The document discusses postmortems and how to conduct them effectively. It recommends keeping a postmortem close in time to an event, recording all relevant project details, involving all participants, documenting findings in writing, identifying both successes and failures, creating an action plan without blame, and making the results available to others. Postmortems should be treated as a learning experience rather than as punishment.
10. @garethgreenawayDevOps Days LA 2019
postmortem adjective
post揃mor揃tem | ps(t)-m発r-tm
1. Done, occurring, or collected after death.
2. Following an event.
postmortem noun
1. An examination of a body after death to determine
the cause of death or the character and extent of
changes produced by disease.
2. An analysis or discussion of an event after it is over.
11. @garethgreenawayDevOps Days LA 2019
postmortem adjective
post揃mor揃tem | ps(t)-m発r-tm
1. Done, occurring, or collected after death.
2. Following an event.
postmortem noun
1. An examination of a body after death to determine
the cause of death or the character and extent of
changes produced by disease.
2. An analysis or discussion of an event after it is over.
34. @garethgreenawayDevOps Days LA 2019
Star Wars: A New Hope
May 25, 1977
Star Wars: Return of the Jedi
May 25, 1983
Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back
May 21, 1980
97. @garethgreenawayDevOps Days LA 2019
Blameless PostMortems and
a Just Culture
John Allspaw