A short comparison between the economies of Australia and Hong Kong. Covers topics such as employment & unemployment, quality of life, environment sustainability and economic growth. Made for Year 11 Economics Class (February 2013).
International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention (IJHSSI)inventionjournals
International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention (IJHSSI) is an international journal intended for professionals and researchers in all fields of Humanities and Social Science. IJHSSI publishes research articles and reviews within the whole field Humanities and Social Science, new teaching methods, assessment, validation and the impact of new technologies and it will continue to provide information on the latest trends and developments in this ever-expanding subject. The publications of papers are selected through double peer reviewed to ensure originality, relevance, and readability. The articles published in our journal can be accessed online
New slidesdevelopment cost of Kerala's developmentSubhashvpv Vp
The document discusses Kerala's development achievements and argues that they require reexamination of their true development costs. It summarizes that while Kerala achieved improvements in health, literacy and other indicators, this was achieved at the cost of weak primary/secondary industries, high consumerism, lifestyle diseases, alcoholism, gender issues, and a lack of social/labor culture. The development path neglected agriculture and productive sectors, resulting in an economy that is now highly dependent without addressing root problems like unemployment, social security, and education quality. A rethink is needed on Kerala's development model to assess both benefits and real long-term costs.
Australia invests heavily in its four factors of economic growth: human capital through education and healthcare, capital goods through advanced technology and infrastructure, natural resources through agriculture and mining exports, and entrepreneurship through business-friendly laws and a high rate of self-employment. This has resulted in a highly skilled workforce, productive businesses, valuable trade exports, and one of the highest standards of living in the world.
Australia is an island continent located in the Southern Hemisphere, making its seasons opposite of those in Europe. It is composed of 7 states and territories and has a population of around 22 million people. The majority of cities are located along the eastern and southern coasts. While most of the interior is dry outback with few inhabitants, the outback plays an important role in Australian culture. Some iconic Australian symbols include kangaroos, Uluru, the Sydney Opera House, and the Great Barrier Reef.
James Cook discovered Australia in 1770 and Britain sent prisoners and criminals to settle there. Europeans sold land belonging to Aboriginal people and killed thousands of them. Australia is located in the Southern Hemisphere south of the equator, making its seasons opposite those in Europe. It is the 6th largest country by size, an island continent surrounded by water, and has Canberra as its capital city with Sydney being the most populous. Australia has membership in international organizations and faces threats from terrorism, communism, and religious issues that impact its economic and demographic environment.
Hong Kong has one of the world's freest and most capitalist economies, ranking highly on indexes of economic freedom. It is a major center for international finance and trade in Asia, with one of the largest concentrations of corporate headquarters in the region. While Hong Kong originally industrialized and grew through manufacturing exports, it has now matured to become a financial center and service-based economy. Tourists visiting Hong Kong can shop for handcrafts, antiques, and art, but should be aware of replicas and copies.
Hong Kong fue una colonia brit叩nica desde 1841 hasta 1997 y ahora es una regi坦n administrativa especial de China. Se encuentra en la costa sureste de China con m叩s de 7 millones de habitantes. Actualmente, el m叩ximo dirigente pol鱈tico es el Jefe Ejecutivo elegido por sufragio restringido. Hong Kong tambi辿n es un importante centro de m炭sica pop canton辿s y literatura de artes marciales.
The document discusses Hong Kong's MICE (meetings, incentives, conventions and exhibitions) tourism industry. It notes that the Tourism Commission and Hong Kong Tourism Board work to promote Hong Kong as an MICE destination globally. In 2009, Hong Kong saw over 1.16 million overnight MICE arrivals who spent on average $6,932. To further grow the important MICE sector, the government has increased funding and Hong Kong Tourism Board is implementing strategies like providing support for events, overseas promotions, and improving facilities and training.
El documento resume varios aspectos de Australia como pa鱈s. El Australian day es el d鱈a nacional de Australia que se celebra el 26 de enero para conmemorar la llegada de la primera flota a Sydney en 1788. Australia es un pa鱈s grande con una superficie de 7.686.850 km2 y capital Canberra que alberga animales 炭nicos como el koala. Los deportes m叩s populares son el rugby, cricket y tenis. Los australianos suelen vestir de manera informal y les gusta el contacto visual. Australia tiene una forma distintiva en el mapa de Ocean鱈a.
