This document summarizes Amber Gray's presentation on establishing a SMART goal to eat healthier. Her goal was to eat more fruits and vegetables by having them for breakfast, snacks, and meals. She believed this goal was specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and timely. To achieve it, she budgeted $20 per week for healthy groceries. She cleaned out junk foods from her home. Tracking her daily meals and posting reminders on her refrigerator helped her accomplish her goal of losing 3 pounds in a month by overhauling her eating habits. She feels much better and more motivated to exercise and sleep enough.
The document discusses healthy habits for feeling good. It describes eating fruits and vegetables, drinking water, getting exercise through activities like biking and skateboarding. It also mentions getting enough sleep, taking showers, and brushing teeth. The document contrasts the days of Ben and Ted, with Ben feeling good by getting enough sleep, eating healthy foods, drinking milk and juice, and exercising, while Ted did not feel well because he lacked sleep, exercise, and ate junk food instead of healthy options.
The document discusses the importance of a healthy, balanced diet for children's growth and development. It notes that our health is determined by our past eating habits and encourages being more aware of one's food choices. It then introduces different types of foods like cabbage, ladyfinger, and pear that provide important vitamins, minerals, proteins, and energy to support the body's needs. The document emphasizes eating a variety of fruits and vegetables, dairy, and whole grains while limiting junk food, sweets, and oil for optimal health and development.
Rick Marshall is a 65-year-old father who is an exceptional athlete and role model. He retired five years ago after 30 years as a wildlife biologist. Rick stays active by walking 2-3 hours per day with his dog, playing volleyball for 4-5 hours per week in the summer, and hiking during hunting and fishing seasons. He finds low-impact exercise like walking and volleyball better for his body now. Rick eats healthy meals prepared by his wife and stays mentally active through reading to help him age successfully. His motivation comes from enjoying hobbies like volleyball, fishing, and hunting for many years to come.
John's smart goal is to lose around 8 pounds by starting to eat healthier foods. He plans to track his calorie and fat intake daily using a food journal. While grocery shopping with housemates, he looks for healthier options like low-fat and fat-free products. By the end of the semester, he hopes to have lost the desired weight through eating lighter meals throughout the day and switching to whole wheat products. So far, he has noticed a slight decrease in his waist size and plans to weigh himself at Thanksgiving to track his progress further.
Jasmine Fahrnbauer wrote a letter to the judges of her senior project at Creekview High School describing her project of creating a family cookbook. She is interested in health and nutrition and plans to major in nutrition at Troy University. For her research paper, she explored how home cooking is decreasing and leading to issues like childhood obesity. Through her project, she learned about the importance of nutrition and shared her findings with others. She hopes to pursue a career in nutrition to help others through diet.
John's smart goal is to lose around 8 pounds by starting to eat healthier foods. He plans to track his calorie and fat intake daily using a food journal. He will shop for groceries with housemates to find healthy options and has started buying low-fat and fat-free products. By the end of the semester, he hopes to have lost the desired weight through eating healthier foods and switching to whole wheat products.
Factors that affect growth and development include heredity, health, nutrition, habits, diseases, rest, recreation, family, and surroundings. Healthy children who practice good nutrition and hygiene habits, get adequate rest and exercise, and live in clean, supportive environments tend to grow and develop faster. Certain diseases and genetic factors can slow growth.
The video discusses the speaker's academic, personal, and career goals. Their academic goals are to improve their grade in biology class and finish the year with all A's. Personal goals include managing stress better and eating healthier/working out more. The career goal is to become a nurse, preferably in labor and delivery or prenatal care, and attend the University of Michigan.
Danielle Bennett created a SMART goal to drink 8 glasses of water per day and eat a balanced diet. She was able to achieve drinking 8 glasses of water per day within 2 weeks by keeping track of her water intake and having water easily accessible. Eating a balanced diet was more difficult to maintain due to time constraints and lack of motivation, though she was initially able to keep a balanced diet for a few weeks. Support from her roommate and family helped motivate her to achieve her water drinking goal.
Booster Drinks: Improves Absorption and Gives You a Great Boost. Fresh Start
The document provides recipes for 7 healthy booster drinks that can help supplement nutrition from whole foods by improving absorption. It explains that offering a variety of tasty drink options will please different family members and encourage drinking them. The last recipe is highlighted as a powerful detoxifying drink that can help one feel more energized when consumed daily on an empty stomach.
