Courage isn't about being fearless. It's about taking action even when you are afraid. It's the mental and moral strength to face difficulty, danger, uncertainty, or intimidation.
The benefits of iterative failureLauren LissFrom IXDA17, UX Camp 17 - As design thinkers, we must focus on the process and not just the end goal. This presentation will address the benefits of creating environments that allow teams to take risks and fail; through this failure, they become more resilient, more realistic, and more accountable. In turn, their future work is more thoughtful and they have a greater ability to be nimble, collaborate, and pivot away from ineffective ideas.
Positivity 1.2Dagmawi Bedilu DegefeThe document summarizes a session of the Positive Thinkers Club of Addis Ababa held on June 21, 2015. The session taught participants how to face their fears by playing a game called "The Forbidden 100" where the goal is to get rejected by doing things one normally wouldn't, like asking strangers personal questions or favors. The writer realized getting rejected was initially difficult but became easier and turned to laughter. Doing the game helped them overcome their fear of rejection by shifting their mentality to see failure and rejection as a form of success.
Persistence, purpose, planning and a mastermind allianceAlecia StringerPersistence, purpose, planning, and a mastermind alliance, this is a recipe to ensure success and defeat the enemy called failure.
The benefits of iterative failure THAT conference 2018Lauren LissAs design thinkers, we must focus on the process and not just the end goal. This presentation will address the benefits of creating environments that allow teams to take risks and fail; through this failure, they become more resilient, more realistic, and more accountable. In turn, their future work is more thoughtful and they have a greater ability to be nimble, collaborate, and pivot away from ineffective ideas.
Unbreakable Spirit: Inspirational Journeys Through Tough Timescivil hospital parasiaIn the intricate tapestry of existence, every thread symbolizes a fleeting moment, a pivotal decision, or an enriching experience that molds our ultimate destiny. Among this vibrant array of threads, those birthed from the crucible of adversity often shine the brightest. These are the moments that put our resolve to the test, challenge the boundaries of our endurance, and ultimately forge our indomitable spirit.
CourageImtiaz HussainCourage is facing fear, danger, or intimidation through acts of bravery. It allows people to confront challenges and overcome struggles in life. While courage is not innate, it can be developed through understanding the origins of fear, having faith in oneself, focusing on strengths over weaknesses, finding solutions to problems, persistence, and stepping forward despite uncertainty. Courage enables people to practice virtues and achieve success through hard work and determination in the face of overwhelming odds.
GE372: Week ThreeComp ClassThis document provides an overview of a lecture on critical thinking skills. It discusses how to apply creative and critical thinking to daily situations, evaluate source documents, and analyze complex texts. It also covers how to locate issue and problem-solution documents using the virtual library.
The lecture discusses common bad thinking habits like believing one's own perspective is superior, saving face, resisting change, conformity, stereotyping, and self-deception. It emphasizes the importance of examining one's own thinking and perspectives honestly and objectively.
The homework assignment asks students to identify examples of when they or others have demonstrated three specific bad thinking habits covered in the lecture: mine-is-better thinking, face saving, or resistance to change.
Positive attitude towards lifeCris UyThe document discusses the benefits of maintaining a positive attitude and outlook. It provides 10 strategies for developing a positive attitude, including focusing on career success, reducing stress, improving health, and strengthening relationships. It also gives 7 strategies for overcoming negative attitudes, such as controlling frustration, associating with positive people, and changing negative self-talk. An example story is provided about a woman who was able to overcome her negative thoughts about her boyfriend moving in and have a happy outcome by using techniques like meditation, gratitude, and positive self-talk. Famous positively people like Winston Churchill, Albert Einstein, and Mahatma Gandhi are also mentioned.