The document discusses several Australian celebrations including Australia Day, which is celebrated on January 26th and is the biggest celebration in the country. It is a time to reflect on Australia's achievements and be proud of the nation. The document also briefly mentions Mothers Day in Australia and the Australian of the Year Awards which recognizes prominent Australians each year such as scientists, athletes, and military leaders. It concludes by thanking the reader for viewing the PowerPoint presentation.
Influential people of the Australian coloniesTim Barlow
This document contains short biographies of influential people from Australia's colonial period written by different authors. It discusses explorers, governors and humanitarians who shaped Australia, including John Pascoe Fawkner, Governor Arthur Phillip, Caroline Chisholm, George Bass, James Cook, Matthew Flinders, Emily Caroline Creaghe, Charles O'Conner, Burke and Wills, James Ruse, Joseph Banks, Elizabeth Macquarie and Arthur Phillip. The document promotes these figures in a rotating slideshow format and encourages the viewer to learn more about Australia's colonial history and founding figures.
Australia Day is celebrated on January 26th to commemorate the arrival of the First Fleet at Port Jackson in 1788, led by Captain Arthur Phillip. It was originally called Anniversary Day, Day of Mourning, or Foundation Day between 1818 and 1970. Australia Day did not become a public holiday until 20 years after it was first celebrated. Captain Arthur Phillip was buried at St Nicholas Church after his wife Margaret died in 1792 and he married Isabella Whitehead.
This was a PowerPoint presentation for my summative project in my International Business class. It was based on a country of our choice, which happened to be Hong Kong. We were given a list of information that we had to find out about our country that was related to international business relations and customs.
The document provides background information about Australia Day and the events it commemorates. It summarizes that Australia Day on January 26th marks the arrival of the First Fleet in 1788 and the establishment of the first European colony in Australia. The First Fleet, led by Governor Arthur Phillip, founded the initial settlement at Sydney Cove with around 1,500 people, consisting mostly of British convicts along with officials, military personnel, and their families.
The document is a notification from the Department of Immigration and Citizenship informing Talis Bedritis that his application for an E-visitor visa (subclass 651) has been approved. It provides details of the visa including the grant date of July 18, 2013, conditions of the visa, and important information about maintaining the validity of the visa and requirements for travel to Australia.
Australia has a market-based economy that is considered one of the freest in the world. The government does not own major industries and businesses, and prices are set by supply and demand rather than government rules. It is easy to start a business in Australia, and the courts protect property rights. Four key factors that drive Australia's economic growth are its natural resources like minerals and agricultural land, investments in human capital through education, use of advanced capital goods, and high levels of entrepreneurship.
Description and evaluation of the laws of Australia; including Constitutional Law, International Laws to which Australia is a party to; and Business Specific Laws (sports, gambling, securities, copyright, and contracts)
The Hong Kong protests in 2014 were sparked by Chinese interference in Hong Kong's elections. Over 150,000 protesters gathered in Hong Kong over several months to protest China's involvement and assert Hong Kong's independence. The protests aimed to protect Hong Kong's democratic system and separate governance from mainland China. While the protests ended without achieving electoral reform, they highlighted Hong Kong's desire to maintain its autonomy.
This is the story of a working class man who gives flashbacks of life back in Australia in the period of 1901 - 1914. I will fill in the footsteps of that man to talk you through how life was then and its contrasts to now. There is also a poem going on in the presentation.
Australia has a parliamentary democracy form of government where Queen Elizabeth II is the official head of state, though represented locally by a governor-general. The Commonwealth of Australia was formed in 1901 when six British colonies agreed to unite under a single constitution. Australia remains connected to Great Britain through being part of the Commonwealth but is now self-governing. Power is shared between federal and state governments, with states retaining control over most issues like healthcare, education, transportation and law enforcement.
The Australian parliamentary system is based on the Westminster system used in the United Kingdom. Key principles of the Australian system include representative government, where the government is chosen by the people through regular elections; responsible government, where ministers are accountable to parliament and must resign if they lose the support of the lower house; and separation of powers between the legislative, executive, and judicial branches. In practice, the legislative and executive powers are closely linked, with ministers drawn from parliament and the prime minister as head of the executive.
