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                           THE 350 P ST
                           Volume 1, Issue 5! !           April 2011 - July 2011!

                           From The Desk of Tom Carroll
             The months of May, June and July certainly have been eventful for
             the San Francisco store.
             We had much to celebrate:
             While still in April, the San Francisco Giants ownership team
             received their championship rings during a cocktail reception in our
             beautiful store. The excitement spilled into May with many fans
             purchasing from special collection developed by our friends in TFB
      We hosted an in store dinner with the US Patek Philippe Management
       team and were able to present to our customers the 2011 Basel Collection
      Benjamin was kind enough to coordinate a Store of the Year
       celebration that coincided with Ray Rabys house hunting trip
      We were fortunate to invite a very special customer to the Santa Barbra
       Polo event featuring Prince William and the Duchess of Cambridge
From a Tiffany visitor standpoint, we had the chance to welcome the Tiffany
Counterfeit team and learned of the important work they do around the world to
help protect the Tiffany Brand. We welcomed Justine Silver to the North
America West HR team and got a chance to meet Ray Raby in advance of his                Inside The 350
official start date of August 1st.
Operationally, we have been working diligently to organize the store, have           Birthdays                      7
attacked (and continue to attack) our inventory control challenges and spent a
                                                                                     Chiakis Make It Right         4
great deal of time evaluating the information from the most recent employee
survey to help us define what kind of work environment we want to create for         Engage - Lets talk about...   6
ourselves. We also executed a very significant price change.
We finished the expansion of the fashion jewelry sales salon just in time for        Giants Ring Raffle             4
Mothers Day and have an extensive outdoor advertising campaign in place to
                                                                                     Leeshas Tiffany Anniversary 2
attract the citys visitors into our store to shop.
As I prepare this note on July 26th, the store has achieved its 2nd Quarter sales   Micheles S.O.S.               4
plan as a result of an explosive May (+ 42% vs LY), a solid June (+ 2% vs LY)
and MTD July results that are 42% greater than LY.                                   Store of the Year Dinner       7

Through a great deal of hard work and commitment to each other, we have put          Style to Sell                  5, 6
ourselves in a position to have a very satisfying and successful year. Thank you
for all that youve done to get us this farIm more confident than ever before      Team Building Committee        4, 7
about our future because of your leadership and hard work.
                                                                                     World Series Champions         3
                                                                 - Tom Carroll
San Francisco welcomes and honors Group Director
          Ray Raby for his 10 years of service with Tiffany & Co.
                         As I've been filling boxes,         allows common people to attain uncommon results".
                            saying goodbyes and working      I've experienced that teamwork is tested when dealing
                             with my successor in            with change, conflict and the many avenues or
                             Philadelphia with on-           opinions of how to reach group potential. I have also
                             boarding and the many           seen where the needs of the team are best realized
                             transition topics over the      when the needs of individuals are also met and we
 last couple of weeks, I find myself thinking about the      make time for the seemingly unimportant. Too often
 teams that I have been a part of throughout my career.      we underestimate the power of a smile, a kind word, a
 Particularly, how any of the strengths, successes,          listening ear, an honest compliment or the smallest act
 failures or struggles to manage the challenges of the       of caring.
 day was always influenced by our abilities or               I'm so excited for my next opportunity and what I feel
 inabilities to truly function as an effective team. There   must be one of the best jobs in our industry; a Group
 are many clich辿 slogans such as "Teamwork makes             Director position with responsibility for a flagship
 the dream work", "There's no I in TEAM", etc. One           location for Tiffany & Co. in an amazing market. And
 that I've found to have solid meaning is the definition     above any individual success, awards or professional
 and thoughts from Andrew Carnegie; "Teamwork is             accomplishment in San Francisco, a central goal will
 the ability to work together toward a common vision.        be to feel proud that I am a part of a great and
 The ability to direct individual accomplishments            successful team.
 toward organizational objectives. It is the fuel that                                                - Ray Raby
Leeshas Tiffany Anniversary
A decade of service at Tiffany is an occasion for celebration! In this issue we honor 10-year
employee Leesha Chatman for her hard work and accomplishments.
What first brought you to Tiffany?            How has Tiffany changed over the
Leesha: I saw an ad in the San Jose           years?
Mercury Newspaper and made a joke             Leesha: When I first started we had
                                              no email and Intranet. Everything and     Why have you stayed at
referring to people reading the paper
                                              anything we needed we had to use          Tiffany?
on Sunday morning. At the time I was
                                              Atlas. In the last ten years we have      Leesha: I have stayed
in the dental field but have had
                                              opened approximately around sixty-        because I enjoy the
previous retail experience and
                                              four more additional stores and still     people I work with. I have
therefore faxed my resume to Marilyn
                                              growing.                                  seen myself grow, adapt
Douglas; my first day was June 1st.                                                     to change, become
What position did you star in and what        What words of wisdom can you pass         versatile in both Sales
are you in now?                               along to those just starting?             and Operations that I feel
Leesha: In San Jose I started in              Leesha:       Dont take anything         Im confident to take on
Group 2, became a floater, moved to           personal; understand that good            any opportunity that
Group 1, Administrative Coordinator           things and bad things happen in           comes my way. It is truly
and finally Assistant Operations              every walk of life. Understand that       a company with great
Manager. Not only was I responsible           everywhere you work there are             benefits and growth.
for all of the PR but it gave me the          people whom you are going to get
exposure to the internal side of the          along and not get along; but do not
business. Being a new mom, I                  give up on a good company or a
accepted a part time Sales position in        good opportunity for the wrong
San Francisco.                                reasons.

