The Apollo 13 mission suffered a major malfunction en route to the moon. An oxygen tank exploded, damaging the service module and depriving the spacecraft of power and oxygen. NASA mission control worked tirelessly with the astronauts and engineers to abort the lunar landing and devise a plan to safely return the crew back to Earth. Through teamwork and problem-solving, they were able to guide Apollo 13 and its crew home despite facing significant challenges with limited resources.
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The Apollo 13
1. The Apollo 13
The Apollo 13 is NASA's seventh Apollo space mission taking human beings into the outer space. The Launch took place at Kennedy Space Center.
The crew consisted of three men, James A. Lovell, John L. Swigert, and Fred W. Haise. "Houston, we have a problem..." was the saying that leads to
the tragic event that took place on April 11, 1970. Months before the launch, the crew went through many obstacles in order to prepare themselves for
the mission. If one mistake was made, everything could go wrong and the crew would be killed. NASA had the crew go through every situation
possible, no matter how hard in order for them to be prepared. If they didn't master it the first time, they had to do it over and over till it was mastered.
Once everything
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2. Apollo 13 Essay
Apollo 13 Questions
1.I'd first have to say that the head of mission control on the ground was definitely important in the salvaging of Apollo 13. He was faced with
problem after problem yet he kept a somewhat level head through all of it and managed the engineers and other people involved back at Houston very
well. Jim Lovell's piloting skills played a rold in the crew's survival as well. When he had to set the ship's course for Earth manually it took a great deal
of skill and patience and he deserves credit for that. Ken Mattingly might not have made it to space, but his extensive knowledge of the ins and outs of
the spacecraft saved the lives of his friends when they had a power crisis.
2. One particular problem more content...
As for the astronauts, I think their attitude towards the space program was positive. They obviously were enthused about their mission to the moon, but
I think they were beginning to believe these missions were becoming routine as well. I gathered this from their horseplay and wisecracks in space prior
to the accident.
4. Apollo 13 wasn't known for any great scientific achievements of course, but it proved the point that space flight is anything but routine or mundane.
It proved that something as small as some faulty wiring could spell disaster for an entire mission. It opened the eyes of the media and general public to
see that man had not yet completely mastered space and things could go wrong.
5. The Challenger disaster and the near failure of Apollo 13 are different in a few ways.
One obvious difference is that there were no fatalities in Apollo while the whole crew of
Challenger perished. The Challenger incident happened before the shuttle even reached space while the Apollo's problems occurred on the way to the
moon far from Earth.
There was also a difference in the nature of the incidents. Apollo's troubles stemmed from an explosion in the oxygen tanks due to some faulty wiring
that cut the spacecraft's electrical power, oxygen, and other systems. The challenger disaster was caused by a cracked O–ring in the solid fuel rocket
due to cold weather. Flames within the rocket
4. Apollo 13 : Movie Review Essay
Apollo 13: Movie review
Harshal Kalinkar
CED 529 Lifespan Human Development
Arizona State University
Apollo 13
The purpose of writing this paper is to identify and evaluate the developmental themes which are shown in the Apollo 13 movie. It will reflect on how
the themes are related to Developmental Theories and its implications for Counselors for setting counseling goals and intervention. In addition, the
reflection of developmental themes and theories and its implications for counselors has also been covered. This paper has been divided into five major
1.Movie overview
2.Developmental themes addressed
3.Relationship of themes to developmental theories
4.Counseling goals and interventions
пѓ Movie overview:
Apollo 13 is a 1995 American space adventure film directed by Ron Howard. The film depicts astronauts Jim Lovell, Jack Swigert, and Fred Haise
aboard Apollo 13 for America 's third Moon landing mission. En route, an on–board explosion deprives their spacecraft of most of its oxygen supply
and electric power, forcing NASA 's flight controllers to abort the Moon landing, and turning the mission into a struggle to get the three men home
safely. Deke Slayton the boss of astronauts Jim Lovell, informs Jim that he and his crew will fly the Apollo 13 mission instead of Apollo 14. Jim
Lovell, Ken Mattingly, and Fred Haise train for their new mission. Days before the launch, Mattingly is discovered to have been exposed to rubella,
and the
6. Apollo 13 Thesis
In the movie Apollo 13, Ron Howard experienced many challenges trying to recreate authenticity in the Apollo 13 space mission's story, while still
adding his own creative spin to the movie. In April 1970, National Aeronautic Space Agency (NASA) launched a spacecraft with three astronauts on
board this flight. During this mission, Apollo 13 experienced multiple issues, which caused the mission to end earlier than expected. After 20 years
had passed, Jim Lovell, one of the Apollo 13, and Jeffrey Kluger wrote Lost Moon: The Perilous Voyage of Apollo 13, which chronicled this event in
NASA's lunar space history. Soon after its release, this book caught the eye of famous actor and soon to be famous director Ron Howard, which caused
him to more content...