Australia has a mixed economy where businesses decide what and how to produce goods and services based on supply and demand, while the government approves what is produced and regulates production procedures. Around 6% of Australia's land is suitable for farming. Key industries include mining, manufacturing cars and machinery, tourism, farming, and fishing. Major exports include minerals, wool, wheat, meat, and wine, while imports include machinery, computers, and crude oil. Australia has a literacy rate of 99% and an unemployment rate of 4.4%. Its GDP was $766.8 billion in 2007 with a GDP per capita of $37,500.
Australia has a mainly tax-funded health care system, with medical services subsidized through a universal national health insurance scheme.
some review about it.
This document provides information about working and living in Australia. It discusses Australia's diverse population, strong economy, high standard of living, and temperate climate. Facts about Australia's population size, languages, government system, and geography are provided. The document also summarizes Australia's universal healthcare system, education system from primary to secondary school, strong job market across a variety of occupations, and process for recognizing foreign qualifications. Key details about average wages, working conditions, employment opportunities, and the nursing profession in Australia are highlighted.
This document provides information about Australia's economy and key industries. It discusses Australia's comparative advantage in mining and absolute advantage in agriculture. Mining is a major industry for Australia and contributes significantly to its GDP and exports. Gold mining during gold rushes in the 1800s greatly increased Australia's population and wealth. Australia has abundant natural resources and is a major global exporter of minerals including iron ore, coal, bauxite, gold, uranium and diamonds.
Australia is a stable democracy with a growing economy. It has a population of over 23 million and GDP of $1.372 trillion, growing at 3.3% annually. English is the main language and Canberra is the capital. Australia is an international education hub attracting many foreign students, presenting an opportunity for Indian exporters. A PEST analysis found Australia has low political risk, a stable economy even during global downturns, and growing technology and service sectors presenting export opportunities, especially for online education and IT services. Cultural etiquette emphasizes handshakes and respect when visiting homes.
The Golden Fields region of Essos has high rates of child undernutrition. Two districts, Ar Noy and Ny Sar, along the flooding Rhoyne river have predominantly Muslim fishing communities and particularly high rates of acute child malnutrition. The organization is applying to open a 5-year child nutrition program in these two districts. A Link NCA could help understand the causes of undernutrition in the area to better design the program. The study would assess the food, care, health and socio-economic factors influencing child nutrition through household surveys, focus groups and key informant interviews.
Australia states population 2021 general infoSteveGoddard15
This document provides information about the populations, demographics, industries and occupations of the Australian states. It discusses the population statistics such as current population size, growth rates, and density of each state. It also outlines the main demographics of each population including gender breakdown, top ancestries, languages, countries of birth and religions. Finally, it lists the major industries and common occupations within each state.
El documento resume varios aspectos de Australia como pa鱈s. El Australian day es el d鱈a nacional de Australia que se celebra el 26 de enero para conmemorar la llegada de la primera flota a Sydney en 1788. Australia es un pa鱈s grande con una superficie de 7.686.850 km2 y capital Canberra que alberga animales 炭nicos como el koala. Los deportes m叩s populares son el rugby, cricket y tenis. Los australianos suelen vestir de manera informal y les gusta el contacto visual. Australia tiene una forma distintiva en el mapa de Ocean鱈a.
The document discusses several Australian celebrations including Australia Day, which is celebrated on January 26th and is the biggest celebration in the country. It is a time to reflect on Australia's achievements and be proud of the nation. The document also briefly mentions Mothers Day in Australia and the Australian of the Year Awards which recognizes prominent Australians each year such as scientists, athletes, and military leaders. It concludes by thanking the reader for viewing the PowerPoint presentation.
Influential people of the Australian coloniesTim Barlow
This document contains short biographies of influential people from Australia's colonial period written by different authors. It discusses explorers, governors and humanitarians who shaped Australia, including John Pascoe Fawkner, Governor Arthur Phillip, Caroline Chisholm, George Bass, James Cook, Matthew Flinders, Emily Caroline Creaghe, Charles O'Conner, Burke and Wills, James Ruse, Joseph Banks, Elizabeth Macquarie and Arthur Phillip. The document promotes these figures in a rotating slideshow format and encourages the viewer to learn more about Australia's colonial history and founding figures.
