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inspiring leadership in procurement
20th & 21st August 2015
The Crowne Plaza Coogee Beach, Sydney
The 4th PASA CPO Exchange
Of course, the exchange format dictates that
CPOs attending must commit to a minimum
of six half-hour meetings with sponsoring
supplier partners. Our previous experience
with this has revealed that CPOs actually
find t he opportunity to meet with suppliers
who they may not usually meet a valuable
experience. Conducted in a very relaxed
and informal way, the meetings provide an
opportunity for both parties to learn more
about each other explore whether or not
there might be value in working together.
The final element of the event, and one that
always receives extremely positive feedback,
is the opportunity for informal networking
throughout the event. Whether it be with
fellow CPOs or participating speakers,
facilitators or suppliers, there is plenty of time
scheduled within the programme to build real
connections that can deliver value.
I trust you find this of interest and hope to
see you in August for the journey from stress
to success.
Nigel Wardropper
Managing Director | PASA
This is one of the best events I
have been to. The presenters were
thought provoking and outside of
the normal range and presented
a different and challenging
perspective. Great opportunity to
Inspiring Leadership
in Procurement
The business world is changing at an
unparalleled pace. Executives are under stress
to deliver more, often with less resource. This
is certainly true in procurement, with the push
to secure cost savings, while managing risk
and building supplier relationships that drive
additional value.
With the theme Inspiring Leadership in
Procurement, The 4th PASA CPO Exchange will
seek to re-energize and inspire procurement
leaders, to make them more productive, and
to provide them with the tools and techniques
to inspire and energize those around them.
The focus of the plenary sessions will be
on mindfulness, personal wellbeing and
leadership. How do you inspire and lead your
team if you dont first look after yourself?
Sessions will address emotional and cultural
intelligence, inspired leadership - what
makes a great leader, stress - why it is good
if managed correctly, and will conclude with
project inspiration, sending attendees away
prepared to inspire themselves and those
around them.
Attendees will also have the opportunity to
attend one-to-one executive coaching sessions
with two of Australias leading business
coaches in the areas of leadership and health
and personal wellbeing.
While the main theme of the event is based
on personal and team development and
wellbeing, procurement is of course also
on the agenda. The round-table discussion
sessions will provide CPOs with the
opportunity to discuss their key procurement
challenges with their peers and find answers
or solutions to their specific problems.
-	 Free accommodation at the Crowne
Plaza, Coogee Beach for up to three
-	 Transfers back to Sydney airport Airport
if leaving at the end of the conference
(Those staying on for additional R&R will
need to organise their own transfers).
In exchange for all of this, all you have to
do is get yourself to the event and commit
to attending a minimum of six half-hour
meetings with participating partners.
What is in it
for you as a CPO?
The PASA CPO Exchange provides you
with the opportunity to enjoy a relaxing,
informative couple of days, at minimal cost,
in the company of your peers and a number
of leading suppliers of products, tools or
Attending CPOs
will receive:
The opportunity to attend an exclusive
networking event with a select group of
your peers -free of charge. Places are strictly
limited to ensure the right atmosphere of
exclusivity and intimacy.
- 	An educational programme featuring:
	 Four keynote sessions that will send you
away re-energized and equipped to drive
peak performance from yourself and
your team.
	 Up to five intimate round-table sessions
during which you can discuss your key
procurement challenges with your peers.
	 A half-hour one-to-one session with
one of Australias leading executive
coaches on either leadership or health
and personal wellbeing (limited spots
available  first come, first served)
	 Dedicated meeting time to meet potential
new suppliers and discuss how they
might be able to assist your business.
-	 A Networking Dinner on Thursday
evening, featuring a guest speaker.
-	 A Networking Breakfast on Friday
How the
Event Works
All delegates will attend the keynote and
networking sessions together. Where the
programme shows round-tables, executive
coaching or partner meetings, CPO delegates
will attend one or the other. For each one-
hour round-table session, there are two
half-hour partner meeting slots available.
This means that CPO delegates will be able
to attend up to five of the eight round-table
sessions, leaving three such timeslots open
to fulfil their commitment to their six supplier
meetings. Of course, if CPOs wish to conduct
more supplier meetings, they are welcome to
do so (a number of attendees at previous CPO
Exchanges added on extra partner meetings)
Undoubtedly, one of the strongest benefits
of attending for CPOs, is the opportunity
to discuss key challenges with their peers.
The headline topics for the round-table
sessions will be nominated by CPOs, with
those selected to be discussed asked to chair
their discussion. This format will allow even
greater personalisation of the programme,
enabling CPOs to draw on the knowledge
and experience of their peers in search of
On receiving the registration agreement
and as a precursor to starting the meetings
organising process, we will contact CPOs to
ask them to nominate round-table topics and
to volunteer to lead the discussion.
Organising your
schedule in
A few weeks before the event, attendees
will be provided with access to an online
meetings scheduling application (Marcom)
that allows liaison with the Exchange
Partners and Executive Coaches to organise
meetings schedules. The software assists
you to build your schedule to maximise your
opportunities to attend those round-table
sessions you wish to attend, while fulfilling
your obligations with regard to Partner
The sooner you commence this process, the
greater the likelihood that you can create
your perfect schedule.
