The document discusses how to audit and improve the performance of a Gatsby site. It recommends first choosing a performance testing tool and monitoring performance on every code change. To improve performance, it suggests focusing on five types of "browser work": third-party scripts, JavaScript bundles, images/media, styles/fonts, and resource requests. For each type of work, the document provides a "TIRE" process to Triage impact, Isolate key code, Refactor if possible or Evaluate potential gains from refactoring. Specific recommendations include lazy loading scripts, reducing bundle size by upgrading dependencies, using Gatsby plugins for images and preconnecting to subdomains. The overall message is that performance impacts UX and search
4. #gatsbyconf
Making a slow website fast is hard
impacts perf
Hard to know
what changes
matter for you
Get fast,
stay fast
5. #gatsbyconf
First, the performance improvements you make
Second, the process you have to quantify,
maintain, and extend those improvements
Perf: improvements and process
16. #gatsbyconf
1. Fetch and parse third party scripts.
2. Fetch and parse your main JavaScript bundle.
3. Fetch, load and paint images and media
4. Load CSS & fonts and paint the screen
5. Make calls over the network to do (1)-(4)
Types of work the browser does
(post-HTML load)
17. #gatsbyconf
1. Address third-party script impact
2. Reduce JavaScript bundle size
3. Optimize image and media delivery
4. Optimize styling and font files
5. Resource requests & CDN configuration
Types of improvements you can make
18. #gatsbyconf
For each browser work type:
1. Triage: triage the overall impact caused by this type of
browser work to decide your level of effort
2. Isolate: Identify & isolate key lines of code impacting perf
3. Refactor: when clear-cut, remove or refactor code
4. Evaluate: when not clear-cut, estimate potential perf gain
from refactoring, and evaluate whether its worth the time
TIRE: a perf improvement pattern
19. #gatsbyconf
1. Address third-party script impact
2. Reduce JavaScript bundle size
3. Optimize image and media delivery
4. Optimize styling and font files
5. Resource requests & CDN configuration
(1)Third-party scripts ||
21. #gatsbyconf
the impact of
execution time
(1)Third-party scripts || Triage | Isolate | Refactor | Evaluate
22. #gatsbyconf
Remove each script, test before / after
Lighthouse scores (individual impact)
Remove all scripts, test before / after
Lighthouse scores (collective impact)
Understand script impact
(1)Third-party scripts || Triage | Isolate | Refactor | Evaluate
23. #gatsbyconf
Understand the business why
(1)Third-party scripts || Triage | Isolate | Refactor | Evaluate
For each script, understand:
Overall business purpose
Relative importance
Who uses the data
24. #gatsbyconf
1. Cut when possible
a. Remove high-cost, low-
value scripts
b. Remove unused scripts
2. Optimize everything else
a. Lazy load scripts
b. Inline scripts
Reduce script impact
(1)Third-party scripts || Triage | Isolate | Refactor | Evaluate
25. #gatsbyconf
1. Address third-party script impact
2. Reduce JavaScript bundle size
3. Optimize image and media delivery
4. Optimize styling and font files
5. Resource requests & CDN configuration
(2) Reduce bundle size
30. #gatsbyconf
Application level
chunks (shared
with all pages)
(React / React-DOM)
(Gatsby framework)
(coordinates bundle
(libraries used on
every page)
(CSS modules)
(2) Reduce bundle size || Triage | Isolate | Refactor | Evaluate
31. #gatsbyconf
chunks (shared
with pages with
this template )
(each component & the
components it uses)
(3rd-party libraries
used by this template)
(2) Reduce bundle size || Triage | Isolate | Refactor | Evaluate
32. #gatsbyconf
1. Order of operations
a. Audit commons-*.js, app-*.js first
b. Audit critical path templates
2. On each chunk.
a. Identify large third-party imports (eg, Moment)
