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The Common Purpose Economy
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In fact its not a race               Or winner takes all        Its about finding your niche

              Good competition helps direct us to where were best able to contribute
              and helps us collaborate without even intending it.

Fulfilment is through
making our best
contribution where
and when we see the
 Shared Base Income
 Guaranteed Income
Universal Basic Income

                         A half share of all the income from trade into a base income
                         we all receive.
Bertrand Russell -
                           a certain small
                           income, sufficient for
                           necessaries, should be secured
                           to all, whether they work or
                           Proposed Roads To Freedom

                                                   Martin Luther King, Jr. -
                                                   I am now convinced that the simplest
                                                   approach will prove to be the most
John Kenneth Galbraith (economist) -               effective - the solution to poverty is to
provision of a basic income as a                 abolish it directly by a now widely
matter of general right                           discussed measure: The Guaranteed
If the individual cannot find (or does             Income.
not seek) employment, he or she has                Where Do We Go From Here? (1967)
this income on which to survive.
The Affluent Society (1958)
Philippe Van Parijs (Belgian political economist) -
A basic income is an income paid by a political
community to all its members on an individual
basis, without means test or work requirement.
Basic Income: A Simple and Powerful Idea for the
21st Century (2000)., Redesigning Distribution.

     G旦tz Werner (German tycoon) -
     the point of an income is to
     enable [people] to work
     [contribute], rather than income
     being the reason for working.
     Grundeinkommen (2008)

Its not about getting rid of the
financial incentive

                                     Its about prioritising the
                                     incentive of fulfilment
Ideas & Growth
Some products will always be limited -
products from limited resources. There
will always be an income from these to

But other products tend towards
abundance - products from unlimited
resources, e.g. ideas & knowledge.

With the sharing of income unlimited
products tend to become free, as we
can more afford to provide them for

With shared income and shared ideas,
growth is unlimited and shared.

Limited resources are
converted to unlimited
product by the multiplier                Bespoke units drop to the
of unlimited ideas.                      cost of mass produced units
                                         through flexible computer-
                                         controlled automation.

                                                                 UNDP Human Development
                                                                 Report 1992, New
                                                                 York, Oxford University

The market is good at distributing
goods and services (to a point)

                                         But is poor at distributing incomes

Massive markets with minimal duplication &
distribution costs could lead to per unit pricing
that is a fraction of even the smallest unit of

Facilitates trade, and is a requirement for security, but does not fulfil our potential

Finance for production, not speculation

Value is in fulfilment and in the level of the shared base income that enables it
For further information visit


The Common Purpose Manifesto

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The Common Purpose Economy

  • 2. Notice This presentation is free to all users and may be freely copied and distributed on a not-for-profit basis. Please note that many of the images used in the slides have been sourced on a fair-use basis from the Internet and so no profit should be extracted from their use in this presentation, or via any other medium, without permission from their respective copyright holders.
  • 3. Competition In fact its not a race Or winner takes all Its about finding your niche Good competition helps direct us to where were best able to contribute and helps us collaborate without even intending it.
  • 4. Contribution Fulfilment is through making our best contribution where and when we see the need.
  • 5. Income Shared Base Income Guaranteed Income Universal Basic Income A half share of all the income from trade into a base income we all receive.
  • 6. Bertrand Russell - a certain small income, sufficient for necessaries, should be secured to all, whether they work or not Proposed Roads To Freedom (1918) Martin Luther King, Jr. - I am now convinced that the simplest approach will prove to be the most John Kenneth Galbraith (economist) - effective - the solution to poverty is to provision of a basic income as a abolish it directly by a now widely matter of general right discussed measure: The Guaranteed If the individual cannot find (or does Income. not seek) employment, he or she has Where Do We Go From Here? (1967) this income on which to survive. The Affluent Society (1958)
  • 7. Philippe Van Parijs (Belgian political economist) - A basic income is an income paid by a political community to all its members on an individual basis, without means test or work requirement. Basic Income: A Simple and Powerful Idea for the 21st Century (2000)., Redesigning Distribution. G旦tz Werner (German tycoon) - the point of an income is to enable [people] to work [contribute], rather than income being the reason for working. Grundeinkommen (2008)
  • 8. Incentive Its not about getting rid of the financial incentive Its about prioritising the incentive of fulfilment
  • 9. Ideas & Growth Some products will always be limited - products from limited resources. There will always be an income from these to share. But other products tend towards abundance - products from unlimited resources, e.g. ideas & knowledge. With the sharing of income unlimited products tend to become free, as we can more afford to provide them for free. With shared income and shared ideas, growth is unlimited and shared.
  • 10. Production Limited resources are converted to unlimited product by the multiplier Bespoke units drop to the of unlimited ideas. cost of mass produced units through flexible computer- controlled automation.
  • 11. Market UNDP Human Development Report 1992, New York, Oxford University Press The market is good at distributing goods and services (to a point) But is poor at distributing incomes
  • 12. Pricing Massive markets with minimal duplication & distribution costs could lead to per unit pricing that is a fraction of even the smallest unit of currency.
  • 13. Money Facilitates trade, and is a requirement for security, but does not fulfil our potential
  • 15. Value Value is in fulfilment and in the level of the shared base income that enables it
  • 16. For further information visit OUR SYSTEM http://oursystem.info The Common Purpose Manifesto http://thecommonpurpose.com