Positive attitude towards lifeCris UyThe document discusses the benefits of maintaining a positive attitude and outlook. It provides 10 strategies for developing a positive attitude, including focusing on career success, reducing stress, improving health, and strengthening relationships. It also gives 7 strategies for overcoming negative attitudes, such as controlling frustration, associating with positive people, and changing negative self-talk. An example story is provided about a woman who was able to improve her relationship by shifting her thoughts from negative to positive. Famous positively people like Winston Churchill, Albert Einstein, and Mahatma Gandhi are also mentioned.
iCAAD London 2019 - Dufflyn Lammers - RESILIENCE GAMESiCAADEventsRESILIENCE GAMES is an experiential workshop that creates an empowering journey guiding participants through the discovery of all four types of resilience
TyuuRoxy RobertsStress triggers the body's fight or flight response. This response releases hormones like adrenaline and cortisol that prepare the body to fight or flee from threats. Prolonged stress can negatively impact physical and mental health by depleting energy levels and weakening the immune system. People respond to stress and fear in different ways depending on their personality traits - leaders tend to face problems directly by fighting while followers may freeze up and flee. The way individuals deal with fear also influences their decision making.
8 MOTIVATIONAL QUOTES TO REMIND YOU TO PERSISTSteven RhynerMy personal mantra is to never give up. I've practiced it all my life. To give up is to admit defeat and no one likes to lose. However your live your personal and business life I hope you'll do the same thing. Never give up!
Finding Our Strengths and Resilience in “These” Times of ChallengeDorothyESiminovitchPFinding Our Strengths and Resilience in “These” Times of Challenge by Dorothy E. Siminovitch, Ph.D.,MCC
Finding Our Strengths and Resilience in “These” Times of ChallengeDorothyESiminovitchPFinding Our Strengths and Resilience in “These” Times of Challenge by Dorothy E. Siminovitch, Ph.D.,MCC
ANTS PresentationflutesusanThis document discusses how to combat negative thoughts, known as Automatic Negative Thoughts (ANTs). It provides strategies for developing a more positive mindset, including recognizing one's potential, focusing mental energy, learning from failures, and surrounding oneself with positive people and influences. The key message is that our thoughts shape our reality, so we must train our minds to think constructively in order to achieve success and happiness.
Abdulrahman Al Baalharith May 10, 2020 UNST 194 Journal.docxmakdulAbdulrahman Al Baalharith
May 10, 2020
UNST 194
Journal #3
As I am a junior student in college, there are many things that worries me while I
am studying. Today, I am going to share a situation related to what I am worried about
the most as a college student. Eventually, what worries me most in my life as a college
student is the grade level of my classes, and making a relationship with friends. So, the
two problems that I am going to talk about are the grades and the relationship. As well
as the self-limiting believes of the problems that trying to convince me.
For example, I am a hardworking student in my studies and I always try to get
the heights grades and excel all other students. However, sometimes I get confused
and stressed out if I have an exam or even homework. I just keep telling myself that I
won’t be able to do it, pass it, and even to pass the course and get a high mark. But,
after the exam and have a feedback of my homework, I reassured myself that I studied
and performed well. Furthermore, making a relationship with other friends makes me
feel uncomfortable. My friends keep telling me that it is good for everyone to have
many friends and be social. But what happened to me in the past made me careful of
not to trust everyone who wants to be a friend with me. Couple years ago, my best
friend was sick and I was with my friend all the time in the hospital. After several days,
my friend got out of the hospital and I noticed that she is not the person that I know. I
have heard from several friends complaining about my friend and I went to ask my
friend about it if it’s true or not. My friend agreed with what they said and after that
didn’t want me to be a friend with him/her. One more thing, the experience that I
recognize from this story is that if I get rid of this stress that makes my life negative, my
studies will be much more better. Also, not to trust everyone.
The greatest risk to me as a college student if I were to fully adopt those self-
limited beliefs is that when I put those believes in my head, I won’t be able to achieve
my goals and success. Furthermore, when I reflect on the problem-saturated story that
I have shared, there are many non-cognitive skills that I have learned about that would
need to focus on developing most to address the problem. The first non-cognitive skill
is that if I keep in mind that I will be able to get a high mark in all my classes, stress
and nothing else will prevent me from doing it. The second non-cognitive skill is that if I
also keep in my mind that not all people are the same and I can make a better
relationship with friends, then everything will be better than I thought. Lastly, there are
a statement about why it will be helpful for me to commit to developing these
problems. One of these statement is that it is very important for everyone to develop
their fears in order to be success in their life.
|07|knowing your wh.
