Graphics (from Greek γραφικός 'graphikos', 'something written' e.g. autograph) are visual images or designs on some surface, such as a wall, canvas, screen, paper, or stone to inform, illustrate, or entertain.
Context of Text Developmentnjoy1025This document defines and discusses the concepts of hypertext, intertextuality, and the three types of intertextuality. It begins by defining hypertext as text on an electronic device that contains links to other text for the reader to access. It then defines intertextuality as the shaping of a text's meaning by another text through devices like allusion or quotation. The document outlines the three types of intertextuality: obligatory intertextuality involves a deliberate comparison between texts, optional intertextuality has a less important connection that shifts meaning slightly, and accidental intertextuality occurs when readers connect a text to another without an anchor in the original text.
Graphic Design - LinesJamie HuttThis document discusses basic graphic design principles including lines, patterns, textures, and using tools in Photoshop. It covers how lines can organize, connect, separate, create movement, and provide emphasis. Patterns repeat in a design in an interesting way. Textures can be added visually, through paper or printing type. Photoshop tools allow editing images through cropping, adding shapes, lines, patterns and textures using tools like the marquee, lasso and filters. Students are assigned to select a photo, crop and modify it using filters, then upload and describe their edited image.
Elements graphic designjkorskiThis document discusses the basic elements and principles of graphic design, including line, shape, color, texture, movement, balance, unity, and emphasis. It defines these elements and principles and provides examples to illustrate symmetry, asymmetry, radial balance, and how to create emphasis and unity in a design composition. The goal is to thoughtfully apply design elements and principles to effectively convey a message through visual design.
Manual reparacionalbanileria2Jose PerezEl documento describe los tipos de daños comunes encontrados en viviendas de albañilería dañadas por sismos en Perú. Identifica tres tipos principales de fallas: 1) fallas por carencia de elementos de refuerzo como columnas y vigas, 2) fallas en viviendas sin columnas ni vigas de amarre con techos ligeros, y 3) fallas en muros sin techos debido a la falta de vigas de amarre. Explica cada tipo de falla con ejemplos e ilustraciones y proporciona recomendaciones para la
Cuadro comparativoSthefy ZavalaEste documento compara las herramientas Prezi y PowerPoint. Prezi es una aplicación en línea para crear presentaciones interactivas que se mueven en la pantalla, mientras que PowerPoint es un programa de presentaciones estándar que usa diapositivas. Ambos son fáciles de usar para principiantes pero Prezi requiere registro mientras que PowerPoint viene incluido con Windows. PowerPoint ofrece más opciones de animaciones, efectos y transiciones.
Manejo de powerpointSthefy ZavalaEste documento proporciona una introducción al programa PowerPoint, describiendo sus funciones principales como la creación de presentaciones profesionales utilizando plantillas, formatos de texto e imágenes. También detalla las ventajas de PowerPoint como presentar información de manera coordinada y dinámica, así como las desventajas como el riesgo de virus y la presentación lineal de ideas que puede aburrir a la audiencia.
ʱ賦óJimena NuñezEl documento describe varias ilusiones ópticas que ocurren debido a la forma en que el cerebro procesa y organiza la información visual. Algunas ilusiones como las figuras reversibles y los contornos ilusorios ocurren cuando el cerebro puede interpretar de manera ambigua los elementos de una imagen de varias formas. Otras ilusiones como la copa de Rubin y la fragmentación se deben a la forma en que el cerebro distingue la figura del fondo o agrupa los elementos visuales.
Importance of Skill development and Training SampledissertationprimeThis summary provides an overview of the key points from the document in 3 sentences:
Training and skills development are important for improving employee and organizational performance according to the literature. It enhances self-efficacy, motivation, knowledge and skills, which leads to higher quality services, customer satisfaction, and financial benefits. The literature establishes that training is crucial for efficient human resource management, corporate reputation, and long-term organizational sustainability in competitive environments.
Conceptos Generalesjoseg8805Este documento presenta conceptos generales sobre comunicación en informática, medios de comunicación, trabajo colaborativo, plataformas informáticas, redes de internet, páginas web, portales web, tecnologías de la información y comunicación (TIC), la importancia de las TIC en la educación y las razones para utilizar las TIC en la educación.