Day One
Thursday 20th August
9.00  10.00am Registration
10.00  10.05am
Welcome from Chair
Explanation of proceedings
Nigel Wardropper, Managing Director, PASA
10.05  10.30am
Super Networking
Jacob Galea, published author and executive coach
10.30  11.15am
Opening Keynote
Inspired Leadership
The role of the leader today versus the role of a leader in 2015 and beyond
Jacob Galea, published author and executive coach
11.15  11.20pm Break to turn sessions around
Round Tables Partner Meetings & Executive Coaching
11.20  12.20pm
Round Table Session 1*
How do we transform our company culture
so that our internal stakeholders treat every
dollar as if it is their own?
How do procurement managers make
11.20  11.50pm Meeting 1
11.50  12.20pm Meeting 2
12.20  1.20pm Lunch
1.20  2.20pm
Round Table 2*
How do I identify the required skills and
deploy resources to build team capability
How do we guarantee that our supply
chains meet our sustainability and social
responsibility requirements?
1.20  1.50pm Meeting 3
1.50  2.20pm Meeting 4
2.20  2.25pm Break to turn sessions around
2.25  3.25pm
Round Table 3*
Procurement as a one stop shop - what are
the hurdles?
How do we useBig Datato identify
opportunities for procurement?
3.40  4.10pm Meeting 5
4.10  4.40pm Meeting 6
3.25  3.55pm Refreshments
3.55  4.55pm
Round Table 4*
Procurement as a one stop shop - what are
the hurdles?
How do we useBig Datato identify
opportunities for procurement?
3.55  4.25pm Meeting 7
4.25  4.55pm Meeting 8
4.55  5.00pm Break to switch back to full plenary
5.00  5.45pm
Decoding Stress
Not all stress is bad. How to use stress to positive effect to drive peak performance
Edward Cabello, Mindful Warrior and peak performance master practitioner
5.45  6.45pm Free time
6.45  7.45pm Cocktails
The CPO Exchange Dinner
An opportunity to unwind with your peers and be amused, amazed and intrigued by our
special guest entertainer
*Please note that the round-table topics shown are from the last CPO Exchange and are shown
purely as an illustration of the kind of topics previous CPO attendees have nominated.
Day Two
Friday 21st August
7.00  7.30am
An optional mind cleansing session by the sea!
7.15  8.15am Networking Breakfast
8.30  9.15am
Opening Keynote:
Emotional and Cultural intelligence
Enhance your leadership capabilities by harnessing the power of emotional and cultural
Isabelle Phillips, Director and Leadership Consultant
Charlotta Oberg, Director and Cultural Consultant
Educational Sessions Partner Meetings & Executive Coaching
9.15  10.15am
Round Table Session 5*
How do we transform a public sector (3
quotes, adversarial mentality) into a forward
planned and researched approach that is
cooperative, whilst achieving improved
Do you think skills are transferable across
9.15  9.45am Meeting 9
9.45  10.15am Meeting 10
10.15  10.45am Refreshments
10.45  11.45am
Round Table 6*
How do we use SRM to move up the value
How do we successfully select and
implement technology/P2P for quick results
in a new procurement function?
10.45  11.15am Meeting 11
11.15  11.50am Meeting 12
11.45  11.50am Break to switch between round-tables & Partner Meetings
11.50  12.50pm
Round Table 7
How do we identify, manage or mitigate
supplier risk?
How do we identify fraud in our supply
11.50  12.20pm Meeting 13
12.20  12.50pm Meeting 14
12.50  1.30pm Buffet Lunch
1.30  2.30pm
Round Table 8*
How do we address the challenge of
making contracting and procurement more
strategic and better integrated and aligned
with our business partners?
How do we successfully select and
implement technology/P2P for quick results
in a new procurement function?
1.30  2.00pm Meeting 15
2.00  2.30pm Meeting 16
2.30  2.45pm Refreshments
2.45  3.30pm
Closing Keynote
Project Inspiration
Discover the secrets of business alchemy, how to generate a shared sense of purpose and
develop a team of change champions
3.30  3.45pm Close of CPO Exchange
4.00pm Buses depart for Airports
*Please note that the round-table topics shown are from the last CPO Exchange and are shown
purely as an illustration of the kind of topics previous CPO attendees have nominated.
Jacob Galea has transformed his life from a factory worker to success coach and mentor by
using the power of the mind and tapping into his inner warrior that lies deep inside all of us.
Jacob has trained thousands of people and spoken in front of huge audiences sharing his
knowledge, wisdom, guidance, and secrets, and now is helping people and businessess all over
the world become limitless and live with purpose.
Jacob has been a student of the mind for the last 20 years, studying and applying himself in
Emotional Intelligence, Hypnotherapy, the power of the Subconscious Mind, Visualisations, the
Art of War strategies, and his powerful Warrior training program and guidance system he has
A karate black belt champion, his brand is a mix of Zen leadership, mind coaching and inner
human transformation, coupled with his unshakeable belief in the human spirit.