Tiffany was proud
 to present the SF
  Giants collection
featuring the World

Shopping around
Union Square has
never been more
 Giant...no pun

Tiffany in SF was
honored to host a
 private event for
 the owners and
 investors of the
  San Francisco
  Giants in April.

Giants World Series Ring Raffle
Drawing Date: July 27, 2011, Entry Deadline: July 26, 2011, 11:59 PM ET
          Proceeds Benefit : The Giants Community Fund
  Winner will receive one (1) authentic 2010 World Series Champion Ring
   commissioned by the San Francisco Giants. Made by Tiffany & Co., the
   ring will be the same make and model and will consist of the same
   materials and jewels as the Giants player rings. The Winner's last name
   will be engraved on the side of his/her ring. CFC and the Charity reserve
   the right to approve the name to be engraved on the ring. Winner will
   receive their ring at a ceremony preceding the August 27, 2011 Giants vs.
   Astros Game
  Winner and guest will enjoy two (2) premium seats to the Giants vs. Astros
   Game following the ceremony, plus two (2) nights hotel accommodations in               Back to School Drive for kids in need
   San Francisco (Friday, August 26, 2011, and Saturday, August 27, 2011,                 Location: In store
   single room, double occupancy), round trip coach airfare (if needed, if                Contact: Rosie and Rachel
   used), as may be necessary, to attend ceremony and game ($2,700 Limit),
   and $250.00 in restaurant coupons from San Francisco area restaurants                  September
  Winner will be awarded a cash prize in the amount of $4,991.25 to mitigate             Sept. 10 - Store potluck near
   the Winner's tax liability that results from winning the raffle.                       Ghirardelli Square
   Michele Huertass Sale Of Success (S.O.S.)                                             Location: Grass or Marina
   I had taken the Fast's to a SF Giant's game in April and didn't realize what           Contact: Maxine
   big fans they were. They both came in full Giant's attire including t-shirt,           Sept. 21 - JP Morgan Chase & Co.
   hat, jacket and blanket! Their anniversary was June 2nd; so the week
                                                                                          Corporate Challenge
   before I emailed wishing them a Happy Anniversary. Mr. Fast replied back
   saying they were thinking of coming into the SF store to celebrate. They               Sonia will e-mail other stores who
   ended up purchasing a yellow diamond ring and pendant totaling almost                  might like to participate.
   $60K. While they were here they talked about how much they enjoyed the                 Location: Lot "A" at McCovey
   Giant's game. I thought to myself and said we have to figure out another
   game they could go to. On Monday, July 18th, we went to the Giant's vs.
   Dodgers game; the highlight of the evening was their son Trevor catching               Contact: Fabian
   a foul ball! It truly was an evening they will never forget.