Australia Day is celebrated on January 26th to commemorate the arrival of the First Fleet at Port Jackson in 1788, led by Captain Arthur Phillip. It was originally called Anniversary Day, Day of Mourning, or Foundation Day between 1818 and 1970. Australia Day did not become a public holiday until 20 years after it was first celebrated. Captain Arthur Phillip was buried at St Nicholas Church after his wife Margaret died in 1792 and he married Isabella Whitehead.
This was a PowerPoint presentation for my summative project in my International Business class. It was based on a country of our choice, which happened to be Hong Kong. We were given a list of information that we had to find out about our country that was related to international business relations and customs.
The document provides background information about Australia Day and the events it commemorates. It summarizes that Australia Day on January 26th marks the arrival of the First Fleet in 1788 and the establishment of the first European colony in Australia. The First Fleet, led by Governor Arthur Phillip, founded the initial settlement at Sydney Cove with around 1,500 people, consisting mostly of British convicts along with officials, military personnel, and their families.
The document is a notification from the Department of Immigration and Citizenship informing Talis Bedritis that his application for an E-visitor visa (subclass 651) has been approved. It provides details of the visa including the grant date of July 18, 2013, conditions of the visa, and important information about maintaining the validity of the visa and requirements for travel to Australia.
Australia has a market-based economy that is considered one of the freest in the world. The government does not own major industries and businesses, and prices are set by supply and demand rather than government rules. It is easy to start a business in Australia, and the courts protect property rights. Four key factors that drive Australia's economic growth are its natural resources like minerals and agricultural land, investments in human capital through education, use of advanced capital goods, and high levels of entrepreneurship.
Description and evaluation of the laws of Australia; including Constitutional Law, International Laws to which Australia is a party to; and Business Specific Laws (sports, gambling, securities, copyright, and contracts)
The Hong Kong protests in 2014 were sparked by Chinese interference in Hong Kong's elections. Over 150,000 protesters gathered in Hong Kong over several months to protest China's involvement and assert Hong Kong's independence. The protests aimed to protect Hong Kong's democratic system and separate governance from mainland China. While the protests ended without achieving electoral reform, they highlighted Hong Kong's desire to maintain its autonomy.
This is the story of a working class man who gives flashbacks of life back in Australia in the period of 1901 - 1914. I will fill in the footsteps of that man to talk you through how life was then and its contrasts to now. There is also a poem going on in the presentation.
Australia has a parliamentary democracy form of government where Queen Elizabeth II is the official head of state, though represented locally by a governor-general. The Commonwealth of Australia was formed in 1901 when six British colonies agreed to unite under a single constitution. Australia remains connected to Great Britain through being part of the Commonwealth but is now self-governing. Power is shared between federal and state governments, with states retaining control over most issues like healthcare, education, transportation and law enforcement.
The Australian parliamentary system is based on the Westminster system used in the United Kingdom. Key principles of the Australian system include representative government, where the government is chosen by the people through regular elections; responsible government, where ministers are accountable to parliament and must resign if they lose the support of the lower house; and separation of powers between the legislative, executive, and judicial branches. In practice, the legislative and executive powers are closely linked, with ministers drawn from parliament and the prime minister as head of the executive.
Australia has a mixed economy where businesses decide what and how to produce goods and services based on supply and demand, while the government approves what is produced and regulates production procedures. Around 6% of Australia's land is suitable for farming. Key industries include mining, manufacturing cars and machinery, tourism, farming, and fishing. Major exports include minerals, wool, wheat, meat, and wine, while imports include machinery, computers, and crude oil. Australia has a literacy rate of 99% and an unemployment rate of 4.4%. Its GDP was $766.8 billion in 2007 with a GDP per capita of $37,500.
Australia has a mainly tax-funded health care system, with medical services subsidized through a universal national health insurance scheme.
some review about it.