He understands the power of the mind and utilises his skills as a martial arts expert to bring
discipline, focus and clarity to the minds of corporate leaders. He brings calm and clarity to
stressed executives burdened by deadlines and overloaded schedules.
His ability to identify and implement creative business strategies and his personal commitment
to that process is a trademark of this inspirational entrepreneur. As a boardroom advisor and
personal lifestyle coach, Jacob builds individuals, teams and organisations as unstoppable
corporate warriors.
As part of his media profile he has been featured in BRW, Sydney Morning Herald, Sunday
Telegraph, Good Weekend, Body and Soul, Mix 106.5FM radio, MX magazine and Blitz magazine
as well writing a monthly column in Ultra Fit magazine.
Edward Cabello made his mark as an undercover police officer in the NSW Police Force in the
early 90s, where he began his journey into the field of stress management. During a critical
incident where shots were fired, he learned first hand the effects of physical and psychological
stress. He left the Police Force in 2000 after serving with distinction and garnering numerous
awards including a Bravery Medal.
At the time Edward was practicing Internal Martial Arts, which led to a 25-year journey in the
study of three very rare forms of Chinese martial arts - Tai Chi Chuan, Hsing I and Ba Gua.
Through the meditative aspects of this training Edward learned and developed strategies to deal
with stress. He is now recognised as a dynamic and authentic speaker; and a leading authority in
the field of Stress Management, Peak Performance and wellness.
He believes one never stops learning, and is currently studying Kundalini Meditation and MMA.
Edwards passion is exploring the power of breath energy and the focused mind in a lifelong
commitment where he continues to push the boundaries of mind management.
Edward has worked with thousands of clients from companies like AMP and Citigroup, and in
particular with business leaders who have lost the balance in their lives. He works on a one to
one basis or in group sessions across a broad field, with his main goal to help people attain
health, happiness and success in all areas of life.
Edward is also committed to working with young people, in particular with youth in Juvenile
Detention. In 2008 Edward developed a programme called Turnaround, incorporating fitness,
health activities and mentoring. In 2010, the program saw its first graduate, a young man able
to re-enter the community, who is now employed and in a stable relationship, making a positive
contribution to society.
Edwards legacy is to plant a seed of health and wellbeing into the minds of the next generation
of entrepreneurs so that they can truly enjoy the fruits of their labour.
His motto is theres no wealth without health.
In addition to their keynote sessions, Jacob and Edward will
be offering free executive coaching sessions on leadership and
health throughout the event.
Keynote Speakers Facilitators & Executive Coaches
The Mindful Warrior
- Edward Cabello
As Featured in
Isabelle Phillips consults to executives in Australia, New Zealand, China and Singapore. She
works with engineers, architects, accountants, procurement, medical, education and human
services professionals.
Isabelle is the founder and Managing Director of Mackerel Sky - Leadership Matters. She has
an undergraduate degree in adult education majoring in human resource development, post
graduate studies in linguistics and accreditations in a range of psychometric instruments.
Isabelle is an experienced and accredited coach and trains coaches around Australia, in New
Zealand, Singapore and China. Prior to starting Mackerel Sky Isabelle worked for multi-nationals
running HR and Talent Management consulting businesses. Her pro-bono work involves
coaching prisoners and she serves on the board of directors for KARI Aboriginal Resources Inc.
Isabelles work develops leadership capacity in individuals, companies and across industry
Her career includes 5 years non-executive director experience and, currently, PhD research in
leadership and mindfulness at the UTS business school. Isabelle is a master trainer and coach.
Lotta has worked in the field of cultural intelligence for 20 years. She has lived and worked in
Europe, Asia and Australia. Lotta now coaches and trains leaders to manage Cultural Intelligence.
Cultural Intelligence provides an evidence-based framework for delving into the deeper layers of
culture. It offers easy-to-understand models that provide practical, real-life assistance to leaders
when culture matters in business and community relations.
Charlotta equips public and private sector organisations to capitalise on the rising wealth of BRIC
nations and the richness of multicultural Australia. Charlotta also coaches expat CEOs to deploy
their leadership in their local market.
Her career includes consulting work with large multinationals, SMEs and the International
Criminal Court. Charlotta is a master trainer and coach.
Isabelle Phillips Director
& Leadership Consultant
Charlotta Oberg
Director and Cultural
Did you find
the overall
Yes  I would recommend it to others , the
quality of attendees was excellent
The forum was fantastic and extremely well run.
It was great to be able to network with peers
while discussing the key challenges and issues
facing procurement that were not necessarily
industry specific.
Absolutely, wonderful  Id love an opportunity
to participate again. 
I found the experience to be very worthwhile
both from a networking and knowledge
increasing perspective and I consider the CPO
exchange concept is very innovative, in this
regard. Also, I was very impressed with the
organisation of the event and my compliments to
everyone involved from the bttb Team both pre
and at the conference on a job really well done.
My compliments for the event. Great format and
I really enjoyed it.
This is one of the best events I have been to. The
presenters were thought provoking and outside
of the normal range and presented a different
and challenging perspective. Great opportunity to
network, very important.