What I Eat (Fro my Account Planning Class)billywirawan
Billy enjoys trying different types of food and considers it a hobby to taste everything in the world. He particularly likes foods that are spicy, tangy, crispy, and more salty than sweet. While he enjoys meat like filet mignon, he prefers lean meats like ribeye due to health concerns about cholesterol from fatty meats. In addition to meat, he eats vegetables to maintain balance as too much of either is not healthy. He especially likes broccoli, string beans, asparagus, bok choy, carrots, and brussels sprouts. He also eats fruit daily for fiber and vitamins, favoring bananas, grapes, mangoes, honeydew, and watermelon.
The document discusses the daily diet, snacks, stress management, body image, and physical activity of a teenager. For diet, they drink mostly water, eat chicken for protein, and could eat more fruits and vegetables. For snacks, they try to include fruits and vegetables and pack bananas for school. To manage stress, they try to relax, avoid procrastination, and listen to calming music. They are happy with their body image and exercise daily by playing sports at lunch.
The document provides tips for maintaining good health, including brushing and flossing teeth daily, taking a daily bath or shower, washing hands often, eating breakfast and 4-6 servings of fruits and vegetables per day, drinking 8 glasses of water daily, exercising for 20 minutes per day, sneezing and coughing into the sleeve, visiting the dentist every 6 months, and getting a yearly physical from the doctor.
Staying healthy is important to the author who enjoys spending time at the gym exercising and eating fruits. The author believes that sport is healthy and enjoys participating in physical activity. Overall the author finds living an active lifestyle to be very healthy and enjoyable.
The document contains profiles of several students that include their favorite foods, colors, sports, and classes. Many of the students note that food provides nutrients and energy for the body. It is important to learn about food in order to have a balanced diet and stay healthy.
A student asks how to be healthy and live a long life. Their father lives a long and healthy life by following the advice of his mother to avoid eating chips and drinking carbonated juices. The student's parents also prohibit them from eating chips and drinking carbonated drinks, and instead encourage eating vegetables, fruits, and natural juices to support long-term health.
The document is a message from one person to another challenging them to go jogging together for 30 minutes after dinner 3-5 times a week. It notes that the recipient loves fatty foods and Pepsi, and often makes excuses to avoid exercise. Jogging is suggested as a way to improve health and lose 10 pounds while also spending time together.
This document discusses food, eating habits, and where food comes from. It notes that people need food to grow and stay healthy, and that we have three main meals per day plus snacks. It also mentions that special foods are eaten during festivals or by babies and older people. The document provides tips for healthy eating habits and explains that food comes from plants and animals.
Good food is healthy food that helps you grow well. Healthy food includes eggs, fruits, vegetables, meat, fish, grains like beans, rice and bread. Milk and juices are also healthy drinks. Unhealthy food with a lot of sugar like snacks, desserts and soda does not help you grow well. Eating good, healthy food helps you grow up well.
The document discusses health and healthy habits. It states that health is the general condition of a person's mind and body. When health is good, one feels well physically and mentally with plenty of energy, and when health is poor one feels tired and often ill. It emphasizes the importance of healthy habits for good health, such as getting sufficient sleep, eating a varied diet with meals and limiting sweets, maintaining eye and dental health, washing hands, showering, and exercising daily.
How to lose 20 pounds without trying diet learnings from yogalovekaran567
Im pretty healthy since Ive had a regular exercise and eating routine for many years. Or so I thought. Embracing Yoga and meditation in the last year made me more conscious of what I put in my body.
This document discusses various micronutrient deficiencies and eating disorders. It describes vitamin A deficiency, iron deficiency anemia, and iodine deficiency as common micronutrient deficiencies globally. It also explains anorexia nervosa as an eating disorder characterized by self-starvation and excessive weight loss, bulimia nervosa as purging large quantities of food through vomiting or laxatives, and binge eating disorder as episodes of compulsive overeating. The document provides details on causes, signs and symptoms, and health effects of each deficiency and disorder. It emphasizes the importance of a nutritious diet and treating disorders through counseling and medical help.