Elements of DesignJennifer JanviereThe document discusses the key elements of design including line, figure and ground, scale and proportion, texture and pattern, rhythm and repetition, direction, weight, balance, and the rule of thirds. These elements are the fundamental building blocks that designers use to create unified compositions and deliver effective visual messages to audiences. When used successfully together, these elements create design harmony.
Inocencio meléndez julio. idujuridico. los estados financieros de las empres...INOCENCIO MELÉNDEZ JULIOEl documento presenta información sobre los estados financieros de empresas industriales y comerciales. Explica las diferencias entre estos tipos de empresas, como las industriales manejan inventarios de materias primas, productos en proceso y terminados, mientras que las comerciales solo manejan un inventario. También presenta información sobre costos directos e indirectos en empresas industriales y ejemplos de empresas de cada tipo.
Inocencio meléndez julio. nación. como encontrarle sentido a la vida. ino...INOCENCIO MELÉNDEZ JULIOEl ensayo discute cómo encontrarle sentido a la vida. Muchas personas se preguntan si sus vidas tienen sentido después de lograr o fracasar en alcanzar metas. Sin embargo, el verdadero sentido de la vida no depende de logros externos sino de aspectos internos como la tranquilidad y la paz consigo mismo. El sentido de la vida va más allá de lograr metas y objetivos específicos, y se encuentra en la capacidad de amar, apreciar el universo y contribuir a los demás. La clave es descubrir el propio yo y encontrar
Inocencio meléndez julio. contratación y gestión. herramientas para la com...INOCENCIO MELÉNDEZ JULIOEste documento presenta una guía para el curso de Investigación de Mercados. La guía explica que la investigación de mercados es una herramienta para comprender a los clientes, identificar oportunidades de mercado, y triunfar sobre la competencia. La guía cubre temas como los métodos de investigación de mercados, el muestreo, y cómo utilizar herramientas para recolectar y analizar datos e informar a los gerentes. El autor encuentra que la guía presenta los conceptos y técnicas de una manera clara y completa para que los estud
El principio narcisoPatricia YogaUna mujer plantó un jardín de narcisos colocando un bulbo cada vez durante más de 40 años, creando una vista gloriosa de 50,000 flores. Esto enseña que pequeños esfuerzos diarios pueden lograr grandes cosas a lo largo del tiempo, como cambiar el mundo "un paso a la vez".
Inocencio meléndez julio. idujuridico. procesador de texto. herramientas inf...INOCENCIO MELÉNDEZ JULIOEl documento describe un procesador de texto como una aplicación que permite crear, editar, dar formato, imprimir y compartir documentos de texto. Explica que la mayoría de procesadores de texto forman parte de suites de oficina y permiten incorporar hojas de cálculo e intercambiar información entre documentos abiertos. También señala que estas aplicaciones automatizan tareas repetitivas y ofrecen más funcionalidades que los métodos de trabajo tradicionales.
ThesisAakaash VeerwalThe document discusses textile designs and motifs from India. It describes Dacca muslins from Bangladesh, which were renowned for their extreme fineness, with yards of fabric able to pass through a ring. The muslins came in grey, white or black colors with woven-in patterns known as Jamdani patterns. Fabric designers acknowledge five families of patterns: natural, stylized, geometric, ethnic, and art movement/period styles. Balance, harmony, proportion, rhythm and emphasis are principles of design that help create unity and interest in designs.
Basic Web design principles and elements.pptxCASYLOUMARAGGUNThe document discusses basic web design principles and elements. The 7 principles are balance, movement, repetition/rhythm, emphasis, contrast, unity, and alignment. The 7 elements are line, color, shape, size, value, texture, and space. Color has three characteristics: hue, value, and intensity. Balance, repetition, emphasis and contrast are used to create visual interest and structure on a page.