Overall a fantastic event  a great concept and
well executed. I got to meet a large number of
peers in different industries, and have a few good
ideas to think about from the partners
Would be great if some of the partners could
send through invites to meetings a lot sooner in
the process as there were two companies I would
have liked to meet but did not hear from one
until very late in the process and did not hear
from the other at all. Overall a fantastic forum.
Which elements
of the event did
you find most
valuable and why?
One to one partner meeting, which provides
insight of both businesses. Such exchange
meetings provide dedicated time to understand
each others business need/possible association,
out of routine schedule.
Meeting new suppliers and exchanging ideas
with other CPOs from different industries, also
Being an invitation-only event the size of
the group meant there was quality time to
network with fellow CPOs and suppliers during
and between sessions. The supplier meetings
were informative and interesting and well be
following up several products/service offerings.
Overall everyone was relaxed and open which
contributed to the events success.
I enjoyed the overall quick pace of the event
and the variety of learning and networking
opportunities provided via the use of the three
main streams of Key Note Presentations, Face
to Face meetings with Suppliers and the Round
Table Topic discussions. Of course the various
more informal networking opportunities via
the breaks, breakfast, lunches and dinners also
provided additional opportunity for valuable
discussion too.
The partner meetings were useful, and very
engaging. Perhaps a wider range of partners
would of been useful  especially more supply
chain consultants and business optimisation
What Previous
CPO Attendees said
Crowne Plaza Coogee Beach offers guests the best of both worlds with superior beachfront
accommodation, and the city centre just a short drive away. With spacious guestrooms and
magnificent, uninterrupted ocean views, youll feel relaxed and refreshed each morning before
you even step out the door. This Sydney Eastern Suburbs hotel is an ideal choice for business
travellers and group retreats.
Coogee is a trendy beachside suburb in Sydneys eastern suburbs, close to the city, airport and
a buzzing strip of cafes, restaurants and shops. Coogee locals embrace a laid back, relaxed
lifestyle. The jewel of Coogee is its spectacular beach, widely renowned as one of the most
beautiful on the east coast of Australia and famous for its spectacular elevated coastal walk. Stay
at the centre of it all at this premier hotel in Coogee Beach NSW.
With an inspiring beachfront location and spectacular onsite function spaces, Crowne Plaza
Coogee Beach is the perfect venue for a conference like the CPO Exchange.
About The Venue
Further information
If you have any queries in relation to the CPO Exchange format, the participating
partners, the accommodation offer, or any other matter, please contact:
Tanya Johnston | Admin Manager | 07 5644 0515
BTTB/PASA will provide to attending
CPOs/Heads of Procurement with:
1) 	 Complimentary attendance at the event, including the educational programme and
networking functions as set out in the CPO Exchange Brochure. The Organiser will
endeavour to deliver the programme as per the published event brochure, but reserves the
right to make changes to it, without notifying the CPO, where circumstances prove beyond
the Organisers capacity to control (eg: Speaker unavailability)
2) 	 Provide up to three nights complimentary accommodation at the Crowne Plaza, Coogee
Beach. The nights to be used consecutively between the 19th & 22nd August 2015.
(They cant be saved for a later date!)
3) 	 Provide complimentary transfers to Sydney Airport at the conclusion of the main conference.
The CPO will:
1)	 Commit to organising and attending a minimum of 6 half-hour meetings with 6 different
Exchange Partners during the course of the event
2) 	 Organise his/her own travel to and from the venue, with the exception of return airport
transfers on afternoon of 21st August, if departing immediately the event concludes
I wish to attend the 4th PASA CPO Exchange and agree to the commitments and cancellation
fees as detailed above on this form
The 4th PASA CPO Exchange
Registration Form
Room nights required
(Please check all that apply)
鐃 Wednesday 19th Aug	 鐃 Thursday 20th Aug
鐃 Friday 21st Aug	 鐃 Saturday 22nd Aug	 鐃 Will you be bringing a partner
If you have any special requirements in terms of accommodation, such as a family room,
please contact; Tanya Johnston | Admin Manager | 07 5644 0515 | tanya@bttbonline.com
Will you require transfer to Sydney Airport at conclusion of conference yes 鐃 no 鐃
Do you have any special dietary requirements yes 鐃 no 鐃
To secure your place at the 4th PASA CPO Exchange please complete and sign this registration form and return to:
Tanya Johnston | tanya@bttbonline.com | Fax: 07 5644 0501
Cancellation Fee
Any CPO cancelling after 5th August will incur a cancellation fee of $300 + GST

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The 4th PASA CPO Exchange - Inspiring Leadership in Procurement

  • 1. inspiring leadership in procurement 20th & 21st August 2015 The Crowne Plaza Coogee Beach, Sydney The 4th PASA CPO Exchange
