This poster summarizes the development of the concept of the consumer from the intersection of marketing and psychology between the late 19th century and early 21st century. It describes how marketing emerged as a distinct academic discipline in the early 1900s in the US as industrialization and capitalism grew. Pioneering psychologists then contributed to understanding consumer behavior through experimental research. The formation of the Consumer Psychology Division in the APA in the 1960s further legitimized consumer psychology as a field. The poster analyzes how psychological theories and findings influenced how marketing conceptualized consumers over this period, such as seeing them as decision-makers, influenced by advertising, and later as members of market segments.
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The Concept of Consumer - CHEIRON 2014
CHEIRON: The International Society for the History
of Behavioral and Social Sciences
46th Annual Meeting
Hood College, Frederick, Maryland, June 19-22, 2014
Carmen Silvia Porto Brunialti Justo and Marina Massimi from Psychology
Department Faculdade de Filosofia, Ci棚ncias e Letras Ribeir達o Preto
University of S達o Paulo /S達o Paulo State, Brazil.
2. The present research arises from a thematic relationship
between the areas of Marketing and Consumer Psychology.
It is based on the hypothesis which states that the concept
of consumer was structured on a foundation that
represents an interface between those two areas, according
to a historical perspective.
The object of this paper is to present the development of
the concept of consumer based on the appearance of
Marketing in its historical context, and also from the area
of Consumer Psychology, and of psychological theories in
general, which have contributed to the development of
those areas in the United States, starting at the beginning
of the 20th century until the beginning of the 21st century.
3. Methodology
This historical investigation research is inserted within the scope of the
history of Marketing, of scientific Psychology, as well as the consumer
psychology, in the period encompassing the end of the 19th century and
the 20th century. In the beginning of the 20th century, Marketing as a
science was structured and gained space in the academic field as an
independent discipline, apart from Economics, thus enabling the
appearance of this study area and activity. The social and economic
conditions of the United States at the turn of the 20th century made the
approximation of the areas of Marketing and Psychology possible,
mainly in the academic environment and in the laboratories of
experimental research, through behavior, memory, motivational and
learning researches. The creation of Division 23 (Consumer Psychology
Division) in the APA American Psychology Association in the sixties,
has legitimated the studies on this specific area, which originated the
area of Marketing and consumers behavioral studies. The development
of modern Marketing, as of the end of the 20th century, carries on the
interface influences between those two areas, suggesting the possibility
of relating the concept of consumer.
4. Methodology
This research employs the historical investigation method,
which places it under the scope of the history of marketing,
scientific psychology, and also the consumers psychology,
in the time period including the end of the 19th century
and the 20th century. In this context, the authors have
taken into consideration the main events related to the
Industrial Revolution and the development of capitalism in
American society, as well as the contribution of scientific
psychology for the countrys emancipation. They have also
considered both the rising of consumers psychology as a
specific field and the conjunction of those distinct areas as
well, in a way that they all contributed for the development
of the concept of consumer within a historical perspective.
5. Our main results and discussion:
- (1900) In the beginning of the 20th century, the United
States went through great changes, establishing itself as a
country where development was a necessity. A big impulse
for this movement was the birth of industries, the evolution
of commerce, as well as the growth of teaching institutions,
which centered their main focus on professional
development, capable of making real the whole process for
the countrys improvement.
- (1900-1930) Despite the fact that scientific psychology
had its origin in Germany, it was in the United States that
the area found room for a quick evolution, connected to the
economic ideals of a growing society. Regarding specifically
the marketing area, this development gained impulse
thanks to the growth of both industry and commerce,
occupying academic spaces at the same time. Initially part of
the Economics academic syllabus, it has become a totally
independent field of knowledge.
6. -(1900-1940) The pioneering psychologists found fertile
ground for the convergence of those areas, which grew
together, especially in the academic environment.
Sometimes, that contact reflected the tendency of making
Psychology more pragmatic, which is exactly what
happened to this area in relation to its closeness to the
industrial field, as this had also occurred regarding
education and the armed forces.
- (1900-1940) Advertising in such a context was
fundamental for growth acceleration. Among other
pioneers in the field of Psychology studies, we should
mention figures such as Edward Wheeler Scripture (1864-
1943) from the University of Yale, Harlow Gale (1862 -1945)
from the University of Minnesota, Hugo Munsterberg
(1863-1916) and Walter Dill Scott (1869-1955) from the
Northwestern University, as well as Daniel Starch (1883-
1979) and Henri Levi Hollingworth (1880-1956), both from
the University of Columbia.
7. - (1940/1960) Studies about marketing as well as analyses
on consumers behavior have gained emphasis, especially
with the development of means of communication, and
also because of the contact between Marketing and
Applied Psychology, which created some interest among
Advertising, Marketing and Psychology professionals- 1960
The foundation, in 1962, of the Consumer Psychology
Society, two years after the creation of APAs Division 23 a
section of Consumer Psychology, specifically aimed at the
promotion of the Science of Consumer Psychology,
legitimated further academic studies and enlarged the
interest of Psychology regarding investigations on
consumer behavior.
8. Conclusion:
- As a conclusion, it can be stated that the close contact
among different areas has also contributed to
theoretical definitions and strategies concerning the
consumer concept, as much as it has helped the
consolidation of activities related to Consumer
- After analyzing the historical perspectives of both,
marketing and psychology, it was possible to
demonstrate the main ideas about consumers concept
and behavior, extracted from each specific time period,
as well as its approximation to the psychological ideas
in the same time scope, as it is shown in the analytical
9. Conclusion
- The concept DECISION-MAKER CONSUMER we could extract about
Approximation of psychology laws to advertising studies attention, retention
and memory of objects in the selling points
- The concept INFLUENTIAL CONSUMER we could saw in Watsons
behaviorism message and testimonial reinforcement as well as emotional appeal.
same period we saw specific quantitative and experimental research about TV
audience rates and statistics; use of color in packages, design and visual resources;
analyses on attitudes, desires and other related topics.
in the sixties the development of cognitive sciences has promoted new empirical
research technologies regarding memory and problem resolution.
saw the Neurosciences research about buying behavior and emphasis on
unconscious instincts and desires related to necessity and impulse to consume.
Emphasis on new discoveries and new ways of approaching consumers. Use of
resources regarding the five senses (taste, smell, vision, hearing and touching),
generating consumption experiences.
- And finally, the concept of DIGITAL CONSUMER related from the search for
the human component emphasis on qualitative surveys involving groups of
consumers research about the process of recall on social networks. Debate about
consumers values, expectations and desires. The important role of psychologists as
partners in discussions related to consumers behavior.