This document provides information about working and living in Australia. It discusses Australia's diverse population, strong economy, high standard of living, and temperate climate. Facts about Australia's population size, languages, government system, and geography are provided. The document also summarizes Australia's universal healthcare system, education system from primary to secondary school, strong job market across a variety of occupations, and process for recognizing foreign qualifications. Key details about average wages, working conditions, employment opportunities, and the nursing profession in Australia are highlighted.
This document provides information about Australia's economy and key industries. It discusses Australia's comparative advantage in mining and absolute advantage in agriculture. Mining is a major industry for Australia and contributes significantly to its GDP and exports. Gold mining during gold rushes in the 1800s greatly increased Australia's population and wealth. Australia has abundant natural resources and is a major global exporter of minerals including iron ore, coal, bauxite, gold, uranium and diamonds.
Australia is a stable democracy with a growing economy. It has a population of over 23 million and GDP of $1.372 trillion, growing at 3.3% annually. English is the main language and Canberra is the capital. Australia is an international education hub attracting many foreign students, presenting an opportunity for Indian exporters. A PEST analysis found Australia has low political risk, a stable economy even during global downturns, and growing technology and service sectors presenting export opportunities, especially for online education and IT services. Cultural etiquette emphasizes handshakes and respect when visiting homes.
The Golden Fields region of Essos has high rates of child undernutrition. Two districts, Ar Noy and Ny Sar, along the flooding Rhoyne river have predominantly Muslim fishing communities and particularly high rates of acute child malnutrition. The organization is applying to open a 5-year child nutrition program in these two districts. A Link NCA could help understand the causes of undernutrition in the area to better design the program. The study would assess the food, care, health and socio-economic factors influencing child nutrition through household surveys, focus groups and key informant interviews.
Australia states population 2021 general infoSteveGoddard15
This document provides information about the populations, demographics, industries and occupations of the Australian states. It discusses the population statistics such as current population size, growth rates, and density of each state. It also outlines the main demographics of each population including gender breakdown, top ancestries, languages, countries of birth and religions. Finally, it lists the major industries and common occupations within each state.
The document compares quality of life factors between the UK and Australia. It states that the UK has high living costs, below average government spending on health and education, and short holidays. In contrast, it describes Australia as having one of the highest standards of living in the world, with a unique environment, quality infrastructure, and being the sixth largest country. It also notes that nearly 13 million people live in poverty in the UK compared to around 2.2 million in Australia. Finally, it summarizes differences in education systems and average temperatures between the two countries.
The document summarizes key findings from Australia's 2010 health report. It finds that Australian's life expectancy continues to rise and is among the highest in the world, though chronic diseases remain leading causes of death. Cancer is the largest cause of disease burden, followed by cardiovascular disease and mental health disorders. Risk factors like smoking, obesity, and low health literacy contribute significantly to disease burden. The report also examines health outcomes and expenditures across various demographic groups and life stages in Australia.
Australia is known for its beautiful and diverse climate, which is one of the main reasons people
Migrate Agent Brisbane to this country. With its vast landmass, Australia has a range of different
climates from tropical to temperate, making it an attractive destination for those who enjoy warm
Hue Ump English Club Dec 09 Health OverviewBinhThang
This topic discused at Mortality,Morbidity in the Population and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome by Dr Professor Michael Dunne
QUT School of Public Health
Director, International Health Program.
Australia is an attractive place for immigrants due to its high quality of life, job opportunities, and world-class education system. The natural beauty, climate, career prospects in growing industries, and diversity make Australia appealing. Immigrants also benefit from universal healthcare, social welfare, and an organized immigration process.
Australia is an attractive place for immigrants due to its high quality of life, job opportunities, and world-class education system. The natural beauty, climate, career prospects in growing industries, and diversity make Australia appealing. Immigrants also benefit from universal healthcare, social welfare, and an organized immigration process.
Economic policy essay sample from assignmentsupport.com essay writing services https://writeessayuk.com/
The document analyzes Australia's economic policies for healthcare and aged care services. It discusses key health issues for older Australians like burden of disease, dementia, and disabilities. While life expectancy is rising, chronic conditions are increasing. Current policies are improving services but issues remain. Future economic policies will need to address rising costs and demands from an aging population to ensure quality care. New technologies may help support older Australians' health needs if adequate policies are implemented.
