This guide provides suggestions for teachers on how to use a special Beano comic edition to reinforce key messages from the Curriculum for Excellence. It presents reflective questions to help develop classroom activities around storylines featuring Minnie the Minx, The Bash Street Kids, Dennis the Menace, Fred's Bed, SBC's Top Ten, the Beano Editor's journey, and an illustrator's story. Teachers are encouraged to consider how comics can develop literacy skills across abilities and embed learning, and how story content can stimulate discussion around financial skills, teamwork, health, careers, and future skills.
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The Beano Scottish Schools special issue (with Scottish Business in the Community)
1. Reflective Questions to
CfE Outcomes help teachers develop
classroom activities This guide presents
Some potential learning
suggestions on
MNU 1-10b how you can use
I can use a calendar to plan and be points for pupils
organised for key events for myself
G I know I will need qualifications to
this specially
and my class throughout the year .
compete in the job market themed issue to
HWB 0-23a [For example, only 7% of people in reinforce key
I am aware of my own and others Edinburgh have NO qualifications. messages from the
Without qualifications you are 4
needs and feelings especially when Curriculum for
速 The Beano & 速 Dennis the Menace are 息DC Thomson & Co. Ltd 2012.
taking turns and sharing resources. times as likely to be out of work as
I recognise the need to follow rules. an adult.] Excellence.
SCN 2-04a G What generic skills the Beano staff
need to do their jobs?
Research has
By considering examples where
energy is conserved, I can identify [communication, numeracy, problem shown that comics
the energy source, how it is solving and IT] can be described as
transferred and ways of reducing
G They have an understanding of
the missing Link
wasted energy.
. what employers want from their between picture
SCN 2-04b staff [the right attitude, willingness books and
Through exploring non-renewable to work hard and to get on with
energy sources, I can describe how
they are used in Scotland today and reading.
express an informed view on the G The value of setting goals and
implications for their future use understanding why saving for the We hope children
future has a broad range of
HWB 0-20a / HWB 1-20a advantages, such as self esteem,
enjoy this special
I can describe some of the kinds of mental health and well being, edition and that
work that people do and I am finding increased aspirations and you, as teachers,
out about the wider world of work. confidence in their ability. find it useful.
HWB 1-19a
Through taking part in a variety of
events and activities, I am learning
to recognise my own skills and
abilities as well as those of others.
Scottish Business in the Community and The Co-operative are proud to
be supporting this special issue of The Beano, which will help encourage
reading and improve literacy amongst children across - Scotland.
our Guide
Scottish Business in the Community provides a vital link between business
and schools, working with the business sector to improve employability and
literacy for young people across Scotland. (
The Co-operative is committed to inspiring young people and helping them
to teaching Menaces
to be their best. They work with schools throughout Scotland,
Good luck
encouraging them to get involved through their Green Schools
with your little
Revolution initiative ( and to understand more
about the co-operative difference through their partnership with
Co-operative Education Trust Scotland (
Visit or
for more information. proving reading is fun for everyone
2. Curriculum for Excellence: Building the Curriculum 4
Curriculum for Excellence: Building the Curriculum
Context for
Primary teachers
to introduce and Guidance on understanding and incorporating key messages from Minnie the Minx,
follow-up The Beano The Bash Street Kids, Dennis and Gnasher, Freds Bed, SBCs T T
op en, the Editors
Special Edition. Journey, the Illustrators Story and the Employability Quiz.
Extracts from Reflective Questions to help teachers
Building the CfE Outcomes develop classroom activities RESOURCES
Curriculum 4
All pupils are LIT 1-01a For Teachers
entitled to a I regularly select and listen to or watch texts which I
continuous focus enjoy and find interesting, and I can explain why I prefer G How do you currently develop literacy skills in classroom The Beano
on literacy, certain sources. or other settings? What else could you use?
numeracy and G How can you use a comic strip to embed learning across
health and LIT 2-04a a wide range of abilities?
wellbeing As I listen or watch, I can identify and discuss the
purpose, main ideas and supporting detail contained G How can you use story content to stimulate classroom Minnie the Minx
within the text, and use this information for different discussion, e.g. what is Minnie saving for, how long would storyline
Within CfE,
purposes. it take at 贈1 per week, and how would she feel when she
literacy is :
the set of skills reaches her goal?
LIT 2-07a
which allows an I can show my understanding of what I listen to or watch G How could the children understand the relationship
individual to by responding to literal, inferential, evaluative and other between saving and spending, and the consequences of
engage fully in types of questions, and by asking different kinds of overspending?
society and in questions of my own. G What lessons on how to get a healthy diet are the The Bash St
learning, through Bash Street Kids learning?
the different MNU 1-09a Kids storyline
forms of language, I can use money to pay for items and can work out how G How does the Bash Street Kids Storyline help demonstrate
and the range of much change I should receive. the fun and success of good teamwork?
texts, which
MNU 2-09a G How do you demonstrate and model the range of skills Dennis the
society values which children need to develop to thrive in a modern Menace
I can manage money, compare costs from different
and finds useful. society and economy? storyline
retailers, and determine what I can afford to buy.
CfE can best be SOC 1-21a G How can you design activities with children and partners
delivered through I can work out the amount of money I need to buy items, that will enable them to develop personal learning planning
partnership understanding that I may not always be able to afford and career management skills?
working. the items I want. G How can you design experiences to help young people
develop and apply employability and enterprise skills?
At the heart of HWB 1-30a
By investigating the range of foods available I can G Could you use the concept of time travel to help pupils Freds Bed
enterprise in
education are discuss how they contribute to a healthy diet. explore and understand what their world will be like in 2020? storyline
young learners G What is the role of technology in Scotland becoming a
HWB 0-32a
who have a I know that people need different kinds of food to keep more sustainable country?
knowledge and them healthy. G What are the consequences of not changing behaviours?
understanding SOC 1-09a G How can you help the pupils to understand the skills they SBCs Top Ten
of the world of Having explored the variety of foods produced in have to demonstrate to employers in the future?
work. Scotland, I can discuss the importance of different G Could parents and relatives become part of the discussion Beano Editors
types of agriculture in the production of these foods. by feeding in about their own jobs? journey
MNU 1-10a G Pupils could identify skills needed by people doing jobs Illustrators
I can tell the time using 12 hour clocks, realising there is that they see every day, for example, bus driver, shop story
a link with 24 hour notation, explain how it impacts on my assistant, police, teacher, etc
daily routine and ensure that I am organised and ready G Could they think about jobs that might exist in 10 years Employability
for events throughout my day. that do not exist at the minute? Quiz