Elements & principles of artsaravanandhamodaran1This document discusses design principles, specifically elements and principles of art. It outlines 7 key elements of design - dots, lines, shapes, form, space, texture, and color. It then provides details on each element, such as the different types of lines (horizontal, vertical, diagonal, curve, zigzag). It also discusses 7 principles of design that are used to create effective designs - balance, movement, repetition and rhythm, emphasis, simplicity, contrast, and proportion. Specific techniques for applying each principle are described, such as symmetrical vs. asymmetrical balance and how repetition can create visual rhythm. The document aims to educate designers on the fundamental building blocks and techniques used in visual design.
Principles and elements of landscape designAr. M. Senthil [ senthilmani ]The document discusses the key elements and principles of landscape design:
- Elements include line, form, color, texture, and their properties. Straight, curved, vertical, and horizontal lines have different effects. Forms can be geometric or naturalistic. Texture can be coarse, medium, or fine.
- Principles for organizing elements include proportion, order, repetition, and unity. Proportion considers human scale. Order uses balance, which can be symmetrical, asymmetrical, or based on perspective. Repetition and unity create visual cohesion.
- Understanding elements and principles is essential for designing landscapes that are aesthetically pleasing and functional for users.
Design Elements and Principle Assignment.pptxAshmineKaurThe document discusses the key elements and principles of design including point, line, shape, form, space, color, light, texture, balance, scale, rhythm, emphasis, unity, and harmony. It explains that elements are the basic building blocks used in design and principles govern how elements are combined and arranged. When elements and principles are properly used together, they can be used to create visually pleasing compositions and unique designed spaces.
UNIT 2_LD.pdfShahPrachi7This document discusses different landscape design elements including hardscape materials like brick, metal and glass as well as natural elements like plants, water and landforms. It covers principles of design such as line, form, texture and color. Line can be created by edges between materials or outlines of objects. Form is the 3D shape and is found in hardscape and plants. Texture refers to the surface feel of materials and plants. Color adds interest and various color schemes are discussed including monochromatic, analogous and complementary.
DESIGNING.pptxJaniceHansenAgbayThe document discusses the principles of design, including structural and decorative design. It describes the elements of each type of design such as line, form, value, texture, and color. It provides details on how different lines, shapes, tones, textures, and colors can affect human behavior and perception. The document also discusses techniques for rendering tonal values in design through hatching, scribbling, stippling, smudging, and digital methods.
Elements Of Design NimishJoshi18Elements Of Design..
Types of Design..
Images of Design..
Different Patterns, lines, Textures, Rough etc.
Difference in design or in images
Design Principles.pptWarongWonglangkaThe document discusses how the principles of art can be applied to landscape design. It begins by having students examine different plant materials and decide which plants would work well together, encouraging them to use art terminology. It then defines key elements of design like line, form, texture, and color. It explains how these elements can be used along with principles of design like unity, repetition, variety, balance, and scale to create an attractive, unified landscape that is pleasing to the eye.
Significance of Basic Design Elements in Spatial and Cultural Environment of ...ijtsrdBuilt form in any Organization carries the essence of any design and doing nothing is also a form of design. Elements of Design needs to be carefully studied and applied to creation of any space. Design sometimes suffers from a dilemma about its identity. It is not solely either an art or a science but is a combination of both. Applied design is not like physics or biology or writing or painting, but it involves these areas and more. Design tends towards a generalized approach, collecting specifics from diverse areas as needed. Design is a combination of art, science, technology and intuition. Design does contain sound proven principals and criteria for judging its success. It is a combination of ideas, methods, deliverables, forms, functions and appearance. These criteria centre on the relationship between human needs and human environmental possible. The measure of the success of a particular applied design is how well it meets the needs of the people experiencing it. This paper discuss about the elements of design and the techniques used to incorporate them in ideal spatial creation. Balance and Positive combinations of form and functions Dr. Mukesh Kumar Lalji | Dr. Amogh Kumar Gupta | Dr. Sheetal Sharma "Significance of Basic Design Elements in Spatial and Cultural Environment of Built Forms" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-5 | Issue-4 , June 2021, URL: https://www.ijtsrd.compapers/ijtsrd42473.pdf Paper URL: https://www.ijtsrd.comengineering/architecture-and-planning/42473/significance-of-basic-design-elements-in-spatial-and-cultural-environment-of-built-forms/dr-mukesh-kumar-lalji
The Elements of Art - Grade 7, 8 and 9.pptxKerrinDavids1This document discusses the elements of art, including color, form, line, shape, texture, value, pattern, and tone. It defines each element and provides examples. Color is described using terms like primary, secondary, tertiary, warm, and cold colors. Form and shape are distinguished, with form being three-dimensional and shape being two-dimensional. Texture can be actual or visual, and value refers to the lightness or darkness of a color. Pattern uses repetition of motifs and tone describes the lightness and darkness of an area.