As editors of the movie, Mike Hill and Daniel Hanley were persistently tested in finding ways to remain as true as possible to the historical event.
One way that they did this was through keeping some of the scenes consistent to the real timing of the events. In one scene, NASA's command
center in Houston, TX lost communication with the spacecraft for some time. As a crucial issue within this account, Hill and Hanley wanted to
keep this same timing in the movie, so they "wanted to try to keep the running time in the film pretty close to the time on the clock and not have
radio silence lasting for nine minutes or something" (Apollo 13). Since long periods of silence is not always the best way to keep an audience's
attention, the editors had to find ways to keep the audience engaged while still staying true to the real event, "The whole sequence benefits from some
great camera movement and crane shots which, combined with James Horner's score and sound design by Steve Flick and Chic Ciccolini, helped
immensely to build the tension" (Apollo 13). By using a certain sequences, and also strong music, the editors were able to make this scene one of the
most memorable images in the
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7. Apollo 13 Case Study Essay
Leadership Theories Analysis using the movie Apollo 13
Vision and Value
Apollo 13 demonstrates the richness of leadership principles and values, especially focusing on team solidity. The movie illustrates how the leaders can
develop a vision and values, and how the teams can collaborate under high stress situation.
In the beginning of the movie the vision of the Apollo 13 project was to land the astronaut's on the surface of moon. But the unexpected explosion in
the service module created a "Do or die" situation for the team. The vision of the project is suddenly changed to getting the astronaut's back on earth
safely. NASA had a common goal that was strongly set in the minds of each engineers and they are well aware of the cost of more content...
It is a technically sound movie, which is giving situational experience. Leadership skills such as effective communication and teamwork are creatively
incorporated in the movie. The director, Ron Howard, attempted to make this movie as realistic as possible using direct interaction from the space
station and recreating the actual NASA mission control center in Huston.
In the beginning of the movie, it was just a normal space craft launch until the explosion happened in the service module. At that instant, the ground
team shifted the goal from mission completion to getting the astronaut's back alive. That uncertainty created a lot of space for innovation and
creativity. It's a new challenge for both the teams. Once the return itself was a difficult task, each segment of the original plan had to be redefined to
serve an alternative plan. That gives an opportunity for the engineers to think creatively and out of the box. Everything in the space shuttle became a
potential problem–solving material, when the engineers were asked to design a carbon dioxide filter that the Apollo 13 astronauts could make with
available resources. They even consider socks, plastic bags etc. for making the CO2 filter. Freezing temperatures, illness and thirstiness were accepted
to store the energy that would be needed for the re–entry.
The sudden and the severe
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8. Apollo 13 Research Paper
Planning for the Apollo Space Program began in 1957 and the program ended in 1972. The Apollo Space Missions increased our understanding of the
moon. The goal of the missions was to land men on the moon and return them safely to earth. This goal was achieved with Apollo 11. On July 20,
1969 man walked on the moon for the first time. This was a huge step in space exploration and much preparation had gone into it. Apollo 8 orbited the
moon, but did not test a lunar lander, and Apollo 9 tested a lunar lander while orbiting earth. After achieving the goal of getting man to the moon, the
Apollo program continued to enlarge our understanding of the moon. Apollo missions 12 and 14 installed seismic stations on the moon's surface. This
led us to the discovery of "moonquakes", which are essentially earthquakes on the moon's more content...