This document discusses food and nutrition. It explains that food provides nourishment to help our bodies grow, gives us energy, and helps us fight diseases. All food comes from either plants or animals. It lists different types of plant and animal foods like vegetables, fruits, milk, eggs, fish, and meat. The document also provides good habits for eating like washing hands before meals, drinking water, eating slowly, and not wasting food. It describes the main meals in a day as breakfast, lunch, and dinner and what types of foods are typically eaten at each meal.
This document discusses the importance of eating a balanced diet with the right kinds and amounts of nutrients, including carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, and minerals. It emphasizes that children should develop healthy habits like physical activity, exercise, drinking water, getting enough sleep, resting, and recreational activities in order to grow up healthy.
Born in South East Florida, the author attends PBCC and ASUMH to study dental hygiene. She is married and has a 4 1/2 year old mini schnauzer with lupus. Her personal goals include being a wonderful wife, practicing gratitude, getting straight A's, working out daily and eating healthy. Her long term goals are to graduate from dental hygiene school, find a job she loves, start a family with her husband and always have gratitude.
Adolescents have specific nutritional needs during puberty to support growth and development. They should eat a variety of healthy foods from the five food groups which include vegetables, grains, protein, fruits, and dairy. In particular, adolescents need calcium for strong bones, protein for muscle and tissue growth, and nutrients like iron. They should avoid excess sugar, salt, and fast food in favor of balanced meals and snacks containing whole grains, fruits, and vegetables. Staying hydrated with water is also important for adolescents. Meeting nutritional needs during puberty through diet helps adolescents achieve a healthy lifestyle.
John's smart goal is to lose around 8 pounds by starting to eat healthier foods. He plans to track his calorie and fat intake daily using a food journal. He will shop for groceries with housemates to find healthy options and has started buying low-fat and fat-free products. By the end of the semester, he hopes to have lost the desired weight through eating healthier foods and switching to whole wheat products.
Factors that affect growth and development include heredity, health, nutrition, habits, diseases, rest, recreation, family, and surroundings. Healthy children who practice good nutrition and hygiene habits, get adequate rest and exercise, and live in clean, supportive environments tend to grow and develop faster. Certain diseases and genetic factors can slow growth.
The video discusses the speaker's academic, personal, and career goals. Their academic goals are to improve their grade in biology class and finish the year with all A's. Personal goals include managing stress better and eating healthier/working out more. The career goal is to become a nurse, preferably in labor and delivery or prenatal care, and attend the University of Michigan.
Danielle Bennett created a SMART goal to drink 8 glasses of water per day and eat a balanced diet. She was able to achieve drinking 8 glasses of water per day within 2 weeks by keeping track of her water intake and having water easily accessible. Eating a balanced diet was more difficult to maintain due to time constraints and lack of motivation, though she was initially able to keep a balanced diet for a few weeks. Support from her roommate and family helped motivate her to achieve her water drinking goal.
Booster Drinks: Improves Absorption and Gives You a Great Boost. Fresh Start
The document provides recipes for 7 healthy booster drinks that can help supplement nutrition from whole foods by improving absorption. It explains that offering a variety of tasty drink options will please different family members and encourage drinking them. The last recipe is highlighted as a powerful detoxifying drink that can help one feel more energized when consumed daily on an empty stomach.
What I Eat (Fro my Account Planning Class)billywirawan
Billy enjoys trying different types of food and considers it a hobby to taste everything in the world. He particularly likes foods that are spicy, tangy, crispy, and more salty than sweet. While he enjoys meat like filet mignon, he prefers lean meats like ribeye due to health concerns about cholesterol from fatty meats. In addition to meat, he eats vegetables to maintain balance as too much of either is not healthy. He especially likes broccoli, string beans, asparagus, bok choy, carrots, and brussels sprouts. He also eats fruit daily for fiber and vitamins, favoring bananas, grapes, mangoes, honeydew, and watermelon.
The document discusses the daily diet, snacks, stress management, body image, and physical activity of a teenager. For diet, they drink mostly water, eat chicken for protein, and could eat more fruits and vegetables. For snacks, they try to include fruits and vegetables and pack bananas for school. To manage stress, they try to relax, avoid procrastination, and listen to calming music. They are happy with their body image and exercise daily by playing sports at lunch.