Before 1990 Infectious diseases were a major source of illness and impacted life expectancy. Now life expectancy has increased by 50% since 1990 and will put demand on Sydneys health system. Currently we are ranked 32 on the World Health Organization ranking system and only have 2.7 public hospital beds per 1000 people.
This document provides a summary of key demographic trends and issues related to aging populations both internationally and in the UK. Some of the main points covered include:
- Life expectancy is increasing globally and people are living longer, including greater numbers of people over age 85 and 100.
- Health issues and care needs tend to increase with age, including higher rates of disability, dementia, and other chronic conditions in older populations.
- Social factors like isolation, income, and access to services are also important issues affecting quality of life for older adults.
- Maintaining good health, social engagement, learning, and community participation can help offset some challenges of aging.
Presentation on australia country,history,climate,economy,education,immigrati...Muhammad Umar Shehzad
Presentation on Australia country,history,climate,economy,education,immigration,employment employment for Students of Tourism & Hospitality Management, BBA,MBA etc. for Subjects Business Communication, Tour Guide & Operation By Muhammad Umar Shehzad, Cell:+92-301-7004315, e-mail:m.umar.shehzad@gmail.com
10 Reasons Why You Should Consider Immigrating to Australia.pptxkathirvelan2294
Discover the many benefits of immigrating to Australia, from its strong economy and high quality of life to its diverse culture and stunning natural landscapes. Find out why Australia is a top choice for those looking to start a new life abroad.
The report summarizes the findings of a committee set up by the Ministry of Health to investigate organ pledging and donation trends in Malaysia over the years. It finds that while the number of organ pledges increases following public awareness campaigns, actual donations remain low due to families refusing to donate organs of deceased loved ones. The Chinese community contributes the most organ pledges compared to other ethnic groups. However, getting family consent remains the biggest challenge to increasing organ donations. The report makes recommendations to address issues of lack of awareness, cultural and religious sensitivities that discourage organ donation among Malaysians.
The document discusses child mortality, specifically in Somalia. It notes that Somalia has one of the highest child mortality rates in the world, with 117 deaths per 1000 live births. Poor nutrition and lack of access to healthcare are major contributing factors to pneumonia, a leading cause of death for children under 5 in Somalia. Improving nutrition, immunization, water and sanitation could help lower child mortality rates and pneumonia cases in Somalia. The goal is to reduce deaths of children under 5 by expanding access to primary healthcare, nutrition programs, and vaccines.
What Attracts People to get Australian PR.pdfseoaives4
People are attracted to getting Australian Permanent Residency (PR) for its strong economy, high-quality healthcare and education systems, diverse culture, and excellent quality of life. These factors make Australia a preferred destination for immigrants seeking a better future.
Effective Product Variant Management in Odoo 18Celine George
In this slide well discuss on the effective product variant management in Odoo 18. Odoo concentrates on managing product variations and offers a distinct area for doing so. Product variants provide unique characteristics like size and color to single products, which can be managed at the product template level for all attributes and variants or at the variant level for individual variants.
Dr. Ansari Khurshid Ahmed- Factors affecting Validity of a Test.pptxKhurshid Ahmed Ansari
Validity is an important characteristic of a test. A test having low validity is of little use. Validity is the accuracy with which a test measures whatever it is supposed to measure. Validity can be low, moderate or high. There are many factors which affect the validity of a test. If these factors are controlled, then the validity of the test can be maintained to a high level. In the power point presentation, factors affecting validity are discussed with the help of concrete examples.
Inventory Reporting in Odoo 17 - Odoo 17 Inventory AppCeline George
This slide will helps us to efficiently create detailed reports of different records defined in its modules, both analytical and quantitative, with Odoo 17 ERP.
Blind spots in AI and Formulation Science, IFPAC 2025.pdfAjaz Hussain
The intersection of AI and pharmaceutical formulation science highlights significant blind spotssystemic gaps in pharmaceutical development, regulatory oversight, quality assurance, and the ethical use of AIthat could jeopardize patient safety and undermine public trust. To move forward effectively, we must address these normalized blind spots, which may arise from outdated assumptions, errors, gaps in previous knowledge, and biases in language or regulatory inertia. This is essential to ensure that AI and formulation science are developed as tools for patient-centered and ethical healthcare.
