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The concepts
What is a concept?
a cognitive unit of meaningan abstract idea or a mentalsymbol
concepts are mental representations
It emerges from abstraction
 abstraction is a mental processwhen the things are not clear
 beautiful flowers
 concepts need phrases orsymbols to understand
Phrases or symbols needobservation
Or at leastvisualization
Social Studies is full of abstractions
Are you looking someabstractions  on thispageEarthEarth surfaceMovements of Earth surfaceHuman skullSheet of rockGreat land massesIcebergsInterior of the EarthPlates of the skullDont moveScientists
The terms are vague to the students
Can you decide it isdawn or sunset
Find the abstractions
Maps are very difficult to the students
There is an abstraction anda concept derived from thatabstraction. Please indicate
The concepts
What is abstraction?
The concepts
the basic needs of population
How are the conceptsinvestigated or created
Students presentation
The concepts
The concepts
The concepts
The concepts

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The concepts