Apollo 13 was launched in April 1970. There was an explosion onboard the shuttle three–fourths of the way to the moon, which damaged fuel and
oxygen cells. Getting the astronauts safely back to earth was difficult, but the completion on it proved that space exploration could continue even in the
mist of huge challenges. The Apollo Space Program was one of the earliest space programs and it brought about huge advances. Having man walk on
the moon for the first time is one of the most remembered accomplishments in the history of space exploration. It set the stage for continued exploration
and advances in
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9. Apollo 13 Movie Physics Essay
Apollo 13 Essay Have you ever wondered what it would be like to fly in space or work on the crew at NASA that helps the astronauts get home
safely? These two jobs both use many of the laws of physics. In fact, almost everything they do involves physics. Apollo 13 is a movie that
epitomizes what those jobs are like and how much physics is required. The three main laws of physics in the movie were Newton's Law of Universal
Gravitation, Newton's First Law, and Newton's Third Law. One main law in Apollo 13 was Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation, defined as
F=Gm1m2r2, where G=6.67Г—10–11. The first main scene in which this law was needed was when NASA decided that it would be best for the crew
to take a free–return trajectory back more content...
Another prevalent physics law in Apollo 13 was Newton's First Law, which states that a body will persist in its state of rest or of uniform motion
unless it is acted upon by an external unbalanced force. In most scenes of Apollo 13 that show the spacecraft in space this law was visually
demonstrated. The Apollo 13 spacecraft was always in uniform motion unless it was acted on by another external unbalanced force. The most
significant force in space that would act on the spacecraft was that of gravity. Gravity from other large masses, such as the Earth, Moon, and Sun,
acted as the external unbalanced force which changed the spacecraft's speed and direction. If all the gravity in space were to suddenly disappear and
the net force on the spacecraft were to be zero then the Apollo 13 ship would simply adhere to its uniform motion tangent to its original path. Another
group of scenes in which Newton's First was displayed was when the astronauts moved around in their spacecraft while in space. It is quite easy to
tell from watching how the astronauts moved around in 0g that they were exhibiting Newton's First Law. If an astronaut in the movie applied a force
in one direction to move in the other that astronaut would then move at a constant velocity (in relation to the ship) as soon as that force was removed.
On the contrary, if no force were applied,
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10. Movie Review : Apollo 13
Film Review: Apollo 13 Three men shivered in the cold, dark spaceship as it floated through space, unsure if they would return to Earth after the first
disaster to occur in space. During the early 1960's, America was fascinated with the Space Race. The United States became the first country to put a
man on the moon, and the exploration did not stop there. Apollo 13 tells the story of three astronauts that were supposed to go to the moon. On the
journey there, part of the ship exploded, causing the fuel levels to plummet. Now unable to complete the mission, the crew struggled their own
disappointments and frustrations as well as the problem of how they would get home. Against the odds, Mission Control and the three crew members
overcame multiple life threatening problems and managed to get the men home alive and safe. The film Apollo 13 begins with a party scene in the
house of the main character, Jim Lovell. Lovell, his family, his crew, Fred Haise and Ken Mattingly, and other NASA colleagues gathered to watch the
Apollo 11 moon landing (1995). Lovell was scheduled to be on Apollo 14, and in October of 1969 while giving a tour of NASA's vehicle assembly
building, his boss Deke Slayton informed him that he was moved up to Apollo 13 (Film). One of the crew members in Apollo 13 had gotten an ear
infection and was unable to go on the mission. The film jumped to three months before the launch, the crew has been practicing the mission and they
had been quite successful.
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11. Apollo 13 Leadership Essay
Apollo 13 and Leadership
On April 10th James "Jim" Lovell, John L. Swigert, and Fred W. Haise embarked on one of the most historic missions in NASA history. Three days
later on April 13th, while performing a routine stir on the O2 tanks, the Apollo 13 mission suffered a terrible electrical malfunction and was forced to
make an emergency return mission. The movie has forever contributed two phrases to our everyday cultural vocabulary, "Houston we have a problem",
communicated by Jim Lovell, and "Failure is not an option", voiced by Gene Kranz.
A Leader
Gene Kranz, the legendary flight controller for NASA during the Apollo 13 mission motivated his team and executed careful planning, extraordinary
leadership skills, and also was able more content...