                                  Chiakis Make It Right - A Romantic Encounter
                      An established Tiffany customer from Florida, Mr. Thomas Ruhf, decided upon the purchase
                      of an exquisite yellow gold and diamond eternity band to give his wife, Kay. Mr. Ruhf knew
                      exactly what he wanted and therefore the sale was transacted over the phone. He was
                      anxious to surprise his wife with this memorable gift in the store upon their coming to visit
                      San Francisco when he would bring her into Tiffany to browse.
                      This was a captivating notion but our only concern at Tiffany was how best to manage this
                      memorable surprise to be a most romantic encounter. Upon consultation with all involved,
                      we decided upon a plan that allowed the best prospects for success.
                    With Mr. Ruhf兵s input, Tiffany wrote a lovely note personally addressed to Kay to be placed
                    beside the Tiffany Blue gift box with white ribbon containing the ring in the display counter
 where similar items would be typically displayed. The timing of the arrival of Mr. Ruhf and his wife, Kay, was
 pre-arranged so that the case could be properly prepared prior to their arrival at the store so as they browsed,
 Kay would come upon this beautiful Tiffany Blue gift box with white ribbon beside a note addressed to her.
 This romantic Tiffany encounter happened perfectly with Mr. Ruhf so pleased and with Kay so surprised with
 tears of happiness in her eyes. With the dedicated teamwork of management and staff at San Francisco, we all
 were able to create a special memory for an established customer and add dimension to the well deserved
 mystic that is Tiffany & Company.
 Mr. Ruhf e-mailed after the occasion, "Everyones efforts are deeply appreciated. Kay was thrilled. You兵re the the best."油
18k Medium
                                                                                      S t y le to S ell
                     Classic           $12,500
                     Billfold in
                     Tiffany Blue
                     crocodile $495
                                                                                            Diamond by
                                                                                                the Yard
                                                                                            Necklace set
                                                                                             in platinum

                                                               Earrings set in                                 Bone Cuff
                                                              Platinum $4900                                    in 18k
Watch in
steel on a

                     Bone Cuff in
                     Sterling Silver

                                                                                 Tourmaline and
                     Diamonds by                                                 Diamond Line
                     the Yard                                                    Earrings set in
                     Bracelet in                                                 Platinum $15K       Metro
                     Sterling Silver                        Groove Cufflinks                      Diamond
                     $1150                                   with Hematite in                   Three Row
                                                          Sterling Silver $500                 Bangle set in
                                                                                                 18k White
                                                                                                Gold $10K

                                        Earrings set in
                                       Platinum $3900

             Aegean Toggle                          Palm Tree             Sterling Silver and 18k Rose Gold Medium Round Lock
                Bracelet in                          Charm                $325, Medium Sterling Silver Locks in 18k Rose and
                18k Yellow                          $125 and              Yellow Gold $350, Large Sterling Silver Heart Lock
             Gold $10, 200                             18                $135, 18k Rose Gold and Sterling Silver Ultra Large
                                                     Pendant              Vintage Lock $650, 18k Heart Pendant $800, Sterling
                                                    Chain $65             Silver Pendant 24, Oval Link 24, Bead Chains 20
                                                                          $65, Sterling Silver Medium Vintage Lock $80
S t y le to S ell                                                        Oval Sapphire
                                                                         Ring with Half
                                                                         Moon Diamonds
                                                                         and a Diamond
                                                                         Melee Border set
  Tiffany Circlet                                                        in Platinum $105K

       set in

 Earrings set in
 platinum $27K                                                                       Blue Enamel and
                                                                                      Sea Pearl Tassel
                                                                                      Necklace set in
                                                                                     Platinum and 18k
                                                              Sterling Silver          Yellow Gold
                                                           Stacking Band Rings             $34K        Oval Pink Spinel
                                                          in Pink Sapphire, Blue                         and Diamond
                                                          Sapphire, and Tsavorite                         Lever-back
                                                          $275; with diamond set                        Earrings set in
                                                            in Platinum $1200                           Platinum $70K