Conceptos Generalesjoseg8805Este documento presenta conceptos generales sobre comunicación en informática, medios de comunicación, trabajo colaborativo, plataformas informáticas, redes de internet, páginas web, portales web, tecnologías de la información y comunicación (TIC), la importancia de las TIC en la educación y las razones para utilizar las TIC en la educación.
Elements of DesignJennifer JanviereThe document discusses the key elements of design including line, figure and ground, scale and proportion, texture and pattern, rhythm and repetition, direction, weight, balance, and the rule of thirds. These elements are the fundamental building blocks that designers use to create unified compositions and deliver effective visual messages to audiences. When used successfully together, these elements create design harmony.
Inocencio meléndez julio. idujuridico. los estados financieros de las empres...INOCENCIO MELÉNDEZ JULIOEl documento presenta información sobre los estados financieros de empresas industriales y comerciales. Explica las diferencias entre estos tipos de empresas, como las industriales manejan inventarios de materias primas, productos en proceso y terminados, mientras que las comerciales solo manejan un inventario. También presenta información sobre costos directos e indirectos en empresas industriales y ejemplos de empresas de cada tipo.
Inocencio meléndez julio. nación. como encontrarle sentido a la vida. ino...INOCENCIO MELÉNDEZ JULIOEl ensayo discute cómo encontrarle sentido a la vida. Muchas personas se preguntan si sus vidas tienen sentido después de lograr o fracasar en alcanzar metas. Sin embargo, el verdadero sentido de la vida no depende de logros externos sino de aspectos internos como la tranquilidad y la paz consigo mismo. El sentido de la vida va más allá de lograr metas y objetivos específicos, y se encuentra en la capacidad de amar, apreciar el universo y contribuir a los demás. La clave es descubrir el propio yo y encontrar
Inocencio meléndez julio. contratación y gestión. herramientas para la com...INOCENCIO MELÉNDEZ JULIOEste documento presenta una guía para el curso de Investigación de Mercados. La guía explica que la investigación de mercados es una herramienta para comprender a los clientes, identificar oportunidades de mercado, y triunfar sobre la competencia. La guía cubre temas como los métodos de investigación de mercados, el muestreo, y cómo utilizar herramientas para recolectar y analizar datos e informar a los gerentes. El autor encuentra que la guía presenta los conceptos y técnicas de una manera clara y completa para que los estud
El principio narcisoPatricia YogaUna mujer plantó un jardín de narcisos colocando un bulbo cada vez durante más de 40 años, creando una vista gloriosa de 50,000 flores. Esto enseña que pequeños esfuerzos diarios pueden lograr grandes cosas a lo largo del tiempo, como cambiar el mundo "un paso a la vez".
Inocencio meléndez julio. idujuridico. procesador de texto. herramientas inf...INOCENCIO MELÉNDEZ JULIOEl documento describe un procesador de texto como una aplicación que permite crear, editar, dar formato, imprimir y compartir documentos de texto. Explica que la mayoría de procesadores de texto forman parte de suites de oficina y permiten incorporar hojas de cálculo e intercambiar información entre documentos abiertos. También señala que estas aplicaciones automatizan tareas repetitivas y ofrecen más funcionalidades que los métodos de trabajo tradicionales.