  • 2. PAGE 2 Of course, the exchange format dictates that CPOs attending must commit to a minimum of six half-hour meetings with sponsoring supplier partners. Our previous experience with this has revealed that CPOs actually find t he opportunity to meet with suppliers who they may not usually meet a valuable experience. Conducted in a very relaxed and informal way, the meetings provide an opportunity for both parties to learn more about each other explore whether or not there might be value in working together. The final element of the event, and one that always receives extremely positive feedback, is the opportunity for informal networking throughout the event. Whether it be with fellow CPOs or participating speakers, facilitators or suppliers, there is plenty of time scheduled within the programme to build real connections that can deliver value. I trust you find this of interest and hope to see you in August for the journey from stress to success. Nigel Wardropper Managing Director | PASA This is one of the best events I have been to. The presenters were thought provoking and outside of the normal range and presented a different and challenging perspective. Great opportunity to network. Inspiring Leadership in Procurement The business world is changing at an unparalleled pace. Executives are under stress to deliver more, often with less resource. This is certainly true in procurement, with the push to secure cost savings, while managing risk and building supplier relationships that drive additional value. With the theme Inspiring Leadership in Procurement, The 4th PASA CPO Exchange will seek to re-energize and inspire procurement leaders, to make them more productive, and to provide them with the tools and techniques to inspire and energize those around them. The focus of the plenary sessions will be on mindfulness, personal wellbeing and leadership. How do you inspire and lead your team if you dont first look after yourself? Sessions will address emotional and cultural intelligence, inspired leadership - what makes a great leader, stress - why it is good if managed correctly, and will conclude with project inspiration, sending attendees away prepared to inspire themselves and those around them. Attendees will also have the opportunity to attend one-to-one executive coaching sessions with two of Australias leading business coaches in the areas of leadership and health and personal wellbeing. While the main theme of the event is based on personal and team development and wellbeing, procurement is of course also on the agenda. The round-table discussion sessions will provide CPOs with the opportunity to discuss their key procurement challenges with their peers and find answers or solutions to their specific problems. PASA | W: PASACPOEXCHANGE.COM | P: 07 5644 0515 | E: REGOS@BTTBONLINE.COM
  • 3. - Free accommodation at the Crowne Plaza, Coogee Beach for up to three nights. - Transfers back to Sydney airport Airport if leaving at the end of the conference (Those staying on for additional R&R will need to organise their own transfers). In exchange for all of this, all you have to do is get yourself to the event and commit to attending a minimum of six half-hour meetings with participating partners. What is in it for you as a CPO? The PASA CPO Exchange provides you with the opportunity to enjoy a relaxing, informative couple of days, at minimal cost, in the company of your peers and a number of leading suppliers of products, tools or services. Attending CPOs will receive: The opportunity to attend an exclusive networking event with a select group of your peers -free of charge. Places are strictly limited to ensure the right atmosphere of exclusivity and intimacy. - An educational programme featuring: Four keynote sessions that will send you away re-energized and equipped to drive peak performance from yourself and your team. Up to five intimate round-table sessions during which you can discuss your key procurement challenges with your peers. A half-hour one-to-one session with one of Australias leading executive coaches on either leadership or health and personal wellbeing (limited spots available first come, first served) Dedicated meeting time to meet potential new suppliers and discuss how they might be able to assist your business. - A Networking Dinner on Thursday evening, featuring a guest speaker. - A Networking Breakfast on Friday morning. How the Event Works All delegates will attend the keynote and networking sessions together. Where the programme shows round-tables, executive coaching or partner meetings, CPO delegates will attend one or the other. For each one- hour round-table session, there are two half-hour partner meeting slots available. This means that CPO delegates will be able to attend up to five of the eight round-table sessions, leaving three such timeslots open to fulfil their commitment to their six supplier meetings. Of course, if CPOs wish to conduct more supplier meetings, they are welcome to do so (a number of attendees at previous CPO Exchanges added on extra partner meetings) PAGE 3PASA | W: PASACPOEXCHANGE.COM | P: 07 5644 0515 | E: REGOS@BTTBONLINE.COM
  • 4. Round-table Sessions Undoubtedly, one of the strongest benefits of attending for CPOs, is the opportunity to discuss key challenges with their peers. The headline topics for the round-table sessions will be nominated by CPOs, with those selected to be discussed asked to chair their discussion. This format will allow even greater personalisation of the programme, enabling CPOs to draw on the knowledge and experience of their peers in search of solutions. On receiving the registration agreement and as a precursor to starting the meetings organising process, we will contact CPOs to ask them to nominate round-table topics and to volunteer to lead the discussion. Organising your schedule in Marcom A few weeks before the event, attendees will be provided with access to an online meetings scheduling application (Marcom) that allows liaison with the Exchange Partners and Executive Coaches to organise meetings schedules. The software assists you to build your schedule to maximise your opportunities to attend those round-table sessions you wish to attend, while fulfilling your obligations with regard to Partner Meetings. The sooner you commence this process, the greater the likelihood that you can create your perfect schedule. PAGE 4PASA | W: PASACPOEXCHANGE.COM | P: 07 5644 0515 | E: REGOS@BTTBONLINE.COM