                    Face it, true love is hard to find;
                    but you can find out What Makes
                    Love True by downloading it in
                    the Apple App store. Click,

                    browse, and share your True
                    Love on Tiffany & Co. new
                    Facebook tab.

                                                          Lets talk
                                                          Want to spot the
                                                          latest trend? Check
                                                          out Tiffany & Co.
                                                          new Spotlight tab
                                                          on Facebook.

On June 22nd San Francisco Tiffany & Co. celebrated Store of the Year. Big
                    thanks to Benjamin Alfaro who had suggested and coordinated a beautifully
      San Francisco delicious dinner located in the Mission on 24th; El Del鍖n restaurant.
          of the                                                                Menu
          2010                                                   Taco Salad Can Cun served with
                                                                 ceviche and prawns
                                                                 Filete De Pescado En Salsa De
                                                                 Alcaparras fish filet with lemon
                                                                 butter capers sauce
                                                                 Fettuccini Con
                                                                 Camarones fettuccini with prawns
                                                                 sweet basil aurora sauce
                                                                 Pollo En Mole Poblano Mole
                                                                 Verde chile with traditional mole
                                                                 Volcan En Molcajete pieces of
                                                                 tender meat "arrachera" style
                                                                 prepared with cactus, sausages, onion,
                                                                 and cheese topped with a red sauce
                                                                 Flan, Arroz Con Leche, Gelatina

                                                                    TEAM BUILDING COMMITTEE
                                                                               continue from pg. 4
        HAP P Y BI RTHDAY                                         Nov. 5th - Group activity with seasonal meet
                                                                  and greet.
               (^_^)!                                             Location: In store
                                                                  Contact: Volunteers?
                                                   J U LY
                                                  Gabrielle       Holiday Giving Food Drive
                                      JUNE                        Location: In store and possible group to
                                                   Andrea         volunteer their time at Soup Kitchen
                                                   Rachel         Contact: Volunteers?
        APRIL                         Emily
                                                    Heidi         December
        Stoyanka        M AY           Amy
                                                  Tammy           Food Drive or Toy Drive
          Casie         Michele        Julie
                                                  Danielle        In store raffle, every toy or canned food you
         Kim S.          Larry                                    donate you get a raffle ticket and maybe 3
                        Renee                                     drawing; 1 being the biggest gift and two
                                                                  smaller ones.
                                                                  Contact: Volunteers?
Newsletter Editor                                                                                                 7
Danielle S. Lopez

