2. Names Rectification of Names (Cheng Ming) What is necessary is to rectify names If names be not correct, language is not in accordance with the truth of things. If language be not in accordance with the truth of things, affairs cannot be carried on to success. The Analects of Confucius Book 13, verse 3 (Legge translation, 1980)
12. LibraryofLife.org WikiBioLitty.org Maybe something to tie into the Encyclopedia of Life: Levinus Vincent Elenchus tabularum, pinacothecarum, atque nonnullorum cimeliorum . . . , 1719
13. Or inspired by the All Species Foundation or Species 2000: Omnibiosis.org Vitalis.org Allogy.org Friedrich Heinrich von Kittlitz Beschreibung mehrerer neuer oder wenig gekannter Arten des Geschlechtes Acanthurus, im stillen Ocean 1834
15. QHQKQL.org Z672.org Z265.org UDC574.org Or maybe something more metadata-y Georges Louis Leclerc, comte de Buffon Histoire naturelle : g辿n辿rale et particuli竪re (Oiseaux) , 1799-1808 Histoire naturelle g辿n辿rale et particuli竪revol. 14. (1766)
16. Or more of a 18 th century library LibraryofNaturalCuriosities.org Levinus Vincent Elenchus tabularum, pinacothecarum, atque nonnullorum cimeliorum . . . , 1719
17. But in German WunderkammerBibliothekKatalogDerLebendenSachen.org Levinus Vincent Elenchus tabularum, pinacothecarum, atque nonnullorum cimeliorum . . . , 1719
18. So wed better stick with English: CardCatalogofLife.org Massachusetts. Zoological and Botanical Survey Reports on the fishes, reptiles and birds of Massachusetts , 1839
19. and make allowances: CardCatalog(ue)ofLife.org Mordecai Cubitt Cooke Our reptiles and batrachians; indigenous to Great Britain , 1893
20. Or perhaps just stay enigmatic 42.museum Anton鱈n Fri Fauna der Gaskohle und der Kalksteine 1893-