ThesisAakaash VeerwalThe document discusses textile designs and motifs from India. It describes Dacca muslins from Bangladesh, which were renowned for their extreme fineness, with yards of fabric able to pass through a ring. The muslins came in grey, white or black colors with woven-in patterns known as Jamdani patterns. Fabric designers acknowledge five families of patterns: natural, stylized, geometric, ethnic, and art movement/period styles. Balance, harmony, proportion, rhythm and emphasis are principles of design that help create unity and interest in designs.
Basic Web design principles and elements.pptxCASYLOUMARAGGUNThe document discusses basic web design principles and elements. The 7 principles are balance, movement, repetition/rhythm, emphasis, contrast, unity, and alignment. The 7 elements are line, color, shape, size, value, texture, and space. Color has three characteristics: hue, value, and intensity. Balance, repetition, emphasis and contrast are used to create visual interest and structure on a page.
Elements & principles of artsaravanandhamodaran1This document discusses design principles, specifically elements and principles of art. It outlines 7 key elements of design - dots, lines, shapes, form, space, texture, and color. It then provides details on each element, such as the different types of lines (horizontal, vertical, diagonal, curve, zigzag). It also discusses 7 principles of design that are used to create effective designs - balance, movement, repetition and rhythm, emphasis, simplicity, contrast, and proportion. Specific techniques for applying each principle are described, such as symmetrical vs. asymmetrical balance and how repetition can create visual rhythm. The document aims to educate designers on the fundamental building blocks and techniques used in visual design.
Principles and elements of landscape designAr. M. Senthil [ senthilmani ]The document discusses the key elements and principles of landscape design:
- Elements include line, form, color, texture, and their properties. Straight, curved, vertical, and horizontal lines have different effects. Forms can be geometric or naturalistic. Texture can be coarse, medium, or fine.
- Principles for organizing elements include proportion, order, repetition, and unity. Proportion considers human scale. Order uses balance, which can be symmetrical, asymmetrical, or based on perspective. Repetition and unity create visual cohesion.
- Understanding elements and principles is essential for designing landscapes that are aesthetically pleasing and functional for users.
Design Elements and Principle Assignment.pptxAshmineKaurThe document discusses the key elements and principles of design including point, line, shape, form, space, color, light, texture, balance, scale, rhythm, emphasis, unity, and harmony. It explains that elements are the basic building blocks used in design and principles govern how elements are combined and arranged. When elements and principles are properly used together, they can be used to create visually pleasing compositions and unique designed spaces.
UNIT 2_LD.pdfShahPrachi7This document discusses different landscape design elements including hardscape materials like brick, metal and glass as well as natural elements like plants, water and landforms. It covers principles of design such as line, form, texture and color. Line can be created by edges between materials or outlines of objects. Form is the 3D shape and is found in hardscape and plants. Texture refers to the surface feel of materials and plants. Color adds interest and various color schemes are discussed including monochromatic, analogous and complementary.
DESIGNING.pptxJaniceHansenAgbayThe document discusses the principles of design, including structural and decorative design. It describes the elements of each type of design such as line, form, value, texture, and color. It provides details on how different lines, shapes, tones, textures, and colors can affect human behavior and perception. The document also discusses techniques for rendering tonal values in design through hatching, scribbling, stippling, smudging, and digital methods.
Elements Of Design NimishJoshi18Elements Of Design..
Types of Design..
Images of Design..
Different Patterns, lines, Textures, Rough etc.
Difference in design or in images
Design Principles.pptWarongWonglangkaThe document discusses how the principles of art can be applied to landscape design. It begins by having students examine different plant materials and decide which plants would work well together, encouraging them to use art terminology. It then defines key elements of design like line, form, texture, and color. It explains how these elements can be used along with principles of design like unity, repetition, variety, balance, and scale to create an attractive, unified landscape that is pleasing to the eye.