Key factors of success at universitydaly9911This document provides advice and guidance for success. It discusses the importance of dedication, creativity, patience, passion, self-trust, breaking rules, not fearing failure, ignoring naysayers, hard work, and giving back. Specific tips include deciding who you want to be, being willing to fail, working hard even when others are partying, and remembering that someone else is working to get smarter or win while you rest. Overall, the document encourages embracing original ideas, being committed to your goals despite challenges, and working diligently to achieve success.
ACKNOWLEDGING-AND-EXPRESSING-ONES-FEELINGS..pptxreychelgamboa2This document provides guidance on feeling safe and establishing safety. It includes activities and discussion topics around drawing a safe animal and habitat. It discusses the importance of feeling safe and provides advice for what to do if a person doesn't feel safe at school, home, or in their own body. Suggestions include telling a trusted adult, focusing on self-care activities, and developing awareness of one's surroundings. The overall message is on protecting life and well-being by taking steps to enhance safety.
1mahmoudebrahimmahmou11. The first step to overcoming fear is self-reflection on what is causing the fear, talking to others who have experienced similar fears, and facing the fear directly in order to weaken its power over you.
2. Remembering past successes builds confidence and strengthens your ability to overcome fear by providing positive experiences to draw strength from during difficult times. Famous people who experienced failures but persisted show that you too can be successful.
3. Taking action, even with fear, allows you to grow as a person through learning from mistakes and opens doors to new opportunities and skills. Developing courage through action helps you gain control over your fears.
Self leadership - Leading and Managing YourselfAndre DelicataThis presentation touches on how to lead and manage self.You cannot lead and manage others if you are unable to lead and manage yourself!
Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway Book Exploration by Laurie HawkinsLaurie HawkinsThis document summarizes key points from the book "Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway" about understanding and overcoming fear. It discusses that fear comes from three levels and is fundamentally due to a lack of confidence. The key to handling fear is learning to move from a position of pain to one of power by taking action, using empowering language, and expanding your comfort zone. It provides tips for positive thinking, making decisions, handling relationships, and saying "yes" to life's challenges in order to face your fears.
Adversity - Part of God’s Plan for Our Eternal ProgressEric BerryThis document discusses how adversity is part of God's plan to help us grow and progress eternally. It provides several quotes illustrating how facing challenges can strengthen our character. While difficulties are inevitable, suffering is optional. The document offers tips for overcoming adversity, such as building internal and external resources, learning from others' examples, and maintaining hope. Parents are encouraged to help their children through adversity with encouragement, empathy, responsibility, service, and goal-setting.
Resilience-Workbook.pptxShabanKyasanku1‘Bouncing back’ suggests a rapid and effortless return from adversity.
Does your life return to exactly the same state it was before the adversity? As new meaning has emerged from overcoming the adversity (the transformational component), some previous beliefs and behaviours will probably become obsolete, so it is very unlikely that your life would return unchanged to this pre-adversity state. And for this new meaning to emerge, considerable time may be needed to process emotionally charged material resulting from the adversity.
The magic of thinking big roel tolentino part 1Prof. Roel Tolentino, MD, MBAThink BIG advises the reader to think positively and believe in themselves. It discusses how thinking big can help one overcome challenges like fear, excuses for failure, and negative self-talk. Specific tips include visualizing success, using empowering language, and surrounding oneself with others who think progressively. The overall message is that one becomes what they think - by thinking big about ourselves and our potential, we can achieve more.
The I in Team is UJoe Tyeݺߣs used by Values Coach CEO and Head Coach Joe Tye for presentation at annual AORN conference. This conference was also where the second generation of The Pickle Challenge for Charity ( was launched.
An invitation to happinessKhalid AbdullahThe document outlines keys to strengthening one's will and achieving happiness. It discusses starting with self-improvement, knowing your potentials, and having self-confidence. Conditions of a strong will include being specific about goals, having self-confidence, and being realistic. To strengthen will, one must get rid of weaknesses, lose momentum or excess momentum, and strengthen faith. Keys include persuasion, education, consistency, deprivation of bad habits, and being optimistic.