b. Identify components & data that shouldnt be
needed in a particular template or commons
Identify high-leverage points
(2) Reduce bundle size || Triage | Isolate | Refactor | Evaluate
33. #gatsbyconf
1. Replace heavy third-party libraries with
lighter weight alternatives
2. Upgrade to Gatsby 3 for smaller bundles
3. Examine your import structure
a. Look for shared components pulling in
other, unneeded components
Make high-impact changes
(2) Reduce bundle size || Triage | Isolate | Refactor | Evaluate
34. #gatsbyconf
1. Address third-party script impact
2. Reduce JavaScript bundle size
3. Optimize image and media delivery
4. Optimize styling and font files
5. Resource requests & CDN configuration
36. #gatsbyconf
1. Smaller & faster than gatsby-image
2. Much faster than not using gatsby-image at all!
Use gatsby-plugin-image
(3) Images and Media|| Triage | Isolate | Refactor | Evaluate
37. #gatsbyconf
1. Address third-party script impact
2. Reduce JavaScript bundle size
3. Use Gatsbys tools for images and other media
4. Optimize styling and font files
5. Resource requests & CDN configuration
43. #gatsbyconf
If you see >30kb font files, slim down
Prefer woff2, woff to ttf
Trim down to one alphabet
(eg Latin for US/EU)
Prefer (correct) font self-
hosting to Google Fonts to
save request times
(4) Styling and Fonts || Triage | Isolate | Refactor | Evaluate
44. #gatsbyconf
1. Address third-party script impact
2. Reduce JavaScript bundle size
3. Use Gatsbys tools for images and other media
4. Optimize styling and font files
5. Resource requests & CDN configuration
45. #gatsbyconf
Load critical assets from your main domain where possible.
Preconnect to subdomains using gatsby-plugin-preconnect
Utilize Gatsby Link to optimizing intra-site navigation
Resource requests & CDN config
(5) Resources & CDN || Triage | Isolate | Refactor | Evaluate
46. #gatsbyconf
Perf matters because of UX, conversions, and search rankings
Like getting healthy, hard part is getting fast and staying fast
You stay fast by running a testing tool on every PR and commit.
You get fast by:
....looking at five types of browser work (third-party scripts,
JS bundles, images & media, styles, and requests)
And following the TIRE process (Triage relative importance,
Isolate key code, Refactor if easy, Evaluate impact if not)
So, to recap.
47. #gatsbyconf
Sign up for Gatsby Cloud
Use the new gatsby-plugin-image
And...if you only have a couple hours
Im excited to talk about a key reason why people love Gatsby: fast sites.
"In fifteen minutes, I'm going to share with you enough information to get started with a performance audit, we've done dozens of these at Gatsby."
The tricky thing is that performance isnt just about making your site fast, its about keeping it fast. That means putting the right processes in place at your organization.
In other words, performance is both a technical challenge and a people challenge.
The tricky thing is that performance isnt just about making your site fast, its about keeping it fast. That means putting the right processes in place at your organization.
In other words, performance is both a technical challenge and a people challenge.
What Addys saying is that performance work without organizational basis in place will feel like this.
[After] improving performance, metrics often rapidly regress once [teams] return to feature development. -- Addy Osmani, Web Performance Lead, Google
When companies put in the work to improve performance, perf metrics will often rapidly regress once they return to feature development.
Okay, so a couple things about this talk.
Also, this talk is accompanied by a new piece of documentation in the Performance section. If youre curious to dive deeper into any of the topics Ill be covering, that doc is a great place to star
So lets talk about what a performance process looks like. The good news is that its simpler than you might think.
Third, watch the numbers. Performance gains -- and regressions -- are sometimes unexpectedly large. You could improve performance 10 points by eliminating one script; or reduce it 10 points by accidentally pulling in extra JavaScript. Quantify so you know what moves the needle.
So lets talk about what a performance process looks like. The good news is that its simpler than you might think.
First, choose a testing tools. These are both great choices.Lighthouse tends to be seen as more "canonical".
Webpagetest tends to be seen as more precise.
Second, monitor performance on a per-commit, per-PR basis to flag regressions.
Gatsby Cloud has Lighthouse performance reports built into its CI/CD.
Alternately, use a third-party service -- there are tons of great options.
Third, watch the numbers. Performance gains -- and regressions -- are sometimes unexpectedly large. You could improve performance 10 points by eliminating one script; or reduce it 10 points by accidentally pulling in extra JavaScript. Quantify so you know what moves the needle.
Okay, so youve got your performance process in place. Now time to get down to improving performance.
Gatsby makes your sites fast by default.
But there are lots of things you can do that will still make it less fast than it could be. Were going to talk today about how to improve performance by finding and fixing those issues.This is a great quote by Kyle.
This is one way to think about performance. All performance work is telling your users browser how to do less work
Fundamentally there are five things that your browser is doing, after it reads the initial HTML.