Significance of Basic Design Elements in Spatial and Cultural Environment of ...ijtsrdBuilt form in any Organization carries the essence of any design and doing nothing is also a form of design. Elements of Design needs to be carefully studied and applied to creation of any space. Design sometimes suffers from a dilemma about its identity. It is not solely either an art or a science but is a combination of both. Applied design is not like physics or biology or writing or painting, but it involves these areas and more. Design tends towards a generalized approach, collecting specifics from diverse areas as needed. Design is a combination of art, science, technology and intuition. Design does contain sound proven principals and criteria for judging its success. It is a combination of ideas, methods, deliverables, forms, functions and appearance. These criteria centre on the relationship between human needs and human environmental possible. The measure of the success of a particular applied design is how well it meets the needs of the people experiencing it. This paper discuss about the elements of design and the techniques used to incorporate them in ideal spatial creation. Balance and Positive combinations of form and functions Dr. Mukesh Kumar Lalji | Dr. Amogh Kumar Gupta | Dr. Sheetal Sharma "Significance of Basic Design Elements in Spatial and Cultural Environment of Built Forms" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-5 | Issue-4 , June 2021, URL: https://www.ijtsrd.compapers/ijtsrd42473.pdf Paper URL: https://www.ijtsrd.comengineering/architecture-and-planning/42473/significance-of-basic-design-elements-in-spatial-and-cultural-environment-of-built-forms/dr-mukesh-kumar-lalji
The Elements of Art - Grade 7, 8 and 9.pptxKerrinDavids1This document discusses the elements of art, including color, form, line, shape, texture, value, pattern, and tone. It defines each element and provides examples. Color is described using terms like primary, secondary, tertiary, warm, and cold colors. Form and shape are distinguished, with form being three-dimensional and shape being two-dimensional. Texture can be actual or visual, and value refers to the lightness or darkness of a color. Pattern uses repetition of motifs and tone describes the lightness and darkness of an area.
NATA 2016 STUDY MATERIALprecept0507The file is a sample of the full study material provided by PRECEPT Design Studio. The full study material covers both Theory and drawing module for NATA with topics like Perspective drawing, 3D Composition, 2D Composition, Logo Design, 3D Visualization, Building Material Basics, Arithmatic Aptitude, Architectur eAwareness, Logical Reasoning, History of Architecture, Color Theory, etc. along with some solved NATA Drawing Questions.
LANDSCAPES : ELEMENTS AND PRINCIPLESSurashmie KaalmeghGood Design is an outcome of basic elements and principles of design and it certainly helps to learn how they are recognized in a given frame and thus make an impact.
Interior designPrachi AhluwaliaThe document discusses the fundamental elements and principles of visual design. It defines elements as the basic building blocks or "vocabulary" that make up a design, including line, shape, color, texture, form, and value. It then explains that principles constitute the broader structural aspects or "grammar" of how elements are arranged, such as unity, emphasis/focal point, balance, proportion/scale, contrast, movement, and rhythm/pattern. The document states that an awareness of elements and principles is the first step in creating successful visual compositions, and that these concepts form the basis of all intentional design strategies across various fields like graphic design, architecture, and art.
Elements of designSuryaprakashJangirThis document discusses the 7 basic elements of design: line, color, shape, space, texture, scale and size, and value. It provides details on each element, describing lines as the basic form with length and width used to draw attention, color as creating mood, shapes as outlined boundaries that add interest, space as allowing room for breathing and guiding the eye, texture as adding realism, scale and size as bringing contrast through dimension and relation to original form, and value as controlling contrast and the eye through light and dark.
Comm via printed media 07HasanErkaya1This document discusses the elements of graphic design. It begins by defining graphic design as a carrier of meaning and the importance of white space. It then outlines the main elements graphic designers work with, including line, tone, shape, texture, size, direction, color, and space. The document details each element and provides examples. It explains the main steps in the design process and how to blend the elements through principles such as balance, proportion, sequence, unity, simplicity, and contrast/emphasis. Different layout styles are presented and the importance of studying design to get ideas is emphasized.
How to Configure Authorized Signatory on Invoice in Odoo 18Celine GeorgeOdoo 18 Sign allows you to send, sign, and approve documents online, using electronic signatures. An electronic signature shows a person’s agreement to the content of a document. Just like a handwritten signature, the electronic one represents a legal binding by the terms of the signed document.
Lena Yu aka LambdaMamba - Plenty of Phish in the Sea: Collecting and Investig...LenaYu2A full course on collecting and analyzing email and text message threats by Lena Yu aka LambdaMamba.