FEAR.pptxMukesh ThakurThe document discusses the definition, causes, symptoms and types of fear. It defines fear as an emotion induced by perceived threats that causes us to withdraw from danger. Fear can also be felt in less dangerous situations like exams, public speaking or new jobs. The document then discusses strategies for coping with fear like being prepared, facing the fear, and maintaining confidence and persistence. It provides examples of common fears like failure, social situations, criticism and death. The conclusion emphasizes that courage requires first acknowledging one's fears in order to gain control over the situation.
Releasing the chains of fear. reclaiming your power and lifechristinemolina1This document summarizes a workshop about releasing fear and reclaiming one's power. The workshop covers identifying the root causes of fear, understanding fear's purpose from a human perspective, recognizing how fear can affect daily life, learning to transform fear into a supportive rather than restrictive role, creating affirmations to support a new relationship with fear, and taking actionable steps forward with courage. Participants have conversations with their fear and develop affirmations and intentions to move ahead in life while accepting fear in a new way.
Olivia Munn, 43, Reveals She Was Diagnosed with Breast Cancer and Had Double ...MianHamidAyubOn Wednesday, the X-Men: Apocalypse actress, 43, posted a series of photos on Instagram from last year when she was undergoing treatment in the hospital after learning of her diagnosis.
Wisdom Within Your Reach Unleash Your Inner Sage.pdfMianHamidAyubThe ability to analyze situations and make well-informed decisions based on reason, logic, and an understanding of potential consequences.
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Positive attitude towards lifeCris UyThe document discusses the benefits of maintaining a positive attitude and outlook. It provides 10 strategies for developing a positive attitude, including focusing on career success, reducing stress, improving health, and strengthening relationships. It also gives 7 strategies for overcoming negative attitudes, such as controlling frustration, associating with positive people, and changing negative self-talk. An example story is provided about a woman who was able to improve her relationship by shifting her thoughts from negative to positive. Famous positively people like Winston Churchill, Albert Einstein, and Mahatma Gandhi are also mentioned.
iCAAD London 2019 - Dufflyn Lammers - RESILIENCE GAMESiCAADEventsRESILIENCE GAMES is an experiential workshop that creates an empowering journey guiding participants through the discovery of all four types of resilience
TyuuRoxy RobertsStress triggers the body's fight or flight response. This response releases hormones like adrenaline and cortisol that prepare the body to fight or flee from threats. Prolonged stress can negatively impact physical and mental health by depleting energy levels and weakening the immune system. People respond to stress and fear in different ways depending on their personality traits - leaders tend to face problems directly by fighting while followers may freeze up and flee. The way individuals deal with fear also influences their decision making.
8 MOTIVATIONAL QUOTES TO REMIND YOU TO PERSISTSteven RhynerMy personal mantra is to never give up. I've practiced it all my life. To give up is to admit defeat and no one likes to lose. However your live your personal and business life I hope you'll do the same thing. Never give up!
Finding Our Strengths and Resilience in “These” Times of ChallengeDorothyESiminovitchPFinding Our Strengths and Resilience in “These” Times of Challenge by Dorothy E. Siminovitch, Ph.D.,MCC
Finding Our Strengths and Resilience in “These” Times of ChallengeDorothyESiminovitchPFinding Our Strengths and Resilience in “These” Times of Challenge by Dorothy E. Siminovitch, Ph.D.,MCC
ANTS PresentationflutesusanThis document discusses how to combat negative thoughts, known as Automatic Negative Thoughts (ANTs). It provides strategies for developing a more positive mindset, including recognizing one's potential, focusing mental energy, learning from failures, and surrounding oneself with positive people and influences. The key message is that our thoughts shape our reality, so we must train our minds to think constructively in order to achieve success and happiness.
Abdulrahman Al Baalharith May 10, 2020 UNST 194 Journal.docxmakdulAbdulrahman Al Baalharith
May 10, 2020
UNST 194
Journal #3
As I am a junior student in college, there are many things that worries me while I
am studying. Today, I am going to share a situation related to what I am worried about
the most as a college student. Eventually, what worries me most in my life as a college
student is the grade level of my classes, and making a relationship with friends. So, the
two problems that I am going to talk about are the grades and the relationship. As well
as the self-limiting believes of the problems that trying to convince me.
