1. This summarizes the protocols for implementing a business conference broadcasting arena. It outlines 9 steps including testing a demo, signing a contract, using Paltalk and Skype codes, a video player, and forms.
2. It provides details on licensing the intellectual property for 贈100,000 per license, with the first two licenses earning a 50% commission that decreases to 25% for subsequent licenses.
3. The document is a licensing contract agreement between the licensor and a licensee to operate the business model called "The Business Conference Broadcasting Arena" according to the outlined terms.
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The businessconferencei.p.protocollicensingcontract
1. Protocol for implementing the Business Conference Broadcasting Arena:
1. Go to a test site & see the demo. If you want to proceed a subscription has to be
bought at Moonfruit.com (http://www.launch-a-radio-program.com/
2. Sign the Contract with 5 Star Film Co.Ltd. The contract won't come into effect until
it has been signed here,but We are sending the codes for You to get the hang of the
arrangements. When You are ready the contract can be returned,signifying that You are
ready to commit.
3. The Paltalk Community Voice Room Code.
<object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" id="Paltalk"
width="800" height="600" codebase="http://fpdownload.macromedia.com/
get/flashplayer/current/swflash.cab"><param name="movie" value="http://
express.paltalk.com/embed/Paltalk.swf" /><param name="quality" value="high"
/><param name="bgcolor" value="#000000" /><param name="flashvars"
value="gid=901851551&refc=109745" /><param name="allowScriptAccess"
value="always" /><embed src=/slideshow/the-businessconferenceipprotocollicensingcontract/13940966/"http:/express.paltalk.com/embed/Paltalk.swf"
quality="high" bgcolor="#000000" width="800" height="600" name="Paltalk"
align="middle" play="true" loop="false" quality="high"
flashvars="gid=901851551&refc=109745" allowScriptAccess="always" wmode="window"
type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="http://www.adobe.com/go/
4. The Paltalk join widget.
<a href="http://www.dpbolvw.net/click-5777996-10661963">
<img src="http://www.lduhtrp.net/image-5777996-10661963" width="125" height="125"
alt="Paltalk Video Chat Done Right " border="0"/></a>
5. The Skype Code.
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://cdn.widgetserver.com/syndication/
subscriber/InsertWidget.js"></script><script type="text/javascript">if (WIDGETBOX)
script><noscript>Get the <a href="http://www.widgetbox.com/widget/online-
status-indicator">Skype Status Indicator</a> widget and many other <a
2. href="http://www.widgetbox.com/">great free widgets</a> at <a href="http://
www.widgetbox.com">Widgetbox</a>! Not seeing a widget? (<a href="http://
6. The Pay-Master Promo-Kit with Video Player Combined. These are two separate codes
combined to make one Video Player with a Ticket Box Office. There is a Google Pay-
Button account incorporated the Payment Cart leads to a hidden room on One of Our
websites. There are a number of ways to go about this.
(A) You could use Our Form to accelerate the process,as it took 6 Months to develop
this the entire broadcasting site. You would then integrate a Google or other Payment
account and have payments linked to Your Website. In this case You would need to
assign 25% of the Ticket Income to 5 Star Film Co.Ltd.
(B) The easier option is to let Us handle payments,and leave the Ticket Box Office as it
is,with the exception of the photo,You can use your own photo or Logo. The best way to
implement this is to go on Skype with me when you want to change the Ticket Box Office
Form and i will talk you through how its changed from My Form construction account
at Jotform.com. I suggest that to collaborate properly we coordinate the re-designing
during designated Skype Meetings to ensure that no errors,confusion or time wasting
occurs. If We the payments are processed through schedule (B) then We would require
33% rather than 25%.
<script type="text/javascript" src=/slideshow/the-businessconferenceipprotocollicensingcontract/13940966/"https:/secure.jotform.com/jsform/20124238185"></
7. The Video Player at USTREAM.COM.
Here is Our account Code,You would need to create a free account there to embed Your
own Player and Control the Video Record-Broadcast Control Room,which is where the
Customers would broadcast from.
<iframe src="http://www.ustream.tv/embed/7840145" width="864" height="512"
scrolling="no" frameborder="0" style="border: 0px none transparent;"></iframe>
8. Broadcasters Booking Form.
This also enables the Broadcaster to Register as an Admin,in order to construct their
own Moonfruit leased Broadcasting Room Hosted from Your Site.
<script type="text/javascript" src=/slideshow/the-businessconferenceipprotocollicensingcontract/13940966/"https:/secure.jotformpro.com/jsform/
9. Broadcasters Registration Form
3. <script type="text/javascript" src=/slideshow/the-businessconferenceipprotocollicensingcontract/13940966/"https:/secure.jotformpro.com/jsform/
This is all You need to begin Broadcasting. Lets arrange a Skype time to talk,and i can
take You through each stage to Learn more.
