The document discusses the art of mobile user experience research. It outlines various research methods like surveys, focus groups, usability testing that can be used. For mobile UX research, methods need to be fast, flexible and context-aware to account for the mobile environment. Speed of execution, flexibility due to device fragmentation and understanding user context are the three pillars of mobile UX research. Examples of techniques like paper prototyping and video diaries are provided. The document also discusses how mobile UX research can vary from easy to hard problems depending on the goals and provides an example dialogue.
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The Art of Mobile UX Research
1. The Art of Mobile User
Experience Research
Kris Mihalic, PhD
World Usability Day 2010, Michigan - Kris Mihalic 1
3. art1
1. The quality, production, expression, or realm,
according to aesthetic principles, of what is
beautiful, appealing, or of more than ordinary
2. The principles or methods governing any
craft or branch of learning.
World Usability Day 2010, Michigan - Kris Mihalic 3
18. How to achieve speed?
Become BFF with Engineers and
Invest in mobile prototyping tools
Focus on rapid iterations
Live the 80-20 rule
World Usability Day 2010, Michigan - Kris Mihalic 18
23. How to deal with flexibility?
Focus on the most important
Be prepared and informed
Create strategic constraints
World Usability Day 2010, Michigan - Kris Mihalic 23
25. Contextual factors
Timing Within the Cycle
Context of Use vs. Context of
Support and Vendors
Everyones an Expert
World Usability Day 2010, Michigan - Kris Mihalic 25
26. Example
Video Diaries
More at
World Usability Day 2010, Michigan - Kris Mihalic 26
27. How to be contextually-
Understand team and business
Know your users
Choose your partners in crime
World Usability Day 2010, Michigan - Kris Mihalic 27
28. World Usability Day 2010, Michigan - Kris Mihalic
Wanna-have-all-done-yesterday boss
extraordinaire, golf aficionado.
29. World Usability Day 2010, Michigan - Kris Mihalic
Usability specialist, UX researcher, prototyper,
Stratocaster jammer.
30. When is mobile research
World Usability Day 2010, Michigan - Kris Mihalic 30
31. World Usability Day 2010, Michigan - Kris Mihalic
Yo, Edgar!
We need to figure out how
efficient people are using our
mobile product compared to
the competition?
32. World Usability Day 2010, Michigan - Kris Mihalic
Ok, boss.
Lets invite 16 target users into
the lab and observe them use
our product as well as products
of two top competitors. Well
measure success rates, time,
and errors and compare.
33. When is mobile research
World Usability Day 2010, Michigan - Kris Mihalic 33
34. World Usability Day 2010, Michigan - Kris Mihalic
Hey, Edgar!
How do people use mobile
phones to search for information
and what kind of content are they
looking for? How well does our
product fulfill their needs?
35. World Usability Day 2010, Michigan - Kris Mihalic
Hmm, ok. Im up for a
How about we do a one-month
field study with 10 users using
daily reporting via voicemails,
SMS mini-surveys, and mobile
photos? Well do pre-, midpoint-
, and final interviews with each
participants as well.
36. ROI of UX Research
Optimize for the sweet spot
World Usability Day 2010, Michigan - Kris Mihalic 36
37. mobile ux research1
[moh-buhl yoo eks ree-surch]
1. The art of selecting the right methods,
skillfully combining or adapting them while
adhering to time and resource constraints with the
goal of supporting and driving business decisions.
World Usability Day 2010, Michigan - Kris Mihalic 37