The Council of Ohio Audubon Chapters (COAC) Platform-Capacity Building for 21st Century Conservation Projects by Betsey Merkel, digital strategist consultant, and presented at the COAC Quarterly Workshop June 3, 2018 at Miami University Regionals-Hamilton, Ohio.
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The Council of Ohio Audubon Chapters (COAC) Platform
2. This presentation is by Betsey Merkel, Consultant,
and is shared under a Creative Commons license,
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike CC
BY-NC-SA which means you can share and adapt
materials with attribution, for non-commercial
purposes, and distribute under share-alike
4. History as of January 25, 1969
A small group of people came
No contact existed between
chapters unless accidental
A statewide organization was
wanted and needed
The Ohio Audubon Council was
5. History as of 2002 (33 years later)
Updated COAC By-Laws and Mission
A new name was adopted: Council of Ohio
Audubon Chapters (COAC)
COAC is to aid chapter development in
strength, growth, and leadership through
dialogue and networking between the
Chapters, Audubon Ohio, and the National
Audubon Society; and to provide an
independent, collective voice of Ohio
chapters and affiliates in all Audubon
National Audubon representation
At least two inter-chapter forums/meetings
per year
6. History as of 2006 (4 years later)
COAC Strategic Plan of 2006
1. Updated mission, vision, values.
2. Summary of core strategies, goals &
a. Communicate and collaborate
with Audubon Ohio and other
b. Review proposals COAC receives
to see if they are within our
mission to fulfill.
c. Work with chapters that want our
Audubon flourishes
in 60% of Ohio
7. History as of 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009,
2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016...
8. History as of 2017 (11 years later)
Audubon activity has declined 50% in
the State of Ohio.
The COAC chapters meet Oct 2017 to
In March 2018 COAC chapters voted to fund
the construction of an Internet platform to
connect all chapters in a network.
Provided we can identify funding for the
maintenance of the platform in years 2 & 3
10. Build a hub of Internet-based
tools called a platform
Platforms deliver hosted services over the
Internet. - Wikipedia
Copyright 息 Betsey Merkel
11. In 1969, COAC was a small council of people who would meet in person, talk on the phone, and
send letters USPS.
In 2018, COAC will become an
Internet-based platform for
13. Could COAC function without a
Yes, but not as well as it could.
All of the chapters have their own website
but they are probably static.
A COAC platform will be dynamic.
If a chapter does not publish new material
to its website and social media every day,
it will be only be found by those who know
its there - thats static.
By publishing and posting every day to a
platform, search engines elevate content
so everyone on a computer or device will
see it - thats dynamic.
14. What will the COAC Platform do?
Connect the chapters in a network.
Develop relationships.
Foster communications.
Enable chapters to interact with each
Recruit volunteers
Grow memberships
Raise funds.
Connect people to policy issues.
Deepen member involvement.
Grow conservation projects.
Expedite network learning.
Share ideas and practices.
Connect next gen Audubonners
Copyright 息 Betsey Merkel
15. How will the COAC Platform do these
Market each chapters activities to anyone
who wants to see them online and on their
Recognize every chapters brand.
Track what readers like about other
Enable chapters to sell their merchandise
on the platform so anyone can buy it.
Enable all chapters to keep up with each
others social media posts.
16. Who - Project Manager and Developer
Betsey Merkel is an experienced professional
platform developer who builds and manages
platforms and the services they offer. A website
doesnt have these services.
What I do:
Produce creative digital media
Analyze content metrics to understand
audiences and identify opportunities
Advise leadership informed by content
metrics results
Orchestrate events and campaigns
Publish and market content on social
Manage contributed chapter stories,
media, activities, events, articles, reports
Build relationships online and face to face
Guide collaborations
Coach, mentor, and train users
17. What are we trying to accomplish?
COAC chapters voted in March 2018
to fund the construction of a platform.
The construction is occurring this
year provided, we can identify
funding for maintenance of the
platform in years 2 & 3.
We need to raise between $10,000
to $20,000 to fund the platform
costs in years 2 & 3.
18. Ways to Fund the COAC Platform
Small contributions to
Big Asks
Programs and services
Store ticketing, sales,
Chapter fees, sliding
Copyright 息 Betsey Merkel
19. The COAC
Capacity Building for 21st
Century Conservation
Thank you!
Betsey Merkel, Consultant
Platforms, Digital Strategy, Multimedia
Producer, Social Network Developer
Phone: 216-246-2447