The document summarizes a presentation given by Cyndy Au on building trust for food innovation and growth through progressive food standards and safety. The presentation objectives were to emphasize core values of progressive standards, provide an understanding of issues impacting trust, share a food safety education collaboration initiative, and reflect on the past, current and future of standards and safety and their impact. It discussed the need for convergence between various stakeholders like consumers, policymakers, industry and academia on issues like food safety, authenticity, education and innovation to build trust. It highlighted initiatives to educate young leaders on awareness, intention and behavior regarding nutrition and programs to communicate innovation and manage risk to meet consumer expectations in Asia.
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The 5th Asian-European Business Innovation Congress 2017
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A personal commitment to the highest standards of
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5. People need to know that you care
before they care about what you know!
Building Trust
10. Meeting consumers’ expectations
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Value for money is a way of life
for most consumers and more is
always perceived or accepted to
be better.
Hence, probiotics formulated with
multiple microorganism strains
(and high in potency) would be
expected to sell better than a
product with a single strain of
Regulatory landscape and
detection methodology must
keep up with product innovation
Food manufacturers need to
research and develop stable and
sustainable probiotic strains that
can be delivered in formats such
as powder that can be sprinkled
and added into familiar local
dishes like soups, rice or
Asians usually start the day with
hot dishes rather than cold food.
Asian consumers are expected to
look closer into the probiotics’
specific functional health claims
during purchase.
An extensively researched
probiotic strain built on scientific
evidence: efficacy and efficiency.
Responsible probiotics
manufacturer will develop deep
competency in in vitro, animal
pre-clinical and human clinical
trials to substantiate health
11. What do Asian consumers value?
• Marketing probiotics to Asian consumers should also
take into consideration:
o convenience;
o incorporating probiotics into existing traditional
or new brands; and
o the use of technology like health apps or
websites, to help consumers understand the
science behind probiotic products.
• However, the most important driver in most Asian
countries is likely to be affordability.
• When creating new probiotic products, brands must
take cost into account while assuring that the product
is of good quality, tastes good, has reliable distribution
channels, and importantly, storage that guarantees the
viability of the probiotic microorganisms until the use
by date.
14. On the Web
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