The document provides tips for maintaining good health, including brushing and flossing teeth daily, taking a daily bath or shower, washing hands often, eating breakfast and 4-6 servings of fruits and vegetables per day, drinking 8 glasses of water daily, exercising for 20 minutes per day, sneezing and coughing into the sleeve, visiting the dentist every 6 months, and getting a yearly physical from the doctor.
Staying healthy is important to the author who enjoys spending time at the gym exercising and eating fruits. The author believes that sport is healthy and enjoys participating in physical activity. Overall the author finds living an active lifestyle to be very healthy and enjoyable.
The document contains profiles of several students that include their favorite foods, colors, sports, and classes. Many of the students note that food provides nutrients and energy for the body. It is important to learn about food in order to have a balanced diet and stay healthy.
A student asks how to be healthy and live a long life. Their father lives a long and healthy life by following the advice of his mother to avoid eating chips and drinking carbonated juices. The student's parents also prohibit them from eating chips and drinking carbonated drinks, and instead encourage eating vegetables, fruits, and natural juices to support long-term health.
The document is a message from one person to another challenging them to go jogging together for 30 minutes after dinner 3-5 times a week. It notes that the recipient loves fatty foods and Pepsi, and often makes excuses to avoid exercise. Jogging is suggested as a way to improve health and lose 10 pounds while also spending time together.
This document discusses food, eating habits, and where food comes from. It notes that people need food to grow and stay healthy, and that we have three main meals per day plus snacks. It also mentions that special foods are eaten during festivals or by babies and older people. The document provides tips for healthy eating habits and explains that food comes from plants and animals.
Good food is healthy food that helps you grow well. Healthy food includes eggs, fruits, vegetables, meat, fish, grains like beans, rice and bread. Milk and juices are also healthy drinks. Unhealthy food with a lot of sugar like snacks, desserts and soda does not help you grow well. Eating good, healthy food helps you grow up well.
The document discusses health and healthy habits. It states that health is the general condition of a person's mind and body. When health is good, one feels well physically and mentally with plenty of energy, and when health is poor one feels tired and often ill. It emphasizes the importance of healthy habits for good health, such as getting sufficient sleep, eating a varied diet with meals and limiting sweets, maintaining eye and dental health, washing hands, showering, and exercising daily.
How to lose 20 pounds without trying diet learnings from yogalovekaran567
Im pretty healthy since Ive had a regular exercise and eating routine for many years. Or so I thought. Embracing Yoga and meditation in the last year made me more conscious of what I put in my body.
This document discusses various micronutrient deficiencies and eating disorders. It describes vitamin A deficiency, iron deficiency anemia, and iodine deficiency as common micronutrient deficiencies globally. It also explains anorexia nervosa as an eating disorder characterized by self-starvation and excessive weight loss, bulimia nervosa as purging large quantities of food through vomiting or laxatives, and binge eating disorder as episodes of compulsive overeating. The document provides details on causes, signs and symptoms, and health effects of each deficiency and disorder. It emphasizes the importance of a nutritious diet and treating disorders through counseling and medical help.
This document discusses food and nutrition. It explains that food provides nourishment to help our bodies grow, gives us energy, and helps us fight diseases. All food comes from either plants or animals. It lists different types of plant and animal foods like vegetables, fruits, milk, eggs, fish, and meat. The document also provides good habits for eating like washing hands before meals, drinking water, eating slowly, and not wasting food. It describes the main meals in a day as breakfast, lunch, and dinner and what types of foods are typically eaten at each meal.
This document discusses the importance of eating a balanced diet with the right kinds and amounts of nutrients, including carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, and minerals. It emphasizes that children should develop healthy habits like physical activity, exercise, drinking water, getting enough sleep, resting, and recreational activities in order to grow up healthy.
Born in South East Florida, the author attends PBCC and ASUMH to study dental hygiene. She is married and has a 4 1/2 year old mini schnauzer with lupus. Her personal goals include being a wonderful wife, practicing gratitude, getting straight A's, working out daily and eating healthy. Her long term goals are to graduate from dental hygiene school, find a job she loves, start a family with her husband and always have gratitude.
