The document discusses creating a social networking platform for Indigenous communities that allows for access control. It outlines gathering requirements from communities, developing a technology platform to address the requirements, testing the solution with a local community, and ensuring the system is maintained over time. The project will be considered successful if it meets customer requirements, is accepted by users, generates repeat business, receives user-suggested improvements, and has positive word of mouth.
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The connected mob
1. The Connected MobSocial networking with access control in Indigenous CommunitiesMore at of 5
4. ApproachCommunity consultation on requirementsCreate a technology platform that addresses some or all of the requirementsTest utility of the solution with a local communityFind a way to have the system persist, be maintained and growMore at of 5
5. We have succeeded when…The project:Meets customer requirementsIs accepted by its customersWe get a lot of repeat businessCustomers suggest improvements we can accommodateIt gets good word of mouthMore at of 5