Key Theory
Many traits seem to be synonymous with leadership such as intelligence, personality, supervisor ability, etc. However, managers and true leaders
support their decisions and realize that there is no exact step–by–step process to the answer. To compare with the Vroom
–Jago Leadership model Gene
utilized most of his decisions Group decision styles (the group makes the decision; you as the leader are just another team member). Group (G)
decisions were made throughout the film, acted equally alongside his co–workers in "working the problem" by helping calculate trajectories and
formulate solutions. Also, the Path–Goal model was visually displayed when Gene came up to the chalkboard, drew the course for the Apollo 13 crew
from the moon's atmosphere back to earth.
Successful Leadership
Successful leadership was realized after Gene Kranz and the Houston controlled was informed of the explosion on the Apollo spacecraft. At this point
in the film he begins his journey into transformational leadership. Through intellectual stimulation he helps his team rethink rational ways oxygen can
be saved using items available on the spacecraft. Also, he reminds them of the contingent reward by reminding each team member of the goal to save
the astronauts lives and take control of the situation by mapping out what must be done to receive the outcome they desire.
Key Decision One of the most key and important decisions in the film is when Gene makes the call on
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12. Essay On Apollo 13
Apollo 13 was to be the third mission sent from the Apollo Project to land on the Moon. An explosion in one of the oxygen tanks caused the
spacecraft to become crippled during the flight and the crew were forced to orbit the Moon and return to the Earth without landing. The Apollo 13
mission was launched on Saturday afternoon, April 11, 1970 from launch complex 39A at Kennedy Space Center. The space prime crew consisted
of trained experts Commander James A. Lovell Jr., Command module pilot Ken Mattingly and Lunar module pilot Fred W. Haise Jr. There was also
three backup crew members named John W. Young, John L. Swigert Jr. and Charles M. Duke. This crew was ready to step in if for any reason
something were to happen to any of the more content...
However, at 55hrs, 54mins and 53secs when the crew was 200,000 miles from Earth and closing in on the moon, mission controller Sy Liebergot saw
a low–pressure warning signal on a hydrogen tank in Odyssey. The signal could have shown a problem, or could have indicated the hydrogen just
needed to be resettled by heating and fanning the gas inside the tank. Swigert flipped the switch for the routine procedure. However when flipping
the switch one of the oxygen tanks in the service module exploded. The explosion caused one of the spacecraft panels to rip off and damaged the
fuel tanks killing the crew's oxygen supply and the spacecraft then began to lose power. The crew notified Mission Control, with Swigert's famous
phrase, "Houston, we 've had a problem...". Luckily the Apollo spacecraft was made up of two independent spacecrafts joined by a tunnel the main
spacecraft named Odyssey and the lunar model named Aquarius. Luckily for Apollo 13, the explosion only damaged Odyssey so they had Aquarius as
backup, which wasn 't supposed to be turned on until the crew was close to landing on the moon. It didn 't have a heat shield to survive the trip back
to Earth, but it could keep the crew alive long enough to get there. Then, the astronauts could switch to Odyssey for the rest of the trip home. Haise
and Lovell frantically worked to boot Aquarius up in less time than designed, while Swigert remained in Odyssey to shut down its
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13. Apollo 13 : Movie Analysis
I have chosen to write about the Movie Apollo 13 Mission. This is one of our family favorite movies. The main cast of The Apollo 13 are Two
main characters that are mentioned in the film Apollo 13, were Gene Kranz, played by (Ed Harris) and Jim Lovell played by (Tom Hanks). Both
actors exhibit a style of leadership that we have been leading throughout this course called transformational leadership. Jack Swigert was also played
by Kevin Bacon, and Ken Mattingly played by (Gary Sinise).
The movie is based on mission called the Apollo 13. The purpose of the mission was to conduct an expedition to the moon. Throughout the mission the
crew encountered several setbacks.
Astronaut Jim Lovell played by (Tom Hanks) received a message more content...
