Presentation Rui Miguel Coelho Aligning Personal Branding Ii Debate Lisbon 2008Dianova
Aligning Personal Branding, presentation by Rui Miguel Coelho, Global Executive Director Ivity, at the II Regional Debate EACD Lisbon, 4th december 2008, under the theme "Challenges of Integrated Communications"
Designing Android apps people love can be tough. These are some of the things we learned from designing and developing Go!Chat for Facebook during the past 2 years, after about 15 million downloads and a 4.5/5 app rating.
Screenshots are from the new and revamped Go!Chat coming on late December '12 in the Google Play Store.
Hill & Knowlton Economic Downturn StudyHill Knowlton
A new study released 24 March 2009 by Hill & Knowlton, Inc., shows American consumers are far less optimistic about the future than business leaders or financial analysts, and points to a wide disparity of opinion about the priorities major companies should have during the current economic crisis.
Hill & Knowlton Economic Downturn StudyHill Knowlton
A new study released 24 March 2009 by Hill & Knowlton, Inc., shows American consumers are far less optimistic about the future than business leaders or financial analysts, and points to a wide disparity of opinion about the priorities major companies should have during the current economic crisis.