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The 350 post vol 8

  • 1. TIFFANY & CO. THE 350 P ST Volume 1, Issue 5! ! April 2011 - July 2011! From The Desk of Tom Carroll The months of May, June and July certainly have been eventful for the San Francisco store. We had much to celebrate: While still in April, the San Francisco Giants ownership team received their championship rings during a cocktail reception in our beautiful store. The excitement spilled into May with many fans purchasing from special collection developed by our friends in TFB We hosted an in store dinner with the US Patek Philippe Management team and were able to present to our customers the 2011 Basel Collection Benjamin was kind enough to coordinate a Store of the Year celebration that coincided with Ray Rabys house hunting trip We were fortunate to invite a very special customer to the Santa Barbra Polo event featuring Prince William and the Duchess of Cambridge From a Tiffany visitor standpoint, we had the chance to welcome the Tiffany Counterfeit team and learned of the important work they do around the world to help protect the Tiffany Brand. We welcomed Justine Silver to the North America West HR team and got a chance to meet Ray Raby in advance of his Inside The 350 official start date of August 1st. Operationally, we have been working diligently to organize the store, have Birthdays 7 attacked (and continue to attack) our inventory control challenges and spent a Chiakis Make It Right 4 great deal of time evaluating the information from the most recent employee survey to help us define what kind of work environment we want to create for Engage - Lets talk about... 6 ourselves. We also executed a very significant price change. We finished the expansion of the fashion jewelry sales salon just in time for Giants Ring Raffle 4 Mothers Day and have an extensive outdoor advertising campaign in place to Leeshas Tiffany Anniversary 2 attract the citys visitors into our store to shop. As I prepare this note on July 26th, the store has achieved its 2nd Quarter sales Micheles S.O.S. 4 plan as a result of an explosive May (+ 42% vs LY), a solid June (+ 2% vs LY) and MTD July results that are 42% greater than LY. Store of the Year Dinner 7 Through a great deal of hard work and commitment to each other, we have put Style to Sell 5, 6 ourselves in a position to have a very satisfying and successful year. Thank you for all that youve done to get us this farIm more confident than ever before Team Building Committee 4, 7 about our future because of your leadership and hard work. World Series Champions 3 - Tom Carroll 1
  • 2. San Francisco welcomes and honors Group Director Ray Raby for his 10 years of service with Tiffany & Co. As I've been filling boxes, allows common people to attain uncommon results". saying goodbyes and working I've experienced that teamwork is tested when dealing with my successor in with change, conflict and the many avenues or Philadelphia with on- opinions of how to reach group potential. I have also boarding and the many seen where the needs of the team are best realized transition topics over the when the needs of individuals are also met and we last couple of weeks, I find myself thinking about the make time for the seemingly unimportant. Too often teams that I have been a part of throughout my career. we underestimate the power of a smile, a kind word, a Particularly, how any of the strengths, successes, listening ear, an honest compliment or the smallest act failures or struggles to manage the challenges of the of caring. day was always influenced by our abilities or I'm so excited for my next opportunity and what I feel inabilities to truly function as an effective team. There must be one of the best jobs in our industry; a Group are many clich辿 slogans such as "Teamwork makes Director position with responsibility for a flagship the dream work", "There's no I in TEAM", etc. One location for Tiffany & Co. in an amazing market. And that I've found to have solid meaning is the definition above any individual success, awards or professional and thoughts from Andrew Carnegie; "Teamwork is accomplishment in San Francisco, a central goal will the ability to work together toward a common vision. be to feel proud that I am a part of a great and The ability to direct individual accomplishments successful team. toward organizational objectives. It is the fuel that - Ray Raby Leeshas Tiffany Anniversary A decade of service at Tiffany is an occasion for celebration! In this issue we honor 10-year employee Leesha Chatman for her hard work and accomplishments. What first brought you to