  • 5. PAGE 5 Day One Thursday 20th August TIME SESSION 9.00 10.00am Registration 10.00 10.05am Welcome from Chair Explanation of proceedings Nigel Wardropper, Managing Director, PASA 10.05 10.30am Super Networking Jacob Galea, published author and executive coach 10.30 11.15am Opening Keynote Inspired Leadership The role of the leader today versus the role of a leader in 2015 and beyond Jacob Galea, published author and executive coach 11.15 11.20pm Break to turn sessions around Round Tables Partner Meetings & Executive Coaching 11.20 12.20pm Round Table Session 1* How do we transform our company culture so that our internal stakeholders treat every dollar as if it is their own? Or How do procurement managers make decisions? 11.20 11.50pm Meeting 1 11.50 12.20pm Meeting 2 12.20 1.20pm Lunch 1.20 2.20pm Round Table 2* How do I identify the required skills and deploy resources to build team capability quickly? Or How do we guarantee that our supply chains meet our sustainability and social responsibility requirements? 1.20 1.50pm Meeting 3 1.50 2.20pm Meeting 4 TIME SESSION 2.20 2.25pm Break to turn sessions around 2.25 3.25pm Round Table 3* Procurement as a one stop shop - what are the hurdles? Or How do we useBig Datato identify opportunities for procurement? 3.40 4.10pm Meeting 5 4.10 4.40pm Meeting 6 3.25 3.55pm Refreshments 3.55 4.55pm Round Table 4* Procurement as a one stop shop - what are the hurdles? Or How do we useBig Datato identify opportunities for procurement? 3.55 4.25pm Meeting 7 4.25 4.55pm Meeting 8 4.55 5.00pm Break to switch back to full plenary 5.00 5.45pm Keynote Decoding Stress Not all stress is bad. How to use stress to positive effect to drive peak performance Edward Cabello, Mindful Warrior and peak performance master practitioner 5.45 6.45pm Free time 6.45 7.45pm Cocktails 7.45pm 10.30pm The CPO Exchange Dinner An opportunity to unwind with your peers and be amused, amazed and intrigued by our special guest entertainer *Please note that the round-table topics shown are from the last CPO Exchange and are shown purely as an illustration of the kind of topics previous CPO attendees have nominated. PASA | W: PASACPOEXCHANGE.COM | P: 07 5644 0515 | E: REGOS@BTTBONLINE.COM
  • 6. PAGE 6 Day Two Friday 21st August TIME SESSION 7.00 7.30am Mindfulness An optional mind cleansing session by the sea! 7.15 8.15am Networking Breakfast 8.30 9.15am Opening Keynote: Emotional and Cultural intelligence Enhance your leadership capabilities by harnessing the power of emotional and cultural intelligence Isabelle Phillips, Director and Leadership Consultant Charlotta Oberg, Director and Cultural Consultant Educational Sessions Partner Meetings & Executive Coaching 9.15 10.15am Round Table Session 5* How do we transform a public sector (3 quotes, adversarial mentality) into a forward planned and researched approach that is cooperative, whilst achieving improved value? Or Do you think skills are transferable across categories?categories? 9.15 9.45am Meeting 9 9.45 10.15am Meeting 10 10.15 10.45am Refreshments 10.45 11.45am Round Table 6* How do we use SRM to move up the value chain? Or How do we successfully select and implement technology/P2P for quick results in a new procurement function? 10.45 11.15am Meeting 11 11.15 11.50am Meeting 12 TIME SESSION 11.45 11.50am Break to switch between round-tables & Partner Meetings 11.50 12.50pm Round Table 7 How do we identify, manage or mitigate supplier risk? Or How do we identify fraud in our supply chain? 11.50 12.20pm Meeting 13 12.20 12.50pm Meeting 14 12.50 1.30pm Buffet Lunch 1.30 2.30pm Round Table 8* How do we address the challenge of making contracting and procurement more strategic and better integrated and aligned with our business partners? Or How do we successfully select and implement technology/P2P for quick results in a new procurement function? 1.30 2.00pm Meeting 15 2.00 2.30pm Meeting 16 2.30 2.45pm Refreshments 2.45 3.30pm Closing Keynote Project Inspiration Discover the secrets of business alchemy, how to generate a shared sense of purpose and develop a team of change champions 3.30 3.45pm Close of CPO Exchange 4.00pm Buses depart for Airports *Please note that the round-table topics shown are from the last CPO Exchange and are shown purely as an illustration of the kind of topics previous CPO attendees have nominated. PASA | W: PASACPOEXCHANGE.COM | P: 07 5644 0515 | E: REGOS@BTTBONLINE.COM
  • 7. PAGE 7 Jacob Galea has transformed his life from a factory worker to success coach and mentor by using the power of the mind and tapping into his inner warrior that lies deep inside all of us. Jacob has trained thousands of people and spoken in front of huge audiences sharing his knowledge, wisdom, guidance, and secrets, and now is helping people and businessess all over the world become limitless and live with purpose. Jacob has been a student of the mind for the last 20 years, studying and applying himself in Emotional Intelligence, Hypnotherapy, the power of the Subconscious Mind, Visualisations, the Art of War strategies, and his powerful Warrior training program and guidance system he has built. A karate black belt champion, his brand is a mix of Zen leadership, mind coaching and inner human transformation, coupled with his unshakeable belief in the human spirit. He understands the power of the mind and utilises his skills as a martial arts expert to bring discipline, focus and clarity to the minds of corporate leaders. He brings calm and clarity to stressed executives burdened by deadlines and overloaded