For example, I am a hardworking student in my studies and I always try to get
the heights grades and excel all other students. However, sometimes I get confused
and stressed out if I have an exam or even homework. I just keep telling myself that I
won’t be able to do it, pass it, and even to pass the course and get a high mark. But,
after the exam and have a feedback of my homework, I reassured myself that I studied
and performed well. Furthermore, making a relationship with other friends makes me
feel uncomfortable. My friends keep telling me that it is good for everyone to have
many friends and be social. But what happened to me in the past made me careful of
not to trust everyone who wants to be a friend with me. Couple years ago, my best
friend was sick and I was with my friend all the time in the hospital. After several days,
my friend got out of the hospital and I noticed that she is not the person that I know. I
have heard from several friends complaining about my friend and I went to ask my
friend about it if it’s true or not. My friend agreed with what they said and after that
didn’t want me to be a friend with him/her. One more thing, the experience that I
recognize from this story is that if I get rid of this stress that makes my life negative, my
studies will be much more better. Also, not to trust everyone.
The greatest risk to me as a college student if I were to fully adopt those self-
limited beliefs is that when I put those believes in my head, I won’t be able to achieve
my goals and success. Furthermore, when I reflect on the problem-saturated story that
I have shared, there are many non-cognitive skills that I have learned about that would
need to focus on developing most to address the problem. The first non-cognitive skill
is that if I keep in mind that I will be able to get a high mark in all my classes, stress
and nothing else will prevent me from doing it. The second non-cognitive skill is that if I
also keep in my mind that not all people are the same and I can make a better
relationship with friends, then everything will be better than I thought. Lastly, there are
a statement about why it will be helpful for me to commit to developing these
problems. One of these statement is that it is very important for everyone to develop
their fears in order to be success in their life.
|07|knowing your wh.
Key factors of success at universitydaly9911This document provides advice and guidance for success. It discusses the importance of dedication, creativity, patience, passion, self-trust, breaking rules, not fearing failure, ignoring naysayers, hard work, and giving back. Specific tips include deciding who you want to be, being willing to fail, working hard even when others are partying, and remembering that someone else is working to get smarter or win while you rest. Overall, the document encourages embracing original ideas, being committed to your goals despite challenges, and working diligently to achieve success.
ACKNOWLEDGING-AND-EXPRESSING-ONES-FEELINGS..pptxreychelgamboa2This document provides guidance on feeling safe and establishing safety. It includes activities and discussion topics around drawing a safe animal and habitat. It discusses the importance of feeling safe and provides advice for what to do if a person doesn't feel safe at school, home, or in their own body. Suggestions include telling a trusted adult, focusing on self-care activities, and developing awareness of one's surroundings. The overall message is on protecting life and well-being by taking steps to enhance safety.
1mahmoudebrahimmahmou11. The first step to overcoming fear is self-reflection on what is causing the fear, talking to others who have experienced similar fears, and facing the fear directly in order to weaken its power over you.
2. Remembering past successes builds confidence and strengthens your ability to overcome fear by providing positive experiences to draw strength from during difficult times. Famous people who experienced failures but persisted show that you too can be successful.
3. Taking action, even with fear, allows you to grow as a person through learning from mistakes and opens doors to new opportunities and skills. Developing courage through action helps you gain control over your fears.
Self leadership - Leading and Managing YourselfAndre DelicataThis presentation touches on how to lead and manage self.You cannot lead and manage others if you are unable to lead and manage yourself!
Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway Book Exploration by Laurie HawkinsLaurie HawkinsThis document summarizes key points from the book "Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway" about understanding and overcoming fear. It discusses that fear comes from three levels and is fundamentally due to a lack of confidence. The key to handling fear is learning to move from a position of pain to one of power by taking action, using empowering language, and expanding your comfort zone. It provides tips for positive thinking, making decisions, handling relationships, and saying "yes" to life's challenges in order to face your fears.
Adversity - Part of God’s Plan for Our Eternal ProgressEric BerryThis document discusses how adversity is part of God's plan to help us grow and progress eternally. It provides several quotes illustrating how facing challenges can strengthen our character. While difficulties are inevitable, suffering is optional. The document offers tips for overcoming adversity, such as building internal and external resources, learning from others' examples, and maintaining hope. Parents are encouraged to help their children through adversity with encouragement, empathy, responsibility, service, and goal-setting.