These are the main that weve seen from Gatsby sites use this language to frame things. Gatsby does a ton of things to optimize -- both inherent in the framework as well as a number of plugins --
Each thing the browser does is something you can optimize.
Typically youre going to get the most impact from tackling the first three.
But were going to
Typically youre going to get the most impact from tackling the first three. But you wont know for sure until you run a report.But which one of them is most important? Thats where you run your audit report. Lets dive into a audit quickly.
Lets talk about addressing third-party scripts.
Split out into a couple of slides, add screenshots, talk track from
Split out into a couple of slides, add screenshots, talk track from
3rd party scripts are a black box for most developers. To improve things, you have to look into the box.
The first thing you should do is understand whats going on.
After you have a sense for the impact of each script and all scripts, you have a number of options to explore.
Maybe theres a high-cost script that you can cleverly eliminate by using a system you already use to send the data marketing needs.
Maybe one script was only being left by someone who left last last month, and you can get rid of it.
Split out into a couple of slides, add screenshots, talk track from
This is the plugin output for one of our builds on
Seeing something like this can be a bit intimidating, so Ill break it down here.
Looking at the naming structure, you can identify several application level chunks shared between all pages(Note: This is a pretty healthy bundle)
You can also see chunks that are specific to the particular template used to generate this page(Note: This is a pretty healthy bundle)
Once youve done
Laurie just gave a great talk on Gatsby image, so this is most of it! Go watch her talk and implement Gatsby image if you havent already!
Split out into a couple of slides, add screenshots, talk track from
Split out into a couple of slides, add screenshots, talk track from
Slim down from
This is the Coverage Drawer -- a tab you can find in Chrome Developer Tools -- for the homepage of an e-commerce site that is using Gatsby. You can see their homepage is roughly 300 kilobytes, around 80% of which isnt being used. This is because theyre pulling in a lot of CSS that isnt being used. Theyre working on refactoring and modularizing their CSS using CSS modules.
Slim down from
This is the Coverage Drawer -- a tab you can find in Chrome Developer Tools -- for the homepage of an e-commerce site that is using Gatsby. You can see their homepage is roughly 300 kilobytes, around 80% of which isnt being used. This is because theyre pulling in a lot of CSS that isnt being used. Theyre working on refactoring and modularizing their CSS using CSS modules.
Slim down from
This is the Coverage Drawer -- a tab you can find in Chrome Developer Tools -- for the homepage of an e-commerce site that is using Gatsby. You can see their homepage is roughly 300 kilobytes, around 80% of which isnt being used. This is because theyre pulling in a lot of CSS that isnt being used. Theyre working on refactoring and modularizing their CSS using CSS modules.
Slim down from
This is the Coverage Drawer -- a tab you can find in Chrome Developer Tools -- for the homepage of an e-commerce site that is using Gatsby. You can see their homepage is roughly 300 kilobytes, around 80% of which isnt being used. This is because theyre pulling in a lot of CSS that isnt being used. Theyre working on refactoring and modularizing their CSS using CSS modules.
Slim down from
This is the Coverage Drawer -- a tab you can find in Chrome Developer Tools -- for the homepage of an e-commerce site that is using Gatsby. You can see their homepage is roughly 300 kilobytes, around 80% of which isnt being used. This is because theyre pulling in a lot of CSS that isnt being used. Theyre working on refactoring and modularizing their CSS using CSS modules.
Slim down from
This is the Coverage Drawer -- a tab you can find in Chrome Developer Tools -- for the homepage of an e-commerce site that is using Gatsby. You can see their homepage is roughly 300 kilobytes, around 80% of which isnt being used. This is because theyre pulling in a lot of CSS that isnt being used. Theyre working on refactoring and modularizing their CSS using CSS modules.
Slim down from
The tricky thing is that performance isnt just about making your site fast, its about keeping it fast. That means putting the right processes in place at your organization.
In other words, performance is both a technical challenge and a people challenge.
The tricky thing is that performance isnt just about making your site fast, its about keeping it fast. That means putting the right processes in place at your organization.
In other words, performance is both a technical challenge and a people challenge.
The tricky thing is that performance isnt just about making your site fast, its about keeping it fast. That means putting the right processes in place at your organization.
In other words, performance is both a technical challenge and a people challenge.