schedules. His ability to identify and implement creative business strategies and his personal commitment to that process is a trademark of this inspirational entrepreneur. As a boardroom advisor and personal lifestyle coach, Jacob builds individuals, teams and organisations as unstoppable corporate warriors. As part of his media profile he has been featured in BRW, Sydney Morning Herald, Sunday Telegraph, Good Weekend, Body and Soul, Mix 106.5FM radio, MX magazine and Blitz magazine as well writing a monthly column in Ultra Fit magazine. www.jacobgalea.com Edward Cabello made his mark as an undercover police officer in the NSW Police Force in the early 90s, where he began his journey into the field of stress management. During a critical incident where shots were fired, he learned first hand the effects of physical and psychological stress. He left the Police Force in 2000 after serving with distinction and garnering numerous awards including a Bravery Medal. At the time Edward was practicing Internal Martial Arts, which led to a 25-year journey in the study of three very rare forms of Chinese martial arts - Tai Chi Chuan, Hsing I and Ba Gua. Through the meditative aspects of this training Edward learned and developed strategies to deal with stress. He is now recognised as a dynamic and authentic speaker; and a leading authority in the field of Stress Management, Peak Performance and wellness. He believes one never stops learning, and is currently studying Kundalini Meditation and MMA. Edwards passion is exploring the power of breath energy and the focused mind in a lifelong commitment where he continues to push the boundaries of mind management. Edward has worked with thousands of clients from companies like AMP and Citigroup, and in particular with business leaders who have lost the balance in their lives. He works on a one to one basis or in group sessions across a broad field, with his main goal to help people attain health, happiness and success in all areas of life. Edward is also committed to working with young people, in particular with youth in Juvenile Detention. In 2008 Edward developed a programme called Turnaround, incorporating fitness, health activities and mentoring. In 2010, the program saw its first graduate, a young man able to re-enter the community, who is now employed and in a stable relationship, making a positive contribution to society. Edwards legacy is to plant a seed of health and wellbeing into the minds of the next generation of entrepreneurs so that they can truly enjoy the fruits of their labour. His motto is theres no wealth without health. In addition to their keynote sessions, Jacob and Edward will be offering free executive coaching sessions on leadership and health throughout the event. Keynote Speakers Facilitators & Executive Coaches Jacob Galea The Mindful Warrior - Edward Cabello As Featured in PASA | W: PASACPOEXCHANGE.COM | P: 07 5644 0515 | E: REGOS@BTTBONLINE.COM
  • 8. PAGE 8 Isabelle Phillips consults to executives in Australia, New Zealand, China and Singapore. She works with engineers, architects, accountants, procurement, medical, education and human services professionals. Isabelle is the founder and Managing Director of Mackerel Sky - Leadership Matters. She has an undergraduate degree in adult education majoring in human resource development, post graduate studies in linguistics and accreditations in a range of psychometric instruments. Isabelle is an experienced and accredited coach and trains coaches around Australia, in New Zealand, Singapore and China. Prior to starting Mackerel Sky Isabelle worked for multi-nationals running HR and Talent Management consulting businesses. Her pro-bono work involves coaching prisoners and she serves on the board of directors for KARI Aboriginal Resources Inc. Isabelles work develops leadership capacity in individuals, companies and across industry sectors. Her career includes 5 years non-executive director experience and, currently, PhD research in leadership and mindfulness at the UTS business school. Isabelle is a master trainer and coach. Lotta has worked in the field of cultural intelligence for 20 years. She has lived and worked in Europe, Asia and Australia. Lotta now coaches and trains leaders to manage Cultural Intelligence. Cultural Intelligence provides an evidence-based framework for delving into the deeper layers of culture. It offers easy-to-understand models that provide practical, real-life assistance to leaders when culture matters in business and community relations. Charlotta equips public and private sector organisations to capitalise on the rising wealth of BRIC nations and the richness of multicultural Australia. Charlotta also coaches expat CEOs to deploy their leadership in their local market. Her career includes consulting work with large multinationals, SMEs and the International Criminal Court. Charlotta is a master trainer and coach. Isabelle Phillips Director & Leadership Consultant Charlotta Oberg Director and Cultural Consultant PASA | W: PASACPOEXCHANGE.COM | P: 07 5644 0515 | E: REGOS@BTTBONLINE.COM