Resilience-Workbook.pptxShabanKyasanku1‘Bouncing back’ suggests a rapid and effortless return from adversity.
Does your life return to exactly the same state it was before the adversity? As new meaning has emerged from overcoming the adversity (the transformational component), some previous beliefs and behaviours will probably become obsolete, so it is very unlikely that your life would return unchanged to this pre-adversity state. And for this new meaning to emerge, considerable time may be needed to process emotionally charged material resulting from the adversity.
The magic of thinking big roel tolentino part 1Prof. Roel Tolentino, MD, MBAThink BIG advises the reader to think positively and believe in themselves. It discusses how thinking big can help one overcome challenges like fear, excuses for failure, and negative self-talk. Specific tips include visualizing success, using empowering language, and surrounding oneself with others who think progressively. The overall message is that one becomes what they think - by thinking big about ourselves and our potential, we can achieve more.
The I in Team is UJoe Tyeݺߣs used by Values Coach CEO and Head Coach Joe Tye for presentation at annual AORN conference. This conference was also where the second generation of The Pickle Challenge for Charity ( was launched.
An invitation to happinessKhalid AbdullahThe document outlines keys to strengthening one's will and achieving happiness. It discusses starting with self-improvement, knowing your potentials, and having self-confidence. Conditions of a strong will include being specific about goals, having self-confidence, and being realistic. To strengthen will, one must get rid of weaknesses, lose momentum or excess momentum, and strengthen faith. Keys include persuasion, education, consistency, deprivation of bad habits, and being optimistic.
FEAR.pptxMukesh ThakurThe document discusses the definition, causes, symptoms and types of fear. It defines fear as an emotion induced by perceived threats that causes us to withdraw from danger. Fear can also be felt in less dangerous situations like exams, public speaking or new jobs. The document then discusses strategies for coping with fear like being prepared, facing the fear, and maintaining confidence and persistence. It provides examples of common fears like failure, social situations, criticism and death. The conclusion emphasizes that courage requires first acknowledging one's fears in order to gain control over the situation.
Releasing the chains of fear. reclaiming your power and lifechristinemolina1This document summarizes a workshop about releasing fear and reclaiming one's power. The workshop covers identifying the root causes of fear, understanding fear's purpose from a human perspective, recognizing how fear can affect daily life, learning to transform fear into a supportive rather than restrictive role, creating affirmations to support a new relationship with fear, and taking actionable steps forward with courage. Participants have conversations with their fear and develop affirmations and intentions to move ahead in life while accepting fear in a new way.
Olivia Munn, 43, Reveals She Was Diagnosed with Breast Cancer and Had Double ...MianHamidAyubOn Wednesday, the X-Men: Apocalypse actress, 43, posted a series of photos on Instagram from last year when she was undergoing treatment in the hospital after learning of her diagnosis.
Wisdom Within Your Reach Unleash Your Inner Sage.pdfMianHamidAyubThe ability to analyze situations and make well-informed decisions based on reason, logic, and an understanding of potential consequences.
Conquer Life’s Challenges Master the Art of Unbreakable Attitude.pdfMianHamidAyubA positive attitude acts like a mental filter. It allows you to see challenges as opportunities for growth, not insurmountable obstacles
Stressed Unfocused Find Your Center with Meditation!.pdfMianHamidAyubThink of meditation as mental training for your mind. It's about focusing your attention and quieting the mental chatter that bombards us daily.
Unveiling the Mystery The Quran, Science and Secrets of Human Dreams.pdfMianHamidAyubThe nature of human dreams remains a captivating mystery, and despite ongoing scientific exploration, there's no single, definitive answer.
Taming the Inner Tiger Mastering Aggression and Finding Peace Within.pdfMianHamidAyubAggression can feel like a sudden explosion, but it rarely comes out of nowhere. Let's explore some common triggers that light the fire within:
Conquer Your Emotions Master the Art of Sentiment Control and Balance.pdfMianHamidAyubThe first step is acknowledging the emotions underlying your sentiments. Recognize the difference between feeling frustrated and angry, or disappointed and sad.