Research Publication & Ethics contains a chapter on Intellectual Honesty and Research Integrity.
Different case studies of intellectual dishonesty and integrity were discussed.
Odoo 18 Accounting Access Rights - Odoo 18 際際滷sCeline George
In this slide, well discuss on accounting access rights in odoo 18. To ensure data security and maintain confidentiality, Odoo provides a robust access rights system that allows administrators to control who can access and modify accounting data.
How to create security group category in Odoo 17Celine George
This slide will represent the creation of security group category in odoo 17. Security groups are essential for managing user access and permissions across different modules. Creating a security group category helps to organize related user groups and streamline permission settings within a specific module or functionality.
1 Tasmania 6.8%
2 Queensland 5.9&
3 South Australia 5.7%
4 Victoria 5.6%
5 New South Wales 4.8%
6 Northern Territory 4.2%
7 Western Australia 3.9%
8 Australia Capital 3.6%
Unemployment Rate
3. By January 2010, employment increased to
Unemployment increased to 657,800.
Employed People
4. Employment:
Out of a work-eligible population of 3.65
million as of 2007, 3.46 million were full-
time employees, 117,800 were unemployed
and 75,500 under-employed
In January 2013, Hong Kongs Unemployment
Rate enlarged to 3.40%, the Rate being 3.30%
in December 2012. In 2007 it averaged at
4.1%, the fourth straight year of decline,
having increased to 5.3% in 2009.
5. The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in
Australia has expanded 0.50% in the third
quarter of 2012 over the previous quarter.
Historically, from 1959 to 2012, the
Australian GDP growth rate average at 2.9%
achieving an all time high of 4.5% in March,
1976 and an all time low of -2.0% in June
6. The economy of Hong Kong is one of Asias
most advanced economies and one of the
post-war worlds fastest growing economy.
Though the worlds most freest and
competitive economys pace has reduced to
0.9% in growth compared to its 5% expansion
in 2011.
7. Australian quality of life is one of the highest
qualities of life in the world.
Australias economic and political advantages
are complemented by its welcoming attitude
and excellent quality of life.
In 2009, Australias quality of life was ranked
number 6 out of 57 key economies, higher
than New Zealand, the USA and the UK.
8. Hong Kong is the 3rd most liveable city in
But among the worlds worst air quality
The life expectancy of someone in Hong
Kong is 82.12 years, while the infant
mortality rate is 2.9 deaths to 1000 live births
(with males at 3.07 deaths and females at
2.71 deaths).
93.5% of Hong Kongs population aged 15
and over has attended school (with males at
96.9% and females at 89.6% as of 2002).
9. Australia has a fine line between natural
environment and man made land.
Australia has high priority to protect the
nature around Australia
The Daintree Rainforest is one of the
protected areas in Australia.
Australia has many unique and amazing
animals and plants.
10. Hong Kong is the 3rd most liveable countries
in Asia.
But, the one of the most unclean air.
The air quality is so unclean it doesnt just
affect plants and animals it also affects
humans, in some cases, humans can get
asthma because of the unclean air quality.
Bronchial infections have also soared in the
past couple of years.
11. Health care:
The aim of the national health care in
Australia is to give universal health care to all
Australian citizens.
The major part of the national health care
system is called Medicare. Medicare
provides quality health care which is both
affordable and accessible to all Australian
12. Education is compulsory from age 5- 16
years old.
Government schools educate approximately
65% of Australian students, with about 34% in
catholic and independent schools.
Public schools are free to attend schools
while catholic and private schools pay an
extra fee.
Mitchel Building at the University of
Adelaide, South Australia, 3rd oldest
university in the country
13. During 2011/12, public spending on
education totalled at $68.7 billion.
Government schools are free from nine years
to 12 years (as of 2008/2009 school year)
and have a curriculum advised by the
Aided schools are financially aided by the
Government, though they are run by
voluntary bodies.
Some private schools receive monetary relief
from the Government.
14. The Hong Kong government operates
hospitals to all citizens which generally make
up most of the health care system, though
people may also choose to visit a private
Government-operated hospitals cost the
government approximately 3% of Gross
Domestic Product (GBP).