Tiffany? How has Tiffany changed over the Leesha: I saw an ad in the San Jose years? Mercury Newspaper and made a joke Leesha: When I first started we had no email and Intranet. Everything and Why have you stayed at referring to people reading the paper anything we needed we had to use Tiffany? on Sunday morning. At the time I was Atlas. In the last ten years we have Leesha: I have stayed in the dental field but have had opened approximately around sixty- because I enjoy the previous retail experience and four more additional stores and still people I work with. I have therefore faxed my resume to Marilyn growing. seen myself grow, adapt Douglas; my first day was June 1st. to change, become What position did you star in and what What words of wisdom can you pass versatile in both Sales are you in now? along to those just starting? and Operations that I feel Leesha: In San Jose I started in Leesha: Dont take anything Im confident to take on Group 2, became a floater, moved to personal; understand that good any opportunity that Group 1, Administrative Coordinator things and bad things happen in comes my way. It is truly and finally Assistant Operations every walk of life. Understand that a company with great Manager. Not only was I responsible everywhere you work there are benefits and growth. for all of the PR but it gave me the people whom you are going to get exposure to the internal side of the along and not get along; but do not business. Being a new mom, I give up on a good company or a accepted a part time Sales position in good opportunity for the wrong San Francisco. reasons. 2
  • 3. Tiffany was proud to present the SF Giants collection featuring the World Series commemorative logo. Shopping around Union Square has never been more Giant...no pun intended. Tiffany in SF was honored to host a private event for the owners and investors of the San Francisco Giants in April. 3
  • 4. Giants World Series Ring Raffle Drawing Date: July 27, 2011, Entry Deadline: July 26, 2011, 11:59 PM ET Proceeds Benefit : The Giants Community Fund Winner will receive one (1) authentic 2010 World Series Champion Ring commissioned by the San Francisco Giants. Made by Tiffany & Co., the ring will be the same make and model and will consist of the same materials and jewels as the Giants player rings. The Winner's last name will be engraved on the side of his/her ring. CFC and the Charity reserve the right to approve the name to be engraved on the ring. Winner will receive their ring at a ceremony preceding the August 27, 2011 Giants vs. Astros Game August Winner and guest will enjoy two (2) premium seats to the Giants vs. Astros Game following the ceremony, plus two (2) nights hotel accommodations in Back to School Drive for kids in need San Francisco (Friday, August 26, 2011, and Saturday, August 27, 2011, Location: In store single room, double occupancy), round trip coach airfare (if needed, if Contact: Rosie and Rachel used), as may be necessary, to attend ceremony and game ($2,700 Limit), and $250.00 in restaurant coupons from San Francisco area restaurants September Winner will be awarded a cash prize in the amount of $4,991.25 to mitigate Sept. 10 - Store potluck near the Winner's tax liability that results from winning the raffle. Ghirardelli Square Michele Huertass Sale Of Success (S.O.S.) Location: Grass or Marina I had taken the Fast's to a SF Giant's game in April and didn't realize what Contact: Maxine big fans they were. They both came in full Giant's attire including t-shirt, Sept. 21 - JP Morgan Chase & Co. hat, jacket and blanket! Their anniversary was June 2nd; so the week Corporate Challenge before I emailed wishing them a Happy Anniversary. Mr. Fast replied back saying they were thinking of coming into the SF store to celebrate. They Sonia will e-mail other stores who ended up purchasing a yellow diamond ring and pendant totaling almost might like to participate. $60K. While they were here they talked about how much they enjoyed the Location: Lot "A" at McCovey Giant's game. I thought to myself and said we have to figure out another Cove game they could go to. On Monday, July 18th, we went to the Giant's vs. Dodgers game; the highlight of the evening was their son Trevor catching Contact: Fabian a foul ball! It truly was an evening they will never forget. Chiakis Make It Right - A Romantic Encounter An established Tiffany customer from Florida, Mr. Thomas Ruhf, decided upon the purchase of an exquisite yellow gold and diamond eternity band to give his wife, Kay. Mr. Ruhf knew exactly what he wanted and therefore the sale was transacted over the phone. He was anxious to