Dr. Kenneth Dickie from Royal Centre of Plastic Surgery in Barrie, Ontario walked the audience through his valuable experience in helping Anius Fleuridor. You can learn more about his experience here http://royalcentreofplasticsurgery.com/the-anius-story/
2. Anius: A Child in Need
Where: A remote village in Haiti
When: A missionary trip to provide aid to the
people of Haiti
What: A call from a medical colleague asking
for assistance
Why: A 6 year old child had been badly
burned when 2 years of age
14. Gaspare Tagliacozzi 1597
We restore and make whole, those parts
which nature or ill fortune have taken away,
not so much to delight the eye, but to buoy up
the spirit of the afflicted
15. If you have any questions, feel free to contact Dr.
Kenneth Dickie at royalcentreofplasticsurgery.com
Twitter: @RCPSurgery
Twitter Personal: @DrKennethDickie
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or Call Us at 705-726-2800