User Experience professionals have a plethora of knowledge from a variety of disciplines: psychology, human-computer interaction, graphic design and cognitive science. However, one essential area is often overlooked business. In this presentation, Ashley will outline how to integrate business thinking into your UX work in order to influence decision makers and be seen as a thought leader at your company.
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The Business of UX
1. The Business of UX
Ashley Wrobel MBA
Senior UX Manager @ Manifest Digital
2. Business of UX - Why This Matters
Regardless of company type, digital projects always have a business team and a UX
representative(s) (whether they know it or not)
A few companies value their UX-ers and treat their decisions as key, but most UX
practitioners dont work in such an environment
As projects progress past inception, rifts can happen between main teams:
- New Discoveries
- Technology Improvements
- Constraints
- Alternative Solutions
Without people/teams to guide away from problems, projects get off track as rifts spread
leading to:
- Budget Problems
- Scope Creep
- Key Business Stakeholders and UX Practitioners on Different Pages
Cancelled Projects, Frustrated Team Members, Wasted Resources, Little Overall
or No Improvement to Experience, Loss of Future UX Work
4. Goals of Business & UX
Key Business Goals:
- Increased revenue
- Decreased costs
- Increased New Business
- Increased Shareholder Value
- Brand recognition
- Growth
User Experience (UX) Goals:
Create strong or improved digital
interactions and product perceptions
based on an understanding of:
- User Values, Needs
- User Abilities
- User Limitations
5. Goals of Business & UX
Unchecked Prioritization
of User Needs Leads to
an Increased Drift
Between User Needs and
Business Goals
7. Becoming The Missing Component Start Small
Show teams how to connect the dots
Create and Share Measureable Wireframe Goals
When presenting, incorporate flows and diagrams often
By updating the shopping cart page layout with clearer messaging and a
cleaner interface to alleviate common errors, we estimate a decrease in
shopping cart abandonment by 30%. This leads directly to the project goal
of improved retention rates and customer satisfaction in the checkout
8. Help Identify Problems Before They Occur
Explore external areas that can improve experience and meet
business goals
Identify gaps in business decisions
Although the product page is the key focus of this project, making a few
minor updates to the home page can increase discoverability of the new
features by 50%
Becoming The Missing Component Start Small
9. Develop Your Soft Skills
- Communication: Become one of the main communication points on your
team and, eventually, on the entire project. Alleviate any confusion points.
- Teamwork: Regularly work directly with business analysts, business
integration teams, marketing managers, designers, etc. to create stronger
- Adaptability: As projects change, avoid taking things personally and instead,
lead the effort to suggest new ideas
- Conflict Resolution: As team members disagree or a solution cannot be
reached, be the champion to create pro and con lists and become a neutral
Becoming The Missing Component Start Small
10. Turn Business Stakeholders into Advocates
Discover what leading business stakeholders need to be successful in their job
and provide it to them
Schedule touch-bases and check-ins to stay on top of changes
Become a Leader
Create and maintain project details documents that drive efforts
Focus on the tie-in of business and UX results in presentations and team
Create guiding documents to illustrate UX value and visualize objectives
Becoming The Missing Component Start Small
11. Tools
Ecommerce Project
Project Summary: Adding New Shipping
Methods Across an Ecomm Website
Page Template # Page Title
Business Impact
Customer +
Impact Order of Pages
1 Home 15% 2% 17.0% 3
2 Product Matrix Page 3% 0% 3.0% 9
3 Product Description Page 10% 5% 15.0% 4
4 Shopping Cart 25% 30% 55.0% 2
5 Checkout - Shipping/Delivery Info 25% 54% 79.0% 1
6 Checkout - Billing Info 2% 0% 2.0% 10
7 Checkout - Order Review 5% 5% 10.0% 5
8 Checkout - Order Confirmation 8% 0% 8.0% 6
9 Email Communication 2% 2% 4.0% 8
10 Customer Service Page 5% 2% 7.0% 7
Pro/Con Lists
Targeted Flow Diagrams
14. Becoming The Missing Component
Get Big:
Update the siloed working structure and have UX lead
efforts to meet business goals
Start to Lead projects and re-create the traditional project
flow to focus on UX
Help create successful projects that allow UX to lead and
even create future projects
15. Business & UX - Why This
Topic Should Matter To You
Problems, Frustration, Wasted Resources, Negative Project
Aftermath & Loss of Future Work
Be More Effective:
Add value, gain credibility, increase stakeholder satisfaction,
lead projects, and ultimately get more work
16. Other Helpful Resources
Presentation Resources
Communicating the UX Value Proposition
Design is a Job (Book)
Mapping Business Value to UX
n g-business-value-to-ux-part-2.php
How Design & UX Translate to the Bottom Line
#3: Something is wrong we are missing a bridge or intermediary to alleviate the rifts but this is hard to do and not usually part of the UX skill set. Before getting into detail about results and how to fix the problem, lets take a step back to understand the overlap of business and UX
#4: Taking a broader look at where UX is supposed to fit into the spectrum between technology and business essentially the intersection it seems that all of these areas should tie in and complement each other. But is that always the case? Definitely not.
#5: As business and UX have their own goals and areas of concentration, practitioners are focused on different objectives from the start of a project (as illustrated in the comparison here). This happens despite the fact that UX goals can work to meet business goals.
#6: Adding to the problem of different focuses from the onset of a project, UX goals can become misaligned from their ideal state (illustrated in the diagram here) and drift away from the guiding business goals that fund and drive the project. Over focus on user needs, silo effect and increased misalignment over time.
#7: Enter the Missing Component of the equation: a business-savvy UX Professional with a new skill set. But the question is - how do you get these skills ?
#8: How does someone with little to no knowledge of the business end of a project become the missing component? To get started Uxers need to clearly illustrate/ connect the dots for business teams how every UX suggestion ties back to the organizations core mission and project goals. During this phase, Uxers should be developing soft skills and create trust and relationships among business teams.
#10: How does someone with little to no knowledge of the business end of a project become the missing component? To get started Uxers need to clearly illustrate/ connect the dots for business teams how every UX suggestion ties back to the organizations core mission and project goals. During this phase, Uxers should be developing soft skills and create trust and relationships among business teams.
Ask for meetings and working sessions with other teams early on and regularly (establish & build rapport; make your presence known)
Request feedback on ideas and mock-ups early on (create trust)