Design Policy and Strategy in the Expansion of Global Economic InitiativesMIPLMDesign Policy and Strategy
in the Expansion of Global Economic Initiatives
Introduction to PRISMA: Common Pitfalls & Best Practices in Systematic Review...Systematic Reviews Network (SRN)By the end of this session, participants will be able to:
Understand the PRISMA Guidelines – Explain the purpose and key components of the PRISMA checklist and flow diagram in systematic review reporting.
Identify Common Pitfalls – Recognize frequent errors and challenges in reporting systematic reviews and how they impact transparency and reproducibility.
Apply Best Practices – Implement strategies to enhance the clarity, completeness, and accuracy of systematic review reporting.
Use PRISMA Effectively – Utilize PRISMA tools and resources to improve the structure and presentation of systematic reviews.
Assess PRISMA Compliance – Critically evaluate published systematic reviews for adherence to PRISMA guidelines.
Unit 2 Analysis of Financial Statements.pptxNileshKumbhar21Meaning, Objectives and Limitations of Financial Statement Analysis. , Tools for Financial
Statement Analysis , Balance Sheet: Vertical Balance Sheet (Simple Numerical) , Comparative
Statement: Introduction, Methods and Steps for Preparation (Example of Simple Statement ) ,
Common Sized Statement: Introduction, Methods and Steps for Preparation(Example of Simple
Statement ) , Cash Flow Statement: Importance Steps for Preparation & Use (Example of
Simple Statement ) , of Accounting Ratios: Meaning, Objectives and Classification
Knowledge and Curriculum, Types of KnowledgeNrapendraVirSinghKnowledge is one of the most valuable assets a person can acquire. It serves as the foundation for personal, social, and professional development and plays a vital role in shaping human life and society. Below are some key points that highlight the importance of knowledge:
Empowerment and Confidence
Knowledge empowers individuals by giving them the confidence to make informed decisions, solve problems, and navigate challenges. It allows people to express themselves effectively and stand by their beliefs with conviction.
Personal Growth
Knowledge promotes self-improvement. It broadens perspectives, enhances critical thinking, and nurtures creativity. Learning new skills or concepts enables individuals to evolve continuously and adapt to change.
Professional Success
In the modern world, knowledge is the cornerstone of career advancement. It helps individuals stay competitive in their fields, adapt to technological advancements, and make innovative contributions. Specialized knowledge is often a key determinant of success in the workplace.
Social Contribution
Knowledgeable individuals contribute significantly to the progress of their communities and societies. By sharing their understanding and expertise, they can drive social change, improve quality of life, and address pressing global issues.
Problem-Solving and Decision-Making
With knowledge, individuals can approach problems methodically, analyze situations critically, and make sound decisions. This is crucial in both personal and professional life.
Cultural and Historical Awareness
Knowledge provides insight into history, culture, and traditions, fostering respect and understanding among diverse communities. It helps preserve the legacy of human civilization and encourages appreciation for global diversity.
Technological and Scientific Advancements
Knowledge fuels innovation. Scientific discoveries and technological advancements rely on the accumulation of knowledge. Societies thrive when their members actively engage in learning and research.
Personal Fulfillment
Acquiring knowledge is inherently satisfying. It stimulates curiosity, enriches life experiences, and cultivates a lifelong love of learning. The joy of discovery can be deeply fulfilling and rewarding.
Resilience and Adaptability
Knowledge equips individuals to face uncertainties and challenges with resilience. It helps people adapt to changing circumstances and find effective solutions during crises.
Bridge to Future Generations
By sharing and transferring knowledge, individuals contribute to the education and enlightenment of future generations. This ensures that wisdom, discoveries, and advancements continue to evolve over time.
knowledge is a powerful tool that shapes individuals and society. It provides the means to grow, innovate, and contribute to a better world. As Francis Bacon famously said, "Knowledge is power," and this truth continues to resonate in every aspect of life.