Adolescents have specific nutritional needs during puberty to support growth and development. They should eat a variety of healthy foods from the five food groups which include vegetables, grains, protein, fruits, and dairy. In particular, adolescents need calcium for strong bones, protein for muscle and tissue growth, and nutrients like iron. They should avoid excess sugar, salt, and fast food in favor of balanced meals and snacks containing whole grains, fruits, and vegetables. Staying hydrated with water is also important for adolescents. Meeting nutritional needs during puberty through diet helps adolescents achieve a healthy lifestyle.
This document discusses nutrition for healthy pregnancies and children. It recommends eating a balanced diet with carbohydrates, proteins, fruits and vegetables, calcium and fats during pregnancy for the health of the mother and baby. Specific foods and amounts are recommended for each trimester. Healthy eating benefits the baby's development and the mother's safe delivery and recovery. The document also provides nutrition guidance for feeding children from infancy through school age, including recommended servings from food groups based on a child's age. Tips are given on making food fun for picky eaters and avoiding junk food.
The document discusses nutrition needs during adolescence. It states that due to rapid growth during adolescence, teenagers have greater needs for certain nutrients. It is important that food choices are made carefully to support this growth. The Food Guide Pyramid for Teens emphasizes a balanced diet from five main food groups and shows recommended daily servings. Following the healthy eating guidelines in the pyramid is important for adolescents to develop to their full potential and improve their nutritional status.
This document is a final presentation summarizing Rachael Duval's wellness goals and progress over a winter course. Her goals were to eat healthier by cutting out soda, drinking more water, exercising more through yoga, and making better food choices when eating out. She tracked her progress through food and exercise logs. By analyzing her past unhealthy habits, she was able to identify healthier substitutes and feels she met her goal of establishing a routine to continue living healthier.
This document summarizes a student's wellness goals and progress over 4 weeks. The student aimed to eat healthier by cutting out soda and unhealthy snacks, cooking more meals at home, and exercising regularly. Progress was tracked through food and exercise logs. Unhealthy choices like fast food and alcohol were replaced with healthier substitutes like salads, fruits, and water. By the end, the student felt they met their goal and learned how to make better long-term choices through meal preparation and restaurant ordering.
This document discusses healthy eating and provides tips for adopting a healthier diet. It begins by outlining the author's personal journey with nutrition and health issues. Next, it defines what healthy eating means, including benefits like glowing skin and balanced hormones. More reasons to eat healthy include setting a good example for children. The document then discusses choosing whole, fresh foods and avoiding GMOs and processed foods when possible. Specific food groups like vegetables, carbohydrates like fruits, and healthy fats are examined. Overall recommendations encourage starting small, finding balance, and making informed choices about food sources and costs.
The document provides an overview of the food pyramid and the importance of nutrition by discussing each of the major food groups - meat, dairy, vegetables, fruits, and breads - and the recommended daily intake for each group. It emphasizes that following the food pyramid helps people get the right nutrients to maintain a healthy body and explains why focusing on the food pyramid is important for a varied, balanced diet.
Would you like to make healthy eating a part of your lifestyle?Jeanette McVoy
You need to make eating healthy a habit and make it enjoyable. This will give you a practical approach to eating healthy and tips for eating smarter at restaurants.
Adolescence from 12-19 years is a period of rapid physical growth and increased nutritional needs. Teenagers today spend much of their time on social media and lack physical activity, replacing exercise with fast food and junk. This has led to issues like obesity and diabetes. The document recommends teenagers eat regularly from the six food groups, drink water, and do 15-30 minutes of exercise 3-5 days a week to develop healthy habits and lifestyle.
The document discusses nutrition, exercise, and a case study of a 16-year-old boy who has gained significant weight over the past year. It provides information on nutrients, recommended daily intake of foods, and emphasizes the importance of balance between nutrition and energy expenditure to maintain a healthy lifestyle. The boy is diagnosed as overweight due to decreased physical activity and increased calorie intake, and the doctor recommends increasing exercise and monitoring diet.
1) The author interviewed her boyfriend Michael about his diet over the past 24 hours using a multiple-pass strategy. She found it challenging to remain objective during the interview.
2) Entering Michael's dietary data into a nutrition database took less time than expected but some foods like sushi and beer were difficult to log accurately.
