This document provides an overview of internet usage statistics and search engine optimization (SEO) basics. It discusses key SEO terms and strategies, including content creation, on-page optimization, link building, and social media. Tutorials are included on WordPress and running a basic SEO experiment. Tips are provided on starting an online business, including estimated costs, revenue options through ads and affiliate marketing, and building a team of developers, community managers, and SEO analysts. Successful entrepreneurs like Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, and Mark Zuckerberg are cited as inspiration.
6. A Million Dollar isnt cool, you know whats
cool??? A Billion Dollar.
- The Social Network
7. WordPress Basics
What (is WP)?
Who (can use it)?
When (to use?)
Where (to download)?
Why (choose it)?
How (to use/install it)?
8. SEO Basics
SEO Search Engine Optimization
Google Top 1 Search Engine
SERP Search Engine Results Page
Page Rank Google Determinant
Niche the general idea of your site
9. Well, some important maths
CPM Cost per Mille
CPA/CPL Cost per action / lead
CPC Cost per click
CTR Click through ratio (heatmap)
10. SEO in one slide
How Google Search works
Keywords and Key phrases
Content, content and content
On-page SEO (need HTML)
Social Media (fb,twtr,ytbe,g+,lnkdn,instgrm,pntrst++)
Article submission (ezine, hubpages, squidoo)
Comments and forums
Paid SEO (traffic exchange, SEO pros)
12. Survival Plan
Price to pay
Web hosting - $7 / month (about 3k+ / yr)
Domain name $10-$14 / year
How to survive
Google Adsense
Affiliate Marketing (?)
Paid Ad Slots (?)
13. The Team
Developer(s) and Designer(s)
makes site functional and beautiful
Community Manager
interacts with fans
Site Admin / Site Moderators
answers questions, deletes spam posts
SEO Analysts
makes site Google-friendly
14. Bill Gates started with an idea
Jobs and Wozniak believed in their product
Mark Zuckerberg harness the power of the Internet