What is Trust and Why Trust Hurts A Double-Edged Sword.pdfMianHamidAyubTrust, that simple five-letter word, carries immense weight on our shoulders. It's the foundation of countless relationships, from the bond between parent and child to the intimacy shared between lovers
Understanding the Darkness What is Depression and How to Cope.pdfMianHamidAyubDepression, a word often thrown around casually, is more than just feeling down for a few days. It's a complex and persistent mental health disorder characterized by a pervasive feeling of sadness, loss of interest, and a decrease in energy that significantly impacts daily life.
Understanding Focus and Strategies for Self-Improvement.pdfMianHamidAyubFocus is the mental faculty that enables individuals to direct their attention and efforts toward a particular objective or activity while filtering out distractions and irrelevant stimuli.
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Exploring Ethics Understanding Its Importance, Types, Characteristics, and St...MianHamidAyubEthics refers to a set of principles, values, and standards that govern human conduct and distinguish right from wrong.
VPR As Sandoval Confesses the Depths of His Mental Health Struggle, His Costa...MianHamidAyubTom Sandoval is facing a new reality in the aftermath of his affair with Rachel “Raquel” Leviss being exposed and his friends taking sides in his breakup with ex Ariana Madix.
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Here’s Everything You Need to Know About Kourtney Kardashian and Travis Barke...MianHamidAyubEach star has three children from previous relationships. Kardashian shares Mason, Penelope and Reign with her ex Scott Disick, while Barker is father to his son Landon, daughter Alabama and his stepdaughter Atiana, all of whom he shares with ex-wife Shanna Moakler.
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Bullying presentation/How to deal with bullying .pptxssuserb6cf2eAny form of verbal, psychological, or physical violence that is repeated by someone or a group, who is in a position of domination against one or more other individuals in a position of weakness and intends to harm its victims that are unable to defend themselves especially when the bully may have one or more followers who are willing to assist the primary bully or who reinforce the bully by providing positive feedback such as laughing
Master Data Science Course in Kerala and How to face an interviewbenjaminosethCracking a data science interview requires a strategic approach, strong domain knowledge, and hands-on expertise. This PPT is designed to help aspiring data scientists prepare effectively by understanding the core interview topics, real-world problem-solving techniques, and communication strategies. Whether you are new to data science or an experienced professional, this guide covers must-know topics like machine learning, statistics, data wrangling, and coding. With expert insights from a Data Science Course in Kerala, this presentation highlights industry-specific interview patterns, key questions, and problem-solving frameworks. Get ready to excel in your data science interviews with practical tips, real-world case studies, and best practices to land your dream job!
HRM Shaker Style KitchenCabinets Catalog.pdfhrmflorida77Upgrade your kitchen with affordable RTA cabinets that combine style, durability, and budget-friendly pricing. These ready-to-assemble cabinets offer easy installation without compromising on quality. Choose from modern, shaker, and European-style designs to match your space. Perfect for homeowners, contractors, and remodelers seeking wholesale savings. Enjoy high-quality materials and craftsmanship at unbeatable prices. Get the best RTA cabinets for your kitchen today.
Cultivating an Innovative Mindset in STEM Presented by Google.pptxCareer Communications GroupLearning objective: Encourage innovation in the face of adversity. Panelists will discuss strategies for cultivating innovation and promoting a resilient growth mindset.
The Courage Myth Why True Courage Isn’t About Being Fearless (But What It Is).pdf
1. The Courage Myth: Why True
Courage Isn’t About Being
Fearless (But What It Is)
HomeQuotes The Courage Myth: Why True Courage Isn’t About Being
Fearless (But What It Is)
2. Feeling stuck? Is fear holding you back from your dreams? We all know
the feeling.
3. But what if you could tap into a wellspring of courage and conquer
anything life throws your way?
This article is your roadmap to becoming a courageous champion.
We’ll explore:
What courage REALLY is (and why it’s not about feeling
Courage isn’t about being fearless. It’s about taking action even when
you are afraid. It’s the mental and moral strength to face difficulty,
danger, uncertainty, or intimidation.