3) Creating a comparison chart of Michael's actual intake versus recommendations showed that while he consumed adequate protein, veggies and grains, he was low on dairy and fruits. His sodium intake was also very high.
11 Ways to Start a Healthier Lifestyle NowJack Wilson
11 Ways to Start a Healthier Lifestyle Now is everything you need to start losing weight, dropping body fat, increasing your energy, and starting on the road to getting in the best shape of your life.
If you have been suffering from...
-Creeping weight gain
-Hard to lose body fat around your waist, belly, thighs, butt, hips, and arms
-Bad eating habits and eating addictions
-Not fitting in your favorite jeans
-Lack of self confidence
-A serious lack of energy
Take control of your life now by taking these 11 simple and extremely effective principles that will help you...
-Lose 30-50+ pounds of fat
-Get more energy
-Save time and money
-Increase your strength
-Sleep better at night
-Improve your self confidence and quality of life.
Do NOT put your health and the body of your dreams off any longer. Every day that you wait to start, you get one step further away from exactly where you want to be.
Nutrition for Kids: The Importance of a Healthy Diet
As parents, we want the best for our children and their health is one of the most important things to us. That's why it's essential to make sure they're receiving the proper nutrition they need to grow and develop properly.
A healthy diet for kids should include a variety of food groups, including fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and low-fat dairy products. These foods provide essential nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, and fiber that support growth, brain function, and overall health.
The document discusses various topics related to living a healthy lifestyle including the food pyramid, tips for healthy eating and exercise, and the benefits of yoga. It provides 10 tips for healthy eating such as eating breakfast, snacking smart, getting regular exercise, and balancing food choices. It also outlines the physiological benefits of yoga such as improved cardiovascular function, flexibility, and immune system.
How to create security group category in Odoo 17Celine George
This slide will represent the creation of security group category in odoo 17. Security groups are essential for managing user access and permissions across different modules. Creating a security group category helps to organize related user groups and streamline permission settings within a specific module or functionality.
How to Setup WhatsApp in Odoo 17 - Odoo 際際滷sCeline George
Integrate WhatsApp into Odoo using the WhatsApp Business API or third-party modules to enhance communication. This integration enables automated messaging and customer interaction management within Odoo 17.
How to Configure Proforma Invoice in Odoo 18 SalesCeline George
In this slide, well discuss on how to configure proforma invoice in Odoo 18 Sales module. A proforma invoice is a preliminary invoice that serves as a commercial document issued by a seller to a buyer.
APM event hosted by the South Wales and West of England Network (SWWE Network)
Speaker: Aalok Sonawala
The SWWE Regional Network were very pleased to welcome Aalok Sonawala, Head of PMO, National Programmes, Rider Levett Bucknall on 26 February, to BAWA for our first face to face event of 2025. Aalok is a member of APMs Thames Valley Regional Network and also speaks to members of APMs PMO Interest Network, which aims to facilitate collaboration and learning, offer unbiased advice and guidance.
Tonight, Aalok planned to discuss the importance of a PMO within project-based organisations, the different types of PMO and their key elements, PMO governance and centres of excellence.
PMOs within an organisation can be centralised, hub and spoke with a central PMO with satellite PMOs globally, or embedded within projects. The appropriate structure will be determined by the specific business needs of the organisation. The PMO sits above PM delivery and the supply chain delivery teams.
For further information about the event please click here.
Research & Research Methods: Basic Concepts and Types.pptxDr. Sarita Anand
This ppt has been made for the students pursuing PG in social science and humanities like M.Ed., M.A. (Education), Ph.D. Scholars. It will be also beneficial for the teachers and other faculty members interested in research and teaching research concepts.
Managing expiration dates of products in odooCeline George
Odoo allows users to set expiration dates at both the product and batch levels, providing flexibility and accuracy. By using Odoo's expiration date management, companies can minimize waste, optimize stock rotation, and maintain high standards of product quality. The system allows users to set expiration dates at both the product and batch levels, providing flexibility and accuracy.
Effective Product Variant Management in Odoo 18Celine George
In this slide well discuss on the effective product variant management in Odoo 18. Odoo concentrates on managing product variations and offers a distinct area for doing so. Product variants provide unique characteristics like size and color to single products, which can be managed at the product template level for all attributes and variants or at the variant level for individual variants.
