The document discusses why it is important to study history. Studying history teaches caution through examples like the rise of Hitler in WWII, and finds inspiration through stories of struggle and success like the Spartans at Thermopylae. Developing historical thinking skills like research, comprehension, imagination, analysis and interpretation, and chronological thinking helps one understand the past and think critically about the present and future.
2. Why is it important to study the past?
Caution Some of histories
lessons teach
caution. They tell
of people who
made decisions
that harmed
others. An
example of this
would be of the
Rise of Hitler in
WW 2.
10. Why is it important to study the past?
Many other stories are
inspiring. They tell of
people who struggled
against great odds and
succeeded. An example
of this would be the
Spartans at
11. Historical Thinking
As you learn about the past, you can develop
historical thinking. Historical thinking will help you
to understand the past and to think critically about
issues in the present and future.
12. Historical Thinking
Historical Research
Means searching out a variety
of sources that will help you
answer a historical question or
learn more about a historical
period or event.
13. Historical Thinking
Means understanding historical
sources. This involves asking
many questions. Who created the
source? Why was it created? How
accurate is it likely to be?
Reading and interpreting
historical maps, graphs, and data
is another part of this skill. It is
important to put aside your own
ideas about the past in order to
understand how the people you
are studying viewed their
14. Historical Thinking
Historical Imagination
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are needed to see this picture.
Means the ability to
put yourself in the
middle of a historical
event, to imagine
different courses of
action, and to
evaluate the potential
consequences of
those different
15. Historical Thinking
Historical Analysis and Interpretation
Means thinking critically
about what you study.
Comparing and
contrasting, determining
the difference between
fact and opinion,
analyzing cause and
effect, and evaluating
differing sources are all
parts of this skill.
16. Historical Thinking
Chronological Thinking
understanding how
events unfold over
time. Chronological
thinking helps you
understand cause
and effect. Creating
timelines is a good
way to develop