  • 9. PAGE 9 Did you find the overall experience worthwhile? Yes I would recommend it to others , the quality of attendees was excellent The forum was fantastic and extremely well run. It was great to be able to network with peers while discussing the key challenges and issues facing procurement that were not necessarily industry specific. Absolutely, wonderful Id love an opportunity to participate again. I found the experience to be very worthwhile both from a networking and knowledge increasing perspective and I consider the CPO exchange concept is very innovative, in this regard. Also, I was very impressed with the organisation of the event and my compliments to everyone involved from the bttb Team both pre and at the conference on a job really well done. My compliments for the event. Great format and I really enjoyed it. This is one of the best events I have been to. The presenters were thought provoking and outside of the normal range and presented a different and challenging perspective. Great opportunity to network, very important. Overall a fantastic event a great concept and well executed. I got to meet a large number of peers in different industries, and have a few good ideas to think about from the partners Would be great if some of the partners could send through invites to meetings a lot sooner in the process as there were two companies I would have liked to meet but did not hear from one until very late in the process and did not hear from the other at all. Overall a fantastic forum. Which elements of the event did you find most valuable and why? One to one partner meeting, which provides insight of both businesses. Such exchange meetings provide dedicated time to understand each others business need/possible association, out of routine schedule. Meeting new suppliers and exchanging ideas with other CPOs from different industries, also networking. Being an invitation-only event the size of the group meant there was quality time to network with fellow CPOs and suppliers during and between sessions. The supplier meetings were informative and interesting and well be following up several products/service offerings. Overall everyone was relaxed and open which contributed to the events success. I enjoyed the overall quick pace of the event and the variety of learning and networking opportunities provided via the use of the three main streams of Key Note Presentations, Face to Face meetings with Suppliers and the Round Table Topic discussions. Of course the various more informal networking opportunities via the breaks, breakfast, lunches and dinners also provided additional opportunity for valuable discussion too. The partner meetings were useful, and very engaging. Perhaps a wider range of partners would of been useful especially more supply chain consultants and business optimisation specialists. What Previous CPO Attendees said PASA | W: PASACPOEXCHANGE.COM | P: 07 5644 0515 | E: REGOS@BTTBONLINE.COM
  • 10. PAGE 10 Crowne Plaza Coogee Beach offers guests the best of both worlds with superior beachfront accommodation, and the city centre just a short drive away. With spacious guestrooms and magnificent, uninterrupted ocean views, youll feel relaxed and refreshed each morning before you even step out the door. This Sydney Eastern Suburbs hotel is an ideal choice for business travellers and group retreats. Coogee is a trendy beachside suburb in Sydneys eastern suburbs, close to the city, airport and a buzzing strip of cafes, restaurants and shops. Coogee locals embrace a laid back, relaxed lifestyle. The jewel of Coogee is its spectacular beach, widely renowned as one of the most beautiful on the east coast of Australia and famous for its spectacular elevated coastal walk. Stay at the centre of it all at this premier hotel in Coogee Beach NSW. With an inspiring beachfront location and spectacular onsite function spaces, Crowne Plaza Coogee Beach is the perfect venue for a conference like the CPO Exchange. About The Venue Further information If you have any queries in relation to the CPO Exchange format, the participating partners, the accommodation offer, or any other matter, please contact: Tanya Johnston | Admin Manager | 07 5644 0515 tanya@bttbonline.com PASA | W: PASACPOEXCHANGE.COM | P: 07 5644 0515 | E: REGOS@BTTBONLINE.COM
  • 11. BTTB/PASA will provide to attending CPOs/Heads of Procurement with: 1) Complimentary attendance at the event, including the educational programme and networking functions as set out in the CPO Exchange Brochure. The Organiser will endeavour to deliver the programme as per the published event brochure, but reserves the right to make changes to it, without notifying the CPO, where circumstances prove beyond the Organisers capacity to control (eg: Speaker unavailability) 2) Provide up to three nights complimentary accommodation at the Crowne Plaza, Coogee Beach. The nights to be used consecutively between the 19th & 22nd August 2015. (They cant be saved for a later date!) 3) Provide complimentary transfers to Sydney Airport at the conclusion of the main conference. The CPO will: 1) Commit to organising and attending a minimum of 6 half-hour meetings with 6 different Exchange Partners during the course of the event 2) Organise his/her own travel to and from the venue, with the exception of return airport transfers on afternoon of 21st August, if departing immediately the event concludes I wish to attend the 4th PASA CPO Exchange and agree to the commitments and cancellation fees as detailed above on this form The 4th PASA CPO Exchange Registration Form Room nights required (Please check all that apply) 鐃 Wednesday 19th Aug 鐃 Thursday 20th Aug 鐃 Friday 21st Aug 鐃 Saturday 22nd Aug 鐃 Will you be bringing a partner If you have any special requirements in terms of accommodation, such as a family room, please contact; Tanya Johnston | Admin Manager | 07 5644 0515 | tanya@bttbonline.com Will you require transfer to Sydney Airport at conclusion of conference yes 鐃 no 鐃 Do you have any special dietary requirements yes 鐃 no 鐃 PAGE 11PASA | W: PASACPOEXCHANGE.COM | P: 07 5644 0515 | E: REGOS@BTTBONLINE.COM To secure your place at the 4th PASA CPO Exchange please complete and sign this registration form and return to: Tanya Johnston | tanya@bttbonline.com | Fax: 07 5644 0501 Cancellation Fee Any CPO cancelling after 5th August will incur a cancellation fee of $300 + GST NAME JOB TITLE ORGANISATION ADDRESS SUBURB STATE POSTCODE MOBILE EMAIL