Gene's job was to make sure that the Apollo 13 crew made aback home safely to their families. Sometimes been a leader you must make tough
decisions, even when those decisions mean that you may not achieve the goal that you set out achieving. The Apollo crew all wanted to go to the
moon and experience what it felt like. I like when Gene said, "failure is not an option" after he look at the odds of the Apollo 13 returning to earth
atmosphere. Gene pull the team of scientist and mission control staff and laid out the expectations, he inspired and motivated his team to do
whatever it takes to get Apollo13 best to earth safely. As the leader Gene knew that he couldn't waiver in his confidence, everyone was looking to
him for direction, sometime leaders must be able to get their followers on board with a new vision, and that was what was needed at this juncture.
I love how Gene lead his team, he was not full of himself, he was open to feedback, he looks at the data from the data analysis to see what they had
to say, and then he made the decisions to formulate a workable plan, the whole team was a part of the process in getting Apollo 13 back. Back on the
ship emotions and doubt begin to set in and Jim knew that he needed to a source of inspiration for his 2 crew members. Jim remained hopeful his tone
and language was one of encouragement. The other two crew members began to fall apart they became
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14. Essay on Apollo 13 Case Study
Apollo 13 Case Study Apollo 13 has experience a major malfunction which changes the mission from landing on the moon to a spacecraft that is
now is in a desperate struggle to return to earth with the crew alive. The team work needed to achieve this is substantial and many of the staff at
mission control center will in some degree be a leader. Aside from Gene Kranz, one of the first people to emerge as a leader and take control of the
situation is Sy Liebergot. His review of the data coming in from the crippled space craft leads him to start conceptualizing a plan to save the crew. He
displays many leadership traits in the span of the first few minutes as he is under pressure form Mr. Kranz who needs more content...
Kranz. His level of expertise appears to be very respected by Mr. Kranz and the whole control room though he does not allow this to the point of
taking advantage and taking over the control room, rather he uses his knowledge to be seen as a servant leader. Sy also uses his technical skills as
he is assessing the situation and what it means to the functionality of the space craft. When asked by Mr Kranz what is going on, Sy first takes on
a Autocratic type role and explains the situation to Mr. Kranz, He is absolute in what he is saying but is still puzzled by the situation. Sy then
transition to a Joint decision role as others in the control room give there in put to the situation and finally ends up with in a Consultation role as
everyone in the control room has a better understanding about the gravity of the situation the space craft is in. As the situation with the space craft
is becoming clearer we can see that Sy's role is very much task orientated as he has very limited direct conversation with the space craft. He is more
concerned in evaluating the data and working on a solution to the situation. His emergence as a leader was out of dedication to the project, not to say
he did not care for the men in the craft, but by his nature in this situation he was task driven. The lines of communication in the control room appear to
be very direct. When Mr. Kranz asks you a question, you respond directly to him.
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15. Apollo Mission Essay
For my research activity, I chose the Apollo Missions. The NASA space program is a topic that has always been interesting to me, so I took the time
to look a little deeper into some of the facts outside of the more famous near disaster that occurred on Apollo 13.
The Apollo missions were begun in the early 1960's. Commissioned by President John F. Kennedy, the missions were meant to be an exploration of the
lunar surface for research purposes, but the bigger underlying significance was the race with the Russians to be the first to put a man on the moon.
President Kennedy pushed the idea, giving his full support to the effort, sadly he did not live to see the success of the program.
The Apollo 1 mission was met with tragedy, when in a rehearsal for launch, a fire started on the launch pad, ultimately resulting in the deaths of the
original three Apollo astronauts. After a lengthy investigation, the program was back on track a couple of years later. The first three missions were
conducted as trial runs, working out sequences and systems, with a few minor issues, they were deemed successful. The next two missions resulted in
lunar landings and research being conducted, along with materials being brought back to earth for further study. The third attempt at a lunar landing
was met with near disaster, when an explosion crippled the spacecraft, and NASA actually had one of their finest moments in the saving and safe return
of the Astronauts on board. more content...
From the study of tragedy and learning to find ways to make space exploration safer, to the study of lunar materials that determine the makeup of the
moon, to the study of meteor material that helps to determine the origins of the universe, not to mention the uniting of our nation as a whole while the
key events were taking place. The research is still being done to further our knowledge, and the Apollo missions were key in bringing those items to
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