The 2023 version of the Digital MANiFESTO proposes a theory of human identity and its relation to digital technology and voices a call to action to determine how we can understand,
govern and even co-exist with advanced forms of digital technology.
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The Digital MANiFESTO vs 2.0 July 1 2023
1. The Digital MANiFESTO
(v. 2.0 - 1 July 2023)
This manifesto proposes a theory of human identity and its relation to digital
technology and voices a call to action to determine how we can understand,
govern and even co-exist with advanced forms of digital technology.
1 People are deeply connected with other human beings and
as individuals, families and communities
We are made of vital forces that are emotional, physical,
intellectual, intuitive, creative and spiritual (EPIICS). Together, those
vital forces identify us from one another and also di erentiate us
from other living beings on our planet. The 鍖rst humans shared their
vital forces face-to-face between individuals, family and community
*ChatGPT simpli鍖ed version: Humans possess vital forces - emotional,
physical, intellectual, intuitive, creative, and spiritual (EPIICS). These
forces distinguish us from other beings and differentiate us from each
other. Initially, early humans shared these forces face-to-face within
individuals, families, and communities.
2. 2 Communities of people have taught one another how to
communicate with sounds, images, movements and language
We have learned how to externalize our vital forces by replicating
them and communicating them to other people through various types of
media that include sound, images, touch, movements and written language.
We have improved in our ability to do so, particularly in the last 500 years.
*ChatGPT simpli鍖ed version: We have discovered how to share our life
energy with others using different forms of media like sound, images,
touch, and writing. Our skills in this have gotten better, especially in the
past 500 years.
The Digital MANiFESTO | 2 | Garth von Buchholz
3. 3 Our communications are cultural representations of who
we are internally and externally
We create other dimensions of our existence, discrete versions of
who we are, when our vital forces exist independently from us. These
forms may continue to exist in our culture even after we are no longer
alive. We become alienated and detached from those vital forces that
originally emanated from us. This externalization of our six vital forces can
be observed, studied, judged, evaluated, manipulated, interacted with and
shared without any ability on our part to control it or retract it. It may
even seem to become a seventh vital force because of its verisimilitude.
*ChatGPT simpli鍖ed version: We bring forth a new aspect of ourselves
when our life forces exist separately from us. These forces may persist
even after our death. We become distant from and disconnected with the
forces that initially came from us. This externalization of our six life
forces can be seen, examined, judged, in鍖uenced, interacted with, and
shared without our control or ability to take them back. It might even
appear as a seventh life force due to its resemblance.
The Digital MANiFESTO | 3 | Garth von Buchholz
4. 4 What we create and communicate exists outside us and is
immortal yet vulnerable to change
We may not be able to distinguish externalized forms from who we
are as real, organic and mortal human beings. Any externalization of our
vital forces becomes, de facto, a separate, immortal entity from ourselves
with a dynamic that we may not be able to control in part or even in whole.
We also recognize that, unlike us, it is not unique but may evolve into new
forms by being replicated and recombined with other entities.
*ChatGPT simpli鍖ed version: We might struggle to tell apart the
externalized forms from our true selves as living, natural, and mortal
humans. When our life forces are externalized, they essentially become
distinct, immortal entities separate from us, and their behavior may be
beyond our control, either partially or entirely. Furthermore, we
acknowledge that these externalized forms are not unique like us; they
can transform into new entities by replicating and combining with others.
The Digital MANiFESTO | 4 | Garth von Buchholz
5. 5 Technology facilitates our dialogue and interactions but
cannot replace our natural presence with one another
Our digital technology (DT) provides tools to externalize our vital
forces but does not fundamentally improve how we connect
naturally as human beings. Even though DT, including the Internet, the
World Wide Web, social networks and mobile applications, facilitates
communication and the development of knowledge, it also ampli鍖es and
accelerates the alienation from our externalized vital forces and creates
powerful entities.
*ChatGPT simpli鍖ed version: While digital technology (DT) allows us to
express our life forces externally, it doesn't signi鍖cantly enhance our
natural human connections. DT, such as the Internet, the World Wide Web,
social networks, and mobile apps, indeed aids communication and
knowledge growth. However, it also intensi鍖es and speeds up the sense
of detachment from our external life forces and gives rise to potent
The Digital MANiFESTO | 5 | Garth von Buchholz
6. 6 We still need to learn more about how technology
distances us from one another and the impact it has on our
human communities
We still do not adequately understand the dynamics nor the
causality that spreads outward from externalizing our vital forces
on DT. Even though human civilization has experienced unprecedented
progress in using DT to share our vital forces, we become rapidly alienated
and detached from the vital forces that originally emanated from us. They
interpolate in our lives and disrupt our natural relationships with other
human beings.
*ChatGPT simpli鍖ed version: We have yet to fully grasp the dynamics
and cause-and-effect relationship that occurs when we externalize our
life forces on digital technology (DT). Despite the remarkable
advancements in using DT to share our life forces, we quickly become
distanced and disconnected from the forces that originated from within
us. These externalized forces intertwine in our lives and disrupt our
natural connections with other humans.
The Digital MANiFESTO | 6 | Garth von Buchholz
7. 7 We are de鍖ned and sustained by the vital forces that make
us human and we need to govern our emerging technology to
protect those vital forces
Our vital forces (EPIICS) are what de鍖ne us and sustain us as
people living on the planet Earth. The externalization of our vital
forces through DT is only a re鍖ection, emanation and by-product of who
we truly are as whole human beings. We must learn how to govern DT with
care and caution while we seek to understand its abstract, multifaceted
and variable dynamics.
*ChatGPT simpli鍖ed version: Our life forces are what shape and support
us as individuals on Earth. Externalizing these forces through digital
technology is merely a re鍖ection and outcome of our true selves. It's
important that we learn to govern this externalization with care and
caution while striving to comprehend its abstract, diverse, and
ever-changing dynamics.
The Digital MANiFESTO | 7 | Garth von Buchholz
8. 8 Arti鍖cial Intelligence technology is challenging us to learn
how to develop it and to co-exist with it as an entity or entities
We need to expand our awareness of externalized vital forces that
exist in Arti鍖cial Intelligence Technology (AIT) and how we can
both control it and co-exist with it. This is already becoming a
signi鍖cant ethical issue, but it is especially urgent to conduct additional
research about externalized vital forces before a Singularity event with
*ChatGPT simpli鍖ed version: We need to learn more about the living
beings in Arti鍖cial Intelligence Technology (AIT) and how we can control
and live together with it. This is already a big ethical problem, but it's very
important to do more research on these beings before a Singularity event
with AIT.
* As an experiment with AI generative text, we created a prompt for ChatGPT 3.0 that
read Say this in a simpler way: followed by each paragraph from the MANiFESTO.
The generative text from Chat GPT is shown below each of those original paragraphs.
Author: Garth von Buchholz |
Belief icons created by Freepik - Flaticon
The Digital MANiFESTO | 8 | Garth von Buchholz