surprise his wife with this memorable gift in the store upon their coming to visit San Francisco when he would bring her into Tiffany to browse. This was a captivating notion but our only concern at Tiffany was how best to manage this memorable surprise to be a most romantic encounter. Upon consultation with all involved, we decided upon a plan that allowed the best prospects for success. With Mr. Ruhf兵s input, Tiffany wrote a lovely note personally addressed to Kay to be placed beside the Tiffany Blue gift box with white ribbon containing the ring in the display counter where similar items would be typically displayed. The timing of the arrival of Mr. Ruhf and his wife, Kay, was pre-arranged so that the case could be properly prepared prior to their arrival at the store so as they browsed, Kay would come upon this beautiful Tiffany Blue gift box with white ribbon beside a note addressed to her. This romantic Tiffany encounter happened perfectly with Mr. Ruhf so pleased and with Kay so surprised with tears of happiness in her eyes. With the dedicated teamwork of management and staff at San Francisco, we all were able to create a special memory for an established customer and add dimension to the well deserved mystic that is Tiffany & Company. Mr. Ruhf e-mailed after the occasion, "Everyones efforts are deeply appreciated. Kay was thrilled. You兵re the the best."油 4
  • 5. 18k Medium Doughnut S t y le to S ell Bangle Classic $12,500 Billfold in Tiffany Blue glazed crocodile $495 Diamond by the Yard Necklace set in platinum $7200 Victoria Diamond Earrings set in Bone Cuff Platinum $4900 in 18k Gemea Yellow Quartz Gold Watch in $7950 stainless steel on a white Bone Cuff in Sterling Silver $800; Green Tourmaline and Diamonds by Diamond Line the Yard Earrings set in Bracelet in Platinum $15K Metro Sterling Silver Groove Cufflinks Diamond $1150 with Hematite in Three Row Sterling Silver $500 Bangle set in 18k White Gold $10K Rose-cut Diamond Cobblestone Earrings set in Platinum $3900 Sterling Silver Aegean Toggle Palm Tree Sterling Silver and 18k Rose Gold Medium Round Lock Bracelet in Charm $325, Medium Sterling Silver Locks in 18k Rose and 18k Yellow $125 and Yellow Gold $350, Large Sterling Silver Heart Lock Gold $10, 200 18 $135, 18k Rose Gold and Sterling Silver Ultra Large Pendant Vintage Lock $650, 18k Heart Pendant $800, Sterling Chain $65 Silver Pendant 24, Oval Link 24, Bead Chains 20 $65, Sterling Silver Medium Vintage Lock $80 5
  • 6. S t y le to S ell Oval Sapphire Ring with Half Moon Diamonds and a Diamond Melee Border set Tiffany Circlet in Platinum $105K Diamond Bracelet set in Platinum $16,500 Mix-cut Diamond Earrings set in platinum $27K Blue Enamel and Sea Pearl Tassel Necklace set in Platinum and 18k Sterling Silver Yellow Gold Stacking Band Rings $34K Oval Pink Spinel in Pink Sapphire, Blue and Diamond Sapphire, and Tsavorite Lever-back $275; with diamond set Earrings set in in Platinum $1200 Platinum $70K Face it, true love is hard to find; but you can find out What Makes Love True by downloading it in the Apple App store. Click, Engage! browse, and share your True Love on Tiffany & Co. new Facebook tab. Lets talk about... Want to spot the latest trend? Check out Tiffany & Co. new Spotlight tab on Facebook. 6
  • 7. On June 22nd San Francisco Tiffany & Co. celebrated Store of the Year. Big thanks to Benjamin Alfaro who had suggested and coordinated a beautifully San Francisco delicious dinner located in the Mission on 24th; El Del鍖n restaurant. Store of the Menu Year 2010 Taco Salad Can Cun served with ceviche and prawns Filete De Pescado En Salsa De Alcaparras fish filet with lemon butter capers sauce Fettuccini Con Camarones fettuccini with prawns sweet basil aurora sauce Pollo En Mole Poblano Mole Verde chile with traditional mole sauce Volcan En Molcajete pieces of tender meat "arrachera" style prepared with cactus, sausages, onion, and cheese topped with a red sauce Flan, Arroz Con Leche, Gelatina TEAM BUILDING COMMITTEE continue from pg. 4 November HAP P Y BI RTHDAY Nov. 5th - Group activity with seasonal meet and greet. (^_^)! Location: In store Contact: Volunteers? J U LY Gabrielle Holiday Giving Food Drive JUNE Location: In store and possible group to Andrea volunteer their time at Soup Kitchen Kevin Rachel Contact: Volunteers? APRIL Emily Heidi December Stoyanka M AY Amy Tammy Food Drive or Toy Drive Casie Michele Julie Danielle In store raffle, every toy or canned food you Kim S. Larry donate you get a raffle ticket and maybe 3 Renee drawing; 1 being the biggest gift and two smaller ones. Contact: Volunteers? Newsletter Editor 7 Danielle S. Lopez