2. Once upon a time, there was a small boy, who lived
in a small town, away from the hustle bustle of big
city. He was a happy boy.
Do you know,
why he was
Because he had
happy friends!
Happy secret
friends! These
were parts of
his digestive
system. He
called them
3. The dig-buddies helped each other, worked
together and were always active. The boy
unknowingly took good care of them, by eating
healthy food, i.e. eating proteins, carbohydrates,
fats, vitamins and minerals in the right proportion,
and being physically active.
4. These secret friends did the difficult job of
breaking down the food he ate. The blood then
absorbed nutrients from the processed food and
circulated these nutrients to the whole body and
thus kept the boy healthy and active.
(Related video -
5. As soon the boy ate something, different parts of
mouth would get active. Teeth would cut and chop
the food. The tongue, with the help of saliva, would
roll it into a ball and push down to the oesophagus,
the food pipe.
7. The stomach would
churn the food and
add digestive juices to
it. These juices would
clean the food-mash
by killing germs and
also break down food
even in smaller parts.
9. Small instestine, with
the help of its two
friends Liver and
Pancreas, would break
it down even further.
The liver would supply
bile for digestion and
pancreas, the
digestive juices.
10. Small intestine would then let blood absorb
the nutrients from the alomost liquified
food and send waste to the large intestine.
Blood would carry nutirents to all the body
11. Large intestine would
sieve water out of its
sides to the body. The
left behind food would
move to the rectum to
be taken out of the
12. The dig-buddies and the other body-parts
were happy, energetic and growing day by
day and so was the boy.
14. On one fine day, the boy saw a new eating joint in
his small quiet town. It was a fast food restaurant.
He went inside and saw yummy, attractive items on
the menu card. He ordered a burger and starting
eating it. The tongue said Ummmmm!
thought the boy.
15. As soon as the food got into his mouth, the body-
buddies got active and performed their respective
tasks diligently, as usual. The food contained some
amount of protein and an excess of carbohydrates
and fat. The body received some protein and a lot
of carbohydrates and fats. The boy liked the taste
of this newly found food, so he stared eating it
There was now an excess supply of carbohydrates
and fats. The dig-buddies had to work really hard
to break down fat and carbs. These are the most
stubborn members of the nutrient-family and
difficult to digest.
16. Now, as there was an excess supply of
carbohydrates and fat, so the question came up,
where to store them? The body started storing it
underneath the skin, as there was no other place
to store them.
17. The liver was tired of making and sending bile to
small instestine as the digestive juices only from
pancreas were not enough to breakdown tough
food into smaller pieces.
18. The continuous more than needed supply of fats
and carbs made the dig-buddies tired. They
were working harder and harder, but in return
they got excess fat to be deposited and
insufficient proteins, minerals and vitamins.
19. The boy grew fatter that made
him less active. The boy was
no longer active and energetic.
He didnt like his new body.
He thought of checking with
the dig-buddies, if every thing
was ok? He peeped inside. The
dig buddies looked dull and
weak. He shouted, Hey friends!
Whats wrong?
20. Give us energy! replied the gang. The boy was
surprised. But I am eating regularly, that too
yummy food said the boy.
It may be yummy for the tongue! said the gang.
But for us its hard to digest and imbalanced. We
dont get enough energy from what you eat.
The boy was stunned. He
looked at the heart. The heart
was also panting. He gathered
courage to ask the heart. Hey
heart! You dont have to digest
anything, why do you look
exhausted asked the boy.
21. I dont digest, my friend, but extra fat deposited
in the body is the cause of my miserable condition.
Because of the excess fat, I have to work harder
to pump the blood all over the body said the
panting heart.
O dear dig-buddies and my lovely
heart! Please show me a way to
come out of this situation. I cant
see my friends in trouble said the
repenting boy.
22. Run, jump, exercise! Use the deposited fat and
give us balanced nutrients from now on and we all
will be fine replied the gang with enthusiasm.
After that the boy
exercised regularly
and did visit the fast
food restaurant, but
only once or twice in a
Then lived the boy, his
heart and the dig-
buddies happily ever