Confronting fear:
Courage acknowledges fear, but it doesn’t let it stop you from doing
what’s right or what you believe in.
Taking calculated risks:
Stepping outside your comfort zone and trying new things, even if
there’s a chance of failure, requires courage.
Moral strength:
Doing the right thing, even if it’s unpopular or difficult, takes courage.
4. Keeping going in the face of setbacks and challenges is a key aspect of
Types of Courage:
5. Physical courage:
Facing physical danger or pain.
Moral courage:
Standing up for what you believe in, even if it’s unpopular.
Emotional courage:
Being vulnerable and expressing your true feelings.
Social courage:
Taking risks in social situations, like speaking up in a group.
Practical tips to build your courage muscle (it’s easier
than you think!)
Here are some ways you can build your courage muscle and become
more confident taking on challenges:
Face your fears head-on:
Identify your fears:
Make a list of the things that scare you, big or small. This helps you
understand what areas you want to work on.
Take small steps:
6. Don’t try to conquer your biggest fear right away. Start with something
manageable and gradually work your way up.
Challenge negative thoughts:
When fear creeps in, replace those thoughts with positive affirmations.
Remind yourself of your strengths and why you’re doing this.
8. This could be anything from trying a new food to joining a club. The
more you do things that make you feel uncomfortable, the more
comfortable you’ll become with it.
Celebrate small victories:
Acknowledge your progress, no matter how small. This helps build
confidence and motivates you to keep going.
Develop a positive mindset:
Practice positive self-talk:
Be your own cheerleader! Instead of putting yourself down, focus on
your strengths and capabilities.
Visualize success:
Imagine yourself achieving your goals. This mental rehearsal can boost
your confidence and courage.
Learn from failure:
Failure is inevitable:
Everyone makes mistakes. The important thing is to learn from them
and keep moving forward.
9. Reframe failure as a learning opportunity:
See setbacks as stepping stones on your path to growth.
Find your support system:
Surround yourself with positive people:
People who believe in you and encourage you to take risks can make a
big difference.
Find a mentor:
Having someone who has faced similar challenges and can offer
guidance can be invaluable.
Building courage is a journey, not a destination. By taking consistent
steps and embracing challenges, you’ll develop the strength and
confidence to face anything life throws your way.
Remember, even the bravest people feel fear, but they choose to act in
spite of it. You can too!
Inspiring stories of everyday courage to light your fire
Wangari Maathai:
10. Planting the Seeds of Change:
Wangari Maathai, a Kenyan environmental activist, faced ridicule and
threats when she started the Green Belt Movement. This movement
encouraged women to plant trees to combat deforestation and poverty.
Despite opposition, Maathai’s courage and dedication led to the
planting of over 30 million trees, inspiring environmental action
Whitley Strieber:
Abduction from Fear:
Whitley Strieber, an American author, experienced a terrifying alleged
alien abduction. However, his courage came not from the event itself,
but from his choice to write about it.
11. His book, “Communion,” became a bestseller, sparking important
conversations about fear, vulnerability, and the unknown.
The Birmingham Children’s Crusade:
12. Marching for Equality:
In 1963, Birmingham, Alabama, was a hotbed of racial segregation. A
group of courageous African American teenagers, led by Martin Luther
King III, organized peaceful marches to demand equal rights.
Facing police dogs, fire hoses, and arrests, these young people
displayed immense courage in the fight for racial justice.
Irena Sendler:
The Angel of Warsaw:
Irena Sendler, a Polish social worker, risked her life during the
Holocaust to save thousands of Jewish children. She smuggled them
out of the Warsaw Ghetto, providing them with false identities and safe
Irena’s courage and compassion in the face of unimaginable darkness
is a testament to the human spirit’s ability to choose love over hate.
Few Famous Quotes on Courage:
Natalie Portman
“Courage doesn’t mean the absence of fear. Courage means being
afraid and going on anyway.”
13. Edmund Hillary
“It is not the mountain we conquer, but ourselves.”
Jack Layton
“There is no glory in practicing safe driving — except when it saves
your life.”
Eleanor Roosevelt
“You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in
which you really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing
you think you cannot do.”
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