Abigail Sageev presents at the OECD webinar 'Improving skills outcomes throug...EduSkills OECDAbigail Sageev, Policy Analyst at the OECD Centre for Skills, presents at the OECD webinar 'Improving skills outcomes through stronger coordination and stakeholder engagement' on 18 March 2025. The recording can be found on the webpage - where we were joined by speakers Ina Progonati, Sustainability &Social Impact Partnerships and Programs Worldwide Lead, HP, Liene Voronenko, Expert of Education, Employers’ Confederation of Latvia, Johan Enfeldt, Research Officer, Department for Social Policy Issues, Swedish Trade Union Confederation, Marius Busemeyer, Professor of Political Science, University of Konstanz, Andrew Bell, Deputy Head of the OECD Centre for Skills and Head of OECD Skills Strategy and Laura Reznikova, Policy Analyst, OECD Centre for Skills. You can check out the work of the Centre for Skills here - OECD Centre for Skills
Fuel Injection in Compression Ignition EngineNileshKumbhar21Requirements of injection system, Types of injection systems – Individual pump, Common rail and Distributor systems, Unit injector, Types of fuel nozzles- single hole, multi hole, pintle, and pintaux, Electronic diesel injection system.
Next Gen Project Delivery - Disrupting the Status QuoAssociation for Project Management APM event hosted by the Wessex Network on 6 March.
Speakers: Martin Paver and James Garner
An evening of ground-breaking discussion on how next-generation project delivery is set to disrupt the traditional methods of project management. From risk management to PMOs, we explored the tension between refining old methods and completely reimagining them. An interactive conversation with the audience.
We explored why sticking to outdated practices can hinder progress and how embracing new technologies like AI and advanced data analytics can revolutionise the field. We challenged the conventional wisdom that has dominated project management for decades and highlight the pitfalls of resisting change. This session provided insights into how adopting innovative approaches can lead to more efficient, adaptive, and successful project outcomes. Whether you are a seasoned project manager or new to the field, this event should have provoked thought and inspired you to rethink your strategies. Plus, we showed you a path to futureproof your career.
Don't miss this opportunity to be at the forefront of the project management revolution with some of the leading minds on the subject.
We delved into 2 recent open source books on Next Generation PMOs and Next Gen Risk Management which are successfully challenging established norms and seeding a movement. We also showcased some of the latest developments and demonstrate that we have transitioned from sci-fi to making this a reality.
Attendees gained insights into how these cutting-edge techniques can lead to more efficient, adaptive, and successful project outcomes.
Useful Link:
How to Simplify Reconciliation Process using Reconciliation Models using odoo...Celine GeorgeIn a firm, daily transactions are invoiced, but the accounting department may not enter all details immediately. Weekly, account statements are reviewed for reconciliation, ensuring accuracy and transparency by comparing cash transactions with bank records.
1. Line
2. Shape
3. Texture
4. Color
5. Value
6. Space
3. 1.The Line
-usually present in every design
-every website has lines
The line long, red, straight, thin, blue, dashed,
short ,black or curved they are all into the same
category. They are the most of the time used for
delimitation between different sections of a
design or are used to direct viewers vision in a
specific directions.
4. • The lines can create different effects and
visual impact. Bold lines draws attention
because of it’s visual power, the thin lines
tend to go to other way.
• Example of lines:
5. 2. The Shape
The shape is the second most used
elements of a web design. Lines combined
in a different shapes. Shapes are associated
by the human mind with different
movements. Circles are associated with
movement and nature. Squares are seen as
structured, basic design.
6. 3. Texture
Texture styles include paper, stone,
concrete brick, fabric and natural
elements among flat or smooth colors.
Textures can also be pronounced and
can be sparingly or liberally.
8. 4. Colors
It offers the most powerful visual
impact at a single glance. Color
means exactly the same thing as
in the nature. Color creates
emotions-red is passionate, blue
is calm, green is natural.
9. 5. Value
Value is more general and
represents how dark or light a
design is.
10. 6. Space
-white space(also called negative
space)became used widely because it
allows the human eye to read easier. If
there is a lot of negative space in your
web design, it offers light and an open
feeling. The lack of white space will turn
your design into an old fashioned,
cluttered one.