The Chase is a British television quiz show that has been broadcast on ITV since 2009. It is hosted by Bradley Walsh and filmed at various London studios. The show features members of the public competing against a professional quizzer, called the Chaser, to win a cash prize. It airs daily in a prime time slot between 4-5pm and has been very popular, leading to over 1000 episodes to date. The low production costs and reusable set/props have made it profitable for ITV. It has also been sold internationally and has had various celebrity and Christmas specials to expand the brand.
2. Who produces the Chase ?
Production company(s)
ITV Studios (2009¨C13)
Potato (2013-)
3. What other shows has the production
company been responsible for?
4. What channels does it broadcast on?
? The Chase is a British television quiz show broadcast on ITV and
hosted by Bradley Walsh
5. Where is the show produced?
Granada Studios (2009)
The London Studios (2010¨C13)
Teddington Studios (2013¨C14)
Elstree Studios (2014¨C)[
6. How long has the show been running for?
Original release 29 June 2009 (2009-06-29) ¨C present
Running time 60 minutes (inc. adverts
No. of series 10[2]
No. of episodes 1,000 (as of 29 September 2016
7. What can you say about the scheduling?
? The scheduling time for the programme is between 4-5pm
? This is prime time television so it is suitable for families to sit
together and watch tv at this time which is why they call it Prime
time TV
9. Has the show been sold internationally?
? Yes the show has been sold to :
Related shows
The Chase (U.S.)
The Chase Australia
10. Have their been any spin-offs/celebrity
specials etc.?
Series Start date End date Episodes
1 29 October 2011[35] 10 December 2011[36] 6[36]
2 19 August 2012[37] 7 October 2012[38] 6[38]
3 5 October 2013[39] 28 December 2013[40] 14[40]
Text Santa Special 20 December 2013[41] 1
4 30 August 2014[42] 8 March 2015[43] 18[43]
5 24 October 2015[44] 15 May 2016[45] 16[45]
6 11 September 2016 TBC 16
Celebrity editions[edit]
Their have mostly been celebrity specials and
Christmas specials
11. What evidence can you find that the show
could be cheap to produce?
? Members of the public pay free for the tickets
? The props and set can be reused
? The crew is smaller therefor making it cheaper
? Multiple episodes are filmed back to back
? The cameras can be programmed because it is formulaic