 1986, the assassination attempt on Ronald Reagan in 1981, the release and success of Michael Jackson's "Thriller" music video in 1982, the development of liposuction and cocaine use in the 1980s, the shooting down of Korean Air Lines Flight 007 in 1983, Sally Ride becoming the first American
2. Eruption of Mt. St. HelensThe Mt St. Helen was a very historical event because of the way the ashes where all over the place and there was only 2 survivors
3. U.S Hockey Team The problems with the soviet union where so though at this time. When the Us Olympic team won it show the soviet union that that the US was better than them on something.
4. The Death of John LennonJohn Lennon died December 8, 1980 at the Age of 40 He was the lead singer of the beetles the fact that he was famous with the band and then he was famous even afterwards and he loved his wife even more than his fame was something that many respected about him.John Lennon
5. Sandra Day O’ConnorShe was the first woman to be a supreme court justice.He was in office from September 25, 1981- January 31, 2006She is 81 till this day and she is till alive.
7. Iran- Contra AffairA political scandal in the US during the 1986 during the Reagan administration. Officials hoped during this event that they would secure the hostage in Iran
8. Assassination Attempt of ReaganOn march 30 1981.Just 69 days into presidency by John Hinckley,Jr.It was just an attempt and nothing happened to Reagan.
9. “Thriller”One of the best videos of Michal Jackson labeled 14 min long music video.Released on december 8th 1986"most successful music video", selling over 9 million units.
11. CocaineIs a powerful nervous system stimulant.Its effects can last from 15–30 minutes to an hour, depending upon the method of ingestion.
12. South Korean flight 007On September 1st 1983The aircraft was to go from New York City to Seoul via AnchorageWas a flight that was fling over the Monero Islands when it was shot down by Soviet interceptors. All 269 passengers and crew aboard were killed, including Lawrence McDonald, a sitting member of the United States Congress.
13. Sally RideBorn on May 26, 1951 in Los Angeles, California. Ride joined NASA in 1978In 1983 she became the first American woman and then the youngest American to go in to space. (been 32 years old) In 1987 she left NASA to work at Stanford University's Center for International Security and Arms Control.
16. Olimpics in Los AngelesSummer of 1984Opening ceremony July 28Closing ceremony August 12Games of the XXIII Olympiad
17. Vanessa WilliamsMarch 18, 1963In 1983, she became the first woman of African-American descent to be crowned Miss America. A scandal caused her to relinquish her title early.
18. We are the WorldReleased March 7 1985Written by Michael Jackson and Lionel RichieSales excess 20 million copiesIt is one of the few all time singles that have sold 10 million or more copies worldwide.
19. Len BiasPlayed in the first all americn college basketball.He played for the Boston Celts in 1986 on June 19 he died from a cocain overdose. Considered to be one of the greatest players not to play at the professional level
20. Nintendo was founded as a card companyIn late 1889Nintendo continues to manufacture playing cards in Japan
21. Challenge DisasterOn Tuesday, January 28, 1986The challenger broke apart 73 seconds into its flight,The 7 crew members died
22. aidsAcquired Immune Deficiency SyndromeIs a disease of the human immune system caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).AIDS was first recognized by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in 1981.
23. Supermodel GIADied on November 18, 1986 at the age of 26 Became addicted to heroinShe later became infected with HIV is thought to be one of the first famous women to die of AIDS
24. Baby JesicaBorn March 26, 1986 She was the baby of the 80´s after falling in a well in Midland Texas On October 14, 1987. Rescuers worked for 58 hours to free "Baby Jessica“
25. Michael DukakisDukakis defeated King in a 're-match' in the 1982 Democratic primary. Dukakis served as governor again from 1983–91 Winning reelection in 1986 with nearly 70 percent of the voteThe National Governors Association voted Dukakis the most effective governor in 1986.