This is the Meeting Agenda:
1.Moonfruit.com Website account,design Your Rooms.
2. Payments Ticket Box Office Yours or Mine?
3. The Business Conference Broadcasting Arena I.P Licensing Schedule & Contract.
The I.P Copyright License is given to Your Company free of Charge as an evaluation
gauge to monitor the level of Interest that shall be incoming from Other Social Network
Sites. I have created two test demo sites to demonstrate the Models to potential
purchases yet haven't been seriously developing the Broadcasting business,as this will
take up to much of Our time away from other endeavors.
The Licensing Price to other Companies is 贈100.000 and we would offer You 50% for the
first two purchases,then 25%. If a Giant such as Myspace were interest the price would
rise to 贈1.000.000 and the commission would be 25%.
Please take a note of any questions that You want to put to me and We can talk,perhaps
on a Group Conference on Skype at Your Convenience.
Laird A Salmon.
Skype: star_films
4. Protocols & Licensing Contract Agreement.
The Business Conference Broadcasting Arena
I.P License Contract Agreement:
Licensor Laird Anthony Salmon representing 5 Star Film Co.Ltd,a Business Organised &
Operating within the Legal jurisdiction of England & Wales,with its address located at Caplor
Farm,Fownhope,Herefordshire,England,U.K. shall enter into a lawful agreement with ( State
Name & Address & representative)
The Licensing Agreement is assigned to allow the implementation of an Intellectual Copyright
Property of 5 Star Film Co.Ltd and Brand Name being The Business Conference Broadcasting
Arena and shall include all products consistent & necessarily involved with this Intellectual
Property,ie Licensed Broadcasting Business Module,to be incorporated into the copyright
license registration as deemed by this Licensing Agreement. These shall include all necessary
business addresses Embed Codes information regarding the design,Matrix,construction &
Operation of the System as pertained to already researched Trade Secrets,and permission to
recreate the Marketing products designated to the purchases requirements. This I.P featureS
shall be co-licensed to enable the Franchise or License Purchaser to copy & engage the
business model,for the purposes of sub-licensing the Business Model to other Parties for the
sum of 贈100.000 each,whereas the first two sub-licenses shall earn commissions of 50% per
license,then furthermore purchases shall earn 25% commission.
Exclusive Intellectual Property Rights
All Sub-licensing Fees shall be 贈100.000.
(A) The Equity terms shall be granted to the Operator for the initial two purchases at 50% then
commissions decrease to 25%
(B) All commissions are to accredit to 5 Star Film Co.Ltd International holding account,as
described by the actual account holder name,whence disclosed.
(C) 5 Star Film Co.Ltd claim all indemnity as pertains to the controls given to this I.P Licensing
Contract,and shall not be held responsible for any failures resulting in bankruptcy,investment
losses,or due to any decisions embarked upon from the signing of this agreement persay.
5. (D) The Licensing Agreement shall enable the purchaser to operate the I.P Business Model
titles The Business Conference Broadcasting Arena with discretion in accordance with
the business module blueprint,allowing the seller a consultancy role with regards to any Sub
Licensing negotiations with other Management via on-line Conference calling.
The Licensor reserves the right to increase by discretion the price of a sub-license according to
the Wealth & profitability the I.P of the prospector.
In consideration of the license granted to The Licensee hereunder, The Licensee
agrees to pay to 5 Star Film Co.Ltd:
1. a minimum royalty of 贈50.000 If the Business Model is resold.p
2. eA Fixed sum of 25% of all Tickets sold if the Licensee holds their own payment
account.or a sum of 33% of all Tickets Sold if 5 Star Film Co.Ltd owns the
payment account.
3. The registered account holder,whether it be the Licensor or Licensee shall be
accountable for submitting to the other parties all accounts payment invoices
& data relating to any financial transactions each 6 months from the Contract
signing date.
4. All Monies due from Ticket sales shall be transferred by direct debit to the owed
parties within 30 days of receipt. An allowance of a maximum of 10 days shall be
permitted in case of technical difficulties. as
5. Both the Licensor & licensee shall conduct the business according to the laws
of their Nations,and shall not disclose one another's personal details or engage
in any publicity that involves a breach of confidentiality or integrity,without one
another's permission.Bo
6. TThe codes & design & instructions submitted,cannot be implimented nor
published for commercial purposes until this Contract Agreement has been
signed by both the Licensor & Licensee.th thewell as 50% for the first & second
year,then a lesser rate of 15% for 12 years,then finally 50% again for the remaining
8 years of this Franchise licensing agreement during which this Agreement will
remain in force (the "Guaranteed Minimum")
The Licensor being 5 Star Film Co.Ltd & the Licensee (
Do hereby agree to co-sign this Licensing Agreement,in the present of a witness:
6. Licensor: 5 Star Film Co.Ltd